damsel.. yes yes yes... Communication is the key, be it in marriage, in biz, in any form of human relationships (err, I've not kept a pet, so I can't comment much on communication with pets, but I reckon it's very much alike too, especially some animals are very sensitive).
my wedding webby is
http://mikeliswedding.simpleartsplanet.com/. The photos are wackily hilarious (so as the feedback returned to me said). I believe in extracting some joy out of everything we do, even the least preferred tasks etc. Haiya, must have fun in everything we do, eh?
We live with my parents, but the good news is that my parents work night shift in the same premise, so we do have some private time in the evening. I firmly believe that we need to keep watch of the fire in the lamp of marriage, be watchful to add oil when it runs low, shield it with a lamp shield to prevent the flame from going off, watch out for the fire wig and replace a new one before it got burnt out.
Basically, we need to remember not to take others for granted. No one is obliged to do anything for us, vice versa..hee.. Always remember to say thank you.
Great management so far for you, that's the way to go, girl! Although I am newly married, I did cases of marriage crisis, so that helps me in understanding the dynamics of marriage behaviors.
One very super duper important thing to share with you eh. Since you have a baby now, remember DO NOT switch the way you address your husband, to papa, daddy, father etc, according to your child. Cos that affects the family sub-systems. Spare you from my super theory on family systems, but how we address our partner affects the behaviors.
My biz super mini scale though..hee..
You may share with me your biz site via PM.