(2012) 2012 Brides to be


New Member
bem: Yup, will be heading down to some shop to view on the wedding bands tmr...
i oso scare we canot find the design we like alot... but umm... maybe simple will be good enough bahx... cuz need to wear everyday de... so no need ger "so" good de... haha! thanks~


New Member
my wedding is in May 2012 but we're already getting our bands.. hehe.. intending to get the bvlgari ones.. and since my frens are gg to HK, got them to check out if the bands are cheaper there.. if so, they will b getting it for us

my mum also say that they will keep the angbao for the tables my HTB will be giving.. so we gotta absorb the cost for 5 tables lor


New Member
Hi all btb 2012,

My AD & ROM is in May 2012..
I have book my
Church @ Nativity Church
Hotel @ Four Seasons Hotel
Bridal @ Dang Bridal (signing on Monday)

now thinking about
1) Pre-wed PS
2) AD PS
3) AD Videographer..
and also 4) wedding bands

i was shoppin for wedding bands last week,
m now deciding to go for Lee Hwa (with roll of diamonds)or Cartier - Love Series (without diamonds)
what u girls think?? confused..heee...


New Member
YX: Your MUA would only be around in the early morning. Most would not stay any longer and would leave once they are done with your MU & hairdo. All my frens did their own touchups thoughout the day. That is the reason y u should pack your own makeup items and get your jiemei or whoever that is following u in the day to help u carry your makeup cases etc.. .

But of course, i believe if u pay extra for your MUA/hairstylist, they might also stay during the day to do touchups or change hairdos for u. For me.. i think it is ok to do touchups myself.. and i would go for MU & hairdo that can match my wedding gown and kua so that i dont have to worry about mis-matched styles...
Just my personal opinion la..


Ms fel: thanks for your suggestion! Yup that makes sense.. Anyway will your dinner be on the same day? Mine is a lunch (after solemnizationa and tea ceremony in the morning).. Not sure if it's necessary for MUA to come so quickly again for lunch.. Or should I just touch up myself for lunch banquet? What do you think?



SINGAPORE: The National Library at Victoria Street is holding a Traditional Chinese wedding exhibition from now to April 6, to help the public understand the meaning behind traditional rituals, from marriage proposals and dowry preparation to tea ceremonies.


New Member
YX: oh, lunch ah? mm.. then im not too sure about asking MUA to come again in the noon le.. but i think should be ok for them to come in the noon la.. coz the banquet MUA should be included in your bridal package le mah...


New Member
YX: my sis same as u, her MUA in the morn to MU for her, then she had her gatecrash, solemnization n tea ceremony, then after tt she went back to her bridal suite to touch up herself. then 1st march in, her MUA came again for 2nd march in to re-do hairstyle n MU. HTHs.


New Member
heya !! Everyone .. am back from TW. Great fun at the PS n unbelievably hetic.. There are tons of Singapore couples taking their PS tho. I met 3 couples on the same day of our shoot


New Member
Hi everyone!

Just to share with anyone who might be interested,Wedding Preparation Workshop coming up in May and June
$250 per couple, when completed will get $75 rebate

May Workshops
Date : Saturdays, May 14 & 21
Time : 9am to 3pm
Venue : Focus on the Family Learning Centre
1 Jurong West Central 2, #04-01 Jurong Point
Registration & Enquiries: Ms Chong Xin Hua, 6491 0704/ [email protected]

June Workshops
Date : Saturdays, June 4 & 1
Time : 1pm to 6pm
Venue : Focus on the Family Singapore
9 Bishan Place, #08-03 Junction 8 Office Tower
Registration & Enquiries: Ms Chong Xin Hua, 6491 0704/ [email protected]


New Member
chinzilla: glad u had fun! haha cant wait to see ur photos!

anastasia: uhmmm, we didnt do the meet the parents session.


shanna: thanks!!
yes that definitely helped
maybe i can have a more serious look for my church wedding in the morning, then a more fun look for my lunch


New Member
thx shanna. hope to see it soon too!

i din have a formal meet the parents session. but both sides met over Christmas dinner. My thoughts are instead of a dinner with a specific agenda, it might be easier to get the parents to meet over sth unrelated so there is less pressure. And slowly build up towards the "dicussion"

There were some hiccups. but I think both sides kinda get along now. At least can go out for some outings. =)

AS for dinner places. We went to this hotel called wanderlust, the chicken is pretty yummy!


chinzilla: i ate at wanderlust before!!! the chicken was so yummy i brought home the leftover chicken and my mom made soup with it. HEEEEE. :D


New Member
YX: Yup, PIL agreed even thou they are super on Buddhism

We are locking down Charis Methodist at Joo chiat. big and pretty. any advise for me? We are submitting our date application to our church this Sunday. after meet up with pastor, then will know if the date is confirm
excited! which church are you from?


renee: i'm from Grace Baptist Ministries! what about you? i've submitted my application form for Paya Lebar Methodist Church. super near my place!
and i love the inside of it (that's why i decided on it)... i'm looking for those traditional looking church that's why - means must have pews!


New Member
keke, i thought the meet parents session was to discuss abt the wedding stuff (like PJ, GDL). my parents and MIL alr met quite a number of times and we've had meals tgt for many times too, so they can get along pretty well.


New Member
YX: im from New Creation at Suntec wow let me check out e venue u pick As Charis is not my home church, non church member can only submit 6 months before your date. so i better secure my own church date for my pastor to confirm.

I dunno ist meet parents session better to jus eat dinner talk non wedding related or hmm go straight into wedding..
Im trying to ask my family to persuade his parents not to hold dinner.

My BS not source yet, later after work go shopping cos i work at T.pagar


New Member
Agree with chinzilla to meet up for wedding-unrelated events. My parents met for the first time during ROM and my in laws are late my parents waited for 45 mins and they are not really happy. Furthermore, our family upbringings are totally different. So over ROM they didn't talk. Very stress!!


New Member
we were thinking of letting them meet up during the food-tasting session.. can save on the cost of a separate dinner to intro them.. hahaha :p


New Member
hey ladies, i have updated the excel listing... =)
so exciting.. =)...
oh Missyee, we are getting married on the same day =) cool...

oh ya how's Bridal de Couture, saw that a few of you signed up with this BS... i just sign up with Dang Bridal today...

anyway one has good lobang for AD Wedding and Videography??

what's the Facebook group to join?? =)


Renee: I see.. The person-in-charge (Lennard) is very friendly and helpful! He'll give you (combined with a few couples) a tour of the sanctuary and explain to you in detail the dos and donts of renting the place. Very informative. You should be able to find his contact online
I don't have it as we just "hijacked" a friend's tour session and straightaway fell in love with that place!


New Member
Emily, I think Dang does gorgeous cheongsums from all the photos I see online while sourcing for AD PG!

Actually how long before the wedding should the parents meet to discuss about Pin Jin, request list for GDL and so on? I had thought of the food tasting session too, but I should be holding it closer to the actual date and it may be too rushed for GDL preparations then?


New Member
magdal: The FB page link doesnt seem to work for me =(

eh.. my mum and my future MIL used to work together.. but so far, there isnt any formal meetups for both sides of the family yet..

I was thinking to organise a meet-the-parents session over at home.. thinking to whip up some dishes with my mum n invite my future MIL over to my place.. i find that maybe at home is a better place for the supposedly stressful meeting.. at least can warm them up abit through a comfortable setting.. eh.. not sure if its do-able though..


New Member
Thinkng to get my mum and my FMI have a meet up at the upcoming wedding show. issit ok??? or keep it save. let them meet on food tasting?

Ms fel: you try cover the whole link.?


New Member
i've roughly chosen a design that i want for my WB le, now waiting for my friend's friend to quote me a price~ hopefully within my budget!
now i'm also trying to figure out the "costs" of APs and my helpers! so many!! **headegg**


New Member
Magdal: I tink my ofc blocked Fb =/

Shanna: u mean design for wedding banquet?? Wad design??
Btw, I got the following info from one of the forums for market rate of APs to bao for helpers:
Following is a general Guide ..

Main Wedding Coordinator : $68 - 108
Maid of honor + Best Man : $68 - 108
Bridesmaid and groomsmen : $48 - $68
Flower girl and page boy : $28 - $48
Usher : $18 - $28
Driver : $28 - $68
Officiant or Celebrants :$68 - $588
Hair and Makeup Artist - $68 to $208
Photographer / Videographer : $108 - $208
Banquet Manager :$68 - $128
Tea Ceremony : $12-68 (Depend on how many kids there are)
Helpers which has least Roles : $12-28


Hi Ms Fel,

For Hair & MUA, Phorographer/Videographer, already paying for their services, still need to bao substantial amount of ang pao?


New Member
magdal: I finally manage to send u a req in fb! Add me!

sherlin: The above is just a rough guide =)
It is up to u if u want to bao AP for those svcs like MUA, PG & VG. Some people will still give for auspicious sake..
Up to u de...


New Member
ms Fel: what's your nick? add you when I reach office.

I Tot angbao for pg and vg is parents pack? wow think I so stingy~


New Member
magdal: its under the name - Felicia =))

erm, what i know is for PG & VG, normally is bride or groom pack.. but i have had friends who did not give AP to PG & VG too.
So i think its really up to individual. Some give AP if they are happy with their services.

I haven decide whether or not to give AP for VG & PG.. must see their performance on the AD itself.. haha..


New Member
do we have to pack for the hotel staff? or just the main coordinator will do?

my mum keep telling me dont have to pack for the hotel staff and the parents will pack angbao for PG, VG and MUA

just added you~

gers.~~ can i know anyone name Ste Lla Wang, Juerlyon Ng, Emlyn Tan,Angeline Chng,Janice Poh, Wendy Su,Sandy pang, Cindy Ho and joanna Ng.
recevie request from FB


New Member
mag: haha wedding band~
wedding banquet, i m jst gg to take the hotel theme, dont want to spend extra on it le. budget budget!

ms fel: for AP, wah, that guide is abit over le ba? the average amount i got from my friends (who hv married) and my sis, is definately not so much! unless your hv more $$$ to spare.
for JM, XD, or friends, i think is up to individual la, cos must depend u buying clothes for them anot n stuff. i think on average shld be $48 onwards. but there are ppl who only gv $28, it all solely depends on your budget.
but for the PG, VG, MUA, from what i know, roughly bao $18-$28 is more than enough alr, cos u r alr paying their services. i come across some that only gv $8 as a token.

hotel coordinator and banquet manager, i think also can just give a small amt as a token, since u are paying so much for their services!


New Member
shanna: yesh.. dats y i say that one is only a rough guide mah.. it really depends on individuals de. I have frens who give $38 for JMs..i think it is reasonable since JMs also would get their gatecrash $$ as well. Its not that we are stingy.. but hor.. its best to work within your budget. I think we shouldnt be pressurised by the "so-called" market rates. Personally i feel that if my JMs are close frens.. surely they also wont mind the AP amount given by us de.. most impt to them is seeing their bestie getting married happily! Or that is at least how i feel! haha.. not sure if u all agree wif me anot la.. lol..

As for PG, VG & MUA, some people dun give at all since they are already earning $$ from the packages le... so hor.. like wad we said.. really depends on us de..


New Member
LOL. oops. i think i replied mag instead of u for the WB thing!! haha cos, i saw u type mag on ur post, i also auto type mag! =X

yah, for AP, i think most impt is within ur budget, your good friends also wont kay gao this type of money ba.
for me, i will be getting dresses for my JM and the AP hor, is from the gatecrash only, no additional for them, to be fair to the XD la, cos i think, the XD "suffer" more leh, haha! the JM shld be the ones enjoying more! :D


New Member
shanna: u blur blur de.. hahaha *oppssss*

MissyYee: BDC = Bridal de Couture??
I still have yet to go down to my BS to take a look.. must find time to go dwn n bio liao!!

Btw, is it a need to get new furnitures for your xin fang (newly wed room)?

Coz i'll be staying wif my bf's family after our AD.. my mum told me i need to get new furnitures for my xin fang.. is there really a need to??
