clint: thanks for e compliments! im sure ur photos will turn out great too! ur photos look fun too! I wanna go US!!
j0yle: I've only uploaded a few pics in FB, will upload more when i get e photos from my fiance tis weekend..hehe.. ya, i felt like im kinda on a honeymoon..lolz.. just tat a more budget type of honeymoon..haha..btw, are u able to make it for e outing?
btw ladies, i managed to change my appointment on 8/7(thu) away. so i tink that's e common date all of us seem to be able to meet. Shall we settle on this date then?
Let me list down all who's coming on 8/7(thu) n tentative place will be Tea
Cosy@PS? Will 7pm be ok for all?
1. Rachel
2. cowcow
3. clint
4. jacqurine
5. sapphire
6. giantress
7. Siy
8. pinkglove
9. Cherry Chirpy
who else did i miss out?