Any recommendation xi bin ??
Hi all! We are still frantically looking for VG for our luncheon! The ones we were interested were above our 2.5k budget or that they are not available on our date!
Doed anyone have a VG company to reccomend, 10 hours, 2x VG, inclusive of super express lunch highlights? We have looked through many companies but haven't found something that looks good.
Thanks alot!
they have already invited all their friends n relatives. will try asking over the weekend i guess.
but 3 weeks left only to be exact. not very nice to those being invited last min.. so we don't wanna waste too much energy on fretting over these.. just surprised by the number of dropout rate - even from close friends..
Hi anyone know where to get those mini cakes or friut tarts?
So far I only know Pine Garden...
Hi anyone know where to get those mini cakes or friut tarts?
Oh my, that sucks! Close friends also do such things? You know what to do for their upcoming weddings/events liao...
I think 3 weeks still can. Try reaching out to your ex-colleagues or friends who used to be close, but long time never contact? You might be surprised.
Hi anyone know where to get those mini cakes or friut tarts?
yes, tried and got 1 ex-colleague.. haha. feels paiseh if i were to ask ppl whom i didn't kept in touch with also..
anyway a few relatives rsvp past few days, so we have 5 buffer headcount on top of the minimum committed now...![]()
I wonder how can some ppl managed to have 50-60 tables?? Either their friends alot or the parents just anyhow invite their own friends.
hahaha two of my friends had that. one 50 tables, one 70.. really alot of relatives for their case.. they let their parents invite all.. maybe i'm not so filial :X i told my parents to invite only relatives whom we will at least meet once a year (during CNY lol)..
That's alot!!!! Madness. I let my mum invite whoever she likes, but limit to 6 tables including relatives. These 6 tables angbao she take leh... She say it's 'law'. Ok lor.... What to do?
I also follow this "Law" too.... my hubby will be paying the 6 tables while my parents will keep the hongbaos from my relatives. Been doing this since my younger sis's wedding in JAN this yr...
I also follow this "Law" too.... my hubby will be paying the 6 tables while my parents will keep the hongbaos from my relatives. Been doing this since my younger sis's wedding in JAN this yr...
I also got to follow this law too.. but I n my htb share the cost for the wedding... no choice..
So comforting to know there are other BTBs with this problem! But i heard that some mothers will actually give back an angbao.
I not sure for my mother but don't think she will. She was sooooo insistent on this 'law'! She said it's her right as a mother because she took care of me from young till now.
Actually after a few quarrel with her and some time a few nice and good talks.. she now happy and said tat she will take the tables and Dun wanna the pin jin.. or will take the pin jin and give me back when I got my new home.. feel more relax now
Yupyup. The tables thing is confirm one - she will take her angbao and we have to pay for her tables.
She also said she don't want pin jin, asked my FIL to bring me go buy gold can already.
But the law is cannot change one. I wonder why got such law....
Yupyup. The tables thing is confirm one - she will take her angbao and we have to pay for her tables.
She also said she don't want pin jin, asked my FIL to bring me go buy gold can already.
But the law is cannot change one. I wonder why got such law....
Its a confusing law.. it actually mean next time after the couple married off.. if there is any events upcoming being invited.. parents will pay them back and even like for birthday, wedding, or touch wood funeral..
But then when that comes.. the invitation will be sending to our hubby name too.. so end up we also paying double what.. lol .. what stupid logic is that sia.. Dun really bother anymore also.. haha
I think they really earn alot by marrying off daughters. For nothing earn a few thousand in a night leh.
Sorry to say until like this.... Just what I feel about this stupid law!
You can try The Next Chapter Film!
I also don't agree with the law.. I also argued with my parents over the law.. My FIL wants to give my parents 4 tables.. My parents said they will give me the 4 tables money but take all the angbao.. I told them the person paying the tables is me and not them.. What if my other tables cannot cover, my mum replied "it's not my problem.. Relatives give more because they ask if I will give you the Ang Bao or I keep.. If they find out I gave to you, they will sure give lesser.. The money is meant for me."
Hear this kind of statement is like wth.. So means relatives don't give blessing to the couple but to my parents??!!
Some more it's my Father that chose the most expensive package in the hotel and she said like this..
So one kind...
for mine they asked for 8 tables initially. plus pin jin, almost "earn" 20k in total!
I told my parents whatever the fees are, I'm sharing half the cost. so effectively, whatever they "earn" comes from me, their poor daughter. then they relented..
the law I heard is that they get the table ang baos for bringing me up and paying for all those wedding ang baos where I've attended.. duh.
Can I ask - If they 'make' money by 'selling' us off, then can we stop giving them monthly allowances after the wedding cos we're 'SOLD'?![]()
Can I ask - If they 'make' money by 'selling' us off, then can we stop giving them monthly allowances after the wedding cos we're 'SOLD'?![]()
Lol! Don't like that lah.. But they feel that it's their right for them to have the money.. But I just think it's too much though my mum said she will help out as she is not that bad...
for mine they asked for 8 tables initially. plus pin jin, almost "earn" 20k in total!
I told my parents whatever the fees are, I'm sharing half the cost. so effectively, whatever they "earn" comes from me, their poor daughter. then they relented..
the law I heard is that they get the table ang baos for bringing me up and paying for all those wedding ang baos where I've attended.. duh.
No such rule lei.. can only give less but still must give lol
So I Dun understand why we are being sold at the 1st..
I know some girls after married jiu never give liao... hahaha...
Those girls bridal price must have been like $10k.. Hahaha!
Actually now I understand why those olden time dramas the MIL very angry and bully the DIL when they cannot give birth or give born to boys.
Because they paid a high price (pinjin) for the bride. HAHAHA!
No wonder they must choose backside round round de.. cos can give birth more more
Nowadays where still got groom's family paying all the money? Unless shot gun don't say la.
Majority all is couples ownself paying....
Not true de.. When someone getting married and put ur hubby name.. u guys attend also must give ang bao to them too..
I know some girls after married jiu never give liao... hahaha...
Nowadays parents seem to be quite money minded leh....
I see! I'll wear kua for home TC.. But not much time to change for TC at hotel as it will be straight after rom... Think I got no choice just wear my wedding gown.@Clzh im doing ROM then TC in hotel. but mine is luncheon tho. ROM wear gate crash gown or another white gown. kua for TC. lolz. cuz my ROM is 10am so got quite abit of time till banquet starts.
Hi btbs, anyone of you will be having ROM followed by TC at hotel? What will you be wearing?
My hubby will fetch me in the morning and we'll have TC with immediate family members only. The rest will be done at the hotel after ROM, which is Ard 6.30pm. Not sure if I will wear my wedding gown straight or another simple dress for ROM and TC at hotel...
Haha yes especially into wedding gown... But no choice righti'm also having TC for immediate family members only. like less than 10 of us in the function room haha. but still gonna change to kwa for it. mainly for photos.. and easier to move around in the kwa than white gown. but right after TC will chnge back to the white gown again for first march-in.. sounds very busy changing.. -_-
I think 2nd March in hair style you can choose something that you like/suits u best cos you'll be taking photos around tables in that hairstyle! Hahaha not sure if I have helped you or notmy agenda is something like below, would like to ask how many hairdos should i have..
current suggestion by the stylist is
morning mini-gatecrash (white gown) - high bun
morning photoshoot (white gown) - same high bun
tea ceremony (kwa) - same high bun
1st march-in (same white gown) - side / back low ponytail
2nd march-in (evening gown) - haven decide... maybe waterfall braids or just something more loosely done. any suggestions?or just do without changing..