(2010) 2010 Brides


New Member
Hi mm&pw.. i tink e car damages can be claim from the insurance so no worries..

yest meet up was a great success n fun..
hope nxt time rd will have more to join up..

thanks v much for xiaofeizhu to help out on the venue.. its was great

maybe meet up on nov??


New Member
Hi Ladies
You are most welcome abt the meetup arrangement. Glad that you gals enjoy the food and ambience =) The meetup was a successful one... really got to thank Vivi for arranging too!! Very happy to know more frens through this forum... for those who din manage to join us on Fri, be sure to join the next time round...


Hi ladies,

I am another 2010 BTB. hee. now busy searching for my VG n PG for AD. Bridal studio took MBR 3988 package. venue i thinking of M hotel. dates tentatively mar/apr. my FH on course now so cant go see the shifu..


New Member
deerixp & vivi - thanks. ya, the insurance co will settle it. well, bf's mood get back a little now

glad to know the outing was fun, definately will join the next round.

joey - welcome


New Member
joey> Welcome!

mm&pw> Glad to noe everyting is gg back to normal for both u & bf. I'm sure once the car is being done up nicely, he'll b back to his normal self, mayb at tat pt in time wen there's the accident, he must haf felt too heart-pain, tat's y the change in mood. Yup, do join us for the outing next time! Dun worry abt the car now..

I've signed up wif MBR yest wif my sis! & I've went to the banquet venue yest too, & was very satisfied wif the co-ordinator's service, although the place has 2 pillars, but i tink the place shld b gd. So now waiting for bf to go down wif me again for him to c the place & den place a deposit.


New Member
Alicia - thats great!happy for you. The 2 major items had settled. btw, did u try the gowns yesterday?

ya... his baby got hurt so his heart very pain. wondering are guys like that when their precious car got damaged


New Member
Hi everyone, so sorry.. last min gotta 'put aeroplane' on friday... too much work to do =( Sounds like you gals had a lot of fun.. I'll surely turn up for the next one!

Re. the ballot on 10 Oct... isnt it the one tt was released recently? 10 Oct is for mature estate right.. so i thot it's the same.. darn.. i put in my application liao!!

joey & Alicia > Can share with me your pkg? I am contemplating now.. my bf quite keen but I scare the WG selection = those in the shop only.. quite limited in my opinion... can email me at [email protected]. Who's your co-ordinator?

Alicia > Where you book your banquet?


New Member
mm&pw > yup.. my bf gets really upset.. a little bit of scratches oso cannot... then he'll keep imagining the car parts have come loose... damn funny.. but guess accidents oso troublesome so guys oso sianz when they get involve in one


New Member
mm&pw> Thanks! Nope, din get the chance to try on the gowns yest coz there's a lot of couples coming in to select their photoshoot photos (3 couples since i was there till i left), then there's 4 other couples who jus got back from their own photoshoot (to return the gowns & stuffs), so it's quite packed yest. But me & sis was the 1st to sign up wif them yest, & we signed up together, so was able to haf more poses for our album.
Yest was a fruitful day for me! Keke! Ya, most guys r like tat wif their cars, not surprised at their reaction lor. Hehe!

cymk> No prob! Can join us the next time we had gathering.
the balloting released in sept is different from the one gg to release tis fri! Can u put in another application for the upcoming one too? Oh! According to them (MBR girls), they had more gowns at the 2nd level of their shop, but me & sis din manage to go up & c. But MBR will b having a bridal show on 20 dec, mayb u shld go take a look. Tink there r other bridal shops during tat time too. So MBR said they r preparing for the upcoming showcase, & there will b more gowns! So excited! My co-ordinator is uncle quek & abbie. Abbie is nice, friendly, not pushy oso. I gg to book my banquet at hotel royal @ queens. Still deciding to do it in the restaurant itself or the hotel ballroom. Yest saw both the site, the ballroom looks like a disaster, but co-ordinator says they r gg to renovate the ballrooms, now their rooms r renovated already, left only the last floor of the rooms gg to renovate, den next is the ballrooms.


cymk> i will email u =)

alicia> u sign which package with MBR? sandra the designer brought us up to the second level to view their EG n WG. that time we stay at MBR for 7 hours just to talk chit chat with uncle quek. but that was not just me and my bf including my cousin and her bf. you took hotel royal? can share your package? cos i am also thinking of that place.


New Member
joey> My MBR package is the $3388 one. Me & sis oso tok wif uncle quek, but he seems quite bz yest, so we din stay for such a long time. Previously wen my sis went wif her frens, dey chatted for abt 3-4hrs. Yest we spent only abt 2hrs der. My banquet is hotel royal @ queens, dunno whether is it the same as hotel royal. Mayb same boss, but different location?


New Member
joey & Alicia > Oh!! So they have an upstairs.. good good.. cos the last time Sandra told me they hv a next door where they store their EGs... think i shall go down for another look after my bf comes back

Alicia > They mention the show to me last time as well.. think it's a hotel show.. am thinking of going. The shop muz be really bustling when you were there kekeke.. 4 couples back from photoshoot? Uncle Quek told me they only hv 2 photographers leh.. one is Sam.. cant rem the name of the other one. So around what time they come back?

Hotel Royal @ Queens is the one along queen st right? Haha.. used to work near there.. the hotel lobby changed alot since the new mgmt took over.. hvent been to the ballroom b4 but heard the chinese restaurant not bad


New Member
Alicia > So you took the pkg tt has a mix of both digital n analog pics? Can share share your final pkg with me *wink* Want to find out more cos Uncle Quek din share tt pkg w me last time... he went straight into the $3,988 =(


New Member
cymk> I've already emailed u my package liao.
Heard from uncle quek, the venue for the showcase is at meritus mandarin. Hmm... if i din remember wrongly, it starts at 11am? (not too sure abt the timing, coz i forgotten abt it. I can check wif my sis whether she still remembers the time, but uncle quek says they will announce). The photographers, uncle quek told us yest tat they got 1 more, so total 3 liao. 1 is sam, the other they say look like xie ting feng. (but i din c him yest), then the newly added photographer is still on training, i tink. Sam was always in the shop wen i reach yest, the other 2 i din c them at all. Yup! I am gg to book wif the restaurant, but they told me i can choose to hold my banquet either at their restaurant (min 23 tables, max 28 tables) or at the royal ballroom (min 25 tables, max 37 tables) at no extra charges! But after looking at the ballroom & the restaurant, i prefer the restaurant, but co-ordinator says they gg to renovate the ballroom after they finish wif the rooms (left last floor to renovate), so by my wedding date, the ballroom mite haf changed into beta looking le. keke!


New Member
hi everyone,
been really bz these few days. And internet at home was kinda nutty. Work is driving me bonkers too. Been taking it out on my poor hubby.

anyway, glad that you gals enjoyed the dinner last Friday. Looking forward to meeting you all soon.


New Member
Wow... Great to hear that the Outing was a successful one.. =P
Im sick that day so cant join u gerls that night... Looking forward to nov gathering again... =P

Alicia> Finally had settled down wif MBR and your wedding dinner venue...


New Member
star> Yes, finally settled down, but so far onli MBR is settled. Coz the banquet venue haven put deposit yet, but had tentatively told the co-ordinator of my date.


New Member
Alicia & joey > thanks for the MBR info!

Alicia > we still got long way to go.. i m sure you'll get to see the renovated ballroom way b4 AD.. no hurry to compare now... juz make sure u choose the most romantic one hahaha


New Member
cymk> Haha! Yes, will do! But coz i dunno wen the reno to the ballroom will start, & i was afraid tat if by then i haven make any decision on whether to hold it in restaurant or ballroom, mayb boh oso cant get den jia lat liao.. hehe! But now is still too early to b worried lah. Keke!

deerixp> i'll send u tml k? coz the msword format i type out i save in office computer, so now i dun haf it wif me.

joey> can send me ur package oso (if u dun mind: [email protected])? interested to find out abt the $3988 package.


Active Member
wah.. so many posts to read.. i just came back from my trip...

i emailed to a few hotels but they onli have the pricing till 09.. 2010 is not out yet n i guess it applies for booking too.. nt cfm though..

BTO will increase their prices every new launch and HDB are also gg to charge for those ppl who got a selection no. but didnt go n select the flat.. so choose wisely...

how's the outing? any pictures to share??
Alicia (alicia_yong) > u r fast.. can share wif me your packages?


New Member
hi.. i'm new here and in initial planning for 2H 2010 wedding. (actually wanted Sept 2009, but too late for preparation with so many hotels fully booked)... so yeah... have to start 2010 prep soon!


New Member
thanks alicia >> lots of things to start preparing... traced back the posts and realise a lot of you have confirm bridal studio etc... i am totally starting from zero. clueless still where and how to get started...

can we actually go ahead and book wedding bridal package without a fix date yet? i don't think my bf and i will confirm on the date so soon... (he haven even officially propose!!) haha


New Member
starwee - welcome
same here, bf havent propose yet but have come to a decision to get married in 2010. I guessed the major one to settle in alot advance is the wedding dinner venue.


New Member
starwee> I tink can bah, jus let the bridal studio noe tat u haven decide on a date yet, but will b in yr 2010 lor. Wen i sign up my BS, they oso din ask me the exact date, onli ask me wich yr. Actaully a few of our bf oso haven propose yet. hehe!


New Member
my bf actually want to get married in 20 Sept 2009 and he still think it's do-able. he absolutely has no sense of urgency on the matter and think surely will have place to ROM and do dinner. Guys are guys... i read it in previous posts that some of the bfs are also like that.. they dun really share girls' vision of DREAM WEDDING. haha


New Member
starwee - i guessed most guys really like that. my bf also the same, make me feel that only am the one wanna get married like that... sigh


New Member
Alicia - I think the package alright, but I have no idea about the photograph/album stuff haha... no experience lah. Whats are the "duplicate" means actually? my budget should be around there too. Don't know how their gowns designs as well.


New Member
Alicia - for the outdoor photography, the locations can be chosen by the couple? or the photographer decide that?


New Member
starwee> actually my bf oso the same. felt very tired sometimes wen we were doing all the planning & saving them trouble & headache, & wat we get is very disheartening too.

mm&pw> U see tat the 12x15 album has no "dup", so it means out of all the fotos taken, u can choose the specified no. of fotos for tis album. Then the rest of the album wif "dup" means tat the fotos chosen for those albums haf to b from the 12x15 album. So all in all, actually out of all the fotos taken, onli the 12x15 album has the fotos, so the other albums r fotos from the 12x15 one. As for gown design, u can go der c c look look. The outdoor locations, i've asked uncle quek tat day. He said onli 2 locations for outdoor photoshoot, couple can choose the venues, if couple got no ideas, photographer will suggest.


New Member
starwee> actually the 20sept2009 date is very popular, besides the double-date, the following day (mon) is oso a public holiday. If u really planning for tat day, tink most likely no place le.


New Member
Alicia - i see... understood but does it apply to the CD rom too?

2 locations? have u thought of where yet?


Active Member
Alicia > i tink it's pretty good... but is it possible to take back all the pictures that your took? i heard that the wedding present allows u to take back all the photos at 2k... and how many places can you choose for your outdoor shoot?


New Member
starwee - ya, like mine. me & bf decided the date of 10.10.10 so I must fast fast block the date 1st although the prices not out yet.


New Member
mm&pw> not sure abt tat tho, coz uncle quek onli says selected fotos, but the foto size is locked at 5R. The locations, i haven tot of any yet, coz still quite long way b4 taking photoshoot, so if bf oso no ideas, den mayb we'll let the photographer decide bah.

angel> I overheard a couple toking to 1 of the photographers, heard them saying if photos top up to $2.5k, den all photos will b returned to couple (but raw). Photoshoot can choose 2 locations.


New Member
Hi gals,
i'm backie.. just away for 1 day alreadi soo much posts to read..

starwee & Joey.. welcome to this thread

alicia, congrats for founding ur BS =)


New Member
Alicia - I would want to go down to see see their gowns but no accompany leh, dun wanna ask bf to go cos later he will said I kiasu or not willing to go i will feel upset and angry with him :p


New Member
alicia>> yes, disheartening is the word - especially when you don't see them getting worried or showing concern at all. Sometimes, he make me feel like i am like pressurizing him...


Active Member
alicia>> ya and we will be disappointed and don't feel like doing anything and just ask them to do it when they want it..

But my frd also say that guys usually wont tink tat far...
