(2011/09) SEPT BTB


Dear All,


rururoo>> glad to hear ur venue is settle.... haha swissotel sounds nice and GRAND!!! haha... Life is stressful but i think i settle the big things first... so now only waiting for PS in Dec.

may>> hmmm maybe an ala carte sounds ok too but its a lot of coordinating work... haha... i sort of regret i din go for alacarte after i buy my wedding gown in HK... cos hmmm the BS oso has a lot of hidden cost at times.

As for living with in laws, me also will be living with my MIL cos my hb is the only child... but i m sure will be all right as per what May has say haha... Hope everyone will get their love nest soon...


May>> yes we will be giving ang bao... oso the hmmmm lunch after that... if u got extra table left over from banquet which are not open,can ask hotel whether can come back eat another day. then u might be able to hold the thank you lunch there oso.


New Member
Im juz like you Brendancer. Dislike the idea totally... but now Ive leran to accept it nd look at the bright side haha
Glad to hear gd news from you May!!! Keep it up!!! I have not really started my working out schedule haha but last week manage to go for a slow short jog with my HTB haha coz his IPPT is around the corner haha


New Member
My AD is 24 Sep 2011 ~ gald to @@ many BTB here
I having my banquet at Swissotel Merchant Court... booked my bridal with La Belle...I also could not get a BTO till today after 5 tries haiz... should be staying with my in laws after wedding


New Member
Welcome Littlezhuzhu =) My AD is 1 day after yours and we have the same BS haha however, my venue is OH =)Hows your preparation so far?


New Member
Hi littlezhuzhu, my ad is same as yrs but may postpone to Oct instead.
Bto after 5 tries - do try looking for mp which I did as I failed 8 times. N I be getting my keys next yr after complaining to mp in feb.so do try it.


New Member
hello littlezhuzhu...welcome!
nice to see more and more Sept BTBs here

Aiai: thanks for the advice! good idea actually..though we;ll probably be having the thank you lunch 1-2 days later (wont be in SG long)..and would like to try a new place!

xingli: jiayou! do it more since your HTB is having his IPPT...once you get the momentum it's easier to keep going even when he's had it!


Wah... after seeing so many comments.. .really hard to get a flat nowadays... hope u guys get one soon...I just got to be my freind's sister on sat... its so tiring sia.

anyway i have sign up for a talk for how to mange ur budget for theme wedding planning on 24th July 2010 @ NLB. Thot who are interested can PM me, i will forward the email to you.

Its lik 25+ per couple.


Sorry i oso need some advice... on the bridesmaid dress, and the makeup do you all buy for them? Or set a color go buy with them. Cos i hope they can be the same color n material. Also the gatecrashing ang bao? How much to give? Hehe... thisis making me confuse.. oso anyone got opt for MUA to help them makeup?


New Member
Ya =) hopefully I can keep up the momentum =)

As for me, my intention is to get them a dress each =)a little gift from me to them for helping out hee hee
As for make-up, they would need to settle that themselves. Most likely they would do their own make-up.
Gatecrashing ang bao ive not discuss with my HTB hee hee


New Member
aiai.. depends how particular it is you want their dresses to be.

i think usually the bride will buy the dress for the bridesmaids (i am anyway).. makeup no need unless you are feeling generous!

for their dresses, some brides give a material swatch and colour (or just colour) to the bridesmaids and let them get their own, or you can always go buy together. my HTB's sis got ours made..she chose everything.


New Member
Hi all.. I am quite new here.. Been a silent reader.. So decided to start posting now.. Have you guys settled Videographer etc? We've only booked banquet and BS.. the rest not yet.. Not sure if we are a bit slow..

littlezhuzhu: my AD is one day after yours, at the same venue with you.. So coincidence! haha!

Xingli: my AD same day with you.. Initially thinking of OH too! Their ballroom is nice =)


New Member
Gd morning MetoYou =) dont worry you r not too slow but you can start sourcing now... next yr seems like a popular yr hee hee


Hmmm agree with Xingli that nest yr popular... when i book forest production, they told me they got ppl booking them in dec 2011 already... Ok fixed then i shall buy them a dress each... hmm i dun mind hiring makeup artist. but with a few to makeup they take times... so i kinda worry will have delay.. n some jie meis dun like to have heavy makeup... that's y i m kinda confuse.


New Member
ya... think not all jie meis would wan to have heavy make-up else they will look like the bride too =/


oh man dear all i m kinda of worry about my coordinator for amara that icall up their manager requesting to change.... hmmm now i felt so uneasy.


Hmmm well actually previously i already dun like her... i think she sort of not so passionate one, then everything hor her feedback seems negative or inflexible to me... So me n hubby says ok live with it. But seeing so many negative comments from the thread makes me a bit low morale so i request a change. We are doing theme wedding, henceforth it will be good if we were to have a good coordinator. at least from there i dun need to worry too much. but just now got one btbs came up to say that this coordinator is good. i have some doubts in her comments.


New Member
hmmm maybe you can ask her which area is she good at...
it could be one area that you have oversee hee hee
personally i think a co-ordinator that can communicate well with us (same frequency as us) is important...
that will help us alot and we will feel less stress on AD... moreover yours is a theme dinner...
believe there are more to plan and co-ordinate.
If there is a need better make the change early...


New Member
Hello ladies, welcome new btbs

i'm back. been so stressed out and busy. my church had some global event 4-7july and i had to rush down every evening after work cause i'm the chief usher. i'm just glad it's over!

happy that you girls manage to get many things settled, so envious! i wish mine is a little easier though, oh well. i'm so tired of hearing myself grumble everytime i'm here, the next time i want to be able to shout out that i've settled something else. HAHAHA.

so meanwhile please be patient with me :p


Rururoo... Yeah u can one!!! Haha Jia you.

Hmmm Xingli>> yah... but there's a part she mention the coordinator actually help the couple call up the bank to up their credit card limit... This one is beri doubtful... it seems unreal... n most of the comments there are saying she is inflexible... hmmm i oso not sure... But i think most likely i will be changing cos my HB hu is the most ching cai says change!


New Member
Aiai.. Good to hear you've both decided to change! I find the credit limit bit dodgy too! You should never have to pay for a wedding with future money.. For a coordinator to suggest that is unacceptable I think.. Anyway, hope it goes well!

Rururoo.. Haha Im sure you will have more settled soon.. Gd luck!


New Member
No worry rururoo... you can share with us anytime...
We still have 1yr2mths to prepare so dont worry...
lets go slow and steady =)

Ya that incident sound real strange... how can she call up the bank and increase the card limit in that manner??? It would be good to get someone you are comfortable with else you will feel real stress that day which you should not be...


New Member
Hi all, I work in a bank although not credit card dept, but I can be very sure that no stranger can call up a bank on your behalf to ask for credit card limit increase. =)

Anyway, I JUST signed my BS at Yvonne Creative yesterday.


New Member
awwww... you girls are sooo sweet
i've come to the right place haha, thanks for hearing me whine, really appreciate the support!

anyway, HTB is flying off again on 20 july, but he promised that we will settle our BS before he flies, so that's great news! i can't wait :p


New Member
nice one brendancer! now you can sit back and relax for a bit!

Girls.. I didnt think it would be this soon... but I have found THE dress. I just bought it today.. another load off! but i'm still overwhelmed at how much money I've just spent on ONE dress. even though i really love it...


Yeah agree agree on the DRESS part!!!! Hmmm CONGRATS... Show pic show pic ok?

Rururoo>> Hope u find your BS soon!!! Must update us ok?

Bredancer>> thanks for your info .. i oso find it weird too on the part they call up for couples to up credit limit. Hmm Yvonne Creative.. yah i saw them before.. i remember thier gown is very glarmorous and princessy!!!


New Member
Thanks Xingli..I don't like it..I LOVE it! i've been thinking about it..cant help it ;p and yes, i've settled in to the fact that this is once in a lifetime..it's OK... anyway i plan to make it shorter and wear it for other functions ;) trying to justify costs..hehe.

Aiai..thanks! I have no pic atm..forgot to take hehe.. but I'm going to collect the dress tomorrow so maybe I'll upload some pix if I manage to take them

btw, any of you still looking for a live band? Ervin from 3-sessions emailed me and I checked them out and they are not bad.. I got a quotation and the rates are very good too. www.3-sessions.com


New Member
Ya!!! must take a picture of THE DRESS and share with us after you collect it ok =)
Im impressed by your thought of make it shorter and wear it for other functions =) smart move!!!
No worries Mrs Ng =) we will remember =)


New Member
Hi, I am helping my friend to post. He is looking for couples to do pre-wedding shoots for his portfolio. Anyone is interested here? He do have some experiences taking wedding photos but not much that's why he need more portfolio for his website. If interested, pls pm me for his contact.


New Member
brendancer : read that yvonne creative has pretty gowns! just like what Aiai said

May : hooray for THE dresss!! i think it's really important that you love it so i'm sure it's worth every cent

Mrs Ng aka Aiai : haha ok AIAI !!


New Member
thanks girls!

argh! i forgot to take a picture i just wrapped it up in bedsheets and tucked it away with my FMIL... i'll try and get a pic when I can!

feel a bit restless now.... future parents-in-law think i've bought my dress too early..and paid too much because HTB's sis got her dress for half of what I paid and all in (free fittings, dry cleaning..but it;s from China)... and I, got an ex-sample sale dress and still have to pay for alterations and possibly dry-cleaning.... (they didnt really SAY it but i can tell from their comments)

sigh.. i might just flog it for hopefully 2/3 of what i paid after the wedding..it's quite a timeless design IMO and popular designer.. so fingers crossed.

btw...aiai...i will still call you aiai! used to it now! :p


New Member
Dear May,
Dun be disheartening about their expression, previously when i bought the ONE! i oso got loads of facial expression from my FMIL... Cos they din got in touch with the BS n dunno that if i m paying at such a high price there should e a valid reason behind. So i took some effort to tell them if i got an MTM in local BS, i need to pay more for the MTM WG, plus if i need such a complicated design, i need to top up for workmanship + the lace pricing. So in total its = to what i have pay in HK. But for this WG i get to keep it n i get to wear it. Its for me only... unlike the MTM WG in SG, actually other BTBs can wear it too u know... Its only that they can wear it indoors only. Of cos the BS will try to dun let u know.. haha...


New Member
Dear All,

Would like to let you all know that i have actually changed my coordinator for my banquet!!! So excited about it! haha... But i m not going to update on the banquet thread as i dun wan any more misunderstanding and since the manager is helping me by doing a favor i scare if i tell them in the thread later everyone wanna change coordinator den like very bad like tt.


New Member
Dear Xingli,

Thanks! Yes and of cos this gal is much more better in many many ways. She rest assured me about the package stuff, and once she become my coordinator, she has already sent me several messages on her HP number and email address. Really and happy to have her on board!


New Member
Mrs Ng, thank you for your kind msg..

And of course, congrats on the change! The new coordinator sounds very much more on the ball


New Member
Clarin : welcome! when is your AD ??

may : don't be disheartened, a friend told me, it's my wedding, i need to feel good about it! so the same goes for you babe

Aiai : way to go! this coordinator sounds really helpful, happy for u


New Member
Welcoem Welcome Clarins...
May>> i receive the email on the band le!! haha Thanks.

Hmm Yah thank god i change my coordinator!! Really a huge diff...


Dear All Sept 2011 BTBs!!!

my AD + ROM will be on the same day - 10 Sept 2011..@ Carlton
we got this date from a master, so, sticking with this date ^_^

i havent decided on my BS yet as i was still pondering between Whitelink and Thomson Wedding.
Anyone has any encounters please do advice me


[email protected]
