A Diet & Exercise Challenge! Startin Dec 04. Motivate & Share Success Stories!!!


New Member
dawngel: Dun get me wrong though, yoga and pilates also works on your strength as well, but it should part of a variety of exercises that you partake in. Should stretch before and after. If lazy, can just stretch the legs can oredi.
Front and back of legs, calves, etc.


New Member
hi alan_lee

saw the posting on health supplements like herballife n cambridge diet. in ur opinion, shld i try them out?


New Member

actually, i tink the yoga and pilates realli a realxing exercise up till now..(not including the aching I get the nxt day =p) at least it makes me lk forward to it every fri. hehe

Btw, bending the leg and pulling the foot from behind is stretching the thigh hor?


New Member
dawngel: Yup, as long as you're enjoying it and benefitting, good for you!
Yup, that's the way to stretch.

reismion: I've actually touched on the products in my thread "How to slim down properly". Very Low Calorie Diet (Cambridge) actually does more harm than good, and the ingredients cited by pills on based on very incidental research.


New Member
Hi may I join in this thread.... I am also eager to slim down for wedding.... I have attended slimming courses but my weight still the same.....very sad....... I have hard cellulite & big tummy.... how can I get rid of these..... pls help......


New Member
Hi cute_koala! Reading the postings here, I think the theme here is to lose weight/fat through an active lifestyle and a proper balanced diet. There're some really great but true stories here shared by the ladies, so I'm sure you'll find plenty of support here in your quest. Stick to the proven non-medical way of losing fat. If something sounds too good to be true, it usu is! ;) Good luck!


New Member

I'm and stuck to my office table at least 8 hrs a day.. and i eat light for my lunch and dinner. however I still been putting on weight.

I've try my best to make time for jogging but then due to work and a house to clean, i cant do that more than once a week.

is there anything I can do or workout at home.. Well i dun intend to build a gym in my hse lah..


New Member
ello pple..
long time since i last posted.. oh well..sad to say i;ve bn puttin on weight.. no time to go exercise.. my time is dedicated to work n the after-wk tuitions.. sianz..

eatin light n healthy.. bt still.. i m ballooning man. so tempted toi go try out the mariefrance transformation contest man.. tho i dun tt fat coz of my ht.. bt the cellulite-filled thighs, ballooning tummy, flabby arms.. ewwww.. all these making me look like some giant.. T-rex to be exact coz of my height somemore..1.75m weighin 67-70kg..

sigh.. to tink i aspire to be a model.. argh.. sob..


New Member
el: Instead using the lift, use the stairs, best workout. Get off one bus stop before and walk briskly to your destination. By doing that, you've worked in your cardio oredi. Re weights, u can use filled up bottles as weights. I've got a posting on that in another thread "How to slim down properly". Good luck!

dawn: You see, the thing with dieting alone is that you're controlling what goes in, but you've done nothing to take out the existing and excess calories. With the slimming centres, they'd put you on a diet and still tell you to do some exercise, that's what a client of mine told me.
Comes back to square 1, doesn't it? Oh, another thing is, everyone has different body make-up, models are chosen because they are tiny boned. Not everyone can be like that no matter how hard they try.


New Member
Hi Alan, once a week I will do brisk walking with another friend after our office hours. Sometimes, I will also alight 1 mrt station earlier & walked 1/2 hour home. Does walking alone is sufficient?


New Member
HiHi haben been logging in here for very long time..

School is so bz..with all the test and stuff..


btw wanna ask you something...
my frenz n I were discussing abt this another day..

Will slow jog for longer period of time burn more fat then jog fast but short period of time?
Which is more effective for weight loss? =p

If its slow jog...how long is long?
I know normally exercises have to be 30 min or more for effect rite?

Do correct me if I'm wrong..^_^



New Member
cute_koala: Hi there! Walking alone won't do, cos you should be going some weight lifting exercise to raise your metabolism as well.

dawngel: Actually, it's the duration that is important, and then intensity. You gotta make sure you exercise at least 4 times, 30 minutes each time, and at an intensity where you're feeling slightly out of breath but not so out of breath that you can't carry out a conversation.

Good luck!


New Member
Hi Alan,
Wat's ur view on using the trampoline as a form of exercise? Are shoes needed?
Thanks in advance... :p

Btw, I registered for the course already and will be starting classes end of Oct...
I hope I'm able to cope with work and studies..haha


New Member
Hi Alan

Got some questions for you. THink i've come to a stage where I can't seem to lose anymore kg...i was 62kg sometime end of july and now it is almost end of oct and I am 61kg..almost 3 months but just lost 1 kg despite going to the gym like about 4-5 times a week doing cardio every time and incorporating weights like 3 times a week. My question is, have i come to a stage that I can't lose anymore? Like i mentioned, i hope to hit 58kg but that seem so far leh..My exercise routine includes going on the cross trainer for about 20-25mins or jogging for abt the same time (i just make sure i burn about 200calories each 20min session on these machines) den i will go for class (either body combat or body step) for 1 hour...then i do the weights machines. In terms of food, i got to admit i wasnt as strict as before but I still try to stick to the healtier choice. I read u mentioned about the body getting ascustomed to the exercise and u have to do more or do longer..but i am just thinking, 5 times is like a lot liao lor...and i also dunno what more can i do to lose the 3 more kg..any comments?

One more thing, with the lost of weight, I also lost quite a bit of my boobs, and they start to look saggy (worst still, they were already saggy before), which machines can I do to "firm" up the boobs? The only one I know is the chest press as the name suggest, I thought that must be it, any other machines I can use? Or which part of the muscle would i be working on if i want to firm the sagging boobs? A bit paiseh to ask those trainers there as they are mainly guys, but for you at least we dont see each other face to face
So let me know if you can advise me on this. Thanks!!


New Member

this thread is reallie beneficial...

Can i ask a qns too? I seem to be on the yoyo syndrome. Like 2 weeks ago, i eat very little food. But since i start exercising, i started to keep feeling hungry, and the hunger is insatifiable. This is bad for my gastric, and i always throw up after i ate too much for the day. This is real bad coz i got real sick sometimes. Any way to help the situation?


New Member
Sorry all, been away to attend to my life.

SC-DT: Errmm.. wat is your aim of training on the trampoline. I presume you mean a mini-tramp?

fairybride: Seems like you've reached a plateau, where your body has gotten used to the exercises. You need to change your routine by either doing diff exercises or changing your routine. Ermm.. nothing firms the boobs, despite what the cosmetic companies say. Boobs sag as a result of breakdown of collagen, like wrinkling of skin. The exercises you do lifts the boobs by toning the chest muscles under the boobs.

xuepingguo: Eat smaller meals so that you feel constantly satisfied. You can also go check out this other thread "how to slim down properly" for more advice. Cheers!


New Member
HI Alan,

Actually I dunno if tat's a mini tramp or not? it's those advertised by AIBI. Just want to use it as another form of exercise... Also I thot my mom can use it too cos it can be placed indoor... Is it just for children?
Thanks in advance.


New Member
SC-DT: Actually, I'd steer clear of it cos frankly, it's dangerous to use if you dunno how to use it. Plus from an exercise point of view, it really doesn't do that much except a bit of fun.


New Member
Reading everyone's input on how they are exercising/dieting is really motivating. I'm also just started my plan to lose weight. Here's my food diary so far:

Week 1

Day 1 (Sat)
Lunch EFish Maw Soup + Abacus Beads
Dinner EFruits + Can of Tuna in Water + Mushroom Tea
Activity EResearch on Fitness +Diet.
Day 2 (Sun)
Lunch EChicken in Soya Sauce + Vegetables
Dinner EDumpling Soup ($4) + Fruits (BEST dumpling soup ever. YUM!!)
Activity EJog/Walk (20min)
Day 3 (Mon)
Breakfast EDelifrance Chicken Baguette +Corn Soup +Tea (yum yum)
Lunch ESteamed Yong Tau Fu
Dinner EDumpling Soup ($3) + 1 Popiah + Abacus Beads (shared with someone) +Watermelon Juice (sinful meal)
Activity EJog/Walk (30min), Retail Therapy at Bugis
Day 4 (Tues)
Lunch E2 & half slices of bread with tuna in Italian sauce. (surprisingly not hungry later)
Dinner EDumpling Soup ($4) + Fruits + 1 small piece of chocolate (sweet craving)
Activity ENo exercise coz of rain. Did stretching and toning exercises at home.
Day 5 (Wed)
Lunch E3 slices of bread with tuna in Italian sauce. (still as full as ever)
Dinner ESteamed Chicken with Vegetables + Fruits (could have gone without the fruits)
Activity EStretching and Toning Exercise. Jog/Walk (1hr)
Day 6 (Thur)
Breakfast E1 slice plain bread and 1 slice with tuna in Italian Sauce (feel ok)
Lunch EChicken and Mushroom Soup Hotpot with bit of noodles. (next time dunt need noodles. Tasteless anyway) + Fruits
Dinner EYong Tau Fu Soup (8 pieces) (later got bit hungry, partly after seeing Fion eat French fries) + ¾ cup of warm milk + 1 small piece of chocolate
Activity EJog/Walk (1hr EYay!!) Stretching and Toning Exercise. Tried a few Yoga stretches (quite relaxing)
Day 7 (Fri)
Lunch E2 slices of bread with tuna in Italian sauce (woke up late again!) +Fruits
Dinner EYong Tau Fu Soup (8 pieces) + half a fruit (too full already)
Activity EStretching and Toning Exercise. Went to Gym for bit of weight training (1 hr)
Day 8 (Sat) EFriend Gathering @ Marche/Swensons
Breakfast E2 slices of bread with olive butter + remaining half fruit
Lunch E2 crepes with smoked salmon, sour cream & lettuce, mushroom soup, ice cream + 1 stick of strawberries (ate but not until very full. Although we shared ice-cream, tried not to take too many spoonfuls. Drank more water instead. Though the banana crumble was divine)
Dinner ETau Hu Goreng + 1 watermelon (Tried not to eat too much of the peanut sauce)
Activity ERelax for Muscles.
Day 9 (Sun)
Lunch ESteamed Fish/Crab meat + Broccoli + Carrots + half a bread (yum!)
Dinner ESoup with Garlic bread + Roasted Chicken with Pea mash (Delifrance) + 1 small chocolate chip cookie
Activity EArm muscles aching. Decided to jog/walk instead. (1 hr)

Overall Thoughts for the Week:

Stamina for jogging seems to improve. I dont seem to tire too much now. Learnt to eat until not feeling too full. Threw away my watch when jogging now since it feels more stressful to check the time. I now just jog/walk till I feel like want to stop which surprisingly is about 1 hour later, longer than expected.


New Member

I have been reading your posts and you people are so good in sharing.

I have a problem here. It's like i've gone through weight loss of about 8kg through exercising and successful in maintaining my weight during school days. Nonetheless, ever since i started working, my weight hardly stays where it is, despite me exercising 3 times (sometimes 4 - 5 times) a week. I thought, if i couldn't cut weight, maintaining is not a bad idea either. But since exercising doesn't help me anymore, i starved myself. I did lose 5 kg during those period till then i come to know that by starving, it slows metabolisme and true enough when i eat a little, weight gained just like what you all mentioned in your discussion forum. SO i tried to pick up a healthier eating habit, that is, to eat a little each meal (instead of starving). I have not stopped exercising but I don understand why I am still gaining weight slowly. Anyone out there able to solve this mystery?


New Member
Hi Mabel,
I seem to share the same prob as u. Dunno why this year I've gained 4kgs without knowing it. it is so obvious!!! My ideal wt is 45kg but now I'm abt 50 to 51kg. and throughout my 20over years of living I've NEVER hit 50kg! or even 49kg. 48kg was sometimes the max i would go. I still exercise. I tot of starving myself a little but have developed gastric and can't fast or starve.

I need help too! Feelin low morale. Hate to see the add bulge from the tummy!



New Member
hmmm gals, could it be muscles u're gaining? tt's why weight goes up despite the exercises u do? coz muscles weigh heavier than fats...

i've been fat before, though i dun consider myself fat now, weighing 46kg at 1.55m, i know all the frustrations abt being fat... but remember gals, the most impt thing is still being healthy... the best regime is proper exercise and good nutrition... and trust me, most guys like gals with some flesh, not all bones..


New Member
Hi again. Just came back from hols in Aust for 1 mth. My dietwise had not been so strict over there. Had the occasional lemon merigne pie or watever yummy cake n enjoyin watever other yummy food there is. However, in order to cont my slimmin down mission, been exercisin in a nearby gym most days or swim.

Now although I have not lost a single kilo, I have lost inches from my body. Abt 3 inches off my bust, hip n 4 inches off my waist. Very happy indeed.


New Member
Hi all,
Like to start the thread again. I'm currently working overseas. This has made my diet rather different. With the cold weather, I started eating more intially and gained 4 kg to 55kg (1.52ht) sob sob...
Now trying to lose it, hopefully can reduce and maintain at 48-50kg.(only hit 48kg once when i went to some slimming centres)
Started my diet plan 2 weeks ago.
I exercise 3 times a week, mon, tue jogging for 20min, wed doing body combat lesson for 1 hour. I've since cut down the portion of my food intake, but like most, I'm sitting 8hrs. My dinner is quite late cos' by the time i reach home after gym is like 9pm. I can't skip dinner cos' I have it with my husband and he will be upset if i starve myself. So I had to have small portion or noodle soup instead.
My weight fluctuate between 53 and 55kg. This has been quite demoralising cos' been trying to work hard but results is not significant.
On weekdays, i will have 2 peices of bread or cornflacks for breakfast, i cook for lunch (rice and 1 meat) and we order takeaway (rice and 1 meat, i vegetable) from chinese resturants for dinner. For all my meals, I try to have small portion except breakfast. sometime will eat another few pieces of bread ard 11pluscos' always get hungry b4 lunchtime.
My weekend diets are not routine. I normally skip breakfast on weekend and have dim sum for lunch. dinner will have pizzas or small portion of food.
sign... anyone can advise me on the kind of food to eat for the 3 meals with my exercise plan?
Is there some problems with the way i exercise? why i don't seems to lose weight. I'm quite depressed abt this.


New Member
Hi Missy,

I also trying best to lose inch and weight now due to my ROM on May this year. I just step back to gym last night and feel really release after the workout. I plan to workout at least 3 times a week and hopefully i can fulfill it.

U know i had been reached my weight up to 61kg past 3 months which i never had before. After 3 month on control the diet, workout and slimming centre, then i sucess to reduce 3 kg to become 58kg, but gain back 1 kg after the Chinese new year season. So hopefully i can reduce some more weight by May at 55kg and reach 50-52kg by my AD on March 2007.

Forgot to tell u my height is 1.62m.


New Member
Hi Seafaith,
Hope you succeed on your diet b4 your wedding. My AD was last yr, so no more worries. Just that I really don't want to fall into the category of "after marriage become auntie / fatty", so I really hope to maintain or slim down. Most prob planning for baby next yr or so, then all dieting and exercise will have to stop.
all the best for us.


New Member
Hi Missy,

It's glad to hear that u had done your AD. U must be happy and enjoyed your marriage life now. So before your AD day, do u manage to slim down? If yes, how you work on it?

Meantime, any others want to share with me the success story and want to share the development together? Hopefully got some more ppl can join us here.


New Member
Hi Seafaith and everyone else...

I was one of those who joined this thread early last year, think it was in feb. On and off I do post here on my progress, you can scroll through to see. And now I am back again, to share my story and hopefully it will motivate you gals!

I started out in feb last year and was about 76kg and standing at 165cm. I started with jogging around my neigbourhood and I must say the initial part was tough. THe weight lost seems to be sooooo slow. Then sometime in June, I hit the gym. By then, I have already built up enuff stamina to engage in more cardio type of activities, like jogging on the threadmill, going for body combat, body step, cyling classes. I would hit the gym about 4-5times a week, each time with at least 1 hour of cardio exercise, be it classes or machines. Then i will do those toning machines. By the time I hit the gym in June, I was about 65kg.

Today, I am happy that I've hit my goal of 58kg, infact it is 57kg now. So what I am doing is to maintain my current weight as Ive gotten a lot of feedback that I should stop going any slimmer, else wont look good. I am still hitting the gym now, about 2-3times a week and doing 1 hour of cardio each time with toning on the machines. Hopefully this will help to maintain.

As for food intake, the initial part I am quite strict on myself. I will go for soupy food. All those typical healthy food. But ocassionally, when i have the craving for junk, i would still eat it. For eg, if i am craving for chips, i will eat like 1/4 of a pack..just to satisfy my craving. And I still go for buffets as well. Just that I will do more in the gym the next day to burn it off.

This is my philosophy now, on normal days when I have control over my food, I will choose those more healthy type, less oil, soupy stuff, on days when I can't help it, like if i have dinner, gatherings, or like during CNY, then I just eat even if they are sinful stuff. Just that I try to eat less for the next meal and work out more.

So this is basically what I have gone through and I am glad there was this thread which for me to follow during this time to spur me on, plus useful tips from other members helped as well..

I hope u see some success very soon!!


New Member
Hi Fairybride,

Thanks for sharing us your such wonderful success story. Hopefully by next year i can share my sucessful story here too. I am 162cm at 59kg now, hopefully by next year i can reach at 50-52kg level. Must work hard now...



New Member
hi seafaith,

I did lose weight during the preparation of my AD. Ate less in the afternoon and night due to the busy schedule like trying gown, collecting and printing of invitation cards. since my husband was overseas then,i had to do all these. all the walking help to lose weight. Din really have the time to go gym though. My lunch and dinner are mostly bread and tea. doesn't look too healthy but can keep me full for the day. Also, back then, my job doesn't require me to sit all day. This is why now, with my new lifestyle and work routine, tend to put on weight. I'm 1.55 and at 54/55kg.

I'm starting my dieting plan. Try to record down what I eat everyday so that to make sure i'm not eating too much junk food. The only thing is I eat during the day. I'm like constantly hungry. Trying to spread out the portion. The difficult part of my diet is i can't survive with just yogurt and fruits as a meal cos' the country i'm in is quite cold.

just to share with you one of my daily diet routine.

9am: 1 glass of orange juice, half bowl of cornflake.

11am: 1 piece of bread with low fat tuna, plain water

1pm: Rice with 1 meat and mixed vegetables. (1/2 to 2/3portion)

3pm: low fat biscuit/ chewing gums/ fruits, plain water

7.30pm: 1 piece of bread with low fat tuna (after gym)

8.30/9pm: 1 bowl of noodle soup with 2 wantons and vegetable (1/2portion)
1-2 oranges (peel and eat fresh)
occassionally eat some chips when my hub is eating. =p

sleep at 12am.

Trying not to have the snacks at 11am and 3pm.

Exercise plan:
usually go gym at 6pm. jog for 20-30 minutes, do some weights, steamroom for 10 minutes (Mon,Tue) Wed: do 1 hour body combat. Thu/Fri: relax and go jacuzzi.
starting next month, can only exercise on fri cos' rest of the days, have to attend night classes.

so far, i've been doing this for one month. not much weight lost, inch not sure cos' never really take measurement but feel clothes abit lose.

can feel muscle building at my calves due to jogging. don't really like cos' my claves were already big and can't wear boots. however, between healthy lifestyle and beautiful calves, i choose the former.

overall, i don't feel too successful cos' don't see great results, but maybe like wat fairybride said, it takes time. esp i'm not those kind that lose weight easily and also have constipation problem. I've tried other ways of slimming before when i was in singapore, like slimming pills, slimming centres, but all these are shortlived. Once you stop, your weight gain is really fast.

i'm also trying different variation of exercises like cycling, rowing boat cos' read some comments posted by Alan that the body may have gotten used to the exercise routine.
maybe you can share with me what exercises you are doing.

all the best.


New Member
Hi Missy,

Thanks for sharing. My diet plan still haven't start yet cause i was moving my house last saturday and make me very busy to tidy up my new house. Actually i plan to go to gym by this week, but cause of suddenly move house, make me really mess on my schedule. Sigh...

Anyway i will work it out soon and will share with you the sport and diet that i have. Hopefully can slim down. My new house also make me walk a lot, so hope this will help me too. Somemore, the swimming pool and the park is just cross the road from my house... so i have no excuse not to exercise liao... :p


New Member
Hi missy,
juz read an article on weight control. it says that an effective way of losing weight is to improve on the metabolic rate to allow our body to burn off the excess fats. too bad it did not states how to do tt.
But i really think you are one disciplined gal to follow those regime.


New Member
hmm.. haven't seen Mr Alan's comments for sometime.. wonder if he's still ard? cos i got a qn to ask him.. hope he cmes back soon!!

ok, my qn is this.. i do skipping sometimes to lose weight.. for ard 20-25 mins.. i will sweat abit, face gets abit flushed.. but can still breathe normally.. so does it mean that i'm not exercising "hard" enuff? gota increase my speed? or time?



New Member
Hi Missy,

I guess there's a mistake in your diet. We are advised not to take oranges at night. Try to avoid those 'heavy' fruits during dinner time cos our metabolism rate is too low to fully 'digest & convert' the high level of glucose into energy.


New Member
Missy, think sleeping early is important too.. try to sleep ar 10.. they say beauty sleep timing is fr 10 -2. and try to eat before 8.. best low carbo food. AND DRINK LOTS OF WATER TOO!

SerenW79, oh dear. my mil actually ask me to take orange every night leh! she says hear from dong fang billy show that it is good to take orange at night.. than how? i have been taking it for a week..


New Member
wow Fairybride i am so motivated by ur thread.. to be able to lose nerly 20kg in 1 yr.. thats wad im aiming for.. im 70+kg.. wana lose til 58kg too.. i will try to follow ur diet but exercise wise, besides jogging and gym anything else? becos i hate to run.. bad for my ankles, knees and hate the boobs bouncing even with sports bra.. -_-... gym mus pay $ i did join b4 but had small accident with fractured my ankle so i try not to strain my ankle too much... hmmm ... i used to go for classes at the gym sadly my ankle doesnt reli permit it anymore... =( any other suggestions? appreciate advise!! =D


New Member
i lose 4kg in one mouth time,just take nutrition mail for replacement,my friend also lose 10kg in 3 mouth,at same time skin improve

call me


New Member
hi ladies this site is really interesting.. a friend of mine from my gym recommended me this webbie..

well i'm pretty new here but hopw u guys don't mind me sharing a little something..
First and foremost, I would like to share with everyone here about my struggle with body image and self esteem.

The reason why I’m sharing this today is because I can boldly say I’m someone who’s been there, done that, and still struggling with self acceptance. i still have my ugly days and fat days..Afterall I’m only human right?

I’ve never been that slim slender girl that I’ve always wanted to be. In fact I grew up attending TAF (Trim & Fit) club since I was 7. I spend my primary and secondary school life in an all girls SAP school where being overweight was unacceptable. Till today the world is still a cruel place where fat should never exist. Well, I grew up with a low self esteem thinking I have no right to live on this earth since I was a fatty.

When I turned 14, I started starving myself and even resorted to taking hydroxycut, xenadrine and laxatives.. My body reached a plateau and I was immuned to the effects of the medication. I tried all sorts of diet. Crash diet, cabbage soup diet, skim milk and oats diet, Cambridge diet.. all kinds of crap to speed up my weight lost. I was ashame of my body. I hated what I saw in the mirror. Over the years my weight fluctuate and increase. It was taxing on my body and on my mind.

One day I discovered bulimia. I entered that world and my life changed for the worst. I was 69kg standing at 156 at that time. In just 4 and a half months, I dropped to 47kg. I looked like a complete wreck but I got what I wanted- To be slim. Even though my throat hurt like mad, my knuckles had unsightly abrasion and mild bleedling, my cheeks were swollen and my eyes always puffy, I felt a sense of satisfaction. I was slim and I felt good even though my friends said I looked terrible. Bulimia took control of my life so much that I was hospitalized when my body couldn’t take it no more. I was put on the drip and stayed at TTSH for a week. I was put through counseling and medication to control my mood swings. I was depressed and attempted suicide many times. i thought my life was over becuase bulimia was my only friend.. i was so afraid of becoming fat again.. bad memories of people and relatives who mock me because of my weight kept coming back to me.. i felt like the ugliest and crappiest person in the world

After I was discharged I went back to church where my life changed. i started to smile more and slowly I gained a good 12kg. I was 59kg then. That year I interned at MTV and gained another 9kg in 6 months. Of course I felt like crap even though my then boyfriend, Des, did not comment on my ‘expansion’.

Des was a freelance personal trainer then. At that time I decided that I didn’t want Des to have a fat pig as a girlfriend. I kept thinking to myself ‘How can my boyfriend who’s a bodybuilder and personal trainer have a fatty as a girlfriend?†Even though he didn’t mind that I was meatier than him, deep inside I felt insecure, ugly, fat and useless.

I started with aerobics exercises at Amore. In 4 months I lost about 5 kg. My weight stopped reducing and I began to freak out. Des educated me in the importance of proper weight training instead of just cardio. He encouraged me to sign up at California Fitness where I could concentrate on proper weight training while enjoy my classes like Step Workout, Body combat and dance. With the help of a professional (Des of course), slowly but surely my body started to change. I adopted a healthy lifestyle and now working out is no longer a chore. I love it and have decided to dedicate my life to it.

I’m sharing only because I know what it feels like to be overweight or have body parts that I wish I could change. I know how cruel the world can be and how misleading the media is when it comes to beauty (hey I was a media student!).

i'm now over at the Novena branch where members are new.. those who have not seen me when i was fat said they couldn't believe that i used to be overweight when i told them i was in the past.. even though people tell me today that i'm slim or fit, i still feel insecure sometimes.. it's only normal to feel this way i guess

however, I truly believe that fitness can change your life. Nothing is Impossible and Impossible is nothing. If I can do it, so can you! i'm not saying it's going to be easy but when you get there, you'll never regret making all that sacrifies.. hey i'm a girl too.. so i know how it feels ya..

If anyone would like to know more or see some photos, feel free to contact me at [email protected]


New Member
babes, i forgot to add...

the importance is not how much u weigh but how much body fat u have.. i weight about 52 kg but poeple tell me that i look less than 50kg.. my body is holding about 42kg of muscles.. the other ten goes to fat, bone mass, fluid etc.. i take my 'in body analysis once a week to monitor the changes in my body..

so don't fret about the weight.. you wanna lose the fats, keep the muscles or even better increase lean muscles to boost your metabolism!! so u burn more while you're body is at rest..

anything just ask me.. i really wanna help

GOd bless.. i'm off to church


New Member
yup its true melissa .. muscle weighs more than fat anywas. measuring girth measurements and fat calliper readings will help. full submersion water test is most accurate of cuz as BMI is just a rough estimate

tis is why pple weigh less after being dehydrated!
bec no fluid .. not bec less fat


New Member
wah full water submersion.. super solid.. if i'm not wrong there's only one of those in singapore no??.. anyway i do my in abody analysis at my gym twice a month or sometimes once a week also.. haha... make sure i'm on the right track.. it's also very accurate, 95 to 98% accurate.. it's not the old school method of using calliper.. it's a machine that can also be found in hospitals..


New Member
hi all

my height is 1.55m and my weight since young till now is range from 49-52kg (average).
when i was in my first job which is in orchard, I ate very unhealthy where my meals consist of mainly junk food. Hence, I decided to start exercising as I can see the "spare tyre" around my waist. During my second job, my colleage introduce me to go to gym. With regular exercise and healthier diet and also the work stress, I reduce my weight to 47kg.

No doubt, I weight lesser, but I don't look good. I look haggered, and I look like I am in 30s where I am only 24 years old.

after that, I change job, which is less stressful. i still maintain a healthy diet and exercise as per normal. but my weight increase back to 49-52kg. I was very very depressed and start eating slimming pills, exercise harder and skiping my meals. No matter what I do, my weight still remains and even put on weight to 53kg.

Then, I realised something, I reach plateau and secondly, it is mainly my stress that cause my weight to decrese drastically.

The next lesson I learnt, eatting to healthy is not good. Just as over control my diet with little oil, sugar, fats is not good. Sometimes we need to eat some unhealthy food also our body more "seasoned" and boost out metobolism rate.

our body are made differently. eatting less doesn't mean will help in losing weight. eat at moderation and eat at the right time helps. you should know what timing is your body get hungry. eat until 3/4 full when that is the time you are hungry. for most people is morning where their ability to absorb nutrients is the best. so have a good breakfast that could last you for the day and prevent from snacking or uncontroble hunger pangs.

exercise regualry with different kinds of exercise. change your expercise plans once a while such as once every month. this is to prevent our body reach a plateau stage.

do not feel pressure to lose weight because of comming wedding or important occassion. weight is not everything. most important is, you must have the radiance on your face, then you know you are losing fats the right way.

i am still 51 kg today, but i am happy. cos i know they are muscles..cos I can feel my muscles are more firm and waist smaller.


New Member
Hey ladies out ter. I am very into slimming and body wellness recently.
I would juz llike 2 share wif u tat why dieting is slower for certain ladies & a breeze for certain ladies.
Firstly, it is d amt of toxic in our body accumulating and tat forms a barrier 2 when u consume any slimmin pdt.
Secondly, certain diet is only suitable 2 certain blood type. N many diet e.g. akin diet may nt b suitable 2 all ladies.
And juz 4 ur infi, if u fast or crash diet without proper care, ur muscles will reduce hence givin u a flabby look.....
So gotta diet carefully. IF u 1 me 2 share me, can sms me @ 91194116. Or shy gals out ter can email or msn me at [email protected]
I'll definitely reply
All ladies deserve 2 look good & cheers 2 a slender body in 2007!!
