sinplyme > haha I went overboard this year with my trips. I've already gone to Japan in Apr and Melbourne in May...
August I'm taking leave to go to Italy to attend a cooking school there, I'm super excited as I've always wanted to do this!! (my hobby is cooking and baking).
September I'm going to Munich (Germany) for Oktoberfest and also to see the Passion Play (play of Passion of the Christ which is only played once in a decade in a small town in Munich. the next play will be in 2020, so I thought, why wait, just go this year w my fiancé before we're tied down with more commitments).
October is my pre-wedding shoot in Perth, a short trip.. probably less than a week.
November is my hen's party in Bali with my cousins during the long weekend.
Then, December is my wedding! phew. Hopefully I can do lots of prep before Sept.
I'll be busy even after Dec, as I'm planning a wedding in Japan too... (I'm half Japanese)
I wish my work allowed me to travel often!!
That will be so nice. Only my fiancé gets to travel all the time for work, I envy him!