avatar>> im also getting the traditional "XI" cos the new box design is not veri impressive leh...
DS>> yup, i think have to trust those testimonial liao. shouldnt be that bad lah... so u taking Sweetest Moments too?
anyway, are u gals going to sleep on your new bed after an chuan? some say bride cant slp cos will bring her bad health, some say have to get the groom and a boy whose zodiac din clash with him to slp together, there are also saying that cant leave 1 side of the bed empty cos it will curse the bride! zzz... so many old wives' tales ard. HAHA!!
but i checked with Long shifu and he said must have 2 persons slping to bring "ren qi" and it's ok for me to slp on it. then my hubby thinks since we consulted him for dates, we should trust him...