8kg Loss within 7 weeks


Active Member
Hi ermely, welcome to this thread. Sure, I was under it on 09 march, lost abt 17kg n completed the program on aug 09. Then maintain until now lo. It is abt acupuncture n detox n diet planning. If you wish to know more can email me at [email protected] to get my program package details, price and contact detail lo. Their package cost is base on person by person de.

How much u looking to lose? U Btb ? (=


New Member
Hi ermely,

I am under this program through jasmine's recommendation. I lost about 12KG so far.
Hmm i don't know who is fat ger.

Anything do email jasmine or me [email protected] to get the right information ya. Thanks!


New Member

I am back after so long, managed to slim down 20kg within 2 months after giving birth and with help of Herbalife products too... Phew!! Now back to my pre-pregnant state lor!!

Anyone keen to lose some weight without exercise can drop me an email @ [email protected] or pm me ya... Be happy to share how to lose weight using Herbalife for everyone


Active Member
Hihi cho, long time nvr see your post . Congrats ! But i thought you was in the products quitelong time ago?
Ya , although we in different program but my Sil and I lost 14 and 17 kg too (=
I heard after give birth then go slimming can easily get rid of fats and water retention de.

I already maintain for almost 2 years and trying for baby now (=
shy heeee


New Member
Hello jasmine!!

Yes was on product before I was pregnant and slim
Down 9kg within 8 weeks

Now that I given birth... Started on it again and lost weight lor

Of coz after give birth sure lose some weight lar... Can't deny the facts but with help of the stuffs my tummy now flat flat Heheee

Happy lor...

Wow!! Trying for baby Liao ah!! Heheee ... Do update when u conceived ah


Active Member
Hi choc, Oic Heee , your body really react to herbalife product so well hor, last time I spent few thousand on it no result ): maybe my body absorbtion not good, acupuncture another good way out for me (=

Yes yes! Trying since feb this year, hope can be like you year year also have baby ! Just kidding! I no money to feed so many kids lol


New Member
Jasmine I still think is the way u consume the product not how Ur body react to it... Anyway I scared needles so will never go poke poke for slimming purposes

Jia you wor


New Member
Hi lina,

Are you sure you do not know who m i? Last time you get the information from me and we chat online too.I know you and jasmine is fighting over for referral fee, no need to be so mean to say this. I am not here to fight for customer like both of you.


Active Member
Choc, maybe is my body too many problems le bah sigh ):
Ya will update haha this kind of things is natural one mar

Fat ger I didn't provoke you please watch your word , I share information only and Lina and me is good slimming Frd I do intro my consultant to her too why you say we fight over ?so funny , provoked because ppl can't rmb you? Maybe you guys long time nvr chit chat then she forgotten you, cos she chatted more with me because I introduced my consultant to her which helped her lost 12kg of fat. Don't be so sensitive la, relax relax


New Member
hi jasmine ",)
i had signed up with your consultant weeks ago and sorry for the late update because too busy.
i went for first review yesterday and the result was not bad, 3.5kg of fat loss")
targetting another 3 kg of fat loss on next review !

consultant said your 17kg fat loss result was very good and she said u went for the test not longer ago and you still look good! i will keep it up and try my best to lose more and maintain!


Active Member
Hihi rainny , wow ic ,didn't see your update that you had signed up Heee, but Nvrm, as long as your result is good can le, yes, not bad! Your first review result almost like mine, I had abt 4kg loss at first review too (=,

Then every following review I lost abt 3-4kg of fat, be determine and consistent you soon will shit your target! Aiya I can lost 17kg cos I had that much of extra fat ma, how abt yours ? Need to lose how much ?

Ha ya I went bk for the fat analysis afrer cny , lucky still can maintain after I enjoyed so many cny goodies , did gained a bit but I control back le heee

Oh ya you have msn? Can add me at [email protected] if you can chit chat (=
I can online during working Hr (=


New Member
Hi fat ger,
I get to know this program through Jasmine's introduction. U added me in msn after i sign the program with Jasmime's consultant and chatted with me during the 1st mth or so. But now u seldom online so we nv chat le.

Jasmine often share her eating habits with me so of course i know her better and are closer to her. I am happy to share my slimming experience here even after i finish my accupture sessions.. Hee cos receive a lot of good comments that i am prettier and more mini than before =D "Good things are meant to be shared" I am not actively in this forum anymore just reply if anyone ask me abt the program.. Jia you slimming buddies!


Active Member
Hihi Lina , yup! Nice chatting with you ! Heee
Yes good things meant to be shared. (=
that is why I intro you my program n consultant Ma Heee

Yup! You almost there le! Gambatteh you Lina and slimming frds ! (=


Active Member
Hihi wiggly, sure I had emailed you on my program details and contact detail of my consultant.
Do check, my email is [email protected]

You need to lose how much? Are u btb? I'm already married almost one year le, go on program partially because of wedding , also for my health and own good (=
lost 17kg and maintain for almost 2 years (=


New Member
thank you jasmine! i will keep it up! seen few customers there did review and have good result, and with your fantiastic result, it really motivate me to do better. ",)
my bf and colleagues said i look slimmer

really thanks for the recommendation to your consultant, she is sweet ",)


Active Member
U r welcome rainny(=
saw your msn adding too (= let's chat if you online k?
Happy to see your result (= keep going!
Ya, my frds slim down there, as long as you determine (=


New Member
Yes Gambette Rainny. I also lost about 12Kg through this program. U can add me at facebook [email protected] or MSN
A lot of ppl say now i am mini lina, very happy & I used to be big lina.. hee :p


Active Member
Ya lo Lina slim and nice nice too . Hee nobody call me mini jasmine cos I abt 160cm. But my frds call me slim Jassie lol
Enjoy the title


New Member
hi jasmine, impressed by your 17kg weight loss. u from what size down to what size may i know? may i have the acupunture slimming details and contact detail of your consultant please? you got a mail, my email is [email protected]

hope u can help . vic


Active Member
halo vicky, nice to see you here. yes i had replied email on my acupuncture slimming program details and contact to you le. u can check your mailbox lo (=
yup,i lost abt 17kg and from XL size dropped to S size. (= how much u need to lose? you can book an appt and go down to have a consultation and fat analysis with my consultant first and see how lo. they are friendly one (=


New Member
Hi jasmine
I started dieting on an 800 calorie diet for 3-4 weeks, I have managed to lose 20 lbs (im now 201-203 lbs from 224).I would like to know about the acupuncture slimming program treatment details.Can you share information about the program,cost,and whom to contact.Thanks in advance.

fast weight loss


Active Member
Hi mike roger, yup I lost abt 17kg in abt 4 mths. I recommended one of my male colleague to my consultant and he managed to lose 20 kg in 3 mths time too. I heard guys easier to slim Down than ger.

You can email me at [email protected] if you keen to get my program details , contact to book for consultation


New Member
Hi Jasmine
Nope.I am already married but still want to be slim

I have not received your email,guess I will just write to you and you can attached the information again.

Thanks for your help


Active Member
Hi E Tan,

icic, ya married still want to look pretty ma, like me now married woman i still wan to look the best to attract my man lol. My SIL she gave birth also went under this program to slim down and lost 14kg. even man also 'ai mei' lo.

hmmmm dont know why ley it is in my sent item , never minds i replied you on my program & contact details again le. you check if no have then let me know lo.


New Member
hi jasmine,sorry for late response. I had received your acupuncture slimming program details & contact and your result really goods!i also want to reduce from XL to M or S. hope i can achieve wat you had achieved

u look very slim and pretty in gown too
happy for you. i will contact your consultant soon to check it out and go for the fat analysis.


Active Member
Hihi Vicky it is ok heee everybody is busy at work and some Btb more busier (=
Thks Thks! Thanks to my consultant helping me alot and answered my questions. U can too! Be more determine ya! I can lost 17kg u can too!
Sure you can either update me in msn / email or here on your status after meet my consultant for the fat analysis and consultation(=



New Member
Hi everyone, I'm pretty much new here. never really thought of slimming down until now that my wedding date is near. After reading all your posts i think i'm dead! Im getting married 18 June 2011 and i need to desparately lose 5kg! OMG! Wil acupuncture help?
Please do advice. my email add: [email protected]


Active Member
Hi Michelle, congrats to u! Wah June bride ! Excited hor?
Hmmm Wah your AD date quite near le! Lucky you only have 5 kg to lose lo.
I try my best to provide my acupuncture slimming program details k? Sent you already , u can check , my email is [email protected]
I personally lost abt 17kg in 4 mths +

Gambatteh to become pretty n slim slim bride!


New Member
Hi michelle,
Congrats to you, june reaching soon :x actually 5kg very easy to shed off de
when we on the program, first 2wk already shed off almost 3kg.. So I guess is not hard for you. Anything can email me @ [email protected], I can share with you my slimming experience


Active Member
Hi karmene, saw your email /PM regarding the acupuncture slimming program I was tried. Hmm I lost near to 4kg at the first 2 week(first review)
Then subsequently slim down constantly at the following reviews. So total 17kg lost (=
I already replied you email on my program details , contact details le, hope it does give you more idea about this program (=

Yup, anyone need to share slimming experience or those who already on program may add me in msn or email me at [email protected] , everybody must gambatteh to slim down! (=


New Member
hi jasmine, long time never login to update

i already on program with your consultant and not even 2 weeks my weight already down for 3kg and i feel my tummy, thigh and arms been trimmed down. so happy

thanks for your recommendation!i hope continue to achieve a good result like you!


Active Member
Hi vicky ! Ic ! Congrats! Not bad when is your review then?
Yes , Jia you gambatteh! Sure can slim more! Determine ya ? Hee
U r welcome la heee, glad that hear good news from you too! Any question can just message me in manor/email best is u ask our consultant Lo(=
Gambatteh !


New Member
hi girls, sorry for my late reply. been super busy la with church arrangements and ee course. Anyway im so excited. I've managed to lose 2kg already!! After going to few places to check things out, I signed up with Aimin. was quite worried initially abt the diet plan but it worked wonders! and i didnt even like have diarrhea or anything! my glad to say that my lifestyle is as usual only eating habits more healthy and regular la!!! anyone been to aimin too?


New Member
Hi Vicky,
Happy for you=D I was on this program previously and lost about 12Kg le through Jasmine's help also.. Jia you everyone
Your determination will be pay off.


Active Member
Congrats Michelle , exciting and busy for the preparation hor hee. Hmm nope, nvr try aimin for my case.

Hihi Lina haha, long long time nvr see your post I think u also busy with work and wedding preparation hor heee.
Yup I always chit chat with Vicky now on msn n she still doing good too, gambatteh vicky!


Active Member
Hi Pgwee, i just saw your email enquiry about the program I was under.
Yup, I lost about 17 kg under acupuncture slimming program and already maintain almost 2 years le. So gar so good still maintaininh heee.

I've replied you on my program infor and contact details le, If you still have any question can email or msn me Lo.
Btw, how much you looking to lose? You are btb?


New Member
Hi Jasmine,

I have send you an email. Would like to know what is acupuncture slimming program detail.
Quite impress with your slimming experience.



Active Member
hi cindy, congrats!
yes i just replied you abt my slimming program detail le. i lost abt 17kg and how much u want to lose?
my email is [email protected] u may add me in ur msn too(= hope my infor able to help (=
