Actively searching for BS now - Thread for sharing


New Member
hi zarcy,

read all the threads here and do your homework first before going down.. from reading the threads, you will have a feel of the good and bad BS, expensive or average pricing.. then u shortlist about 3 to visit...


New Member
Hi minssy, thanks for the advice! Am looking thru and i have sort of shortlisted about five bs - double up, amanda lee, margaret brides, yvonne creative and whitelink.


New Member
hi zarcy,

double up? never hear before.
amanda lee & margaret are on the higher side. think one of them is not 'one stop' and the PGs are outside pple tied with them. something like bridal veil...
yvonne creative is mid range.
wl has ultra many bad reviews


New Member
really??? wl has many bad reviews?? oh dear...will read up more then...yea, heard that amanada lee and margaret are higher's quite troublesome actually sometimes if its not a 'one-stop'


New Member
hi zarcy,

yes do more homework by reading before you go down. BS shopping is boring. most impt is that you know what you want before you go down and then negotiate. you must also be comfortable with the lady cos you will go down at least 12 - 15 times in the whole course of preps so you must have good chemistry with this person.

its not that troublesome. when its high end, everything is all abt money. if you are willing to pay 5 - 7k, then go ahead


New Member
i do agree that chemistry is very impt. That's why must choose carefully. If i have 5-7k to spare, i don't mind spending but budget is within 4-5k.


New Member
hi zarcy,

then u can drop these 2 liaozz.. kekeke.. for a normal one stop shop, you can bargain for abt 30 pictures even though they say its 21 or 22. 30 is decent for an album.

if you go to the higher end one, they tie up with say, chris ling. chris ling's basic package only have 12 photos. where got enough rite? then u end up topping up more and their top up rates are not the usual $65 - $70....


New Member
hi zarcy,

its very subjective.. some pple go to them because of their styles as it appeals to them so they will be willing to pay...


New Member
Hi Zarcy,
Juz KPO here..heard from a friend who used DU and have vry bad experience..plenty of top up after signing. U might want to tink again


New Member
Hi all,

I think finding a BS that suits you is pretty stressful and tiring. After reading so many reviews and considering own needs and budget, really confused as to how to choose....

Esp when you and your FH has different views...Do you girls have this problem too?


New Member
hi apple79,

go with the one that you have more chemistry with cos you will need to go to the BS like 15 - 20 times so you must be comfortable.

go with the one who decides stuff. if he is the one that is more particular abt gowns, photos etc, then u have to give in.. and vice versa too

the more u see the more confused you will be, shortlist to just 3 else your headache will be worst!


New Member
thanks minssy for the advice.

Hmmm how do you shortlist to 3? You have to see a number in order to do that right?


New Member
hi apple,

i read alot in this forum and shortlist a few based on how i feel abt pple's postings.
then i went down to my first choice and i felt comfortable and i negotiated for a package i think its cool so i signed on the spot

alot of brides see alot of BS but well, they see so many and they can only choose 1. why waste too much time rite? hee


New Member
Heh..Minssy..talking about me right..haaaa

see alot but choose one...*eye rolling*

apple 79

Ask youself which of these are important than narrow down the search:

1) comfy level of coordinators, some coordinators keep changing

2. comfy with designer?

3. when you try their OTR gowns do you have that "wow" feeling as you are the bride?

4. location particular?

5. bouquet and car decor? Some gives the most lian bouequet of decor

6. photography? some BS engaged in house photographers some outside. depends on your preference..doesn't mean exp means good. The photography must suit to your liking.

7. what's your budget like? car required?

8. MUA...izit good...? ask brides to send you pictures you will be able to gauge if the MU is for you..or best check the albums in the BS.

9. hidden cost...please check any extra charge on more expensive material? what sort of designs oyu looking for?

10. Best check the bs thread you will know more.

Like I mentioned the more visits you go the more information you know what to expect and bargain for some BS ONLY).

When we have some expectation than they will do they best. If chin cai...than too easy job leow for the price we paid right?

heh heh...


New Member
Of cos lah.....those brides who know me in forum knows i fussy pot and really I sompa I visit many BS lah...kek kek kek

Yah..I look into every detail lah..


New Member
hi cat,

haha! i see.. oh well, at the end of the day you could only choose 1. hope the one you chose did not disappoint you


New Member shadowing me again huh?

kek kek kek...

WONG : HUGZ* far so good lar...hard to say should see my gown very very soon!

Photography should be no prob...getting ENG HOWE FROM montage studio (now ave 8) to do it. Saw his works from 3 brides think he can do the job lar.

Me will ask for candid shots cos I look really farnie if I need to pose..ha


New Member
Minssy..."mai suan"'s not like it's amanda lee package lor...kek kek kek

apple79, you are most welcome..anything you need to know or what to ask...anything...lar..

heh heh...


New Member
hi, am looking for a BS now, went to tanjong pagar see see look look liao, quite interested in "di gio" & YC.. any comments?

btw, any ppl who have signed with them & done PS, possible to send photos for viewing to [email protected]


New Member
Hi ladies, Carol here. Visited 10-15 BS before signing on Ritz Couture. Personally I feel that the mid-range BS along Tanjong Pagar might be rather pushy & cater to the mass crowd. If you are someone who prefer personalised service, go for the higher range. Ritz considered to be the higher range. It offered both OTR & MTM packages. OTR - 3888, MTM - 4888. You can talk to Elaine, a very nice lady indeed. Ritz will allow you to try on their gowns without having to sign their package on your first visit. Actually, I sign up with them during my 3rd visit.


New Member
Hi Jolyn, Forgotten to mention about Yvonne Creation. It is one of the better mid range BS. Visited YC twice but eventually decided to take on Ritz. Try to sign YC during the show. Normally they will offer better package during the show. They have quite a no. of shows in a year. If i recalled correctly, it have participated in at least 2-3 shows already. Very comprehensive & include almost everything you will need, Gowns, Photos, Father-In-Law & Father suits, Laundry, alteration. If you have seemed the wedding show featured in Channel U, "Xuan Hao Jiu Jie Hun" regarding overseas PS, you can see Yvonne & team. They normally like to bring the brides & grown for overseas shooting. My HTB's cousin uses YC. Di-Gio is the subsidiary of Golden Horse if i recall correctly. Din have a chance to visit Di-Gio. Hope this info help.


New Member
hey carol! would u mind sharing the details of ur pkg? u can email me at [email protected]

ritz couture was 1 of my shortlisted BS initially, but didn't have many feedback of their pkgs. glad to hear that u had a pleasant experience thr. did u compare that to the wedding present?


New Member
Hi twinstarz & carol, considered ala carte? I am getting married in Jan 07 & decided to do ala carte....mite have more coordination work 2 do but u would b able 2 have d best of everyting, w/o neccessarily paying more. I personally saw some of my frens who got married lately & their gowns were like well....not nice at all. Flowers appeared half dead. Topped up their wedding pkg till 5k, coz of pushy salespax who 'encouraged' them to develop countless fotos. Get a specialist to do wat he/she is best at doing. A seamstress/tailor to do ur wedding/ evening gowns, florist to do d flowers, car & flower deco, a professional fotographer to take ur picts etc. At d end of everyting, u can retain ur gown, whether u want 2 hang it in ur cupboard or sell/ rent it out...its ur choice. I am setting aside $1.5k for my MTM wedding gown, $100 for rental of a kua, $1.3k for fotographer, and $500 for floral deco for wedding venue.


New Member
Hi Gals, Need some advice on BS. Heard of Mr & Miss. How do u find them? Any recommdation on what to demand b4 signing the contract. Do u noe any gd photographer & mua they have?


New Member
Hi Jandew,

I'm considering going for ala-carte as well. But I can imagine that the coordination will be quite a bit of a headache... especially on the day of the photoshoot (indoor & outdoor). And also not sure if will end up spending more money as compared to getting a package from a BS. I'm sure u've done some calculations already. Any findings to share??

Where did you go for the gowns? Any recommendations? I was thinking of Allure Charix? Does anyone have any encounter with them?


New Member
To All Bride to Be,

Anyone planning for wedding in Yr 2007 & looking for BS.
I have a bridal package @$3,688 to transfer.
Deposit paid: $2,200
Letting go cheap. Valid till Yr 2007.

Reason: Due to some family issue, had a simple recep instead.


New Member
Hi MiniMin, my WG is MTM fr Ted Collection. Mine is a church wedding, so onli getting a WG. As for service and quality of the gown/s that u can expect to get, do pop by their shop in Chinatown, opp Hong Lim Complex to have a feel of wat u would be getting. Wat I believe is that you muz be able to "click" wif the designer of ur gown. Price wise is abt the same as bridal shop but u get back all the fotos of ur AD, get to keep the wedding gown as well. Frankly speaking, I din even consider a bridal shop. B'coz I have seen many of my gfs getting pkgs fr BS, most of them dun turn out well. Flowers look ugly, come wrapped in plastic bags, freelance MUA arrive late/ dun do the make up well, gowns look so so so soo..... plain. BS kept forcing them to develop more fotos. A pkg tt initially costs S$3k, ends by at S$5k. Errr!!! Studio shoots come out so so onli...Quite a list of disappointments to state the least. Therefore I would rather piece together item by item myself, selecting the specialists in each field to give me the best. Heehee...


New Member
hi jandew,
sounds like you are enjoying yrself coordinating yr ala carte menu, haha
i wld hv done that if I had the time.. u dun hv much choice when u take a package - gd for Brides who are not fussy, and who dun hv a fixed idea of what they want. ala carte saves $$, and best part is, you will be having loads of fun!!

be careful not to miss out of things tho.. eg will yr florist for yr venue be doing yr wedding car too ok? and yr corsages? bridesmaid bouqet and flowergirl's flowers? rental of jewellery (unless u using ur own), yr hubby's suit..

my package already cost $5k initially, thot that wld settle everything, but was v disappted with the service and the final products. to all the BTBs who are going with packages, pls be selective, and visit the boutiques a few times, and not just rely on what ppl say on the forum.


New Member
Hello jandew,
You took a wedding gown from Ted Collection? Can you share your price paid for it and also a picture if possible? I have a friend who might wish to get an evening gown from Ted Collection but she is thinking of getting it from Asian Woman in Centrepoint.

Have you to show the designers there the pictures of gowns you like or let them decide?


New Member
Hi jandew,
In case it is not convenient for you to post your wedding gown pix here, can I trouble you to send the pix to the email address as below?

[email protected]

I will forward it to my friend looking for the evening gown so that she can consider Ted Collection's services as well.

Sorry for asking this but Ted Collection is not related to Ted Wu, right? :p Just to confirm this in case got identity mistake on my part!!


New Member
Hi Sharon Low,
My WG is MTM. Would onli be taking measurements in Oct and den the designer will work on it. Do get ur fren to pop by Ted Collection boutique in Chinatown to see personally wat it can offer u. Its a tailor shop specialising in CS & EG. No fair amount of words can describe the service & gowns tt ur fren can expect to get. The price tt u pay per gown depends on the beadings. Pkg for 3 gowns(MTM & to keep) is S$2k+. As my wedding is a church wedding, I wan someting more conservative. So my gown is a bustier with some sleeves, lace wif beadings. I oso wun know wat it looks like till probably in Jan nez yr, when its nearly my wedding date.

Hi happywifey,
Yeah, the florist would need to do the church deco, wedding car, my wedding bouquet too....As its a florist tt we use for our church, shld be ok. We used her for prev 2 church weddings too. But I reckon mine would be on a bigger scale, as the prev 2 brides had bridal pkgs fr BS. Onli mine is ala carte.

I personally withness the weddings of a handful of frens, and decided that ala carte is for me. Hehe....


New Member

Need your advices...

Been shopping in Tanjong Pagar, shortlisted Di Gio, Santiago, Z-wedding, Wedding News(Neil rd). Any comment on their services, photograph, package, etc...

My wedding is in mar07, so have to decide fast. Any other recommendations?
