New Member
Hello! Any 2014 Jan BTBs? 
Hi Cynthia! I'm a Sep 14 BTB![]()
Seems like not many BTB in Jan 2014? I'm planning my date in 1Q2014, and most likely will be going for a date in January!![]()
Planning for Jan 2014 but location not fixed so clearly, dates aren't fixed.
Hi all!
My AD is on 18 jan 2014.
How's the prep goin?
Im also Jan 2014 BTB...
Still have no ideal of the location yet..
Future MIL wan chalet. But nice chalet already no more space..
Now I am looking around and find no ideal of any space.. ==
Hello!!Have you got details sorted out?
May I invite you to a FB group I'm in with other 2013/2014 brides?
Hello xiaomei06! Have you decided on the venue? Chalets.. I know of this lovely one that's for civil servants or something that's amazing for ROMS/Weddings but it's usually very packed.. How many guests do you have? How bout' cafes/restaurants?
I'm looking at NSRCC but since i not their member so i not sure if Im able to book it a not. Other then that i have no ideal.. >.<
Im looking at 50pax? I not sure also.. My MIL want chalet only..
Other then that she dont approve..
Thank you for reading my post.. ^_^
Cynthia, is ur wedding date the 11th of January?? Mine is too!
Hi Cynthia! You look very familiar
Anyway, yes have already sorted everything. Married already. Can still join the group?
I'm familiar? Really! Sure! Join us as a "graduate" bride!
Am 19th jan 2014!
hello all BTBs,
my wedding is set on 4-Jan for church, 5-Jan for banquet. Seems like Jan-14 is not a popular month for wedding, cos I only confirmed my banquet in Jun 2013..
I haven't confirmed my church lunch caterer, VG, mobile photobooth, live band etc.. Any bride care to share their progress?
Hi sara_angie,
My live band is white Ribbon, and for wedding car, I go for london cab, the contact is Mr Lo 97890455.
hope this helps ^^
Hi, my AD is on 19 Jan 2014.
Have booked my banquet and done the pre-wedding shoot ... now headache for finding hotel for gate crash ....