(2011) 2011 Brides


New Member
RV:I tink it's pinkcoral who sent u e mail.. Not me..hehe. Though I happen to be with moo too, haha ;) hope u can find yr garden theme place real soon!


New Member
RV, if you are looking at getting Halia, be prepared to call and chase after them for stuffs. Email don't work effectively for them.
My solemnization this Oct is at Halia..


New Member
pinkglove: I understand what u mean.. haha!! now I'm thinking if I should get a instant photo printing service for my banquet.. I keep trying to psycho my fiance on that thought too.. used to be very bz settling my PS, gowns, etc.. now abit relax then wanna add on other stuffs.. btw have u settled your fiance's shirts? We more or less settle the design, found the buttons we wanted but now can't find a nice fabric for the shirt..

RV: HELLLOOOOOO!!!!! hey! I'll be dropping by Santa Cruz in June for my PS! If you wanna drop by Moo, its better to call them for an appt.. usually they're out for shoots during the weekends.. U can consider Mandai Orchid Gardens or Gardenasia for a garden theme wedding..


New Member
clint: I am thiking of the instant photo printing as well! Was asking fiance if we can do it IF we have extra budget.. That is IF we have extra budget..


New Member
pinkcoral: I saw Live Studios at OH wedding show.. and they took an instant photo for us too.. My fiance not very keen to spend the extra $$.. :|


New Member
clint: we'r still looking ard for designs, hopefully can make e shirts this wkend.. i wanna make 2 shirts for him cos he's only having 1 suit so at least he can have a change of shirt over e 2 days of PS.. oh, so u r gg to bring e buttons to ur tailor?

i had photos taken by Live Studios at wedding show too.. hmm... maybe i shld prioritize.. which is better? a band or having instant photos if i can only choose one?


New Member
pinkglove: those buttons I've gotten are not sewn on buttons.. they are called tuxedo studs.. its like those u put on for army no1 uniform.. or any uniform from those student uniform groups.. I got them from ebay, now waiting for the shipment.. I intend to make 2 shirts too.. 1 white one and another darker colour to match my EG..

I would prefer instant photos.. as least the guests can have the photos as keepsake.. If my budget burst hor.. I'll skip the instant printing part and probably set up a space with props etc for my guests to take photos.. then email/print for them after AD..

I like the part where Live Studios project the photos instantly on the projector screen.. so cool!


clint: yeah, the instant projection part is cool! They were there at my friend's wedding and it's so nice to see my photos up on the screen :p.
But my friend's dinner had a lot of tables, almost a hundred.. and live studios couldn't print out the photos quickly enough. But for smaller weddings should be ok lar.


New Member
hi pinkglove. I also think the live projection and instant photos is better.

I would wanna have that IF I have the budget.. heee.

I think it would be very fun..


New Member
mm.. what the price for live studio ? I personally like the idea of pics being taken at the wedding and receive it instantly .

mm.. my budget for VG & PG should be bout 5k . I am more concern bout VG . hahah..So I dun mind spend a bit more. I want the video to be touching and romantic.. and I know Damon low style is like that . So most probably gg for him


New Member
pinkcoral, I am looking for a place now also.. seriously is financially tight to go through all these at the same time. suppose to be staying with MIL but due to some problem 2 weeks ago decided taht its better she move into my house rather than me to hers.. buahahaha!

cherry, think the cheapest package is around $1288 for the 4hrs banquet print out.. you can go to the website to take a look..


New Member
ya the property prices are so high =( and there are so many rules and regulation haiz... I do not have my own nest too... think will only start planning after my wedding ba...


New Member
gals, if you just want the instant photos, can try icleeq, they do photo booths instead of live shots... www.iCleeq.com

i dun think they project pics on screen at the wedding but is alot cheaper and their photo print is supposed to be fast....


New Member
I also don't have my own nest yet.. still looking around and with our pockets so tight.. hard to find a place we like with the price we want.. most prob will be staying with in-laws first until we can find a suitable place..

thanks prisci11a! actually my PG also does instant photos.. but 4R size instead of card size.. I'm actually more attracted to the live projection..


New Member
we are in the same boat... I will be staying with my in-laws too... will try to save up and look around at the meantime =)

Was thinking of getting the instant photo service as my mum likes it quite a bit
I understand and know that elderly do keeps them but i was wondering does people in our generation keep them?


New Member
I thought of having the instant prints too.. cool but it is too expensive. Already spent so much.. actually Coffee & Tea, the company I signed up also offers 4R and namecard size.


New Member
Whoopise, thanks pinkcoral

cow cow: I've emailed them, maybe if you can share with me what your package is. Mine is next yr March. [email protected]

Joyle: is that true?
so sad, no they told me its still under reno (now) when I was there Sunday it was out of bounds.


New Member
RV, you've got mail.

pinkglove, I hope I can like tell my sisters I wanted it as a Birthday gift and they sponsor the live studio cost... but that will mean that my ang bao will shrink.. so ang bao is more important.. buahahaha!! $_$


New Member
cow: that's a very smart move! it's good that u have elder sisters leh.. i only have a younger bro, n he would have started working only for 1 yr by the time it's my AD, don't tink he can afford to give me wat i want..haha..

but if they give u that, it's equivalent to cash savings ma.. somemore no need justify to ur fiance cos it's a GIFT, isn't it even better?hahaha..


New Member
pinkglove, I believe they will give more cash in the ang bao if they don't sponsor.. BUAHAHAHA!! actually I felt kinda guilty towards my sisters.. I did not give ang bao for their wedding because I was like still studying and just came out to work at that time and now they have to pay for my wedding.. don't dare to remind them I never bao ang bao and ate free food.. BUAHAHAHA!!


New Member
cowcow: don't worry abt that, that's the privilege of having sisters =) they're not calculative towards such things, hehe.. u are blessed in this way! I'm sure u've done nice things to them in another way like gg all out to ensure that their wedding go smoothly =)


New Member
hm...im also keen to sign up for Live but budget constrain

unsure if we can do a bundle deal with Live on all different dates & get a better quote from them.

any keen takers?

but first i need to fix on my AD date :p


New Member
pinkglove, ya... during their wedding I was even busier than my sisters.. have to make sure everything goes well for the wedding dinner... I even stayed at home to help them paste the "shuang xi" stickers..


New Member
Siy, i also intersted!!

clint, i also wanted the live feed.... but it turned out so expensive htb veto it saying that this is extra, only if we have extra or if i reduce something den i can get this.... hahahaha.... so the photo booth is my plan B... hahaha

yesterday was toking w my fren getting married end of the year and she asked me if i had any idea of how to entertain the wedding banquet guests and induce them to come early.... any ideas?


New Member
cow cow, yeah, to have sisters is really very good!! can help out with everything and no need to paisei with them...even BFF not as good as sister!!

my sis been helping out her frens at soo many wedding, she pro at wedding gowns and arrangement for AD....making her my head jiemei and official timekeeper ... hahaha


New Member
Anyone doing just a simple chinese dinner with family and close friends?

I wish my mum would sponsor my AD PG/VG :X

Now slowing doing guest list. Already have a handful who can't make it.


New Member
I mean "slowly"

As for the house,yes I do agree with the increasing property price (crazy COVs). I have been very blessed and settled a nice 3room near parents
So now mostly the $$ will be going into building (reno) up the place, thus wedding I want it to be simple and laid back style.. (like my garden theme sorta wedding)


New Member
pinkglove> yet to sign contract with the hotel, had fixed a date, hopefully will be able to close this by next weekend

afterwhich, then i can proceed to settle with VG/AD/PS etc.

most probably will fix on a weekday in Nov. Unable to held on 11.11.11 - clash with BF dad, anyway its so x to hold AD on this date

Wanted to take up OH like you due to its attractive package deal, but im particular on the idea that 2 weddings might clash side-by-side if u dont used up all their 3 Ballrooms. And location wise also not that ideal. But price really too attractive since our hse is coming soon :p


New Member
pris>> for us... i think there's only more reason to go later cos' after 8pm, no ERP... before 8pm need to pay ERP!

RV>> ur RSVP so soon? or ur friends not in S'pore to attend? cos' for me I think it's more of last min cannot make it, which is more worrying I guess!


New Member
Siy: so which date are u looking at now?? Hope u can get ur ideal venue soon

I'm with OH too.. Agree that the perks are really good.. So compromise abit on the location and the shared reception area..


New Member
Siy: I tink there'll confirm b 2 weddings for most so tat's a compromise cos I love their ballroom so much,esp pillarless n long march in. Hehe. location wise, I personally thought it's ok,15min walk frm mrt n there'r a couple other hotels which I've visited tat's impossible to walk frm mrt..

Btw, any special reasons why u r choosing a wkday? cos i've been to a wkday wedding, e gatecrashin was not lively cos few pple can make it but tat's if u like such atmosphere .. n dinners usually start much later cos pple rush frm work n attendance might also b affected xos of last min work.. But of course, if it's a meaningful date for u n him den go ahead w it! ;)


New Member
Friday's finally here!!

Clint: just curious if u r intendin to sell ur WG/EG away after ur PS?

I've got tis crazy thought of buying my WG cos I love it so much but I koe it's impractical to buy. Haha. N also thinking if
I shld sell my EG after my AD..


New Member
pinkglove: my fiance wants to sell it off to recoup back some money.. and its really not practical to keep them or pass to the next generations like the old days.. haha.. If you have space in your house, u can keep it for rememberance lor.. if not sell it to earn back some cash..


New Member
i tink my house has a lot of space cos only 2 of us living tgt next time but ya, really not practical..haha.. pass to e next generation, have never really thought of that!haha..initially i've already set my mind to sell my EG away but now after seeing e final product, im loving it so much too... a bit can't bear to sell away liao..lol..
