(2010/10) Oct 2010 BTB


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avatar82> no lar... engaged coffee & tea for the service so need to do a write up & provide photos + songs for them to proceed with the production of animation


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michieyun: icic... animation is nice! initially wanted to have animation too.. but too expensive liao. End up doing a pre wedding mtv.


New Member
amanda> My AD date and GDL date same as urs..u got ur date from David Tong as well? Weird, seems like alot ppl who go to DT almost everyone got the same dates..my date for an chuan on the 10 Oct..is it the same? >.<

avatar> my fren rent the pink london cab on her wedding last yr too..the uncle (driver) was nice n friendly. My fren's wedding theme was pink too so everything oso pink! haha..alot of gers like pink!! hehe...


New Member
Amanda> lol we got the same AD so i guess i cant contact Julie oredi..since u oredi booked the car. Btw, its very nice i like it.. may i knw how much u rent?


New Member
wiwi: Your GDL date also 18 Sept and An Chuan on 10 Oct...AD on 23rd oct?

hmm.. sounds like everyone of us who go to DT have the same dates. hmm.. i thought the dates were based on Bazhi calculation.. all of us have the same bazhi? hmmmm....

wiwi: haha..yar lor.. alot of gals like pink. Even for my future house, i want it to be pink too. v sweet colour. hehe...


New Member
avatar> yaya... animation is nice but really very ex wor... being hiao so go ahead with it lor... i still find the package i signed too ex liao... hiaz

pre wedding mtv is nice... do u sing the song urself?


New Member
Wiwi: nope, i got the dates from another fengshui master. i hv already done the an chuang le. was done together with the move in date for the house which was on 26 jun.

Avatar82: i think it is because those dates are good regardless of bazi le. see how many bride to be are there for 23 oct.


New Member
michie: My singing so awful. of cos not i sing one. hahaha... the VG follow us for 2 days during our photoshoot to do the filming. Enact the scene of how he propose to me at the beach.

Amanda: probably it's really a very gd date regardless of bazi bah.


New Member
micheieyun: nope, we nvr put the bedsheet. according to my HTB's mom, juz a ceremony to push the bed and pray. so we dun sleep on the bed as well.


New Member
I got my dates from DT too... he gv us a few dates to choose for both GDL &amp; an chuang... we chose 18 sep for GDL cos it's a sat &amp; an chuang on 20 oct cos that's the nearest date to our AD


New Member
Hi, I am helping my friend to post. He is looking for couples to do pre-wedding shoots for his portfolio. Anyone is interested here? He do have some experiences taking wedding photos but not much that's why he need more portfolio for his website. If interested, pls pm me for his contact.


New Member
I was given 2 dates each for GDL and An Chuan ... but chosen 18 Sept as GDL and 10 oct for an chuan. hehehe...cos i prefer weekend.


New Member
avatar>> im also getting the traditional "XI" cos the new box design is not veri impressive leh...

DS>> yup, i think have to trust those testimonial liao. shouldnt be that bad lah... so u taking Sweetest Moments too?

anyway, are u gals going to sleep on your new bed after an chuan? some say bride cant slp cos will bring her bad health, some say have to get the groom and a boy whose zodiac din clash with him to slp together, there are also saying that cant leave 1 side of the bed empty cos it will curse the bride! zzz... so many old wives' tales ard. HAHA!!

but i checked with Long shifu and he said must have 2 persons slping to bring "ren qi" and it's ok for me to slp on it. then my hubby thinks since we consulted him for dates, we should trust him...


New Member
Missy: for me, i was told i cannot slp on the bed after an chuan all the way till AD. hehe.. so i sleeping in the other room.


New Member
missy> haven't told htb abt it... will decide by end of this mth

yup, i also heard u r not allowed to sleep or even lie on the bed after an chuang until AD after u get a "tong zi" to roll on ur bed...

i do also heard of wat u hv heard... dunno from where... but u need to place some dried foods (part of an chuang procedure) on the bed, then hw u gonna slp?

for me, my htb even wanted to go w/o it... cos he told me his sis last time did not do an chuang at all cos u will need a brand new bed to do so... they bought 1 but hv slept on it b4 liao...


New Member
we also din sleep on the bed after the an chuan till our wedding bah. my future MIL actually kinda of put a plate of fruits + baos on the bed.. told us cannot remove for 3 days.


New Member
missy> i was told the same as avatar &amp; doing the same as her as well... slpg in the other rm (ttz y we bought 2 queen size bed for our new hm)... the one we r using now will for our guests when they stay overnight at our place in future

DS> i was told tt nobody is to touch the bed even on AD... thus only after AD then can slp on the bed... my mum keeps reminding me to tell everyone who's gg to my new hse nt to be near my bed and me nt even sit on the bed... hmm, dunno lah... better to believe than sorry... hahaha


New Member
DS> for the animation, C&amp;T told me tt I can use any songs I like when i signed with them... just provide the mp3... if there's royalty issue, they will pay for them... Fion also mentioned tt in future (ttz now) couples may have to fork out the money for royalty shld the regulations kick in


New Member
michueyun> r u the 1 who juz signed up with C&amp;T recently at a higher price?
I rem some1 juz signed up but can't rem who liao... is that u?


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avatar> i have AD PG (all exposures returned), AD VG, cartoon photo animation (3-5mins) &amp; express video highlights... i will get also a coffee album + live broadcasting video broadcast service as well... all music licence waived


New Member
avatar> the live broadcasting svc is a complimentary service wor... the whole pkg very ex hor? heartache... hope everything turns out well


New Member
Michieyun: last time i was only quoted for $3800 for all the services u mention above except for no live broadcasting service. hmm.. quite ex. but seems already pay for it, dun think too much. i think their photography and videography skills quite gd.


New Member
avatar> i signed up last yr so the price is 3800... we used the coffee table album to top up for full cartoon animation... and then nw paid another 150 for using songs for our express highlights...


New Member
hiaz, i'm paying so much extra for similar items

the express highlights come with 1 song for mtv classic, 2 songs for jovial... need to pay extra?


New Member
hmm... u got 2 express highlights? i was being informed that can choose either mtv classic or dreamz jovial. Comes with a choice of 1 song. So u mean u can choose 2 songs for jovial?


New Member
the extra 150 is paid to RIPS and MPS for the licence thingy...

u mean u gals did not pay for the licence??

michieyun> i understand for ur case, u hv negotiated for waiver shld there be any licence fee.. hw abt avatar??


New Member
hahaha... i nv use coffee and tea in the end even though i requested the quote from them. I used another PG and VG.


New Member
avatar> mine also signed up early last yr... but cannot siam leh... lucky we did our animation early and so they will absorb the cost...
it's actually $150 per service...


New Member
DS_gerl: wah.. then C&amp;T will make alot of money
The annual license is $2000. They just need to get 14 couples each yr and they will breakeven liao. haha...

Actually if couple apply on ad hoc basis, per license is only $90 based on rips website.


New Member
Hey fellow oct brides, anyone of you know where to get angbao with chinese surname on it? Like what Christopher Lee had for his wedding. Think it looks nicer than the usual 'xi' ones.


New Member
avatar> $90 is paid to RIPS and $60 is to MPS. though MPS has yet to announce any fees. but in case there is any fees liable and it is higher, we do not hv to top up anymore.
but if there isn't, thn no choice lor.


New Member
DS_gerl: But MPS havent announce mah... so if they nv announce by then, you might not need to pay that $60? Will C &amp; T refund you the $60 if it's not confirm by oct?

Missy: Yup.. i have seen the shop in HK specialise in angpao using surnames and they have plenty of designs. V v nice... but not v cheap leh...


New Member
Thanks missy, actually hoping someone will know where exactly in chinatown to find cos it can be quite a maze of shops there ... won't be going to HK soon too ... sigh ...


New Member
missy> no news from wine mansion yet... wonder if they read their emails.

avatar> for that portion, i will argue with them after wedding... cos they did asked me if they want to refund me the $60 now... but if i agree, then along the way if MPS announced any fees, then i got to pay on my own... so shall see how lor..

julie> yah, i got mine (htb's surname) from HK too... perhaps u got to find time to roam ard chinatown then can find...


New Member
Julie>> I forgot how much was it in hk. Yup, they do have quite a no of selections

But anyway, we got those precious moment ones too and wanna use those instd since we won't be using them after the wedding, lol...

We bought so many angbaos from thAt shop, which only sell angbaos.... The uncle gave us the bigger angbao juz for GDL for free
