A SEMI D, CONDO or HDB???????????????????????????


New Member
Hi all, I would like some advises. For a combine current income of $8K plus is it advisable to go for the first option Semi d? Prefer not to stay in a HDB due to bad experiences with Noisy and inconsiderate neighbours above. Hubby said if choose to stay in Condo, may as well stick to HDB as same problem may arise. Semi d have more privacy and freedom in terms of gardening and pets owning. However, we are both afraid that we might not be able to afford it in long run. May I know the initial cost involved, interest rates for private property housing loan as well as approximate monthly instalments etc in order to maintain the house? We are not in a hurry for a decision yet, still searching for options. Anyone can share their experiences?


New Member
hi, with a combine income of $8K, it is not advisable to get a semi d as the interest rates nowadays r pretty high unless you can pay a huge amount upfront and borrow less from bank.


New Member
hi snowy:

ya to start off with a semi D... my opinion is unless u hv a huge amt of cash for downpayment first, otherwise stick to something u n hb are very comfortable with. dun ever sretch ur income to pay for ur hse. cos few yrs down the road most part both of ur income might be required things baby etc. depends on ur other commitments too. total income of $8k is not alot if u both hv to support parents, car, house, bb...... is not enough actually... or mabye by the time when u hv a bb u might wan to be a stay at home mom?? by then u of cos dun wan to be tie down by ur hse installements. u see. buying a big house is a big commitment.


New Member
One other thing to take note of... renovation, furniture and appliances can really wipe out your savings, so unless you have lots of savings, you may want to try and find a place that doesn't need much renovation.

I bought an old resale flat and did major renovations. Couldn't find newly-built HDB flats in the area I wanted. Looking back, it may have been cheaper to get a new condo instead.

I never imagined that redoing a single toilet would cost me about $5k (this varies depending on your tastes and requirements.)


New Member
Hi Snowy,

It is advisable to stay in a HDB flat bcos me & hubby is also having a combine salary of nearly 9K...
we are thinking of early retirement at the age of 35...
Having a semi-D / condominium is a long term commitment and you must be ready for it...


New Member
hi Snowy
For HDB flats and EC for example, if the combined income is more than S$8K and S$10K respectively, you cant get the goverment grant of at least S$40,000. I believe the objective of the govt grant is to encourage younger people to get married earlier and to help ease and aid them in affording a house faster.

For mi and my HB, our combined income exceeds the government rebate bracket, so it's really no point for us to get a HDB flat or EC. Thus we went straight for a condo. That said, there are some people who doesn't mind not getting the government grant and choose a HDB or EC.

That's why you seldom see doctors/ lawyers staying in HDB or EC. Their income far exceeds that rebate bracket.

BTW, my HB and I are not doctors or lawyers. Hee..


New Member
Hi Snowy,

it really depends on your priorities. Do you mind staying in a HDB? Are you willing to compromise on other lifestyle items such as smaller car, less expensive restaurants etc if you buy a Semi-D? I think these questions will help you decide.

For my HB and I, HDB was not an option. (Sorry, no offence to HDB dwellers =) We grew up in Semi-D's so we wanted a pte property, at least a condo. Not so much whether it's good or bad, just a "feeling" thing. And we are also not willing to compromise on a nice car, so we went for a Condo plus nice car option.

There are people who buy HDB but drive a big car, and also those who stay in landed property but drive small cars. There are also people who take public transport but can afford to buy $23k bags. At the end of the day, it's what you want.


New Member
semi d may encounter inconsiderate neighbors as well. take the everitt road saga as an example. what if you move into a semi d and you meet neighbors that are impossible to live with? You will not be able to sell off the property and may run the risk of getting stuck with both property and mean neighbors

It is better to start off with something which is more affordable and upgrade later.

try to plan in a way that you have something to fall back on


New Member
I agree with Blyss. At the end of the day, what do we want.

There are some people who subscribe to the view that it's better to buy nice property and nice car when they are young, cos for work purposes, they need to look presentable.After all, what's the point in buying nice car and property when you are in your 50s?

Then again, there are people who prefer to be more prudent in their purchases.


New Member
I am just wondering, why did you mention a semi deatched house but not a terrace which can be cheaper? There is a lot of hidden cost and wear and tear in landed homes.

U may consider an affordable condo in places like woodlands, Jurong, cheaper.

HDB is defintiely different style of living from condo. Condo u have facilities, security, don't have people walking past your common corridor (well least the corridor is not a long walkway), manicured landscapes and shrubs.


New Member
Just another note to consider...private property tax a bit bo hua and when theres like NCC shares or etc thats thrown out...the private properties citizens get the least amount.


New Member
Hi all,

Frankly speaking, most singaporeans are able to afford condos and even landed properties nowadays. Everyone have their own decisions and style of living... I have few friends who have always wanted to stay in Condo or even landed property and keep on stressing their HB and in the end cause strains in their relationship...

I find that big cars or big house is not important so long the both of you are able to afford and be satisfied with it...


New Member
Hi snowy76 (^.^),

Guess by now, you should have made your decision.. Hehe.. =)

What I can do now, perhaps is to introduce you this good book : The Richest Man In Babylon...

Hope you will see this thread... Enjoy! (^.^)


New Member
hello, this thread still active??

just wanna get opinion:
me and hubby earn 9.5k a month before CPF deduction. we're 28 and 31 years old. currently staying in a 5 rm hdb in the east. trying for a baby. we're both graduate. i'm a civil servant and he's in pte sector. we own a 2.0cc car, monthly installment $850. paying $900 monthly for renovation loan. supporting parents, each month we give them $700. paying hubby study loan, each month $700.

looking at our expenses and salary. what would be a good choice of home after we can sell our hdb flat after the 5 yr period??

do you think we can afford to buy a condo for investment purpose (to be rented out)?
hdb + condo to be rented out?? or a condo to stay in + another for rental??


Gross salary $9.5K
Net salary $7.6K
Obligations/Loans $3,150 (Gearing ratio 41% - best not to exceed 45%)

Estimated expenses
Meals $700
Car exp (Fuel, insurance, parking etc) $550
Personal Insurance $300
Internet, mobile phone, conservancy, SCV $300
Groceries $200
Total expenses $2,050

Dispensable $2400

For a condo of say, $800K, taking 80% loan, PMT is abt $2,800. So I guess you can see for yourself, taking into account also the issue of having a baby, whether it is advisable to get a condo or not. Of course, the rental income has not been taken into consideration yet.


New Member
My sis moved into a semi-d and realized how hefty the expenditure can be, and downgraded into a condo within 2 years. Losing a lot of money in bank interest.


New Member
yeah, i do agree that newly weds should make use of govt grants and buy a new hdb flat if they could..i always think we shld live within our means comfortably such tt in event that one person doesnt work for watever reason, the entire family can still go on as usual though of cos, there will be some adjustments to lifestyle. comparing to staying in a pte property and having to count your pennys every month to make sure it's enuff VS staying in a HDB flat and get to enjoy ur life, i will prefer the latter....

my 2 cts worth..

