A relationship with an irc pal?


New Member
Hey girls, recently i got to know someone from the irc... He's seems quite a nice guy, and he's older than me by 5 yrs old.. The problem is this, he's told me that he wants to wait for me to accept him after some of my major exams in school. But i don't know if i should trust him.. anyone can guide me along this problem? thanks alot..


New Member
hi IIx,

hav u meet him be4?

if he is someone u havent seen be4 n dun realli noe,then wat u chat on icq mayb deceptive.of course there r exceptions.

sometimes u can b blinded by all the chattings...u muz hva heard of all the stories abt meeting frenz online.

when is yr examz?y not u conc on yr examz 1st n gif a tot abt tis when u finished yr examz since he said dat he is willing 2 wait.

i feel the most impt thing is 2 meet him n get 2 noe the real him better!


New Member
i feel that way too.. Well, besides chatting on msn, i also chat with him on the phone.. and when we are not chatting at all, i feel like talking to him!! and when we're chatting, i feel like putting down the phone.. i don't know why this is happening..!! i know that i should concentrate on my studies.. i told him that already.. but i just can't seem to stop thinking of this..!! what should i do? and thanks for your quick reply... =)


New Member
Hi llx,

just to share with you my experience.

I used to hve a bf from irc too. He is also 5 years older then me. At first when i knoe him he is quite a good guy. Nothing wrong of him that come to my mind when we go out. He drive me around and treated me real good. Finally i gave in.

All this last for only 1 month plus and we had sex. After we break off then happen to found out that he is marry! Well I'm not that upset cos i was never too serious about it as i nv believe in irc rel cos i think that i don't have such lucky luck. During the time he was with me his wife was carring his baby. After our relship i he got another gf from irc too. They too last 1 month plus also.

One of gf also got to know her present bf from irc. Her virgin was taken. And he is a damn guy lor.

Sad to say that for the pple around me i yet to see a good couple that work out.

As the above are only for you to careful. Not all guys in irc are bad too. At least my bro and his gf know each other from irc.

But concentrate on your exam first ya.


New Member
hi llx ,

I think you better know about that guy more in kinda of seeing him . Not only talking to him over the phone .

I actually got my ex guy from irc ...hhaha ...i was wif him for a year plus but we broke off after that cos we led diff kind of living style !!But till now we are very good friend even thought me got married

I also got my good friend (gal) from irc ...we click well after a few gathering !!

but there are cases ..guy in irc are just looking for fun ...cos i did experience before but i`m lucky n smart enough that nothing happen to me :p .

Just be careful in anyways when meeting strangers ...do not go somewhere that are deserted .good luck n take care !


New Member
blur_ger: seriously it depends.. i would say, u better meetup before u commit. i chatted up my FH from icq, we chatted back in yr 2000 n only met in Jan 03 and started to date in Nov 03 and getting married this Oct 04.

start meeting with him first and get to know him more impt. He mentioned he gng to wait for u, but i think u better consider first. not that one shant believe in verbal committment, but u should judge by urself. :p Maybe u should just concentrate on ur studies n exams till its over then think other stuff.


New Member
hmmm... thanks for ya all's views.. =) But one more thing.. do you all think i should meet up with this guy now? although i know i should concentrate on my studies first... But there's a great feeling in my head to just go and meet up with this guy.. =x


New Member
blur_ger: if ur time permits of cos... why dun u finish ur exams then meet up have a good chat.. but i guess... the feeling of meeting is far too strong to hold u back and worse... it might affect ur studies... That's ur final decision..


New Member
but i'm not really sure.. I'm scared he won't wait till after my exams even though he has said he will.. And i know he's not exactly worth it if he really won't wait.. but i feel like trying this out... and i'm really confused!!! ...


New Member
i'm curious, how old are you? ur last post seems that u'r so desperate to try out a relationship.

it's always not a wise move to rush into a relationship, be it u know the guy from irc or offline.


Active Member
hi blur_ger,
My ex-bf was from IRC. When I got to know him, i was in my final year and was having exams then. He waited one year and I finally accepted him.
He was a really nice guy and doted me a lot. However, we broke up after two years. Din contact for a period of time. In 2002, we kept in touch again. Went out several times and one fine day he asked to patch.
I loved him a lot but when he asked me to patch up with him again, my feelings towards him is just that of good frens.


New Member
I think the best and right thing to do now is to meet that guy!!!
I did see some relationship that worked out through knowing each other via IRC...
So, arrange to meet him after ur exams... maybe the feeling will be different once u see him...



New Member

has he send u his pix? u noe how he looks like?
do u hv other irc frens tat chat in the same chatrm?
u might want to find out more abt him.
anyway, even u want to go out with him, DON'T SINGLE DATE ok!


New Member

To angph38, i'm still in secondary school.. It's not that i want to rush into a relationship.. It's just that i feel he might be "the one".. I know there're many possibilities that any guy that i meet anywhere can make me feel "he's the one", but i feel it's different now...

To cherz: my exam is my end-of-year exams.. in october..

Do you all think if it will be "healthier" for me to meet after exams or now? cos im afraid of what might happen before exams between that guy and me.. and if things do turn out bad, i'm scared i wont be able to concentrate on my studies... But i also feel like meeting him... How?! *arGh...*


New Member
gosh... blur_ger, u are still in secondary school!! that means u are in ur mid/late teens?
how old is that guy?
better be careful...

when i was ur age, i got this kind of feeling easier for guys also... haha... everyone that comes along seems to be the "right one"... haha...

I guess you will know what I am trying to tell u 10 yrs later... when u are around my age...


New Member
haha... guess so... Hmm... *dunno what to say* just feeling confused... but not that much now... well, people, thanks again ah... =)


New Member

i agree with butter.

i rem when i was in sec sch,i was kind of was like in yr situation too.he was a guy fr another sec sch but i din meet him coz after a while i feel dat he is kind of sweet talking me.u muz b careful coz yr guy is older n he mayb more experienced in "sweet talking" younger gals dat tend 2 b taken in more easily.of course there r more exceptions.

wow u r in sec sch,how u come abt finding tis forum???


New Member
blur_ger: i dun understand why a young lady like u doing in a Brides-to-be forum. Most of us here are ladies who are gng to walk on the aisles and u are many yrs far away from walking that. At this stage, u are suppose to be concentrating on ur books then on relationships which is not even concrete. I wont say u are not mature in handling such relationships, but i guess many will agree with me that u shant meet him if u are at still young. spend more time on ur Youth n having more younger friends in school n book then such IRC relationships.


New Member
Hi Blur Ger:

I will give u the same advise as some many of the older "jie jie" is giving u in this thread. That is to be more careful.

I would suggest that u concentrate on ur exams first. Many times young girl like you cannot differeciate between crush/infactuation and real love. I think u r just going through a phase many teenage girls like u r going through. Work hard on ur studies and exam now. When u have cleared that, maybe u can be friends with this guy first before jumping into anything serious.

BTW: How old is the guy? Since he is 5 yrs older, he could be just 21 if u 16 this yr. If thsi is the case, he is still still very young too. I am not sure how how much commitment is he willing to put into thsi relationship.


New Member
Hi Blur Ger.. I am not sure if the guy u have known thru irc is a good or bad guy...but i believe there r some good guys in irc..tho many r bad
i got to know my hubby from irc as well.. we chatted for abt few weeks then start chatting on phone..in less than a month we met up..at that time i was in sec 4...and he is 4 yrs older... we pak tor for abt 6 years before we rom this year jan..and our customary will be next yr oct.. so judge for urself if he is the one.. sometimes true love do exists in irc


New Member
To cherz:
eh, i myself am not sure.. guess i typed some stuff on the net last time.. then it gave me something from this web.. And i clicked, and here i came.. haha.. I know i won't fall for guys who sweet-talk.. cos there was a guy who once sweet-talked to me all the time, and i really hated that cos i know that's a "tactic" he used to try and win me over.. yesh..

To startfruit:
i do know the difference between a crush, infatuation and real love.. many teen girls may not know that... But i DO know them. I know that i should give my priorities to my studies first.. THAT'S why i told the guy to wait till after my exams.. but there's just a nagging voice in my head..=x

To gina:
i guess u're right.. I should judge for myself if he's the one.. thanks.. =)


New Member

I am to base on regular gals view as follows:

1. Is he working or studying now?
2. You are still young and its not like u have onli 24hrs to live, wats the urgency to get hooked up?
3. If you are going to like a person with just conversations thru phone and computer, you can like anyone!! Just take it slowly gal! It doesnt onli take mths to know a person's intentions to know you.
4. Some guys can talk you into dreaming of anything good about them!
5. Dont commit into anything or promise anything to him yet, gals are always the one to lose out.

You still have a long way of studies and chances ahead of you, dont be all over this guy whom you barely know.


New Member
was wondering if this thread is still 'alive'?
I know my FH from irc and we have been together since 2000. What our advice is, meet each other with a group of chatters 1st, to reduce the 'danger'?? haha.. You can actually assess the person prior to dating seriously. Well, don't be so gulible to believe everything!!! Do your research and time will shown what the other party's words are truths or lies. I met with a few losers/liars/can't-make-its as well before finally found someone!



New Member
Yes, i agree with nelle. it's better to meet in a group. I also know my FH fm IRC, met him together with 2 of my gfs.

I am still skeptical of the dangers of irc, it took me 2 yrs before i have the courage to meet my FH. I feel that if he's willing to wait, then let him wait. U never know when u will be disappointed when u initially meet up.


New Member
Hi all,
my personal opinion is...not all irc guys are bad or good!It really depends...and from the way he chatted with u, u should have know what kinda person he is. For me, i got to know my FH from irc, we chatted for a mth,then on phone, and met 3 mths later, and after that we got together and now already 5 yrs and are getting married. It takes 2 hands to clap, and we gals are always on the loosing ends, so we must have the abiltity to differentiate gd from bad, of cos i understand not everything u are able to differentiate correctly.but my advise is, make sure u know the guys really well, after a period of chatting,meeting up before falling in love and do not jump into bed immediately wif him. As there are a lot of jerks out there too.


New Member
hi faithe.. my story similar to yours.. FH and i met in "alamak chat"...going 5 years together.... keke..

my first bf was from alamak chat too..but broke up after half a year...din lose out... and 2nd bf is my FH...
just be careful... lotsa guys out there like to sweet talk..and i don't like it cos i dunno what is true and what is not...


New Member
I used to have lots of penpals thru the old version Teletext and one of them becomes my girlfriend when i was 19.
The anticipation for meeting up is really quite tense and thrilling but would be anti climax if you din meet your expectation...


New Member
i think my case is more daring.. even my FH said that too. I know him from irc and we chat for few mths, and end of 2003 i quit my job cos of some problems in my company and i decide to fly to aust for holiday and meet up with him, that time i onli saw his pic. During that time we get to know each others more and when is time for me to go back to singapore, he flew back to singapore with me to meet my parents and now we already together for 1+ years and planning to get married end of the year.


New Member
Hi all,

For me, i oso koe my FH in irc.. we start chatted in 1998 and met up in a grp outing.. so frm there we start to go out together more often.. den we started to date in 1999.. den got rom in 2002.. den getting married this yr june.. hee..


New Member
hi all,
despite the many horror stories, guess i was lucky. Like babycupid, i met my FH on IRC too..we have been together for 4 yrs and has bought a flat and plan to rom next june.
guess somethings u have to feel the vibe and judge for yourself


New Member
hi all,
i got horror story abt bf from chat. we supposed get married last year but I guess i am not lucky met sweet talk guy,he always nice to me, after 1 and half year and in middle of wedding preparation we separated, he said lost feeling and not sure he can spend his life together with gf from chat room after those words he so easy just walk out like that. Me, unemployment (i quit since he ask me to stay with him aboard), have to canceled bridal, flower, wedding rings, etc. Until today i felt sad when friends ask me "when you'll get married?" they dont know its already canceled.


New Member
hi all,

I got to know my guy on IRC in 1997 and we're getting married this coming dec... I believe God has arrange a different destiny for every unique being and just follow the instinct you get.. You won't know until u've tried


New Member
candy, mayb u ought to disclose everything to your friends rather then keeping them to yourself. Once the secret is out, no one will bother you anymore.


New Member
I have known many chatters in IRC..although we oftem bump to those sickos..I believe not all are bad.but its 1 out of 10 are good..i have a few trustworthy friends known from there.

i also know my hubby thru the IRC too. we dated on & off for 3yrs. cos i have doubts in him & myself too. But Relationship went very serious only in '03. in '04 he proposed..now we are preparing for our flat.. =) at present wedding plans to be held in '06 or '07! =D


New Member
i met my hubby through IRC too, were together for abt 9mths den we got ROM, now happily married n preparing for our new house. I met another gf there too n we are best of pals though she is currently in M'sia

Actually there are successful n horror stories when relationships started from IRC. We jus have to open eyes n ears n observe. Try to stick to a group rather then chatting with a person alone. Check with out IRC chatters abt this particular fella. I stongly suggest u go out on a group outting before u go out alone with this person.

Congrats to u Jasmine~~!!


hi all.. just wondering.. what would frens/relatives reaction be when you tell them you meet your FH in irc/msn etcs.. ?
honestly.. i do look at it differently.. sigh..
do u all feel that human and human seem to communicate better online ?


New Member
joycelyn: i met my Hubby via ICQ. something unusual, we chatted for a long 3 yrs before decided to get our first meeting in Jan 2003.
and gotten married Oct 2004.


New Member
Joycelyn, sometimes its true that human tend to commmunicate more online, however that depends on how truthly the person is, especially regarding his looks, they may sounds it optimistic. I hv a gf whom i knew thru Teletext before many donkey years before...there's good and bad... however u hv to evaluate him when you talk to him online to see his/ her intention.


New Member
The only thing lacking here is just eye contact, to see whether each other is sincere, it still depends as u go along how much u trust each other, because eventually you guys may taken back by the looks...


New Member
revlis: actually not.. whaha we were always chatting abt cars.. cos we both love cars.... we met in Jan 03, then dated in Nov 03, then AD was in Oct 04.


New Member
I met my hubby via IRC since year 1997. Met him in person in year 2001, 2 months thereafter, he went UK for studies for 2 years, he back sg year 2003. Then get married year 2004.

Really depends if both parties sincere to each other.. and also... this kind of things is actually fated one la...


New Member
i think most guys from IRC are just cheating the young girls , they only want to have sex for free and ignore u forever.

But not all are the same, my bro and sis-in-law got to know each other thru' IRC too.

Gals, just be careful when u meet up with the IRC guys. Dun give in easily to their request. Take care n be alert k.


New Member
I agreed... then again we can't deny that is one of the means for matchmaking and friendship...just that there will always be blacksheeps in almost for everything we do...

We just have to be educated enough not to fall into traps.. I wonder how they do it, are they really that formidable or the girls they met are plain gullible...
