mm&pw> Dun worry, but at least he encourage u to do the research. For my bf, he din even say anyting at all, & wen i try to tok to him abt my findings, he jus kept quiet, wich i find very irritating. So i told him off & said "even though i dun mind doing the research & planning for it, doesnt mean tat wen i try to tok to u abt tis topic, u kept so quiet, as if u dun care!" So i told him to at least gif some comments/suggestions, dun jus keep so quiet abt it. So now tat he hears me, wen i try toking to him abt tis wedding, he din keep quiet liao, so at least he response to me. Anyway, u need to tok to him, mayb he 1 2 concentrate more on the hse, whereas he 1 u 2 concentrate more on the wedding, so both of u got some tings to concentrate on. Cheer up!