hi lala>> welcome and no worries ok! haha~ we just start early and slacking rite now.. taking our own sweet time to do things..
u can check out
www.extraordinary.com.sg for some checklist and stuff.. =)
joeann>> my BIL did not change his bed etc, jus did some reno for the room, so we follow suit. but depends on ur family also lah..
smilem>> took the last half yr slowly, gowns are all done, but left with the final touches.. hopefully can take pic in Sep like u.. waiting for my braces to be off first!!
just went to my friend's new place, reno is quite exp., but worth it cos' it's quality finishes, definitely last longer..
for me, my htb in construction line, so he got contacts for carpentry and stuff, so he just choose himself.. and he say some materials' price are quite fixed, so the quotations that they give u also depends on that..