(2010) 2010 Brides


New Member
alicia.. u forgot i buying re-sale flat..wahahha
so most prob after cny den will start looking for venue.. partly is i sort of plan a time frame for all stuff.. i dun wan do all stuff at e same time..

starwee.. maybe u wan email some other hotels for price enquiry =) wat kind of venue u looking for??

sharlene.. u got ur flat already??


New Member
Hi Ladies
Hope you gals had a great holiday!!

Hi starwee
I think for Intercon 2009 weekend price is $1068++... for 2010 prices its not out yet...


New Member
vivi> I remember u buying resale flat. But y 1 2 look for it next yr leh? Tis yr cannot ah? Since u shifted ur AD from 2010 to 2009, so shld oso shift ur looking of flats from 2009 to 2008 mah. hehe!


New Member
sure! i will share the photos.

anyone got nice bridal studios to recommend? Does anyone got MBR's package to share? Can send to me for reference?


New Member
alicia.. hahah.. coz hor now yr end liao peak period n fh working sales line n he busy wif work.. at least nxt yr after cny not so busy he can apply leave on wkend den we can go view flats together =)


New Member
vivi> Haha! Den next yr u'll b super bz liao lor... Wif ur AD & looking for flats.

starwee> I haf MBR package. Tink cymk they all oso haf. U 1, i can email to u, but mine is wif additional perks coz i sign up wif my sis together, whereas cymk theirs r the original package (w/o any additions & customisations)


New Member
Vivi > I hv chosen my dates for both ROM and AD le.. now need to settle on my BS, banquet, VG and PG.

Starwee > You shld attend the intercon wedding show.. think it's gg to take place next month.. i m going there to see see look look but hv shortlisted tt place as well =)

Alicia > Intercon standard go down? My two cousins had their weddings there so I hv always got good memory of tt place.. plus they hv a long aisle.. good for brides like me who dun hv a church wedding haha.. hmmm.. will find out more during the bridal show.

Alicia & angel > My dubai trip was ok.. work trip so v busy... not much free time.. but from the little time I visit leisurely.. it's very much like SG.. nothing much to visit except the malls.. and things r not any cheaper there.. the same shirt i saw in ted baker SG cos nearly 3 times as much n dubai *gasp*.. but if you all want to experience, it's not bad as a stopover destination

deerixp and starwee > email you the pkg tmr.. still looking for the data trf wire =P


New Member
cymk.. u decide on ur BS alreadi??
VG & PG alicia got lobang for reasonable prices =)

dinner venue i suggest u start enqure on e prices if ur ad is fast half of 2010 for yr end of 2010 normally have to wait for yr end to 1st half of 2009 dden they have e price list =)


New Member
cymk> Hmm... Am not sure whether their standard went down or is it always like tat... My sis went dubai visit her bf tis yr aug, dey went & sit on camel & tried the car tingy. Seems quite fun, but weather hot & dry. Wen's ur AD & ROM? Haha! Ya, am gg to meet up wif him 2nite wif my sis, den let u all noe the outcome!


New Member
gals, choose a date for the meet-up:10, 11, 13, 18 & 20 nov..

wat type of dinner u gals prefer??

2010 BTB meet up NOV
4.Miss Vivi


New Member
vivi> For me, i will choose 10th. hehe!

sharlene> Ya lor... dunno by the time i get married, den dunno how my parents will feel, coz they onli got my elder sis & me, den my sis getting married next oct, so left me, den if i'm not ard at home too, den mayb they will feel very lonely.
And i'm the 1 who helps them read letters & stuffs, so dunno wat they will do. So, i'm hoping tat HDB quickly launch a BTO site in the nth/west area den i'll go apply & hopefully can get it, den at least the new hse near to my parents' den they can frequently visit me or i visit them.


New Member
ms vivi: i will take 10th too..heee..

alicia: yah lor..get a place near them..easier for u too..hee..sighz..i have no choice..i will move to the north...=( i stay in the west..ahha..


New Member
i haven tot of wher i will be staying..hahah..

how bout the rest?? is 10th okie??

2010 BTB meet up NOV
4.Miss Vivi


New Member
2010 BTB meet up NOV
1.Alicia - 10th Nov
2.Xiaofeizhu - 10th Nov
3.Sharlene - 10th nov
4.Miss Vivi - 10th nov
5.Evee - 10th nov


New Member
alicia >> received your MBR package. thanks

anyone has MBR package to share? or other bridal boutiques for reference, can email me at [email protected]
thanks so much

I've difficulty loading all the Marina Oriental wedding showcase photos. Those who want to take a look, let me know. Will send via email...



New Member
eve>> sure! why not! i am open to suggestions now as i think it's impt to enjoy the experience with the bridal boutique - from staff to photographers. then we will look happy on photos! heehehe

can you send to my email - [email protected]
thanks so much. meanwhile, let me go online and see their website.


New Member
Morning Ladies!!!

Hi starwee
Can send me the Oriental pics cos wana help my gf with her research..... [email protected] thankie!!

Hi deerixp
So shiok hor on leave... me trying to save my leave for the wedding haha... abit KS but since my company allow us to carry forward our leave for 2 years so just nice to start saving now then can take long long leave then hehe...

I'm feeling so stress up by my Jap test this evening cos nv study well... haiz I'm dead...


New Member
All> Gd morning!

deerixp> Wah! So shiock!

xiaofeizhu> Wah! ur company so gd ah? Can bring forward 2 yrs' leave! I dun even noe how many days leave i haf, so if i 1, i'll jus take from my boss, if he approves, mean i can go on leave, if i take too many, den he'll say i've already took a lot. hehe! Dun worry abt the test, sure can make it de! Coz i dun tink they will set it super tough!! Cheers!

starwee> No prob! Hope u find ur suitable BS soon!

Yippee! I've confirmed my AD PG & VG le... It's phototerrain!! :p


New Member
morning all..

u gals r early today..

deerixp i envy u coz u r on leave =)

xiaofeizhu.. i tink by e time ur wedding day u must have a lot of leave to clear..which mean long holiday after wedding??

alicia.. ur PG & VG is it e 1 u email to me??

2010 BTB meet up NOV
1.Alicia - 10th Nov
2.Xiaofeizhu - 10th Nov
3.Sharlene - 10th nov
4.Miss Vivi - 10th nov
5.Evee - 10th nov


Active Member
starwee (starwee) > thanks!! i saw it! =)

Jaq (bluerosie) > i will be going for the fullerton wedding show tis sat...

xiaofeizhu83 (xiaofeizhu83) > don worry you can make it! jia you! =D


New Member
vivi> Yup yup! I met him yest wif my sis. Find him not bad. He showed us his portfolios & some vcds/dvds. Overall, not bad. Anyway, i wldn't 1 2 find someone super ex, so he fits the bill.


Active Member
Alicia (alicia_yong) > u r fast!! how's the pricing for phototerrain? they allow booking so soon??

what do your gals think of secretheaven and oneeyeclick? looking at this 2.. =D


New Member
hi all - morning. been awhile since last post
have been quite down about wedding issue with bf. wondering the problem lies on me being too enthusiasm & wanted bf to be like me. now feel like a 1-sided affair although he said he would encourage me to do the research and discuss abt it. he also mentioned the house is his priority now and the next 1 year, he only would focus & put in action on wedding stuff after the house is done which is end 09 alely. I feel very discourage & stop talking wedding with him alely... sigh...


New Member
angel> Phototerrain's pricing is not very ex, actually i tink he's the cheapest! Mayb bcoz he's not so well-known like the others, & mostly his clients r through referrals. He charges me onli $1299 for both PG & VG.


New Member
mm&pw> Dun worry, but at least he encourage u to do the research. For my bf, he din even say anyting at all, & wen i try to tok to him abt my findings, he jus kept quiet, wich i find very irritating. So i told him off & said "even though i dun mind doing the research & planning for it, doesnt mean tat wen i try to tok to u abt tis topic, u kept so quiet, as if u dun care!" So i told him to at least gif some comments/suggestions, dun jus keep so quiet abt it. So now tat he hears me, wen i try toking to him abt tis wedding, he din keep quiet liao, so at least he response to me. Anyway, u need to tok to him, mayb he 1 2 concentrate more on the hse, whereas he 1 u 2 concentrate more on the wedding, so both of u got some tings to concentrate on. Cheer up!


New Member
Alicia - I have raised my negative feels to him thats y he told me he only focus on house the next 1 yr only. Seemed like the rest are minorities which I feel he don't see the wedding/marriage is important to him as well.


Active Member
mm&pw (mmpw) > probably you should tell him many btb already started doing their booking and by the time it your turn probably you have no slots left.. and ask him "do u reali want to get married?" for me, initially my bf also don't bother, and keep saying i'm kan chiong, till i told him, well don't come crying or whinning to me when everything/ who we want is being booked.. that's when he responded.


New Member
Hi Alicia and angel
Thanks for your encouragement!! If I fail tonight's test then I cannot proceed to the next level... but will just try my best, if really fail then also no choice hehe then will have more time to prepare wedding lor wahahaha... Alicia congrats on settling another impt issue, how much deposit you put? angel personally i like secretheaven.. very nice... but i think price is exp wor...

Hi Vivi
Ya my colleagues say can bring forward 2 years... so as long as i dun utilise alot of my leave next year then when wedding i think i can take almost 1 month off work hehe... but surely cannot take 1 month de my boss will kill me... somemore my wedding 28 Mar and it is my company's financial year closing...oopps...

Hi mm&pw
Dun be sad... its like that in the beginning when planning for wedding... I've been through it so i understand how you feel... my bf also give me bo chap attitude last time... but slowly as i fill him with the banquet info and we start to go and do site inspection, he slowly get into the pic... but always always rem - push but dun pressure!! explain to him in such a way that early preparation is for his own good as well then he will understand...


New Member
mm&pw..dun feel discourage about tis.. i have tis feeling before while planning on the wedding.. i felt damn pissed off wif his attitude tt i told him y not just cancel the wedding so tt we wont have tis kind of disagreement.. after tt he changed his attitude..

u might wan to have a good tok wif him.. since u r doing a research on bs n dinner banquet.. knw wat he wans for e dinner banquet n how many tables u r looking for.. so at least u got e whole picture, shortlist a few ideal venue n early nxt yr will be e rite time for booking as e price list is out


New Member
angel & xiaofeizhu - i did ask him whether he wants to get married, well, he said yes. We do discussed & decided the venue which we have tentatively booked the date and went for a brief site inspection a week ago. Since then, he got no interest to further anymore eventho I told him theres a workshop going on with good perks & to put deposit to secure it.


Active Member
xiaofeizhu83 (xiaofeizhu83) > muz b confident! =D

i didn't want to get the quotes frm secretheaven n book him now cos i worried who knows they have promotion next yr then i lugi liao.. how ex are them?


New Member
vivi - the stage we r now is we have tentatively booked the date with The Legends and went to a brief site inspection last week. The rest..... not going to talk abt it at the moment cos I alely got no mood to mention abt this happy thing with him liao.


New Member
angel - the main one is the house which he just bought with his sisters, currently on renovation for about a year and now they live in a rented house. We hope that the renovation will go smoothly and be ready by end 09 then only our wedding will be the next. So, now he only cares abt the house lor
