3 Tier Wedding Cakes


New Member
Hey everybody, I'm thinking of getting a 3 tier wedding cake so that all my 80 guests will get a piece. Do you know of anyplace that offer value for money wedding cakes?


New Member
Erm i got mine at Pine Garden. their 3 tier can feed abt 250 pax (but not big slices lah). I think cakes start from $450 for 3 tier. http://www.pgcake.com/

there are other cake shops like ChXryl ShueXn http://www.chXrylshuXn.com/index.html (replace X with 'e'), Patisser http://www.thepatissier.com/webtop/Browse/weddingcakes_new.phtml, Cake Ave http://www.cakeavenue.com/, Canele http://www.canele.com.sg/occasions.htm. But i still find Pine Garden cake value for money and i absolutely love their citrus drops!
I ordered a 12kg 3 tier cake from a neighbourhoob bakery. I just showed them the design I want from a mag and asked if they can follow. They said can and I jus ordered from them. Mine is just fresh cream chocolate cake and it only costs me less than $350. Didnt wan to spend too much on the cake as it is more of "get it for fun if it is not too ex" attitude.

Asked the bakery how many slices can a 12kg cake served and they told me 180 standard slices. Since I have abt 360 guests so I think if I were to serve half of the standard slice to each guest, that should be enough for every guest. I'm still serving my desert and I only intended to serve 2-3 mouth type for each of my guest.

I'm still thinking if I need to add additional 2 more kgs just to play safe. Any suggestion ?


Hi shermaine.. I think the current 12 Kg will do.. cos not every guests will want to eat much of the cake.. So ur theory of 2-3 mouths will be just nice in my opinion.. Cos if u order too big a cake too and if on the AD, really cant finish or not enough time to serve to guests then it wil be a waste.. I ever heard of hotels not having enuff time to cut and serve the cakes to the guests and end up only half of the guests ate the cake and the other half was not served and gone to waste..


New Member
i have always wondered how the bakeries r going to transport the 3 tiers or more wedding cakes to the venue. they must b v careful not to touch the edges when doing delivery. ;p

read in a bakery book some will assemble the tiers on the venue itself!


New Member
thanks for all the info....Pine Garden looks great.... but i didnt know a 3 tier cake will be as much as 12kg and can feed soooo many.... haha.... mine is just a small event with 80 guests.


New Member
Check out Cheryshuen. She is good at wedding cakes. You'll like her workmanship. But have to book in advance cos its a one man show. Three tier for 750 onwards. But if its the fresh cream type it is cheaper.


New Member
hey girls.... do u have any ideas how to cut those 3 tiers cakes that are stacked onto one another? does it mean that the guests having the 2nd and 3rd tier layers will have a topless bare ugly cake?


New Member
hey jeannie, i'm not a confectionner but i'm guessing the icing on each layer of cake is complete, that is you ice the cakes before you stack'em. usually, the smallest cake or the top tier is reserved for immediate family and the bottom two tier are served.

if your cake is a heavier cake, that is not a sponge cake, then you have to use 'pillars' to tier the layering. otherwise, if it is of a heavier consistency, like a dense fruit cake, they rest ontop of each other.

to serve, the disassemble the cakes and cut them as you would normally.
hi shermaine24sg, can i know where is your neighbourhoob bakery add? i have 420 guests and still finding for not so ex' wedding cake. i find that your neighbourhoob bakery price is reasonable. can drop me a email @ [email protected], thank you so much.
hi shermaine24sg, can i know where is your neighbourhoob bakery add? i have 420 guests and still finding for not so ex' wedding cake. i find that your neighbourhoob bakery price is reasonable. can drop me a email @ [email protected], thank you so much.


New Member
I got mine from Prima Deli..very worth it, cos I compared prices n theirs is the most value for money..fed all my 100 guests..mine was 2 tier..more than enough..
U can check out their website..or call better..nice too..make sure u tell them wat colour theme u want for the cake.

If u want to see a pic of it..PM me.


New Member
Hi all,
My wedding would have small cakes already, but I'd just like to know where I could get a Dummy wedding cake, just for the cake cutting custom?


New Member
hihi all,

I be having 450 pple at my wedding. Is 12 kg enough to feed everyone?

Btw, when do you usually cut the cake? Some of the threads I have read cut the cake during the reception and others at the end of the dinner.

The cake is a surprise for my hubby's birthday and I was thinking of cutting it during after our 1st march in. Any comments?


New Member
Hi Posy

I've similar plan like urs but I tot of getting cup cakes instead to save the trouble of having to slice the big cake.

Anyway cup cakes can be staked up nicely and its in fashion now!


New Member
cupcakes... cool.

Hihi cutiepooh, any idea or pics how it will look like? where to get the cupcakes from?

Also, when will be a good time to serve the cake?


New Member
Hi Posy

I got no idea how it looks like, its just my plan. I contacted them and they mentioned they do have a stand for the cupcakes.

U may wanna visit the website as follow:-

U can serve during the dessert dish or during reception.


New Member
You may want to have a Chocolate Fountain and have the guests enjoy Fondue with it
Great for Weddings Reception, Cocktail,
Birthday Parties, Office Gatherings, School Gatherings.

Call Perry 93848982 for rental..
Great Service & Satisfaction


New Member
hi Patrick
Chocolate fountain sounds like a great subsitute for the conventional cake! How much does chocolate fountain cost ? Is it on a rental or purchase basis?



New Member
Questions for those who bought their cakes from non-wedding-cake-specialists (including cupcakes bakeries)...
Do you need to supply the pedestal for the cakes?
Do you need to buy the flowers for them to decorate the cakes with?


New Member
you can try pattiser.. but very expensive. Cheryl Shuen also does cupcake but I heard from friend that her cake nice to look at but not good tasting and pretty expensive.

CCP is also quite nice but not always available.

Cake avenue not bad in taste.

try also Lydia. Her cupcakes quite chocolate (use real choclate) and is moist). Perhaps design not as varied as cupcake momma but i think taste better. She also does fondant tierred cakes



New Member
Hi all BTBs,

Just wanted to share with you all the pic of my wedding cake. I had this cake at less than $200.

I had initially wanted to get at PG, but their minimum price was around 300 (at least that was wat they told me for this similar cake). I am really glad I found this neighbourhood bakery instead
my cake flavor was chocolate ganache, really good.

Do PM me if you wish to get the contact.


New Member
I got mine from dolce-chic.blogspot.com from a friend's recommendation. Her cakes look great and taste so good! My sister got hers from Cheryl, her cakes look nice but didn't taste so good.
