ms fel: mine is afifah, she is quite nice too.
i have nvr spoken to violette b4, keke, just that the other brides mention she is pretty nice.
xrevlis: amara pricing is close to 1K after the ++, mine is considered using the 2011 pricing cos its 1st Q of the yr.i think u can consider novotel, my friend reco that to me b4 cos she said she attended a wedding there n she thinks not bad in terms of food n deco (but is few yrs back, so cant guarantee now. ).
GPCH, wont be able to accomodate your 30 tables, max i think 27-28 if not will be v cramp cos their ballroom is very small.
as for the 2011 pricing, i think only if u r in the 1st Q of the yr then can take 2011, if not they will go by 2012 pricing. it mainly depends on the hotel, some might allow, but i think most dont. some dont even allow though u r first Q, one of which is M hotel!
furama, my friend also gv positive feedback(on food), but she mention their ballroom may not be as new.
mistyhaze: i think safer to print 2 mths b4 hand since u need to give the cards out abt 1 mth b4 your wedding. at least if print wrongly (touch wood X1000) still have time to change and stuff.