Jaq> Tell ur hub even if he able to sell high, u both still need to buy another flat, wich ppl will sell high to u both too. So actually in the end, u dun really make much out of it.
Jaq> TAt day my MIL oso asked me whether we're gg to stay in the woodlands flat long or we gonna sell it after 5 yrs? I told her most likely will stay for long.
Ellen > mine is only floor tiles. we kinda left the wall tiles alone cos its out of our budget liao. We also didn't reno the toilets. just changed the fittings.
jaq > the bulk of the cost went to the hacking and tiling.
alicia: ya..nt only that...if we gonna move house, will also move back to yishun/sembawang area..better to stay forever la...is a headache to buy flat also..unless wanna apply for new flats all over again which for me is impossible..I already got the 'best' selection =x
darrel: check with u abt tiling..did u check for any hollow tiles or defects?
aveline: u gone MIA today sept liao then come back ah LOL
Jaq> HA! If shift here, shift there still at yishun/sembawang, den totally no point lah.. It's a hassel too! Btw, yest hdb launched another new BTO site in yishun, wich i find not a gd site. LOL~ I'm still glad i had my Woodlands. =)
alicia: hahaha my inlaws at sembawang, my parents in yishun mahz...then we r outside these 2 places lol...all the yishun BTOs location no good..all filling up the ulu areas which has been empty for 20yrs + liaoz... ya ur woodlands is more convenient tho is far north...
Jaq> HAhahah! Y wld u wanna choose sengkang huh? Wen i mentioned sengkang/punggol to hub (before we apply for Woodlands), he immediately said no. HAhahaha! Actually i quite like Sembawang too! But wen i applied for BTO, sembawang wasnt in 1 of the BTO. =S
alicia: coz there is no other choices liao..either punggol or sengkang..these 2 new towns...we dun like punggol coz too far north east..even with the punggol developments plan..so we choose sengkang n also taken the 1 which is nearest to yishun/sembawang...jln kayu side..n heng heng we gotten single digit number so is fated lor... LOL
I dislike sembawang..my hubby hse side..far from mrt n only 1-2 buses..alot of foreign workers cycling also..coz there r 2 huge dormitory nearby..then sembawang shipyard is just behind..make the house v dirty..I mop the floor twice a week, the water is always greyish black
Jaq> Ha! Icic.. My woodlands oso onli got a few buses, but i like it tat there's gonna be a eating hse, mini-mart & a couple of shops in the project itself. Then it's near customs too, and last but not least, near my parents' hse at bt panjang, and will be near my SIL's hse at yishun (so easier for me to travel back to my parents' hse & easier for SIL to visit her mum - no excuse for her not to). =P
Jaq > haha if budget is concern, then dun do stainless steel... it's ex leh.
i read that article too, that guy bought the 12 yr old penthouse EM at 755k... from what i read, many pple consider this a better buy compared to a 500k 40 yrs old 4 room in older estate -_-"
ellen: ya is ex..so maybe back to granite lor..zzzz...
think I will start my list of reno stuff to do...but I know nuts how to explain wat thing I wanna do in 'reno' language..hmmmm..then next mth sent to some of the IDs tat I shortlisted...n also 2 contractors which are friends...
no lor..I rather buy 500k 4 rm in older estate..coz is more convenient definitely n bigger flat, most of all, definitely nearer to town area, like thomas nearby old old flats...then wait for them to enblock n just shift to new 1 hahahaha
actually after all the work in finding, buying, renovating, i pray that my block won't en-bloc anytime in the next 10 years. Its hard to find big flats nowadays.
mine won't be enbloc anytime in the near future cos its still so new. those blocks near mine were under SERS though, few more still undergoing construction.
ellen: I also wun get that even if the house is so big lor...big=more housework=feel more empty=collect dust LOL...100k CASH I can go how many times EUR or bring my parents ard the world.. can raise my future children to uni leh LOL..
me not going comex or rather any PC shows already!!!!! Until I desperate for a tech revamp in my life hahaha... =x coz is really squeezing with pple n parking lots.. =P
well ... i work at suntec, so dun need to find parking lots
probably want to get a networked media player, then i can set up my house network and watch movies from my network storage which is downloaded from *ahem* sources.
was gonna buy some eneloop rechargeable batteries as well, but i found a source selling it 25% cheaper than at comex. *moral of story : comex not always cheapest*
eh y everyone now buying media player ah..my fren also wanna get 1..
ya exhibition shows not neccessary be cheap de...like my dad say, mega discount store is much cheaper than those exhibition alot...so I have decided not to squeeze with pple to buy my tv in next march pc show lol
Darrel > i may go but not today... still considering my hubby's offer to give me a laptop as b-day present to replace my almost 8-yr-old PC but i m still thinking...
last time i read in HWZ forum that during comex, shops in SLS will throw in the same offers, dunno if it's true or not haha....
Jaq > if that person can pay 100k, most likely he doesn't need to do housework on his own ;P