pinklolli: i replied u liao!!! =D hehe i also stay super far one okay!!!! but for the sake of accompanying my mum at first i went.... then after tt is for myself... lol...
why everybody so last minute nowadays... wedding may then now prepare to slim dwn!! i think we shld really start to look at long-term maintenance before and after marriage.. not just to look gd at wedding day at forget abt it after tt lor... i will keep maintaining my figure well for my own confidence loh as well as other things =p
anw pinklolli and all i tnk the thing gd abt the one at mp is cos their service is really gd.. they seem more sincere as compared to other places, dun have the feeling tt they just want to earn ur money. i do feel like my consultant is more concerned abt my own health, and she really gives me gd advice for free.. dunno maybe its their method but its really gd and enjoyable to go there for slimming i guess =/ tts why my mum was pretty happy with her results as well as the place.. some other centers tt i won't mention dont have tis kind of service, throw u one side one...
i do like their reviews cos it really gives me a clearer picture of my progress.. even thou sometimes gd sometimes bad.. but at least they're transparent and honest abt it! which kinda helps me n mum in understanding wad we must do. and kinda shiok to compare ur results frm the start til the end.. like makeover sia. haha.
gd luck jasmine. hehe jiayou!!
anw sinyee ur pm is off, kinda lazy too so u may wanna email us instead? my email is
[email protected]! =D yea its kinda far... same for me... i take 1.5hrs lor u say leh!! depends on you liao loh, see if u can tahan going so far everytime.. depends on ur determination liao =x can only tell u to jiayou! any other things can just drop me email loh, can chit chat too hehe. the address is at opp parkway parade, u can call them up to get the exact address and consultation slot, number is 97996853.. jiayoujiayou! you email me lah later then tell u which consultant i go to and the other stuff.. i running off to bed alr, just came back frm a party, really bad for my program. tata!