Account suspended


New Member
dear camomile,

"And yes, if u do a search on this 'web..' person, u'll realise that he/she is the main 'reporter' & created this acct just for this sole purpose, cos I cldn't find his/her post anywhere else at all. Really can't believe it! "

not only this web.. some more why3.. person. super grade A reporters! really curious why they doing this!


New Member
i guess people who report these threads are protecting their own interest.

If they have competition, they will report, or the mods have their own contacts for watever business the banned ppl have put up.

I can only think of this reason.

Very sickening. I may get suspended for putting up this post :p


New Member

Need help why can't I change my email address in my profile. they prompte dme the activation key but than I can't seemed to save it it showed :

The username and password combination you supplied is not valid, or you do not have permission to access this screen. This could occur for any of the following reasons:

You did not correctly type your username and/or password

You recently registered for an account but you have not yet entered the activation key that was e-mailed to you upon registration

You recently changed your password but did not log out and then back in to activate your new password

You did not supply your current password, but attempted to log in with a password that was stored in a cookie -- you must manually enter your password into the box to edit your profile

The board administrator or a moderator has denied you permission to edit your profile

Please contact moderator if this problem


Username: wer_bin_ich
E-mail Address: [email protected]
Activation Key: LWWT9QCVFR



New Member
hi, I have a concern here, someone started selling excess from spree then using that thread to organise a JE551 spree in mid june at SBF's market n exchange. The thread had bn removed n I cant see to locate that person through this forum anymore.

Till today I receive neither of my paid items although I had insisted registered post and volunteer to top up for postage... my patient's running out...It's very suspicious, wonder it is a scam...

As I keep all corresponding emails n sms n "her" bank acct, is that sufficient for a polis report?


New Member

My account have been suspended. But I do see all people doing the same thing as me not affected at all.. So y is my thread remove and account suspended?

My user name is lushlush
Please give me a reply at [email protected]


New Member

Chin Leng or any moderator NEVER inform us when they simply suspend our accounts.

It's RUDE...

U see others in the forum making money selling stuffs or services.. but they were not being suspended. Eg; I tried to organise a spree before, for us to get cheaper OPIs, but was being banned, whereas many others are selling OPIs at much higher prices.

Isn't this site for us to share info, get better deals, etc?


You are FORCING us to register other FOC emails accounts everywhere else! It's a waste of network resources! If you enjoy suspending others account, at least don't restrict the using of email accounts.

In the 1st place, you should inform us when you are suspending the account, you can warn us too. Why? Because we see other people doing the same thing, we naturally will think it's ok, and do the same, yet you simply doesn't inform or warn us!

IF we happened to post a thread which is ILLEGAL, Then just remove the thread and warn us that it's ILLEGAL!

And I wonder who is those ppl like 'whywhywhy' who is like those parking attendants, whom not only enjoy giving people summons, but 'killing' them once and for all.

I'm not surprised if you suspend this account again as you enjoyed doing that and you know that there are many other people who will still login into this forum.

I will too continue logging in, just that more networks resources will be wasted.


New Member
Me too,

My account was suspended and no replies from the moderators.

I think it will be fair to explain what mistakes did I make. I need to create new accounts again and again. I am @_@


New Member

I think it very unfair to suspended other accounts. You didnt stated what the things that we can't sell here and just suspended as you like.

Unless you state, if you suspend it still reasonable.


Staff member
Hi there,

For the terms of use of the forum, please refer to it here. This is the terms of use which all members agreed once you sign-up for an account. If you are promoting your business or services, it has always been stated in section 4.xii of the terms of use that promotion or advertising of products and services are not allowed unless you are our advertising clients. Please note that we have operating costs and we rely on advertising revenue to continue our operation. If any business or service providers wish to promote their services here, it is only right that the proper procedures and channel be adhered.

If you are selling non-authentic items, it is illegal by law and therefore not allowed in the forum.

Chin Leng.


New Member
My account was also suspended w/out warning. Emailed moderators several times but have yet to receive and explanation. All I got was a standard message that account is suspended pending further investigation. My 1st account was suspended at least a year ago. Till now, havent hear anything at all from the moderator despite several emails.

I simply did what the other users were & are still doing. How come their accounts were not suspended? There're others who even blatantly sell fake/imitations branded products.

To Chin Leng: If we as individuals who are just trying to convert some stuff (be it old/new) into cash/vouchers, can't do it @ Marketplace & Exchange Corner: Others, then may we know why it was called such??? What then is the real purpose of setting up this particular platform?

I believe I'm not the only one who's interested to know.



New Member
Hi Chin Leng,

I've emailed you and is waiting for my activation of account and needs to know why my account is being suspended without any notification. Hope to hear from you soon.

User ID : wenwenlim


New Member
I am totally disgusted with this forum, I've given my views and shared my BAD experience with the other BTB, to be caution of the services provided by the bridal shop Jess Haute Couture, a few days ago, and my post was being removed without any reason....if all negative experiences and views are being deleted, and only the positive ones are allowed to be posted, then what is the purpose for this forum?


Staff member
Hi Silver Sea,

I think you've misunderstood us. We've sent you an email. Please check and would appreciate your response. Thank you.

Chin Leng.


Staff member
Hi Silver Sea,

Can you check again? I've send out the email again after I saw your posting suspecting that you didn't receive the message the first time. Thank you.

P.S. As your account was not suspended, posting your message here, others may wrongly think that your account was suspended. :p

Chin Leng.


New Member
hi chin leng

would appreciate your soonest reply for why my account (wenwenlim)is being suspended. it's been a week since i posted the message here and 2 weeks since i emailed moderators n you. kindly reply as soon as possible.
thank you


New Member
Hi Chin Leng,
I had wrote multiple mails since 16Feb requesting for your advise on why my account (Kerene) has been suspended. Have not received any response yet.

Kindly look into my request and reply asap.


New Member
Hi Chin Leng I’m using hubby account to post to you!
I’m just trying to share my Swarovski Crystal Hand Bouquetâ€â€ at Marketplace & Exchange Corner for all the bride cannot be done?? Then I know why it was called such Marketplace & Exchange Corner??? What then is the real purpose of setting up this particular platform? If we are not allowed to post please at least give us warning and not suspend us!
I’m so disappointed with this forum….. I have try to email you but there is no reply!

My account: SummerPeh
Email: [email protected]


New Member
Hi Chin Leng,

My friend's account was suspended but did not receive any email why this was so...We would be grateful if you could assist to check..Thanks!

Account: henjimo
Email: [email protected]


New Member
hi, Chin Leng

My accounts were suspended and did not receive any email at all.. Email to the moderator's email also no response. At least u shd email to notify that i have post something not supposed to be. i accept and agreed to delete the posting. but hw can suspend us without telling..

There are threads posting on similar things that i post. perhaps just difference in wordings.. is this fair?

Pls assist to revert how can i revert back the account.

account: melody_fav / bliss&love



New Member
if you suspend some account i wish do not delete them i suggest try to send mail to those user that your account will be suspended or deleted if you are not update your account..

and i think you can suspend some user if the account is not updating 6 months and above or a spamers


New Member
I am using my sis ac to write to you. My ac has been suspended cos I was trying to clear old stock of gowns from my past no longer running bridal boutique but others are openly advertising in your forum and you let it be. Very unhappy. People like licia(bridebear) should also be suspended if they advertise their wedding gowns blog in the forum.


New Member
Hi CL, want to ask why is my thread left with only 1 entry? could you please reply? coz its not nice for u guys to deletion of the postings and later on might suspend my a/c w/o informing coz this is aint the first time. I'm just sharing my interest of
having ladies to join so we can benefit from cost savings(shouldn't it be exchange corner?) if u want to have a std guidelines, perhaps the co. could have set what is the approraite stuff that could be posted online. thanks!


Staff member
Hi all,

Apologies for not being able to attend to some of the queries here. In general, accounts will be suspended if the member had posted multiple similar messages or thread in the forum. This practice is also commonly known as spamming. It is strongly discouraged here. Similarly, accounts will also be suspended if the members attempt to promote their business or services in the forum without approval.

Chin Leng.


Staff member
Hi Mummydinosaurs,

If you are referring to threads in "Marketplace and Exchange corner", the threads there will be automatically removed when it reached a pre-set total number. This is an automated process.

This is especially more frequent in "Marketplace and Exchanger Corner: Others" as it is a very highly active category.

Chin Leng.


Staff member
Hi Babybaby85,

I believe you are referring to the postings in "Marketplace and Exchange Corner: Others". As there are high occurrence of postings with messages of "upz", "refreshed", "repost" etc, the system will automatically remove all messages when it reached a pre-set number of messages. If any user post many of such messages within a day, all messages in the thread will be removed more quickly.

Chin Leng.


New Member
hi... i would like to suspend my account here.. i've sent an email to the moderator explaining my situation about some cyber nuisances and would like to just clear most of my frequent forums such as this one. i hope you'll understand my plight. thank you so much!!!
