A Place for Singles


New Member
wahahhaa.. Powderful u can still take the spoon & use it as a mic lor.. sing to us lah... rmb .. if u really love singing ah... no matter where u are also can sing de lah..


son so u joining us or not?


New Member
US, i knew it. :p you only want to join us cos of ah siao, dont you want to meet powderful, the self proclaim 'handsum' guy here !! kekeke

siao eh, you see la, US not coming cos you not coming.


New Member
siao, so many ppl want to meet you...you better make your appearance if not many will be guessing how you look like...kekek...

ok, my first impression, you look like a Uni student waiting for your dinner kakis, hahaha


New Member
hi folks, long time nv come in SB liao...coz i buz surfing the motherhood thread...wahahaha...

btw, juz remember u all hv a gathering 2day rite...sorry, i cant join u people this time round heehee...coz recently, i get tired beri easily and my tummy is getting heavier too....kekeke...nw me counting down....another 7 wks more to my bb full term....wahahaha....


New Member
diana, good to see you here today. come whenever you can ok and oh, let us know when the baby arrives okie...


Active Member
oh... siao. then they manage to c you liao together with son??? tot u wanna escape from all this things.

i noe diana(september) from other thread Home n deco. Her uncle is the taukey from Chew Interior.


New Member
oops !!! sorrrrrrrriiiiiiieeeee...:pP

erm, you got so flirty one meh?? i didnt know.. *blur*.. hahaha... you want to be like that what zack bones ah??

anyway, singles dont hv many gals not to mention young gals. yr mission got to be aborted.. LOL


New Member
wah you poor thing. it's end of week liao... go to your favourite taka and get yourself pampered la...retail therapy...


New Member
powder, i getting 2 bedder....dun mind single bed, if u wan to sponsor...wahahahaha...but seriously for me 2 bedder is fine...coz i dun tink my hb will camp in the hospital wif me lor....so i rather zzz wif another lady instead of alone...coz it will be SCARY for me....

delin88, o..hahaha...i dun remember noeing u from tat thread liao...coz i long long time nv go in there liao....ya u r rite....he is my uncle.

ya...beri fast...nw 33 wks liao...waiting for few more wks then i can drink coconut juice liao...wahahaha...


Active Member
thats mean i have a good memory!!!

and oso after giving birth, dun forget must go for massage, do lot of breastfeeding so you can lose weight more... and get back to shape faster!
If you dare, buy Jamu from Indonesia (sell at most malay medicine stall @ geylang) and eat, to prevent your birth part and all in good condition and less pain during those pantang days! that you have to walk like teddy bear. kekeke..

To prevent pain from sitting on the chair try to put float (d swimming pool wan) and you sit in the middle of the hole.


New Member
Here comes the Laughing Buddha *glares at Latino*

So today's gathering cancelled eh...
Good. Cos I just finished my work...and if the gathering's still on, i would have missed a big chunk of it as well...

Damn tired. Going home to sleep liao.


New Member
Yoz peeps... haven't been logging in lately cos v busy at work now but also having lotsa fun at my new workplace. It's a steep learning curve for me and everyday is a new experience. Just trying my best everyday to survive this few weeks of "adjustment".OK that all for now.

I just read a few posts here. What's the matter w some men nowadays huh???? Issit the Newater or what...men dun have balls anymore?? Kia si, kia zhenghu not enuf... need to kia bor also.. sad life man.. tsk tsk...


Active Member
the women getting stronger and more egoistic... remember the recent survey where the men carry handbags for their gfrens?

the men at fault too... u won't find Powder(ful) guys like us anymore...


New Member
My hb carries my bag sometimes also. Doesn't mean he fears me or that I have a bigger ego than his. It's an act of service but it shldn't be taken for granted. I see that the women mentioned in the threads here are simply too much but I think the men are at even greater fault for allowing themselves to continue the abusive r/s. In fact they have adopted a Prisoner mentality where constant abuse has broken their individual will and made them Resigned to the situation (married liao, cannot divorce, so just stick w it lor).


New Member
which threads?? which threads??

I cant stand seeing men carrying little handbags for their girlfrens/wives. but apparently many gals feel proud to have their men doing that, maybe that makes them feel like a pampered princess out on an excursion with their knight in shiny armour (and carrying little girlish handbags)


Active Member
the occasional one is fine lah, have to draw the line between helping to carry and simply - carry. shuld be a help rendered... my and powderful more than glad to help ladies carry their laptop+laptop bag most times, no questions asked... i'm talking abt the unnecessary rendering... even my 2yr old kid wants to carry her own water bottle...


New Member
I have witnessed one incident whereby the boyfren, quite a young chap, tapped the Ezi link card for the galfren, at the mrt, the gal not carrying anything...

and whenever I see guys carrying little harmless handbags for their ladies, i have the urge to go up and ask him, nice bag where you got it from? but doesnt match your dressing though


New Member
powder, thanks for this info. just read papers...wow, glad they are featured. maybe is should read to editor of that article too.

powderful, remember that stupid misleading advertisment contract i kena last year. they are featured in papers today. luckily powder saw and told me here...


Active Member
ABD is that stupid company tat faxes u a document 'to confirm' your address to fax back... when actually the moment u fax back, u're obligating yourself to advertise in their dfirectory for a fee. pure cheats!


New Member
can latino still turn to Small Claims Tribunal since she has been misled by the dishonest company?

latino....that time u din go to CASE hor?
