A smoke-free Singapore?


Active Member
"besides being the King of the SGBrides forum"
- u are the king, queen, emperor etc. i'm seriously not keen... why do u keep going on this? this has been YOUR insistence, your Words, Your label. i have nothing to do with it.

"who are you to make pronouncements on my life"
- speak to yourself. it's something u are good at, even tho your life has little for show.

i believe in God. i do not believe i am Him, that is again, what u are saying.

u make up alot alot alot alot of stories, lies, facades, and untruths. u really do...

between u and me, u're the one jumping up and down... - "gesticulate like a monkey gone berserk on this forum"


New Member

let me help you since you are still confused.

in your frenzy to defend yourself, at least try to be consistent, ok?

"even tho your life has little for show."

who are you to say that? do you think that everyone is like you come here boast about the number of cars they own, the fancy apartment they live in (your standards of success)?

just because an online persona doesnt reveal, you assume they do not have the same things you do (your standards of success)?

this ALL boils down to your standpoint that you think you are God again, isn't it?

the more i tear at your flimsy facade, the more and more transparent you get. keep on coming, im game.


New Member
for two little teasing words, "Dumb Duck", you can chase me down for 6 days.

and you say that you are not flexing your ego around here.

if people are genuinely not flexing their ego, they would have laughed me off long ago by responding in silence, or just say something cheeky and move on, or simply ignored.

but you chased me down for 6 days in this forum.

you really do want me to take those two little words back, dont you? and you say that you do not respect me, but you say lots of things to me as if wanting to justify yourself to me. is this rational?

for sending a little poke in your way, you can denounce my obituary. you sure are reactive, aren't you?

and dancing at each poke i send you, yet still denying that you are behaving like a monkey in this thread?


Active Member

i did not chase u.

as for the flexing, neither am i.

i rem a few months ago u asked me for advice on some financial planning and stuff... i shared to the best of my ability. my focus has always been on improving our finances and thereby our lives...

u're taking the things i shared, turning it around, throwing it at my face and saying that i am boasting, acting like a king etc... i dun know what to make out of it. i'm just severely disappointed, to be honest.

i'm not sure what happened to u, and why u feel the need to challenge me and keep trying to antagonize me... is this your way of trying to gain some recognition in the forum? becos u seem to think i am some ruler here... my forum membership in other forums extends all the way to 1999... perhaps u're new to forum communities and the initial need to try to be someone hasn't waned yet.

end of the day the life we live will be reflected in who we are and the legacy we leave behind for others...


Active Member

sm, I said preventable or minimize

Not to be so picky on the usage.. When you use "or" it means either "preventable" or "minimize" are applicable. In this case, only minimize is is applicable. We can't really prevent the top killers and definitely not "totally" (as that is the word you used).

You could have just said:

".. top killers are minimized"


New Member
i'm not sure what happened to u, and why u feel the need to challenge me and keep trying to antagonize me... is this your way of trying to gain some recognition in the forum? becos u seem to think i am some ruler here... my forum membership in other forums extends all the way to 1999... perhaps u're new to forum communities and the initial need to try to be someone hasn't waned yet.


you are mentally sick to keep insisting that im trying to establish myself here.

even your own words trip you up

why u feel the need to challenge me and keep trying to antagonize me

- Powder, you mean that you are above challenge? why do you belittle others to the extent that if they comment that a remark you make is stupid, you deem it as them antagonising you? must everyone agree with you?

is this your way of trying to gain some recognition in the forum?

- Powder, you mean to say that AFTER i manage to challenge you, as a CONSEQUENCE i get recognition in the forum?

where is your logic, Powder? is this how your mind works? that is painfully childish. your mind may have been twisted by playing this forum thing for so many years, that you have turned impervious to the fact that other people may have intentions and motivations very different from what you think. you underestimate others by the confines of your mind.

let me explain why i have started to treat you in this way.

for the longest time, i have been indulging your narcissistic, loud and proud tone. because other than your narcissistic tone, you were quite nice to chat with, so i chose to overlook it.

until i realised that you are so out of control that you even want to comment in the same narcissistic, loud and proud tone on matters you know absolutely nothing about, such as cosmetic surgery. and then you started to paint such an offensive picture of me, i thought i will no longer give you any leeway. i will bash you as and when i deem fit.

end of the day the life we live will be reflected in who we are and the legacy we leave behind for others...

even now you cannot resist the opportunity to preach to others and assert your perceived guru status.

you are like a kindergartener preaching to his classmates, "you MUST brush your teech. you SHOULD wash your face."

this is what you are like, Powder.

this is what i think of you. you can either take it or leave it.


Well-Known Member
sm, there are more than one manner of putting it. Its preventable for some cases where their issues are clearly directly contributed largely by their unhealthy life-style. And in other cases, minimized.

I don't understand the need to dispute over the choice of words frankly. If you don't understand, I have clarified, now you know and understand it. right?


Active Member
I know people take liberty with their choice of words but we should as far as possible reflect clearly what we meant.

You had said "totally preventable or minimized" - I take exception to the "totally preventable" because it is clearly not the case.

In MOST cases, it would be minimized and I don't understand why you need to put "totally preventable" when you don't mean it to be applicable in the majority of cases. You should qualified it or corrected it when I pointed out - instead you changed it to "preventable or minimized".


Well-Known Member
sm, it depends on situation which is why on a general view, its either preventable or minimized. Just as anyone exposed to dangerous levels radiation or contamination will surely get cancer. If we live extremely unhealthy lives, it directly cause the health problems. It can be prevented by simply leading a healthier one. These are the factors that can be completely avoided. What we cannot avoid are our own genetic resistance, unintentional exposure, or circumstance beyond our control such as accidents or intentional deception. e.g. how 911 volunteers and rescuers are suffering for post 911 health problems from the exposure to toxic air they breathed. It was declared to be safe to breathe.

Try breathing in toxic fumes and saw dust daily. Do it everyday till you get cancer and tell me its not completely preventable.

Anyway, I have already explained clearly my meaning. Too bad if you don't like how it is phased. It could be phased many ways, I never denial it. I can agree with that. Most important is to get the understanding, we got that already. Sorry, I don't see it as wrongly phased. So, there is nothing to correct.


Well-Known Member
"instead you changed it to "preventable or minimized"."

Please explain what I changed? This was what I wrote. So, I don't get you when you say I should have corrected it instead of changing it. I clarified my meaning over what I wrote. I changed NOTHING.

You tell me it would be phased better and was misleading to be interpreted otherwise, I can agree. But that I changed it?!? that's totally weird!


Well-Known Member
And, if you are suggesting that I'm trying to twist my words to dispute. I tell you straight, I have no such intention at all.

I'm no expert like many others here that use witty tactics to twist. I am just commenting honestly as always.


Well-Known Member
ok.... i think i get u .... you are talking about "TOTALLY".

I didn't change leh. I'm pointing out to you there is a second part to it... OR MINIMIZED.

Do I need to provide the entire quote? I'm explaining to u my meaning. You go phase how you want best loh. Put disclaimer whatsoever up to you.


I can almost feel the hearts palpitating. Adrenaline rushes through the veins as the glucose level in their blood rises.

Right before they put on the handcuffs, the mantra of the US cops goes, "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of <strike>forum</strike> law" So, if you say anything at all, articulate well. After a narration of anger, irritation and spot-on-"accusations", this will end of course when they declare truce.

Powder is a cross pollination of a foul-mouthed macho gangster and a <strike>faux</strike> guru. He is primordially aggressive and he has a tendency to want to rehabilitate others in his ragged ways and that usually ignites roars. In light of smoking (metaphorically), he'll huff and he'll puff, he'll blow your <strike>house down</strike> face off !
It is in my perception that Powder really did want to go against May. I think he´d like having her around this forum a little longer.

I sang praises of May's verbosity if she practises nuance, that itself is not equivalent to giving her the thumbs up to her arguments.

What May has said may not be socially palatable (MIL ideas) but she is entitled to an opinion. She was forthcoming despite knowing her notion is going to get frowned upon.

May may want to fight with breathtaking viciousness to deny anything that mirrors the reality of self-proclaim victory, further alienating herself. May, I think, is benevolent, despite the tough matriarch coating.(There are multiple layers to a person.) She has proven worthwhile to be listened to in the numerous posts she drafted up earlier although she has been clumsy at times.

Disclaimer: I am trying very hard to be unbiased and close the wedge between the two.


Active Member

u got me wrong, in terms of my personality and intentions.

this one definitely wrong - "It is in my perception that Powder really did want to go against May. I think he´d like having her around this forum a little longer."

am sorry, but it's mostly wrong.



Apologies for forgeting to insert the word "NOT".
"It is in my perception that Powder really did not want to go against May. I think he´d like having her around this forum a little longer."


Active Member
it's ok, as a personal note to u - most of what u wrote isn't true abt me either.

as for May being around the forum longer or not, i'm indifferent.

will leave u to your narration...


New Member

May may want to fight with breathtaking viciousness to deny anything that mirrors the reality of self-proclaim victory, further alienating herself.

i know that i sound brash in this thread, thus the part about the "self-proclaim victory".

i am talking in this way in order to give Powder a taste of his own medicine.

to me, the whole thing is very simple. i come along and told him what he said is stupid, he reacted and went bonkers.

and along the way, Powder kept reiterating how good and successful he is, etc. that basically summarised it.

remember, Watching, how Powder told you that you were not his match when it came to mind games?

(in the first place, who wants to play his puerile mind games, right?)

now i know how maligned you must have felt.

and no, i still dont think you posed that question in an attempt to "entrap". it was all a figment of his deranged imagination.


Whether or not my narration is the accurate, it is my impression of what is going on. I retreat being a mediator, not cut out for it.

One of the arguments in this epic debate is about Powder not admitting the smugness that is revealed in the undertone of the initial smoking remark. The remark makes him look none too fantastic.
Characteristics that defines a person who hinges on things like tax increment if he stops subsidizing the citizens are ego and narcissism.
Powder expresses himself blatantly, he is not apprehensive to talk about his wealth, for; he claims; philanthropic reasons. Philanthropy is irrelevant in this thread nor leaving a legacy behind. `Flaunting wealth` as an argument against him is rendered void.
Perhaps having basked in glory for winning most disputes makes one overestimate his strength while underestimating others. Yes, Powder's tone is at times completely denigrating.
But his remark about subsidizing others was really just meant as a narcissistic joke. Should anyone indulge in something this frivolous; to bring him down a peg or two; reason being the person in question is bereft of sufficient humility?

It is evident that the duel is going nowhere but to clear one's alias.

I digress to something light-hearted...
The animal kingdom in the chinese horoscope likes holding duels at Sg Brides' amphitheater. King Kong, barking dog, cow with udder (duh..), sheep in wolf's skin (or is it the other way around?), snake coiled up. The current battle is between Powder who is born in the year of the <strike>toothless, paper</strike> tiger and May, born in the year of the monkey <strike>gone berserk</strike>. Which animal is going to leave unscathed? How ironic that the animals used to depict one another belong to the their own horoscopes. (I pay attention hor?) And where is the rest of the herd (other forumers) ?


Active Member

i've actually explained the statement i threw out. thing is, if u feel that i was smug, then are u not blind to May and yourself? Dun justify yourselves by pointing out to me... and excusing yourselves conveniently by hiding behind what i said.

whilst May keeps repeating that i dun answer her so-called points, she doesn't actually realize she avoids mine. and the rest of biasedly stay blind to it... so there's relly nothing much i should do becos It IS Who u Are... and u'rehaving a field day taking a kick becos u think i'm down.

u are such a bad liar... seriously why pretend to "retreat being a mediator" when it was never your intention? who are u trying to kid here?

your 2nd paragraph is horribly wrong.

this is not a duel. it will never be.


New Member
whilst May keeps repeating that i dun answer her so-called points, she doesn't actually realize she avoids mine.

hey, Powder, then what is your point?

that you are very successful and that you have a big and flamboyant personality in real life (yes, using the exact words you are using, you are so buay paiseh). and that no one can ever tell you what you said was stupid?

ok, ok, we ALL know these about you because you like to come here and repeat all these attributes of yourself as if you are building a personality cult around your name, Powder.

i know that you are successful and i don't care. it is not as if you are paying me with money (which you like to flaunt a lot about) to agree with what you say. and even if you wanted to, i would throw your money back in your face cause i do not agree means i won't.

how about you just shut up or leave this thread? or alternatively, prove that you are not as megalomaniac as i pronounce you by admitting that you made a mistake to smoke.

no, of course you won't be doing that. cause you are incapable of making mistakes, right?

so predictable of you, Powder. you are like a badly written open book.


New Member
Finally, someone who dares to speak up and make sense.

Good for you May and Watching.

You have Superman's support.


Active Member
well may, u brought up most of the talk on my money and stuff... most of which were in other threads meant to explain oweing to the flavour of those threads. i did not bring them out here... not me. the smug statement which u insist i made... i have told u that anyone who can buys a pack of cigarette can make that same statement... so u dun have to keep harping on that one point.

at least i dun have to lie here abt who i am. most of the scenarios are stories made up by u.. your methods of argument is childish, all u do is make up a scenario which u insist i will say this, do that and then u give yourself some heroine role of how u will fight me on it. Thing is, i'm not even doing those things which u say i'm doing.... they are all entirely Made Up by u.

finances-wise, u were one of those who asked for advice, and now u dare use that against me. it shows the sort of person u are. u just need to look at yourself, look at the frenships u possess, look at your life and the answers will reveal themselves. u can hide them here, but then there's always God n Yourself.

this pretty much shows that when it comes to arguments n quarrels, u're the type who will bring up anything, paint it negatively and just try to win the arguments. i do not wish to participate in such manner... all u've got is me being a smoker, and the rest u're using agains tme were pretty much points i made abt Life n Finances in other threads. so what else do u have?

u're a coffeeshop auntie who garners pple to dislike the richer folks, look for bad habits in Good pple to make them out to be bad, and at the end of the day u idolise celebrities who share the same habits. there is no consistencty in u as a person, thus no conviction. your way of argument is simply to incite low level mundane pple into sentiments...

for someone who keeps saying u dun care if i'm rich, u're certainly very consistent in continually bringing up that point in most of your post, when i have hardly uttered anything in that flavour. u're mentally obsessed with me, and keep thinking that i'm talking to u abt my wealth... kinda psycho really.

i am a pretty open book, but u are certainly a very poor reader... u are so royally wrong abt me whilst declaring me an open book.

the testimonial to ourselves is our life... simple as that. if u realise, those who are egging u on, are not of sound character... but it's not a realisation that u are able to make becos of who u are...

for someone who keeps talking abt avatars, u're certainly obsessedwith my nick. for someone who doesn't care abt wealth, u're certainly obsessed with mine. your motivation seems to originate from places which u're too ashamed to admit to.


Active Member
so actually, u are the 如果 type of pple...

u sit there amongst your followers and go "如果他这样,我就会那样" , "如果他说这个,我就会说那个", "如果他敢这样,我就会那样".... and your followers are all in awe of your 'abilities'

i am not the 如果 type, mine is factual, real and not made up. 我是,我å¯ä»¥ï¼Œæˆ‘有.


New Member
Once again, Powder, you run behind your money and hide behind it. You say that im hitting out at you out of jealousy for your money. that is your EGO and VANITY talking again, isn’t it? Is there anything that you are capable of saying that does not aim to flatter yourself? Aren’t we back to the “I subsidise you people†spirit of yours, again?

In the first place, if you weren’t so cocky, constantly referring to your success like a broken record everywhere, how am I even supposed to know that you are ‘wealthy’?

Who do you think you are? Are you even among the Forbes list of Singapore? What kind of cheek do you have to insist that other people DISLIKE you for your MONEY? Are you suffering from a thick-skin problem?

It is your peacock-strutting that I find distasteful, not your money. In moments of faux humility, as you have said yourself too, you are only above average. Then what are you so cocky about?

all u've got is me being a smoker,

So, Powder, you mean to say that otherwise you are the paragon of perfection? It is exactly this I dislike - how you are so cocky that you will defend even a bad habit you have picked up, instead of being ashamed about it.

Do you notice how many times in THIS thread you suggest that you are successful while I am not as a crux of your argument? And you imply that as a result of this, I have no right to comment that something you said is stupid? That is the whole point im bringing up - you want to throw your money around even in the virtual world.

You are delusional. Maybe you live too much in the virtual world of forums.

You behave like a one-trick donkey. Even in a thread like this about smoking, you can bring up personal success as part of your argument. And then accuse others of being jealous of your money. It is all about you and your success, isn’t it?

And as for motivations, I have been very upfront. I like poking fun at cocky smart-alecs like yourself. As for you – you are full of confused intentions. First of all, you tell me that it is a waste of time to talk to me. Then after that, you can write one long, elaborate posting after another to address me the essence of which is to justify yourself.

There could be a few possible scenarios why.

(1) you have too much time on your hands

(2) you actually think that you got a ‘good reputation’ on this SG Brides forum that you want to defend (back to you trying posing like a peacock in this forum again)

(3) you actually take what I say SERIOUSLY because you are confronted by the elements of truth in it

(4) you are easily emotionally manipulated.

Did you know that I intentionally used strong and brash language against you? It is to lure you out to respond. And you fell for it, time and time and time again.

That is why I told you, you should keep it coming. Because the more you talk, the more I can expose you.


New Member
your way of argument is simply to incite low level mundane pple into sentiments...


your followers


also, stop insulting everyone else in your quest to save your own face, Powder. people will believe what they want to believe, they are not followers or whatever you call it.

although i know the way your mind works is whoever thinks differently from you should be condemned, you should control yourself a bit lah ...

as i have told you, truth is self-evincing, what are you so scared about?

you got anything, can direct to me. im happy to humour you. don't need to insult others too.



My initial intention was to caricaturize you, with you running a show at the theater of omnipotent. I do think you contributed a lot to the well-being of those who come here but that is not the topic here is it ?

Indeed it was never my intention to be a mediator (I sort of expected anti-sentiments for this word). Both of you disagreed with my portrayal of both yourselves. How to make things good between you and May. But something you said got to me. Objectivity. I forgo credibility since I am not here to give anyone advice. And nobody necessary needs to believe my narration. I want objectivity for myself. I want to be undistorted in my views. When you see a scenario with all the arguments laid on the table, you make a jugdement (now, please don't go twisting this word) With the things said and exchanged between yourselves, I form an opinion. My narration of you at first glance, doesn't cast you in a good light. But if you look closely, I question the need for May to indulge in your narcissistic frivolous joke.

What you don't realize is that there are people like me who are actually listening to you. But I cannot take all your words literally.


New Member
She is trashing people who needs to be trashed.

Looks like you are next, johnny. Cannot help you anymore.

Watch out for it ! RED HOT !


New Member
Singaporean in general is stuck in chasing material and status all their life.

Got time 修身养性. Do some activity that improve spiritual, psychological and mental health. Read some books, do some meditation, get a retreat. Think about life etc.

Would be happier and more fufilling in life. See through all these meaningless arguements also.

Sg school never teach ppl the impt of these.


New Member
You cannot change ppl unless they want to. This sortta thing is a reality that you should know and accept by now.

Your opinion is just that, opinion. It may not be the truth. It is merely what u see. Of course, sometimes what you point out could be a piece of knowledge (which is true) and not an opinion, which should be accepted.

The fundamental point is that though, every person is entitled to free will and choices. Even if you are govt or god you also cannot force choices/opinion on ppl. If you can, there wouldn't be criminals anymore. Just force those stuff down their throat.

For me, sometimes I can see many things and know the consequences of each choices. I always try to help ppl. But ultimately, ppl have the choice to choose their decision, as well as whether they choose to listen.

It can be really frustrating as someone whom generally want to help ppl, knowing how they could be helped but couldn't, due to their choices. Sometime even being ridicule for it.

Yeah, but that's life. We try, but whether a person could be help also depend on 缘 and his/her personal attribute.

While helping ppl, we need to bare in mind on whether we have the complete knowledge of the big picture, or we are just zooming in a narrow view of the topic, and whether we really know about the topic or is it the case that it's just our opinion.

Be more reserved if it is just an opinion. It's valuable for discussion as it often provide insight and alternate angle of a topic, but it's never the entire overview of it. That's y it's only an opinion. No need to be so obsessed in it.


New Member
And really...

Petty arguements destroy ur own well being first before destroying the other party.

Why waste time on it?


New Member
if the series of posts are intended to explain one's stand which is in response to the other party's perceived 'accusations', i do not think it is meaningless...

i would too, and so would you, stanzza


New Member
anyway, May and Powder have so far made Some valid points based on where they're coming from.

for me, the most-meaningless contributor is super-ass-man who does nothing but tries too hard to be entertaining...


New Member
haha...good try vios.

If i wasn't entertaining enough, u will not have wasted time and effort to write a reply to me.

So lame.


New Member
nah no problem man, didn't 'waste too much time' on dedicating that one statement to super-ass-man

he just needed an ounce of attention from somebody, that's all

same for this post


Active Member
i do agree with most of what stanzza wrote on the overview... i believe life has its way of sorting things and pple out.


New Member
Got time 修身养性. Do some activity that improve spiritual, psychological and mental health. Read some books, do some meditation, get a retreat. Think about life etc.

Would be happier and more fufilling in life

Manzzz...i do really like this phrase and trying to achieve this, be a much happier person and spending time on fulfilling and meaningful things, enjoying every moment in life.


New Member
If I may please clarify something ... you'd not be permitted to purchase cigarettes from Singapore's DFS shop because they are unfortunately not part of your duty-free allowance into Singapore, except for a utilised open pack. You may have problems clearing customs and face possible heavy fines.

1. There're smoking rooms available at both terminals at the airport. Otherwise, there's a Cactus Garden at Terminal One that permits smoking in the open-air.

2. I bought a carton of Dunhill (200 sticks) at our Changi DFS for S$17 but the same would easily cost you more than S$90 in town.

3. Cigarettes are not cheap here as in most places. But if your husband is a heavy smoker, then I guess you don'ï½” really have much of a choice since you can't bring them in as I've mentioned.

