4 Clover Leaves


New Member
Pacing Luck, the leaf they are selling all consist of the red spot. It looks much better/real than concourse. The price is also very reasonable compared to concourse. I bought quite a few from them.

As for the concourse, they advertised alot of good luck story but all about 4D. sigh! seems encourage ppl to gamble. So,............I dun believe it loh. If it is true, why they sell and advertised so hard. The boss just buy 4D everyday themselve is good enough liao. Their price is so high compared to PS which they are selling the same thing as concourse.

I like Pacing Luck one thing is they never emphasied on 4D or Toto although, I heard one Aunt shared about her lucky story at their main shop last Sunday. Wow! The aunt got 1st prize one week b4 and got 2nd & 3rd prize on the following Wed. She brought many friends there. Hmmm, too bad, it never happened to me on this luck but others. :)


New Member
Hi All,
Just to share

3 years ago my life is all about works and works. And i came accross this four leaves clover stories over a magazine. So curious i went to search for it and came accross of Pacing Luck at People's park complex ( i think so long forget complex or what) 2nd flr that is. I bought a handphone strap just to test my luck. Maybe that time i was single so i was wishing hard to get a good companion, never the less, something happened. Soon i began to have so many admirers and chasers. Wah lao i should have wishing hard to win 4D or toto with my clovers! LOL Eventho things happened, i still dont believe in my clovers, so i bought again just for fun, this time a pendant. Never like gamble, this time i wish to kill off my single status, get agood hubby. Tah da! okay, now i'm married with the man i've barely known for a year.
maybe some may think i'm crazy la believe this kind of things, but trust me, i intro to my friend, she bought one, wish hard for a Rolex, hahaha... yes yes.. she got it :p from a new BF!!


New Member
Hi angelica

Does it really works? Does this got to do with those god praying? I dont believe in such things but from your story, it sounds so true. Can you tell me where I can get one? Other than yourself, anyone of your friends had similar encounter?


New Member
Hi Otelle,

Well its all depend when you buy a clovers you like, you ust have interest on it, with good intention that is wot i believe. Anyway you can try at ppl's park there as they sold genuine one, they will explain how genuine their clovers is, after you get one hor, just wait and see whats coming your way. Be patient, things will turn alrite
Good luck!


New Member
This is interesting. My friend got me 1 keychain with the clovers inside. He said it will bring you luck. I din noe until I read this thread.


New Member
Me too, I am also happy married last year and got one cute baby girl this year after I got the stuffs from Pacing luck at People's Park Centre. :) Cheers :)


New Member
Sounds great
four leaf seem to have brought all of u good luck. I got a friend who bought four leaf clover bead from a website (www.fourleafcloverperfume.com) and his luck changed for the better almost immediately! His parents were not supportive of his marriage initially but his parents changed their views shortly after he bought the bead. I am also thinking of buying one since things havent been going well recently.


New Member
think better to learn how to identify real and fake ones before buying.

haha, can pluck one ourself??? SG got so many 4-leaf clover for us to pluck? lol.


New Member
Hi all,

If u r keen in buying the 4 clover leaves thingy, it can be found in the original (with Julia Roberts comments...) shop @ Cuppage (in between Centrepoint & OG Orchard). As for Concourse one, is already closed down already. I think Vivocity also have one...

Hope this info may help...


New Member
Hi Carrie,

Well, it depends on your choice (as in necklace, pendant, keychain etc and how many leaves ...) and budget loh..

Dun tink east area having any brach leh.. only one is at Cuppage. Perhaps u can browse its website for more info hppt://www.julieroberts.com.sg


New Member
Is there any difference bet the JuliaRoberts 4 clover and the one from Pacing luck ?

Both are same i presume ?

ANGELICA - how long does it takes for your wish to come true ?


New Member
patterns and textures are different. I supposed both are brought in from different countries. I bought from both but no luck


New Member
I am definitely one of the many who doesn't understand about these 4 clover leaf; but now, this post made it clearer to me. Thanks!
