Acupuncture is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) method which could regulate the functions of the "five elements" in a body. Due to many reasons, our bodies sometimes go off-balance, eg hormonal changes, weak metabolic rate, weak digestive systems. Acupuncture, and sometimes medication, helps in this way: when each of the "five elements" of the body is functioning at optimum, one is balanced and healthy, therefore excess fats/weight will go off naturally. Acupuncture is not a "be all and end all" solution. While it is a good way to restore your body's well-being, a healthy relationship with food and a lifestyle change should be the piority.
A sincere TCM physician with enough morals should be more concerned with your general health from inside out than pushing you to sign up for "packages". Beauty comes from within. You are what you eat. If your body is not "balanced", whenever you get stressed/emotional you will still turn to food for comfort. Thus all your efforts for slimming down and all your money will go to waste. It's a yo-yo syndrome.
A lot of these so-called Acupuncture Beauty and Slimming Centres are tarnishing the name of TCM. Please reconsider your "package" if you feel they're out to rip you off unscrupulously.