(2011) 2011 Brides


New Member
HI Candy.. I forgot, which is your BS?

OOoh.. must share with us your pics when it's ready for viewing


joyle: u mean my banquet was one of ur choice too? hehe...

sapphire05: yeah... rmb le... hehe

i'm fine with any of the date... we can meet up to chat on wedding stuff... =D


New Member
clint: thanks for e compliments! im sure ur photos will turn out great too! ur photos look fun too! I wanna go US!!

j0yle: I've only uploaded a few pics in FB, will upload more when i get e photos from my fiance tis weekend..hehe.. ya, i felt like im kinda on a honeymoon..lolz.. just tat a more budget type of honeymoon..haha..btw, are u able to make it for e outing?

btw ladies, i managed to change my appointment on 8/7(thu) away. so i tink that's e common date all of us seem to be able to meet. Shall we settle on this date then?

Let me list down all who's coming on 8/7(thu) n tentative place will be Tea Cosy@PS? Will 7pm be ok for all?

1. Rachel
2. cowcow
3. clint
4. jacqurine
5. sapphire
6. giantress
7. Siy
8. pinkglove
9. Cherry Chirpy

who else did i miss out?


New Member
Unfortunately, I will be very busy with my work all the way till end-August... Been doing 8-9pm nights already and I'm usually dead beat by the end of the day so have to forgo this meet up again...

Hope you girls have fun meeting up!


New Member
Same here =( Really hope to meet up with you gals but will be very busy till near yr-end.
Hope to see you gals then...
Have fun and keep us updated =)


New Member
clint, you are fast! replied to your FB invite!

Ladies.. usually my Thurs and Friday are very busy... you girls don't mind late comers right? BUAHAHA! I will try to rush my work on that day...


New Member
Hi all,

Just popping by to say HARLOW to all 2011 BTBs!~!~!

Me oso 2011 BTBs!~!~

Was reading thru you girls comments and it’s making me damn stress!

I only book my overseas photography and AD banquet. That’s all. Nothing else….

I panic liao…. argh…


New Member
Jacqurine>> yeah.. safra faber looks good.. I initially looking for restaurants until most that I chose did not fulfil some of my criteria…

Pinkglove>> 8/7 sounds good, just wondering if Tea Cosy is spacious enuff if more than 6 of us are meeting… other alternatives wld be coffee places at Orchard Central cos’ its really very empty even on wkends…

Karen>> welcome~! No worries… we are gan cheong brides… u can relax a lil’.

Clint>> many ppl doing Overseas PS? I having local PS, date not confirmed yet cos’ WG/EG still in the making!


New Member
Hi Karen! A warm welcome to ya! Don't panic.. we all super gan cheong, like what j0yle has mentioned...hehe.. when are u intending to have ur overseas PS?

sapphire: oh .. it's work? hopefully u can still join us eventually..

j0yle: i've not been to Tea Cosy before so not so sure of the space available, maybe Rachel can advise? Orchard central sounds gd too cos very few pple go there..haha..

Smilem: im sorry, did i miss ur name out for the gathering? Are u able to join us?


New Member
cow cow: Hello! I can't wait to meet u girls. But I will be back from Phuket on 7th July Midnight.. and will be working on 8th... I am just afraid I will be too tired to go. Nevertheless can put me into the list? And TBC? Thanks dear!

Jacqurine: My AD next year 24th July. How abt urs? :D

clint: I taking pre-wed PG at Taiwan with vivi brides. I guess I am the only person in SG signing up with Vivi Bride. keke! My AD will be held at GCW Hotel.

pinkglove: Hello!!! My TW shoot will be in end Oct this year. :D

Harlow to the rest of the BTBs! Would like to meet you girls!~! Can add me in FB too?

My email address is [email protected] !~~!~~!


New Member
karen: That's really soon! U can look forward to it! Have u booked ur air tickets and hotel?
Have sent u an invitation for FB
Wah... Work right after u are back from holidays, im just like u! I like to fully utilize my holiday also.. always come back e day just b4 I need to work..hehe.. U r very onz! Next day work right after ur hols and u are still considering to join us! Hopefully u'll not be over tired but if u are too tired to join


New Member
pinkglove, u added me in FB? never see u lei.. heehe.. mind to add again?

yuppie. i book airtix le. going with another couple friend. we are still looking at which hotel to book in Taiwan. i have been staying at the same hotel for the past 2 times in TW. So still sourcing...

wedding preparation really nid to use many days leave lo. must fully utilize the leave else no more le. haha!!! i really i can join! count me in first okie?


New Member
Karen, added u already leh for FB btb 2011.. i checked n ur email & it's still under yet to reply .. u check again?

giantress: added u already.


New Member
hi girls,

im also a 2011 BTB.

dropping by to say hi to everyone! :p

i dont mind joining the outing as well if its not too crowded :p


New Member
I guess we may need to change venue? looks like quite a huge group ya.. I'm fine with OC.. never really been there before..

Karen: why do u say u're the only bride in SG with vivi brides? how did u get to know them?

Phylline: we welcome u to the gathering!


most impt we hv find wat we really want...

Karen: congrate... mine will be 01 Jan nxt yr...

Have added some of the bride in fb...


New Member
Morning btb!

Welcome Phylline! No problem just join us! we are not afrid of crowds!

Karen and pinkglove, ya.. a wedding needs lotsa leave.. i'm saving up my leave this year as well.. so next year can use it!! Buahaha!! till date I'm still clearing my last year leave.. BUAHAHA!!


Active Member
Karen>> Last time I stay in One Paradise Hotel. Price is reasonable and quite near to XMD. Rainbow Hotel is super near... just locate at the center of XMD but maybe a bit noisy.


New Member
Hi Karen.. maybe you can check out this hotel. It's supposed to be better than those usual 3start hotels commonly found in Taipei and this is near XMD.


Our outing.. if can.. I surely can. TBC me, will confirm when date is nearere.. But think it's going to be a big group so maybe might have to change venue?

Hi Joyle.. Im having my PS done locally as well


New Member
hi gals, im totally so busy to even come in & read...

i will try to make it for the outing but as I be having many events on the 8 - 11. I juz afraid I need to work late cos' i got no time to work on weekends

Let me know the confirm location soon.

If u gals want a less crowded place will be Borders Bistro. The place we met some of them the last time. Good thing is we can browse through the magazines if we want :p

Else Iluma is also very desserted


New Member
Pinkglove>> if im not wrong, tea cosy seems like the shop that sells lotsa furniture as well. Haven’t been there, but seems like quite packed with furniture..

The last time I went OC with my htb, I tot that was quite a nice place to have last min. chill out sessions cos’ of its emptiness.. no need to Q or fight for seats!

Siy’s suggestions sounds good too! Think just have to finalise who’s gg and then decide cos’ the space is one prob.


New Member
Hi All,
I am currently deciding between Mandarin Oriental luncheon and Grand Park City Hall (luncheon/dinner). Prices vary alot! MO luncheon is $828++ while Grand Park dinner is MO's luncheon cost.

I know that MO food is really nice but i am not so sure about GPCH. Need some advice. Care to share? Thanks!
