(2014/12) December 2014 BTB


I'm a dec 2014 BTB also :)

I have booked the big items

My banquet : Holiday inn orchard
Bridal studio: The aisle

I didnt realised that dec 2014 dates have to book so early , when i was checking the availibility for Dec saturdays , almost all taken up :(

Have you went for gown fitting with the aisle bridal?
Do you hv problems looking for your dream gown or evening gown?


New Member
Hello all, dec btb here. realised most of the hotels are fully booked for dec next year..

i'll most probably settle down with Hilton hotel


Active Member
Hijacking the 2014 BTB thread cos i'm intending to ROM in Dec :)

Wonder if there's a need to book the venue 1 year in advance if it's just ROM? :eek:


Hi ladies!
I was just wondering the same thing. Our banquet is for 13/12/14. Is it abit kiasu to start planning. We are holding our banquet at hotel fort canning. But still quite lost for BS.FH n I always get stuck when we go for roadshow and they try to hard sell us their package. Any idea how to resolve that? :)

Hi you have same date as me...


New Member
I am a dec bride to be too! Havent book anything haha but looking at raffles hotel? Anyone also looking at raffles or been to a wedding there recently?


New Member
Hi all dec btb, were ur dec dates given by a fortune teller? My dec date is given by a fortune teller too but i read on a forum that another ft mentioned dec 2014 is not ideal for weddings. Now i am bit worried but i have already booked my banquet!


New Member
Hi all dec btb, were ur dec dates given by a fortune teller? My dec date is given by a fortune teller too but i read on a forum that another ft mentioned dec 2014 is not ideal for weddings. Now i am bit worried but i have already booked my banquet!

In dec next year, there's no general good dates. Mine is 20 Dec calculated using bazi of me and my htb.. I consulted 2 different master, both gave me same dates.. Then i go ahead de. I booked my banquet as well le!


New Member
Hi purplehydrangea, thanks for ur reply. I think my fortune teller used our ba zi too. Mine is just 1 week after yours hehe where did u book?


I've the same date as yours! I'm still looking for hotels and frankly, i do like Hotel Fort Canning as well. Are you taking the wedding lunch or dinner?[/quote]

I'm taking wedding lunch. i think you faster book hotel ba... Since the date its popular date...
Hi Dec 14 BTBs,

Wow saw that all of you really booked your hotel early. I've just done my booking with Orchid Country Club & My Bridal Room for my wedding package.:D

So far what have you gals prepared? I feel ike im not doing anything yet and its mid Jan now. :eek:

Btw anyone has any idea what are the ang bao we have to prepare? Must start to do some $$ planning haha..:p

Hope to see more replies from here =)


Hi Dec 14 BTBs,

Wow saw that all of you really booked your hotel early. I've just done my booking with Orchid Country Club & My Bridal Room for my wedding package.:D

So far what have you gals prepared? I feel ike im not doing anything yet and its mid Jan now. :eek:

Btw anyone has any idea what are the ang bao we have to prepare? Must start to do some $$ planning haha..:p

Hope to see more replies from here =)

I have no idea what to do next too! Booked my banquet and AD package already.
Hmm... Maybe the guo da li stuff?
Exactly 11 months left for me!

We are having the same wedding day? 20 Dec? Mine will be 2 days Church Wedding on 20 Dec & dinner on 21st.. Did manage to 20th as it was taken up for a company event =(

Just bought my wedding band & Si Dian Jin yesterday but forgot to tell the salesperson dat i need to engrave our name on the rings..

When will you be taking our pre-wed? My bridal shop still have not called me.. Took a photographer package from them but nw my fren says dat he can do it for me as a gift.. nw duno if i cancel the photorapher will they be :mad: anot..

Still looking for videographer tho.. cant find one.. all quite ex due to mine is 2 days event..



We are having the same wedding day? 20 Dec? Mine will be 2 days Church Wedding on 20 Dec & dinner on 21st.. Did manage to 20th as it was taken up for a company event =(

Just bought my wedding band & Si Dian Jin yesterday but forgot to tell the salesperson dat i need to engrave our name on the rings..

When will you be taking our pre-wed? My bridal shop still have not called me.. Took a photographer package from them but nw my fren says dat he can do it for me as a gift.. nw duno if i cancel the photorapher will they be :mad: anot..

Still looking for videographer tho.. cant find one.. all quite ex due to mine is 2 days event..
Yup, 20 Dec :D

I have taken my pre wed in taiwan, few days ago. The pre-wed date is decided on your own. Have to make an appt with them, like at least 1 mth in advance. They need time to edit and show u, then print out the album. Maybe u can request to change the photographer to a videographer, for free if possible. i'm not getting a professional videographer, as I wun have any gate crashing. ;)

Wonder will it be weird without any montage on that day. I have no idea what kind of programmes for the banquet. Pretty much a quiet person. Most likely doing a cartoon montage on my own to cover that montage session.
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Yup, 20 Dec :D

I have taken my pre wed in taiwan, few days ago. The pre-wed date is decided on your own. Have to make an appt with them, like at least 1 mth in advance. They need time to edit and show u, then print out the album. Maybe u can request to change the photographer to a videographer, for free if possible. i'm not getting a professional videographer, as I wun have any gate crashing. ;)

Wonder will it be weird without any montage on that day. I have no idea what kind of programmes for the banquet. Pretty much a quiet person. Most likely doing a cartoon montage on my own to cover that montage session.

Have you booked your banquet areadi? Cos if you have made deposit to confirm you booking, normally they will guide you along and give you the wedding checklist, proposed program, emcee script etc to guide you as you go along.. I'm depending on it to help me haha.. haiz but the songs most of the hotels need to use the original CD due to copyright.. so sian lor..


Have you booked your banquet areadi? Cos if you have made deposit to confirm you booking, normally they will guide you along and give you the wedding checklist, proposed program, emcee script etc to guide you as you go along.. I'm depending on it to help me haha.. haiz but the songs most of the hotels need to use the original CD due to copyright.. so sian lor..
Yup, just paid yesterday.:p But then, I dun wish to have those yum seng sessions or any games. I wonder will it look strange... The one I'm going with, I mentioned bout the CD copyright, he says usually play from thumbdrive, or my laptop. Hmmm... hopefully, they might close one eye on that. Wonder how they validate, esp. if I did some editing to the songs. Show them a few original CDs? Will they check every song...? :(
Yup, just paid yesterday.:p But then, I dun wish to have those yum seng sessions or any games. I wonder will it look strange... The one I'm going with, I mentioned bout the CD copyright, he says usually play from thumbdrive, or my laptop. Hmmm... hopefully, they might close one eye on that. Wonder how they validate, esp. if I did some editing to the songs. Show them a few original CDs? Will they check every song...? :(

Not very sure ley.. Think Yum Seng jus follow tradition cos its oso for good luck?? Bring abit of atmosphere..if not i think the dinner might be too quiet.. (jus sharing my tot) but ya i agree the sabo part can strike off wahaha..

Me oso wont be doing gate crashing cos think poor thing la the brothers gana for nothing.. plus later the old folks mite not like something dat they gana sabo-ed for.. haiz

Haha think this thread only 2 of us toking.. any other BTB wanna chat chat here?
Hihi laduree,

Wow 20th Dec oso hot date?? It seems like Nov & Dec are hot months..

I've settled the big things like banquet & bridal package areadi.. U gals going to get the Guo Da Li & An chuang items in Sg?? Went somewhere near KSL side last few weeks and saw dat theyt hv these items too.. much cheaper i guess

Just managede to get my frens to be my Emcee.. both gals tho..


hey gers, my bro just hold his weddg last wk, he has done a chk too for GDL n AC stuffs u can get from Chinatown too hrd its also quite reasonably price. Just for sharing cheers ☺️


New Member
Yup, just paid yesterday.:p But then, I dun wish to have those yum seng sessions or any games. I wonder will it look strange... The one I'm going with, I mentioned bout the CD copyright, he says usually play from thumbdrive, or my laptop. Hmmm... hopefully, they might close one eye on that. Wonder how they validate, esp. if I did some editing to the songs. Show them a few original CDs? Will they check every song...? :(

@bearine Hi bearine, you are not alone. My fiance and myself both are not going to have yum seng.

Neither will we have cake cutting or champagne toasting. We asked ourselves the meaning behind these actions and realise it does not resonate with us and our origins.
For example, wedding cake originated from other countries in the early days when wedding parties are small, the cake was to be distributed among the guests by only the bride because consuming the cake would ensure fertility. But as wedding parties get bigger, brides no longer distribute cakes personally. see here for more info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wedding_cake

Yum Seng itself is a Cantonese term, I am not too sure of its origins or meaning. However neither of us are Cantonese. Neither of our ancestors are Cantonese. So I guess no point doing something that's not our culture

Lastly, champagne toasting, is tied together with yum seng usually. But now that I dun want yum seng, then probably no point having the wastage of a champagne fountain. Do people ever realise how much champagne is wasted trying to fill the top tiers of the champagne glass fountain?

The complimentary 500g cake and bottle of champagne from the hotel, I intend to have them sent to my room, and be shared among our few friends who has helped us out at the wedding, during the planning process, or whichever ways. These people probably stayed till the end to help the couple, and I think they deserve a thank you toast from me at least. It does not have to be friends only, even my family who decide to stay till the end, they must be in a joyous mood for a drink. Friends and family bonding over a glass of drink, in a small bridal suite, thats fine. We dont have to do it rowdily in front of 200 plus guests and make everyone feel awkward.

For relatives who expect otherwise, I wont worry about them. This is my big day, one of the most important days of my life (other than first child, first time hearing child call me Mummy, bla bla any other impt days). I am sure they will be courteous and understanding enough to respect my thoughts. If they are not understanding, it wouldn't bother me either. Its my wedding day, I will reflect on it multiple times in the coming year, and perhaps once a year every wedding anniversary, then maybe occasionally in the next 20-50 years later...more often than anyone else who is not the bride and groom.

The above is my 2 sense worth...we decided so based only on my fiance's and my own reference to our family background and our own origins, dear other married ladies,brides and brides to be who has different views from me, pls do not feel offended. :). I trust that every couple have different ways of life and different family background. And to some, it make sense to have the above.

As a guest attending other people's wedding, I will also respect the couple if they prefer to have yum seng(I will contribute to the cheering of cos :p)/cake cutting/champagne fountain.


New Member
20th dec 2014 is such a hot date (& a beautiful one!) My AD is on 20th dec too! Dinner at Mandarin Orchard! Which bridal boutiques did the rest of u girls sign up w? I'll be having my pre-wed shoots in March n April.. Going to confirm AD PG and VG soon also.. Guess after all these bookings should be almost done? lol. Anw on which mth are your gg to Guo Da Li and stuff? Abt Oct should b ok right? :) Congrats all..!


I sign up during wedding show. I was quite sure to sign with them le, after researching. But it's still early, so better to have options open. Who knows I won $488 off banquet bill during lucky draw! There's nothing to hold me liao...so sign up on tht day! haha! Did u win anything?
Opps did I miss out alot here. Sorry for late reply hehe just finish ROM last mth. Nope I didn't win any, you are a lucky girl! :)


Hi all, I am a dec 2014 btb too:) glad that we can share things here. WynDi - I am planning to sign up with grand copthorne too. It is like within our budget . Have u tried their food or read up any reviews bout them? U signed up already? Mind sharing the price with me? Thanks!
Hi Jing88 mine is Copthorne King's. It's from same groupeas Grand Copthorne but diff hotel. But I guess they should have about same standard. Went to test their food during an event last sept or oct. Quite good :)


I think I got it mixed up. Should me copthorne's king and not grand copthorne :) anw, thks for info. Sure! We'll need to look ard to source for the best BS etc for sure. At least one thing's settled for you . :D
Copthorne king's min is 25 for wkend I think. My package for wkend is from roadshow so min is 25. Do u still need my package detail? Sorry for Late reply :p


dec 2014 bride here too.. 6/12/2014 and I've booked my banquet way back in April with Grand Copthorne Waterfront..will be going Taiwan in Feb for pre-wed shoot

I very kiasu one so everything already booked..haha..cos next year flat also coming so need more time then to source for IDs and furnishings..
Hi saw u on fb grp btb 2014/2015.our wedding same day but at copthorne king's ;)


My latest update as of now.
ROM: completed on 20/1/14
AD bridal: Di Gio Bridal (im big size and they have my size. Wide variety and friendly staff^^)
PS bridal: Bluebay Wedding - going TW in Apr to do PS+adv honeymoon
Banquet: Copthorne King's Hotel
MUA: included in package from respective bridal shop
PG: ask my freelance friend to do for me
VG: sourcing
Sourcing for bridal car too!! BMW Z4 or audi TT any lobang??


Mine is teochew and cantonese.. Mine is the fengshui master that calculate the date give me a list for our combination but is not limited to those as some of them my mother say is not listed(we are teochew) MIL not very sure of cantonese so she just go according to what my mother wants. Roasted pig is for cantonese but my mother says save trouble give ang pao as need to cut the head n tail (not sure) properly and return to groom side if not not very good... Long feng zhu cantonese is short one while teochew long one. My mother request for long one as she thinks nicer. N with a teochew bride or groom normally ppl practice to give bride sidianjin by MIL. Cantonese is longfengzhuo I think or pendant (not sure). But now alot other dialect request for it too or even replace longfengzhu. My case is sidianjin. You can tell them to ask relative or the fengshui master if not sure. Or those selling guodali items shop shld know too. Hope this help and lastly welcome :)
I just confirmed my wedding for december at sheraton towers! So happy! Going for photoshoot in korea in april... trying hard to lose weight now haha. Can't decide whether to get AD package from bridal studio or do everything ala carte...


New Member
Hi brides-to-be

Saw that many of you are going for Holiday Inn, what's your reason for choosing them? I'm thinking of doing it at places like Gardens by the Bay or Burkill Hall, do you think it is alot of hassle as I am doing the planning myself?


New Member
Hi brides-to-be

Saw that many of you are going for Holiday Inn, what's your reason for choosing them? I'm thinking of doing it at places like Gardens by the Bay or Burkill Hall, do you think it is alot of hassle as I am doing the planning myself?

Hi I Chose Holiday Inn is because the main ballroom is huge.
Within my budget and also the location is quite easy to find. Plus I find that the Dinner menu choices are a huge variety plus I went there before for someone's wedding previously and I find that the food is good.
Also the wedding package is attractive too. Free Flow Beer & Free Flow wine, Waiver of corkage of Hard Liquor, Free 10 Pax lunch vouchers to be used anytime after 6 months from the wedding and etc
