(2010/11) November 2010 BTB


New Member
hehe..thx gals..

for the AP box, u may consider put ur BS photo for deco


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Hi, I am helping my friend to post. He is looking for couples to do pre-wedding shoots for his portfolio. Anyone is interested here? He do have some experiences taking wedding photos but not much that's why he need more portfolio for his website. If interested, pls pm me for his contact.


New Member
mayshalws, i must say the purple goes very well with your gold band! really nice.

so envy, all you ladies have plenty of creative juices. i am lousy at such things de. i find that what i do always looks very juvenile. so paiseh to show people.

i hoping hotel can provide ang bao box, if not i will just use my GDL basket lo. haha.


New Member
flyingstars, idea too ar.. use basket.or get those birdcage.. seems nice too..just worried the AP might drop out..
my friend tell mi..just dump all the AP into a bag will do when they hand it to the recept.. haha


New Member
Haha. Gdl basket recycle de. Look auspicious since it's red. Anyway my friend really did not have ap box. He is Indian but invited a lot of Chinese friends. He gave me a bag and asked me to put all e ap inside. Lol.

Guest wat, a lot of his guests didn't believe when I told them no box. They went to look for him instead to give him. So he end up have to keep passing to me.


New Member
flyigstar, i just chk with my hotel coordinator n she show mi a pix of the AP box. really those standard AP box ( beige color with ribbon).

I just hope the condition is still gd by my wedding day..then shd be fine to use that.. save $. its actually a matching one with the guest book.
but im still soo tempted to get one on my own leh..have to kp telling myself *save $, save $ , save $*


New Member
u intend to buy AP box?

if u dun want the one provided by the hotel then i think u make one yourself will be meaningful.

my hotel dunno got provide or not. tt time i sign the package she say don't have. but then when i went down to see the setting there were 2 AP boxes there lo. -_- i asked my planner and she say those were provided. so i think i will act blur and tell her i need AP box when i finalize the banquet stuff. hahaha.


New Member
morning gals,

loewe: no point get a ur own AP box if hotel got provid cos we only need it during reception de..save $$ and time

flyingstar: i ask my co-od stated in the agreement that hotel will provide AP box and guest book before hubby sign the agreement. i'm kiasu hor..:p


New Member
Yes, agreed. Save $$$ to get our own AP box if Hotel is providing... Is stated in our agreement that they will provides... guest book (1), BS gave one too.


New Member
ges: wow..you will having 2 guests book. no bad ya

will going to buy si dian jin soon but the gold price now..haiz...very ex !!


New Member
ya, mayshalws, after discussing with mum n hubby, i think we just stick to the hotel's AP box ba.. save the hassle n $$..


New Member
Mayshalws - hmm... think i'll just use one... see how...

My Si Dian Jin - still pending date to purchase... Yes is very ex S$60.50 per gram (for 916 gold) Can imagine the total cost??? I dont need those thick thick de.. just presentable will do ;p


New Member
me also need something that is presentable cos i won't wear it daily

maybe will buy from poh heng cos i like their si dian jin jewellery box..hehe..


New Member
ya..nice weather..but heard that will rain again in later afternoon...

had discussion with my mum yesterday. ask her abt the guestlist (decided to do up for her instead of waiting for her to give mi the list)

ask her if need to give hubby pants? she say she dunno
she say she heard need to give slipper to hubby's younger brother?
so anyone can tell mi what is the reason for giving pants? and heard from my hubby.. we need to give something to our younger siblings?

n oso ar.. when tea ceremony..when my brother serve us tea? do each of us have to give him AP or we just give 1 as a couple to him


New Member
as usual no mood to work..i working at my guest list and estimate the invitation cards..

my mom will give hubby AP for pants. mom told me the reason b4 but i forgot. never heard b4 give hubby's younger brother slipper.

but my mom need to hubby buy a pair of shoes to my brother n he need to wear it during my AD. and we also buy a gold ring to my brother and give him during serve tea.


New Member
mOrning ladies =)

gOing to choose my photos in 3 hrs time!! (pray hard... dun top up so much!!)
anyway, estimate additional photo = how much huh?
i scare my BS "TOK" me ah!!看我好骗ï¼ï¼ haha. . !!


New Member
Kaiying > I think estimate is abt $80 each .the more u top up , the cheaper lo..

have to control! haha

thanks Mayshalws for the info


New Member
enjoy the process

usually $75 per photo. but the more you top up the cheaper per photo.
just stay firm if you don't want to top, your co-od cant do anything also


New Member
wapian!!! so ex ah!! alamak... i tot ard $50~$60 only!! hahaha. . . .

Yesterday i told my hubby we must set a budget for the photos... he asked me how much.. and i told him MAX $800. then his reaction = WAPIAN.. SO MUCH AH!!
die liao loh... i dun think he will let me top up so much liao lah!!


New Member
kaiying: ur PS contract nv state how much for additional photo? mine was $80/pic, then we managed to reduce it to around $50/pic


New Member
kai ying, I think shld be able to reduce the price de. When they see that u not very interested,the offers become better and better. Lol. Usually is about 2k to get back all photos.

Anyway u already have HK photos liao right? Then singapore one won't need so many.

Bought my si dian jin..but it is white gold de. My mom saw a very nice si dian jin on display at poh heng before, out of curiosity she went to ask. Total price around 8k! Think only rich parents can afford. Haha.


New Member
flyingstar, mine is Taiwan photos lah.. not HK =)

Anyway issit alright not to have any SDJ for wedding?
My FMIL already bought me a bracelet(dunno is white gold or diamond lah).
Then I'm thinking whether should I ask my bro to prepare SDJ for me.. (my mum happily shaking her leg doing nth.. haha)
coz like not very nice leh.. didn't wear any gold at all..


New Member
flyingstar, we saw the poh heng "long feng " bangle..cost abt $11k lor..just the bangle!
ya.. only rich family can afford.. even my in law bought tat white gold set $3K +, my hubby already feel soo heartpain for her.


New Member
kaiying> sorry sala i kept thinking of HK. haha!

if your family is not teochew, then no need si dian jin. just some jewellery (bracelets/necklace) should be ok de. si dian jin is supposed to be prepared by guys side ba...i think can discuss with your hubby and see how.

loewe> wah, luckily our parents never insist must buy gold lo, if not cham. the jewellery will end up costing more than the banquet itself! haha.

your hubby paid or your MIL paid? my bf paid, i help him save $$ by getting a super cheap one. LOL.

ya, the gold price keep going up. when i was buying my jewellery, just ask for fun...gold price was like $63/g. so it will just keep increasing de..


New Member
flyingstar, the white god set is bought by my MIL, she bought on her own n say its meant to give mi during tea ceremony de..so its not SDJ oso..

I havent get any jewelleries to wear on AD
dun intend to buy ex ones ..save $$...

my mum wana buy gold for mi.. but i din see anything nice.. n since i know I wun wear ar.. i ask her to buy rose gold design instead..but oso meant to give mi during tea ceremony de..zzz


New Member
just brought my si jian din from poh heng. the gold rate now is $60.50/gram. i love the pendant a lot, its ORO22 design. i able to brought 4 items within my budget


New Member
If I m not wrong, when the younger generation serve the newly weds, the couple needs to give them AP as blessing.

For the pants de - for some dialet. (also not too sure for which group le)

For the SDJ - seems like even if not teochews, some also request for that, also depends on the groom's side. Thinking of that, $$$$ again. Havent go & see. Will let my FIL to decide what he wants to give me

I cant feel the excitements instead i felt so stressed up... too many things to handle le


New Member
loewe> your BS got give you accessories for AD? if have then don't have to buy lo. i only intend to use the BS one.

my mom say she will buy me jewellery for the tea ceremony. coz she say jewellery more meaningful to give on wedding day.

my bf's mom never mention anything. so also dunno what they going to give for tea ceremony. maybe just AP ba...

Ges> hang on. i also starting to feel stress. yesterday chatting with my colleague about AD stuffs. a lot of things to do. although prepare so much, on AD also got a lot of things to take note.

but my colleague say if go to those GDL shops, they will tell you what to do. all her info got from GDL shop when she bought her GDL things. guess have to start looking for one already.


New Member
Ashlie - Thanks. I think the pant is replaced by AP le.

flyingstar - I m not going to buy any accessories too. Use BS one.

My mum will be going to give me a gold chain during tea ceremony. Cos she also gave one to my sis when she married.

My PILs never say anything too... but i just knw tt my FIL will bring me to buy SDJ...

True. Even thou we had done so many things, but still got tons of things havent do. I m trying to minimize the things to buy. That's wat my FIL says too, he says just buy from the shop will do. I already got the tea-pot for tea ceremony, so i dont think i will buy. (save some $$)


New Member
flyinstar, i think my BS only provide hair accessories..

I havent buy the tea set..i think will get together when go n see the GDL things..


New Member
flyingstar: my parents also prepared 2 set of jewelleries to me for the ceremony.

i show her the si dian jin and tot she will keep till ceremony but she i'll keep and it part of GDL items. and she said tea ceremony will give again. so usually what is the sequence for si dian jin, i keep or will get fr mil during tea ceremony ??


New Member
morning ladies.. i hate mondays. zzz.

ytd night i suddenly panicked, cos i realise there're still so many things for the wedding not done!! bridal shoes, reception decor, invites, church booklet, church catering, evening gown.


New Member
Loewe - My BS provides me with all the accessories.. Cos I just pop by & ask them... Me too. so many things to buy

Jenny - Me too. So many things havent do.

Just went in JB to print the inserts... Just normal inserts with 4 cartoons/ pics only RM$170 (includes map) for 300 pcs

New hairstyle & colored (My hubby ask me to color :p) Cheaper than in SIN!


New Member
Ges: ooh, remember to use colour shampoo, so that it doesn't lose the shine and become dull before the wedding. i only intend to go do highlights abt 1 mth before the wedding, tt's wat i did for my PS too. now i just focus on getting my skin clear with facials, maybe will go for body scrubs/wraps in sep, oct and nov. hehe. :p


New Member
monday bluz..

jenny: i'll stick back to hotel themes. less worry and save cost. coming this sat, will go settle GDL stuff. my biggest headache is the guest list and seating arrangment and biggest worry is unforseen cockup on the actual day. hubby asking me relax and enjoying the process. haiz..

ges: that is cheap. itz the shop inside city square ?


New Member
Jenny - Erm... I didnt buy any colour shampoo yet.. The very last time i colored mine is at least 4-5yrs back.. kekeke... Think might or might not go for touch up. Me too. Now i m going facial abt 3-4 weeks once...wow.. I also want body scrubs.

Me too, stick with hotel themes...

Mayshalws - Yes. T & T. The lady, Janice is very patient with us cos we went there after hair do & is already 8pm. By the time we finished already more than 9.30pm. U can consider cos they also do customise too...


New Member
mayshalws: me also using hotel theme, but just adding bits of touches here and there at the recep/cocktail area.

ges: hehe, i going facial every 2 weeks, bo bian, suddenly had an outbreak of pimples, super sian. just wanted body scrub so my back will look nice when i wear the gowns.


New Member
Jenny - I only will be doing that my facial every 2 weeks in Sept. Save money! Do home facial & masks...

Btw, any one how to clear the freckles arh... So ugly leh!
