(2010/01) ROM in Jan 2010


New Member
Hi AMelyn, just visited your blog. Really funny! :) Mine is at princesspanda.wordpress.com

Anybody else keeps a wedding blog? Might be interesting to check out your date-twin's blog! :)


New Member
Hey all! Good afternoon!!
Today is the 3 years 8 months anniversary of me and my darling! hahaha
Amelyn>> I visited your blog too and saved it as a link on my own blog..so I will check it out from time to time, U must update hor!
Mine is at "www.zhiweiandweixian.wordpress.com"

We are meeting our cooridnator at Shangri-la hotel this evening to update our guest numbers and the theme for our ROM and the flower colours...so exciting!


New Member
Hucklebeary, I saw some feathered ones in 'Accessorize' in Raffles City. There may be some in the little wedding shop over at Delfi Orchard. Beyond that, if anyone else has suggestions, please let me know!

I'm thinking to get a really nice fountain pen for the signing. Wondering how much Montblancs cost...*lol* Might be able to double up as a gift for my father also.

Speaking of gifts for parents and members of the bridal party, I got my Mom a little momento for my wedding day, just to remember the moment by. A charm bracelet with the pictures of three generations of women in her family, beginning with her mom, her, me, and her grand-daughter, my niece. Here's a picture of it:


I also got a surprise wedding day gift for Mr. Panda too! Photo cufflinks. Hope he likes them. :)

Is anyone else thinking of getting gifts for parents & loved ones?


New Member

the gifts u got are so meaningful.. i think i will be moved to tears if i receive these gifts.
i shall check out Accessorize.. i think they have a branch at ION too...


New Member
hi sisters,

a question to ask... although i am getting rom on 2/1/10, my bf have not propose to me.. =(
He bought me a diamond ring already but he say he shy and he dunno how to propose.. I told him i will wear the ring if he propose to me.. so now the ring is dusting somewhere now...
how how how?
hi all, i am going to ROM in Jan 2010, it was a last min decision to push it from Oct 2010 to Jan 2010 as I can't get married in the tiger year and i only got to know it 2 days ago. sigh..
can someone recommend me a JP who is vocal, speaks english and is able to handle a crowd?

Thanks alot girls.


New Member
princesspanda>> U mean U ordered the chains and cufflinks online and airmail over? Whoa! But that is a very nice idea =) Me still thinking what to get for my WTB,...what u girls like for your wedding huh?? Hehehe, tell me leh.
huckleberry >> Hey, tell ur BF, no proposal, no marry. haha. No guts to propose how to have guts to marry? Esp how to fight through the Jie Meis?


New Member
Hi Sisters

Any good and reasonable charges photographer to recommend? Thanks in advance.


New Member
Zhiwei, a precious memento like a locket with both your pictures on it, inscribed with your names, wedding date and words of love would be lovely to wear with her gown. If you google "Apples of Gold" you'll find many options. Basically the trick is to get something original, unique and beautiful. The site I'm recommending has a range of lockets for any kind of price. Or you could try Fairy's Inc with your own design. I kinda fancy wearing my love over my heart as I walk down the aisle....*sigh* :)

I'm so pleased to have finally secured my JP! Mr. Tan Hock Hua! for 23 Jan 2010. I've just realised the date is pretty cool, in that our anniversary would be 0123! :)


New Member
haha he say he will get the fireman cutter n cut open the gate.. its still cheaper to buy a new gate than to give the hong bao.... i do believe he will do so....


New Member
hucklebeary>> whoa! Ur BF really innovative! But the fire cutter alone looks a bit "Sak-Ki", very brutal feeling...maybe ask him to decorate the fire cutter with flurry ribbons?
princesspanda>> this apple of gold thingie where got your photo cufflinks or photo bracelets?


New Member
hey all

I am searching for ROM pens now

prefer them with stands

any recommendations?

My theme is fairytale.. I wan something romantic... not sure what to choose but I don't like flower pens...

I wan something to match my theme... thinking abt feather pens but am thinking of there are other alternatives and where can i get them...

throw me some ideas please~~~



New Member
Hi Amelyn

i saw a new shop at plaza sing selling DIY crystal stuff and they got a shorter kind of fountain pen but all stick up with crystals. very blink blink... abt 70+..


New Member
Hmmm....I'm looking for pens too. Definitely not going for the feathered quills. I fancied getting a Montblanc fountain pen to sign away my life, but then I found out they cost upwards of SGD1k per pen! *gulp* Forget it.

But I found some gorgeous pens at Campo Marzio at Basement 1 level of Raffles City! They have a wonderful collection of quirky pens, some with polka dots, others with bling-bling, and still others with that renaissance look, etc. I was drooling over the planners & notebooks too. The great thing about these pens is that I can use them even after the wedding.

For the brides, you may choose a really nice fountain pen & they'll do engraving for you for free. Perhaps can double up as a gift for your hubby or daddy? Sort of a token. :)

I'm 90% sure I'll be getting a smooth classy pen for the signing instead of the feathered quill. If I can't have a Montblanc we'll just have to see if Campo Marzio will do (Italian brand). Maybe I'll get the bling-bling crystal encrusted pens! :-D

Here's the website: http://www.campoasia.com/pen.html


New Member
My ROM is in Jan'10. I permed my hair earlier this year. But the curls has loosen, no strength alr.
(1) Is it wise to do rebonding nw?
(2) Will my ROM MUA damage my rebonded hair?
(3) Will it pose a challenge to her as my hair got no volume (too flat from rebonding)?


New Member
Hi ctrus,

I'm no hair expert but this is the best laymen advice I have. Don't risk doing anything chemical to your hair at this late stage other than treatments, treatments and more treatments, and a trim to keep healthy. To be honest, for the entire wedding process, your hair will be curled & sprayed to perfection anyway so whether or not your perm has strength won't make a difference. The important thing is to maintain its health & LENGTH so that the artist will have more to play around with.

However, if this is your regular hairstylist and you can be sure of a great job, go right ahead. I've been growing out my hair (looking like a wild woman now!) forever just for the wedding and will only get a trim about two weeks to the date. The rest I will leave to the makeup artist to make me beautiful! :)


New Member
23 days to my rom... so excited. i have not gone for my 1st fitting still pending... and also clueless when is my bf's shirt will be ready for collection... suddenly feel time is not enough.. so many things not fix up yet and the day is getting nearer n nearer!!!!


New Member
Hey all! I have collected my wedding bands from fairy's inc!!!
Hucklebeary>> how come 23 days only? U ROM so early in 2010? The 29 dec is to get the documents izzit? Whoa, quite fast quite fast! I think all things will just blend in as time draws nearer. Maybe u only need 1 fitting? Guy's shirt actually quite fast one mah. My tailor say it can be ready in 3 days if really needed fast fast. But since I only need it by Jan, he say he will use 3-4 weeks to make together with suit, collecting on 25 Dec!


New Member
Hucklebeary >> Me too! my 1st fitting is next Sat (19th Dec). After choosing my ROM gown, then I can go look for a matching heels and a matching shirt for my bf *haiz*


New Member
We also have not met our JP...going to meet on 22 Dec..
I think you let your JP know your ROM date and he will arrange time and date one to be in time for you to file lah. They are experienced liao, esp the popular ones


New Member
My JP is Mr. Tan Hock Hua. He's Mr. Panda's best friend/Best Man's dad, so that's a relief seeing that we decided to ROM here at the very last minute! He's a lovely guy, his wife too. Maybe you should consider him as your back-up?

Unless you're marrying on 23 Jan in the evening in which case he's taken! :-D


New Member
Hi Everyone Congrats..

My ROM is on 9th Jan 2010..super excited..

Can anyone advise if it is necessary to have a customise vows during the solemnisation?


New Member
Hi everyone,

I'm new here. I having my ROM on 1st Jan 2010.
Would like to check with you bride to be out there what need to be done b4 the actual day? Like what documents is required?


New Member
Ctru.. i also got mr can kai yau as my JP. my bf met him n got his signature i think october.

zhiwei.. yeah my rom is 2nd jan... 29th dec is to collect the documents. i went ted collection to make my dress and they say 2nd fitting i can collect my dress already... hmm do i need to wash my dress when i collect? not sure if i got time to do so if i need... omg omg... pimples breakout..... =~(


New Member
Whoa Melissa win liao, 1 Jan!
Huckleberry>> Ted collection quite exp lo, it must be really nice =)
I just read from the newspapers that the ROM building going to be closed for renovation soon...dunno if I can still collect my documents before they close the old building. Roughly how soon before ROM we need to collect the documents?
zhiwei, ROM will be moving to MND building (Maxwell Rd) on 26 Jan 2010. So if you will be having your verfications of docs before that then it will still be at the ROM office at fort canning. My verifications of docs coicidentally falls on the 26 Jan, their first day in MND building. Wondering if it will be chaotic there or not.. lol..


New Member
zhiwei >> once u e-filed online, u shld be advise when to go ROM office to verify documents.

Mine appt is on 20th Jan (Wed), my ROM is on 23rd Jan (Sat)


New Member
Melissa >> Once u e-filed, print the filing instructions. At the bottom half of the page, there are item (a) to (e) that you need to bring for verification during ROM appt (i.e. a few days before your ROM)


New Member
Zhiwei: very stress lor till now haven got ROM dress reali win liao. faint
ctrus: thank you. so meaning jus collect the document few days b4 actual day can liao rite?

Do we need to get the solemniser to sign any document b4 the actual day?


New Member
zhiwei--i dun think so..Melissa is 1st Jan...
when is ur rom date??

Anyone know if necessary to customise the vows for solemnisation??


New Member
Melissa >> Yes, U need to fill up the consent form, duly signed by your solemniser. U need to produce this consent form during your ROM appt to verify document. You can download the consent form from the ROM website : )


New Member
ctrus: can i check with you when i need to let the solemniser sign the consent form? After i took all documents? or must do it anytime as long as b4 actual day?


New Member
zhiwei.. yeah.. over my budget but i think it should be worth it... so now its like opening a present to see wat he got for me when i go for my 1st fitting...


New Member
hahaha hucklebeary>> Yeah,"over my budget but i think it should be worth it". I like this phrase coz we kept telling ourselves that as well...
Really lo, once in a lifetime, everything must be sui-sui!
everyone>> Hey, anybody got flat in punggol? Maybe we neighbours-to-be?
