Chin Leng or any moderator NEVER inform us when they simply suspend our accounts.
It's RUDE...
U see others in the forum making money selling stuffs or services.. but they were not being suspended. Eg; I tried to organise a spree before, for us to get cheaper OPIs, but was being banned, whereas many others are selling OPIs at much higher prices.
Isn't this site for us to share info, get better deals, etc?
You are FORCING us to register other FOC emails accounts everywhere else! It's a waste of network resources! If you enjoy suspending others account, at least don't restrict the using of email accounts.
In the 1st place, you should inform us when you are suspending the account, you can warn us too. Why? Because we see other people doing the same thing, we naturally will think it's ok, and do the same, yet you simply doesn't inform or warn us!
IF we happened to post a thread which is ILLEGAL, Then just remove the thread and warn us that it's ILLEGAL!
And I wonder who is those ppl like 'whywhywhy' who is like those parking attendants, whom not only enjoy giving people summons, but 'killing' them once and for all.
I'm not surprised if you suspend this account again as you enjoyed doing that and you know that there are many other people who will still login into this forum.
I will too continue logging in, just that more networks resources will be wasted.