(2011/01) Jan 2011 BTB


New Member
oic.. mine is on a seperate day.. will have my solemnization this coming sept =)

xue: still in the midst of preparing.. very lost sometimes.. so for now i just concentrate on what i need to prepare for photoshoot first cos it will be at the end of this month.. afterwhich will prepare for my solemnization in sept den follow by my BIG DAY is Jan.. hopefully i have time to prepare for all these cos i'm doing them in stages.. at least i won't get mix up afterway through or miss out anything that i have to do.. how abt u? when is ur AD?


New Member
oic.. i also very lost too.. i dun think i have start on anything yet.. haha..
my PS will be in Sep (i hope its not too late)
AD will be on 2nd Jan...
but i drafted my guest lists, confirm my Jiemeis le.. think what i need to do is to buy those GDL items which makes me v headache..


New Member
nope its not late.. initially my BS also recommend me to have my photoshoot in sep but i told her i worried of the rainy season and also i want to get this photoshoot done asap so 1 worry down.
i have more or less drafted my guest list already and my jie mei are confirm too..
ya now is the GDL items and the both parents meeting up for some discussion.. Think that will settle after my ROM..
oh ya btw ur solemnization together with ur AD?


New Member
phew.. i tot sep is v late to have PS..
ya lo.. GDL items dunno what to buy..hows u n ur HTB dirlect?
Nope.. my ROM i did le.. now is waiting for AD. =)


New Member
xue, just to share with you, I took PS in end April. Now the photos are still being editted.

My PS is taken and editted in Taiwan, so this might not be the case for your BS. But just in case, you might want to ask your BS to help get the whole album out before your AD.

Anyone doing a wedding lunch like me?


New Member
lish: thanks.. i did double confirm with them le.. did called n ask whether is it too late, but they assured to me that time is sufficent..

oh u are doin a lunch? i also thinkin of that earlier on but decided on dinner instead after discussion with my hubby


New Member
xue, nope its not too late.. for my BS they if take in sept den around december will be done.. so still in time for AD.. i think tat should be the same for all BS in singapore unless u are taking it in oversea like wat Lish did which might need a longer period.. Both my HTB and I are hokkien so i think it should be quite easy to settle cos there isnt a mix dialect.. How about u nad ur HTB?? btw where will ur AD be?

oh when/where did u have ur ROM??


New Member
Lish initially i wanted to do a wedding lunch cos its cheaper but my HTB said if its a wedding lunch, there wont be the feel of a wedding.. cos the day is bright outside.. haha.. so after much discussion, we decided to have wedding dinner instead..


New Member
chuilin, my original plan was to have a cozy lunch with family and close friends. As we planned, it evolved into a banquet with receptions and march ins. Haha.

Dinner and lunch are both good. I went for lunch so that the family elders can rest earlier and that we can enjoy the hotel suite longer


New Member
chiulin: oh... im taking in SG.. =D thats good for u n ur HTB.. ours are not the same.. :p
we did it 2yrs back in the ROM..

lish: yup.. i also consider that, for the consideration of the eldery.. but in the end we decided on the dinner.. =)


New Member
Hi Binnie, mine is on the same day as yours. But i haven start to plan anything yet. Am i too late?? The only thing i did is to book the hotel venue...


New Member
Jane> Great!! Finally i found someone wedding on the same day as mine.. Eh we still have ard 6mths. But think what you need to cfm asap is your VG, PG, Bridal studio n take the photo shoots.

I have just cfm my VG, already taken my pics, cfm my wedding flavours, book my venue & rsvp some of my friends on FB.. In Aug, i will go for my 1st fitting with BS to book which gowns i will be wearing on my AD + book my PG. In Oct, probably my food tasting and start printing my wedding cards. Remaining matters will be during the last 3mths le..


New Member
hi ladies,

anyone's AD is on 08 jan 11?
anyone can recommend me AD PG & VG & also a roman catholic? I've only settled on PS & banquet dinner so trembling now...

@ Joyle thks for sharing that pair of CL look-a-like. i've been looking for it for a long time too. =) may i know how many inch is the heels?


New Member
Hi Maureen Seng (maureenseng) , i think that place is Alexandra Park. I'm thinking of going there for my PS as i love the the swing hanging on the tree =) will reece the place first den keep u inform =)

Denise Ho, initially i was planning to hold my ROM at MBS sky park but they cant give me a quotation at all. I enquired since may and they told me once they officially open, they will give me the quotation.. but till now no news from them..we tried calling them to ask but they cant give us at all.. have very bad impression on them already =( now have to look for another location for my ROM which is in sept.. so rush =(


New Member
hello!! ahhh i posted in wrong thread just now =x

din post for so long already!!
so sorry can't make it for the outing.. hope it was fun! :D

heheh and i just came back from my TW wedding photoshoot :D
so fun fun~~~

how are u all preparing le?? wah.. 5 more mths to go~~ time flies~~!!


New Member
Jeanie, oh so u are suppose to post here instead of btb 2011? lol..

anyway welcome back and glad that u had fun =) hope to see ur PS soon.. muz be very bliss and pretty =) when is ur AD??


New Member
Chiu Lin, thank you!! Finally, that solves the mystery of the location!! =D I'm also interested to go there for PS, do keep me posted! =)


New Member
thanks qiuling!!! actuallie i also dunno which 1 to post in but it seems that tis thread has more familiar nicks :p but its all the same ba.. all BTBs in 2011!! hehehe

my AD is on 1st jan 2011 :D


New Member
Hi Joyle,

thks for the recommendation..will check it out & the shoes too!
actually not really looking for catholic PG, as long as they have experienced in church weddings and i like their style & also within my budget can liao..keke


New Member
Hi, I am helping my friend to post. He is looking for couples to do pre-wedding shoots for his portfolio. Anyone is interested here? He do have some experiences taking wedding photos but not much that's why he need more portfolio for his website. If interested, pls pm me for his contact.


New Member
Maureen, np yup keep u inform once I go n Reece tat place

Jeanie, oic. Mine's on the 23 Jan
so how's preparation so far??

Jacq, yup I have fb


New Member
yay fb fb! lets add each other in fb :D

qiuling.. my preparation went stagnant after coming back from PS~ hahahaa too tired and lazie to do anything.. fiance still said wans to do montage. ohmygoshhh~ 5mths left dunno got time or not!
how abt ur preparation??
i only drafted my guest list but havent confirm guest list head also.. haiyo~~ headache!


New Member
Ok. My email is [email protected]

Jeanie, I also plan the guest list already but haven confirm the head count. Now busy planning for my PS n ROM. After these 2 den start my AD. At least ur htb is proactive. Mine isn't doing anything. Everything is I plan, research den let him know and we discuss see want or not. So tired but definitely fun
now I headache for my AD PG n VG. Haven find yet. U all confirm le ma?


New Member
Jeanie, btw I wil be doing photo montage by myself too. Try t save ax much as possible. I guess there should be enough tme for u to do the montage.


New Member
hi ladies, some PGs do include the montage within the PG package.. can check those out if u have no time to DIY~


caroline: i hv booked my PG & VG also cfm on my jiemei le... for the guest will be after i rec'd my invitation card. brother part will be HTB doing.


Hi gals.. my fb is [email protected]

I would love to have a montage of our childhood photos done but not sure whether we will have time to fit it in during the dinner or not.
We have our express highlights and a MV. HTB says the montage might be overwhelming.. any suggestions?


Hi caroline, I have also booked my PG + VG. But JM, I've only confirmed half of the 6 that I wanted.
I wanted my JM and his XD numbers to be the same so waiting for my bf to confirm his side first.
I'm getting the dresses for them so quite eager to get this settled fast.


New Member
pinkcoral, how about showing the childhood montage during reception. The guests who arrive early will have something to entertain.

chiulin, what software are you using to do the montage ah? I'm also thinking of doing it myself.


My PG will be doing a montage of the AD morning pictures and those will be aired during the reception.

My fren has offered to help with the childhood montage if we need. She did mention that it's very easy to do so.


New Member
Dear all, for me, I will be having a PG with us for 10hrs on AD (morn + dinner) & a VG for 7hrs (morn only) who will be doing an express highlight for us to show during our dinner.. As for montage, my hubby will be doing it himself as he has this function on his Apple MacBook.


New Member
qiuling~ can't find u in FB leh... my fb name is Jeanie Shuyan. do add me

waaa u do all planning urself? alot of things wor!! somemore doing montage! thats even more~~~
we have already settled PG which is Jonathan from Themovingframe
the rest not yet... jiemeis i have already confirmed 4.. but haiyo.. feel like adding 1-2 more but im afraid of budget

yea same as pinkcoral.. my PG will do AD montage which consists of morning higlights... other montages which we wanna do will be DIY le~
i've tried window movie maker.. its workable lol!!! but im so headache.. fiance told me he got to fly overseas for work from oct-nov 2010 for 3 weeks.. boohoo~ so siann!


New Member
wow! you girls are fast! looks like i'm the only one still scouting for PG & VG? *jialat!* lucky for montage we're counting on a gd friend to help us to do..

for JM dresses think you all can try Occasion at raffles city s.c. if you all have not heard before. =)

do you all mind can sharing who's ur PG&VG? i find those that i get quote from are like out of my budget..like 3-4K just PG alone. =/

@jacqurine- sorry ah..erm but what you meant by "for the guest will be after i rec'd my invitation card?"

my fb email is [email protected] =)


New Member
Hi girls... WOW! since i started work.. think i only check my FB and not forum anymore... :/ quite lost liao.. hahha..

anyway, since yall are at this topic.. then i shall promote abit... LOL! can try out LOUD! Production @ http://www.loud.com.sg too..
but i think VG/PG is very to personal style... so its still more ideal to look up their work and find 1 that suits ur style..
they have quite a few diff packages....



New Member
hi evon_gladys,
yeah yeah..i just went to look at their portfolio was to my expectation. are you engaging their svc too? do you have their rates? if so, can email me? TIA! =)


New Member
My VG i engaged is Beautifulday.sg for the morning ceremony for 7 hrs. Their pricing can be seen from their website like e.g. VG for 12hrs is $1200. http://beautifulday.sg/

They also have PG but I didnt engaged them as the PG is provided by my BS.


New Member
Gladys, LOUD captures nice wedding videos!! I wonder what's the pricing as well. What's their pricing range?


New Member
Caroline/ Binnie: it's actually my bf's co. Lol... I can email y'All e package.. Coz they have a few diff packages...
actually they usually get to know the couples first and do it more to their preferences n personality.. N coz they have a team of ppl so y'all can specify PG/VG also if they are not taken yet for ur AD..


New Member
Gladys thanks. I just drop them an enquiry also. Cos I have not placed my deposit for the one I chose (i.e. Beautifulday) so if the price is ard the same and Im satisfied with the style of the VG that i'm assigned to. I dont mind changing. For Beautifulday, they do not allow me to chose VG, so I also dunno whether the VG assigned to me will have a style that Im comfortable with..


Hi gals, I'm using moomedia for my AD.
Ours is a PG+VG+MV package.
We're really moved by the MVs that they do so stretched our budget to engage them.
