Accupunture Slimming Recommendation Help Needed..


New Member
yeah, i explained to her on email le.

heee yealo, jas just did her final review, my very last review result did recently was 5.8kg loss, 1 kg muscle gained.. another 0.2kg to hit also. gotta buck up.

yah every 2-3 weeks go back for a review to chk your body fats and measurements.
the reviews are good, can check your own progress. sometimes gd, sometimes not so good so must work harder, at least we know hw much fats go down.

yeah i did tell her to go consultation too, so can see what package she is suited for lo. and also do the inbody analysis.. deng deng deng deng! see how ur body condition is like.. mine is jialat la.. haha shock to see.

bigeyes you check your email ba, [email protected] here, u got msn can add me also.


Active Member
yes yes, heee. big eye added me in msn but never online. i think she want to ask me some questions ba. ya lo. just did my last review on last friday. total program period is 3mth 2 weeks and my total fat loss is 15.8kg.

although my program finished le but my consultant still encourage me to go back for review. they welcome me heeee

finally can squeeze in jeans size 25.


New Member
woah, good ley, u same as me liao!!! :D im also 25 now. i secretly hope can go down abit more also.

yes lo, my consultant ask me to go back for review if i still want, cos i told them i want to lose at least 6kg also.

my 1.5months program target is actually 4kg on the analysis, but consultant ask me to try to lose to 6kg for better figure. in the 1.5mths total fat loss is 5.5kg.

recently went back do review is fats loss very little, but muscle gained. now is very very slow liao since reaching my max already i think, but still can feel some difference.


New Member
Hey gals,

I just happen to stumble upon this thread.. and you got me interested. Can anyone email me ([email protected]) more details esp the cost of this slimming package? My PS is this Dec hope to lose some weight by then. :p



New Member
im still wrking towards keeping in shape even though finish my acupuncture program finish liao :> gyming, cycling, swimming i love doing them together with my bf !

if need advice regarding this slimming thing, where to go or program details for the acupuncture one, do pm me or forward to my email instead ya :> just to avoid any confusion!

jiayoujiayou girls in slimming !!! MUAH!


New Member
Hi gals,

haven been logging into this tread for some time..
Sad to say that im a failed case.. After trying for 1.5mths, i gained 2.5kg in total. Although i gained some muscles but i also gained fats at the same time as well.


Active Member
hihi joey how come? I also finished 3 mths program total fat loss is 16.1 kg and also some muscle gained.
pardon me to ask if u gt follow plan ma?

my new slimming frd all are seeing good result wor. may b is we all big size.heard from u tat ur mum also slim down right?


New Member
Hello joey,why you have gained weight? so strange.
i also under go jasmine's program, had my first review just now and my fat loss is 4.5kg. muscle maintained. i also a big size girl who need to lose 18kg of fat.


New Member
Sorry, i being busy lately, so now then log on to check the thread. I initially lose ard 1.5 kg during the first 3 weeks. But things just go wrong after that. After i sign up the accpuncture treatment, my weight at first remain the same, then after that it just shoot up..

I admit that on some days i unable to follow the diet plan as i have dinner gathering with friends, so on those days i took S-factor during lunch instead. I at first thought this is the reason why i gain weight, so i try to follow the diet strictly and manage to follow ard 85-90% of the diet plan.. but during the last review, i get to know that i gain both weight n fats.. haiz..also dun know whats goes wrong with me.


Active Member
Hi hi joey, dont be so sad le la. hmmmm i think is the food u eat cos u mentioned that u didnt follow the diet. for the diet plan, as i was advised by my consultant, to try to follow wat exactly the diet plan they provided. meaning say which meal is to eat normal or which meal is SF then follow. do not change ourself

unless there is a gathering or event or wedding i will ask for consultant's advise what shld i eat during the these days.


New Member
Hi Jasmine,

Ya, now im following the diet plan strictly, and hoping for better results for my next review..


New Member
Hi Jiawei..

I total lost 10kg through this acupunture.
This acupunture slimming is about detox+acupunture+ dietary plan..
Each individual has different body fats,so cost could be different..
Rest assured!i can say it not that expeonsive compare to others..

how many kg u need to lose??
I think better call my consultant & do a body analysis & see how lo..

YOu need the contact/details of my consultant may email me at [email protected] & add me in MSN too..



Active Member
halo jiawei, saw our email enquiry on my acupuncture program, ya i had total lost abt 17kg. and i had tried slimming salon with massage, cold/hot wrapping, exercise, gym with PT, slimming pills etc for slimming.
finally came to acupuncture slimming i managed to lose 17kg lo.

i have frd went through meso therapy and it was not really effective on her and she need to keep doing the maintenance. for carbontherapy im not too sure but seem as ex as mesotherapy.

anyway i had replied your email on your enquiry le. this program is consist of detox, dietary planning and acupuncture, my consultant is more focus on fat loss and size drop.
had attached with contact to you too, you may contact to book appt with her. you can add me in
MSN [email protected] if you have more question to ask.
go for consultation and see if it is ok for you or not lo. but it definitely cheaper than mesotherapy and carbontherapy and slimming salon de.


New Member
anyone can help to share the cost and also some details on the process of TCM slimming that you received at the Wellness Sac?
I am considering TCM slimming but not sure which one to go. Ma Guang also have, HealthWay Clinics also have. But it seems Wellness Sac at Marine Parade has so much success.

pls email me on the cost package if can, want to see if affordable.

[email protected]


Active Member
halo shannie,
i went through this program on last yr 2009, had lost about 17kg of course was i had too much fat so can lose tt much la.

it is consist of detox, acupuncture and dietary planning, every 2-3 week need to go for review and my consultant not look into weight but is fat loss,so size can dropped.

me and some frds and my mum had diff package so it is more depending on individual body de. sure, i had emailed you the package cost and information
my email is [email protected]

anyway u want to ask can ask me too. (=


New Member
Hi shannie,

welcome to this thread.
Ya many tcm slimming ya..
I went through acupunture slimming at marine parade.
Total lost 10kg..yes,many sucessful testimonial for theis acupunture slimming at marine parade.
All my friends who i intro got a good result.

You may add me at [email protected] as yr slimming frd ya..


Active Member
yup! DETERMINATION and DISCIPLINE also important in this. not just throw in $ can liao. lol.

yeah, can add me in MSN [email protected] as slimming frd too


New Member
Hi Shannie,

i graduate from the program last year and currently still able to maintain it. Perhaps you want to go for the consultation and understand the program first. Because as what the rest tell you, the price is vary due to individual body condition. if you have any budget in mind, can let them know and they will customise an package for you.
Let be slimming buddy, add me @ [email protected]


Active Member
Hi Ginna,

ooh? really?my consultant is not pushy and quite friendly and nice too. i only spent on the price/package she recommended me to lost the 17.5kg of fat, already maintained for 9mths le. hha quite soon, my wedding reaching, next mth le.


New Member
The marina parade there the acupunture slimming i think call LFK or LKF i cant remember but they are actually MLM.

They can say until it doesnt feels like an MLM but in true fact its MLM. Super pushy!!

I'm ok with acupunture but not joining it as a program so i can earn the money of ppl i bring in.


New Member
Hi Ginna,

I only spend the amount that the consultant customise for me of the 3mths package. Then after the program, i on and off go and buy the product for own maintain. But to me, the consultant is not really pushy at all. In fact, i did able to go back and consider about it.


New Member
cherishing: the 1 at marine parade is call LFI. u can just join the slimming program but doesnt really need to bring ppl in. its up to individual. =)


New Member
Hi Cherishing,

It's up to you lor..Ppl ask then i just share lo.. I just pass my consultant contact to hem...
Up to you mah...

Hi Coden,

Agree with you..take the acupunture slimming program lor..doesnt mean need to invite ppl wat..


New Member
Hi everyone ,i'm planning wedding in Dec 2010. i'm very interested in the acupunture program . Can anyone send me the detail such as price ,pkg and location.My e-mail is [email protected]. Thx lots lots !


Active Member
halo kaixin,

wow saw ur posts in other threads too.can feel u are quite urgent?
congrats!!!! wow it is soon, when is ur PS then?
sure i had sent you about my package details, contact etc. my email is [email protected]

i had my wedding on MAY 2010. received alot of compliments, really happy on lo!
i had lost abt 17kg through the program completed on july 2009 and maintain until now. Will definitely maintain until i pregnant!
this program is about detox, dietary and acupuncture treatment. my email have more details.
how much u need to lose by the way?


New Member
Hi kaixin,

i totally lose 10kg through acupunture slimming.
This program us combination of west and east..sure!
send you my program details and contact..
Check mymail ya [email protected]
you may add me in msn too


New Member
Hi jasmine, congratz on your successfull slim down! I'm btb dec 2010 too, need to shed off some fat to look better .

Jasmine you lost 17 kg? It is really amazing! Happy and really envy you ! Can send me your consultant contact details too? I would like to have a consultation with her .


Active Member
Hi tinkerbell00/bell, yes i lost 17.5kg of fat.
yup, my guests gave me alot of compliments. few of them are on program now.
sure, i had replied your email with my consultant's contact and details le.
do check your email(=
as long as you determined and discipline sure can make it one (=


New Member
Hi jasmine ,you lost so much sure a lotsa people compliment one. And appreciate on your help!thanks for the details and contact of your consultant î—
I will call up asap to book appointment with her. Will update you soon :) see you


Active Member
halo tinkerbell00/bell,
thanks! you can too! must get alot of compliments from guests on AD!
you r welcome bell, my consultant very nice de, must slimdown ya, yes update me ya.


New Member
hi jasmine, thanks for your recommendation to your consultant, i now on second day of programe and still managable.
thanks for your encouragement and answer some of my questions yesterday too. i will keep it up and hopeefully able to slim down as much as you!! see you!


Active Member
Hihi tinkerbell00/Bella, you are welcome la, anymore question just ask me lo but sometime I not able to answer then better ask our consultant lo!hee

sure you will slim down de! Rmb, determination! Jia you!may be I should intro you some of the slimming Frd who also started frin yesterday ? Heeee


New Member
Hi Bell,

Good ya you are on the program lioa?
All the best in your program der?
Must guai guai follow consultant advice ya..
Jia YOu in this 2week detox wo..
Hope to hear more from you..
Can add me in msn at [email protected] as your slimming buddy der.


Active Member
Yeah yeah belle very good ger hee she said she want to in S size and lost 17kg like me.

Tinkerbell00/bell, you hit your 15kg first then see whether can hit 17kg or not ok? Jia you!

Anyway slimming frds can add me in msn too mine is [email protected]

cheers all way out for slimming!


Active Member
Hi shareen, ya used to 66kg now around 49kg that also due to my fat was alot so can lose that much.Thks anyway

Ok la, 3 mths program shld be able to shed off your 12 kg. Usually my slimming Frds lost abt
8-15kg in the program. my program is consists of acupuncture , dietary planning n detox by my consultant and doctor lo.
Sure will send you my pkg and details to you. My email is [email protected]
you can check later bah
congrats on your wedding yours is next yr which mth? I just had my wedding last mth and receive alot of compliments I believe you will be a slim n pretty bride too !


New Member
Hi jasmine, yes i will, thanks a lot! by the way shareen got say her wedding on may next yr. you overlooked.

Hi shareen,
congratz, yes agree with jasmine, i just started program today is third day. I need to lose more than you which is at least 15kg but i will try to hit 17kg like jasmine, may be need more time but see how.


Active Member
Gambetteh! You can do it. Ya hor oops! Paiseh shareen, I Also May bride! But I 1 year earlier than you and I started this program on march 2009. Good time for you to start .


New Member
Hi Shareen,

Yes..welcome to this thread ya..
Me too!! I lose 10kg through this acupunture slimming...

And I able to maintain for 1yr+ since my program ended on mar09..

You may add me as your slimming buddy too in msn..


New Member
Hello... I need to slim down 8-10kg for my ROM in October.

I wonder if the accupunture program will hurt or not, since I'm afraid of needLes ):
