(2010) 2010 Brides


New Member
eelynn >
i don't want to state the start time of the dinner cos later pple will be late. i rather just put the solemnisation time and let them come on time.

am going to close and deny entry to the ballroom during the ceremony too.


New Member

my friend who did her solemnisation b4 e dinner had an individual card-size invite which she slot inside e wedding card.

then she smsed us saying, she will like to invite us to e solemnisation. and to appreciate if we are early so tt can start on time. it somehow gives me e feeling of being exclusive like only her close friends/relatives are invited to e solemnisation. and i made effort to be early to show support.

another friend state "solemnisation begins at 7pm sharp. pls be punctual." aft e solemnisation, dinner begins immediately. and she also smsed us to tell us to be early for e solemnisation.


New Member
ellen/thomas: Sean from Id*** Hse called me after I send online inquiry..ask me to forward to him floor plan n what I wanna do for the house...he is ok right?


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New Member
Jaq: Punggol Lodge here... hee.. Q4 of this year should be able to get keys.

Ellen: yeah lor.. now browsing renotalk also..

Thomas: i am liaising with Johnny from Id**l House now too.. he seems prompt.. but now preliminary only..


New Member
mooooooorning all =)

looks like quite a few are getting their flats soon

anyone has any idea where to get some winter clothes at a good price ? Went over to the regular winter time etc shops and I thought it was a bit overpriced for the material/designs. Or maybe i should tahan a bit and get while overseas...

anyway, spotted a good deal at http://www.bigdeal.sg/


New Member
Hi y'all! I just had my AD in January 2010...taking a trip down memory lane now, at this bridal forum! (Here's a short clip of the wedding on my blog)


My first time venturing onto this particular channel, even though I've posted on this forum before. My hubby and I are still living at a rental in the city...thinking of getting our own place but so totally confused with all the new rulings for what we can and cannot do. I am Malaysian and have a property in my hometown. Does that mean we can't buy an HDB? We can't afford to buy a condo just yet...

Life after wedding...sigh...


New Member
Booy > i think reno is a bigger headache and money-burner than wedding... LOL

princesspanda > yea if you have property back home, you are supposed to dispose it within 6 months after you purchase a HDB. how about smaller condos? HDB now so ex that there are some condos with almost the same price...


New Member
ellen, luckily you bought yours before the new rules kicked in...PRs are the worst affected ones from what I read in the papers.


Active Member
Ellen, if you set a budget and keep to it, reno can still be manageable.. I have a very good FC to control all $$$ so the reno only cost me about 13K


New Member
Booy > reno it's bigger headache not becos of the money issue, but becos a lot of things to think about and consider... anyway, it's already over! haha happily living in the house now.

Thomas > actually i won't be affected by the new rule cos my hubby is SG citizen. we also dun have private/overseas property... i can never afford property at my hometown cos the price is like double of that of SG and banks only loan 70%~ :p


New Member
oic...that's good.

so how you find staying with another person all of a sudden? any peculiar habits of his you managed to expose? :p


New Member
Thomas > LOL... actually the part about staying with another person is okie for me cos last time in hostel, we changed roommates like once every 1 or 2 years...

My hubby is okie la... no strange habits as yet :p but he is kinda messy... leave his stuff all over the place one... :1


New Member
haha, when you stay with him long enough you will tend to discover more as you go along (if he has any that is)

me and wife also found out that we have some habits as well haha...just gotta get used to.
