Hi Jac,
Yups, our is a 5 room resale flat. Nope. We din get any ID. We actually engage a sub contractor to do each different parts. Etc, carpenter to do all carpentry works, contractors to do the flooring..
Well i can intro u to the carpenter if u r interested.
But afraid i cannt post his contact here, coz if not, think it will be like i am advertising his services and moreover he is a subcontractor hence not too nice to post here. If u r interested, juz let me know via email okie..
Hi Kopi,
Yups i have receive yr email already and also drop u a reply mail. Let me know if u din receive okie.
Ya it is a lot of hard work but i must admit that we would not have done it if not for this subcontractor! He is very experience and he offers us alot of advise. His price is not those super cheap kind but it is the quality and workmanship that u r paying for. Coz sometimes some carpenter will take advantage of pp like us who knows little and give us carpentry works that is inferior, like using compressed wood for the cabinets. He wont. He show us the quantity and explain to us everything.
The rest of course then depends on us lor..Like chosing wood materials for cabinets, sometimes he will advise us to choose something else if he knows that this colour will not turn out the colour that we want. So all in all, he is the one helping us alot as well..Hee hee.. But it is very rewarding to know pp telling us that our home is very cosy and nice.. ;P