(2010/01) Jan 2010 BTB


Active Member
hey hey all... have any ideas for outdoor locations??? I'm having my photoshoot on the 25th leh... still deciding where to take for outdoor...


New Member
hello, i am also seeking for 1 more outdoor place. I had selected National Library as my outdoor shoot actually more of indoor since is inside the library. kekekeke


New Member
Hi Cher cher - that winnie surname is NEO..Is your colleague neo too? Haha Tung Lok food is good..definitely a choice in my list..

Hi Winterpolaris - good idea! I thot paiseh ma if were to ask them not to eat at my dinner..hehe

Hi Bunstarz, ampm is quite steep.. I am now thinking of christopher tay..not sure le..see how first..maybe get my frds to do it..

Hehe Piger, my PS in mig august..i have no idea where to take the outdoor pics too perhaps just select one area..am thinking singapore flyer but my hubby says lame! Haha


New Member
Hi Princess_s

no need to paiseh... i asked the same question earlier as well and my already married friends advised me this way
So that why i know. kekeke


New Member
hi cher cher, the photo shoot is very fun but very tiring. Hope it will turn out nice, will be able to see next week =).Hopefully can share with you all then. My bs is silverlining bridal and my PG for pre-wedding is utopia photography. My big day is on 16th Jan. When is ur photoshoot? which is ur bs?

Hi eelynn and winterpolaris , sentosa is quite fun.There is a big tree where u can actually climb up and sit on it to take photo, the beautiful beach plus there is a pond with trees surrounding it. You may want to consider yacht club, my friend took her ps there and it is very nice but need to pay entrance fee.


New Member
hi all,

My fiance and I are actually thinking of getting married on 8 Jan 2010.. However, we are not close with our parents and have not told them yet! how shld we go about doing this?

any advice? Shld my fiance tell my parents first or shld i tell them?


New Member
Shiting > i think it's better u tell ur parents first bah ...

Hmmm ... 8 Jan ... abt 7 mths left wor ... u booked anything yet? Like Bridal studio, banquet, etc???


New Member
Hi eve,

We were thinking its more respectful for my fiance to sort of ask for permission. That's y i'm a little confused also.

No i have not booked any, but the hotel that I'm interested in has available venues. think it's because 8 Jan is a friday.


New Member
Shiting > u can let ur parents know first then ask ur fiance to formally come to your house to ask your parents for your hand in marriage loh. by doing so, you can alert ur parents first so that they will not be caught by surprise i guess.


New Member
Hey Shiting, i think is really up to individual. My case was my fiance had seek my parents permission before he proposed. But some prefer the other way round like what Eve had suggested. The reason is because is really up to the "expected reactions" of the parents.

Cos mine parents been waiting for me to get out of the house... hahaha so naturally my fiance will ask their permission. But if your parents are those type cannot take suprises, then you should break the news first.

Hope this help


New Member
shanwn>> thanks.. but i cant leh.. wahahhaa...hmmm.. u can consider museum? fullerton? library? beaches?

bunstarz>> good to hear that.. share ya.. me is on 3 jan.. bridal de couture... pg is from bs... ps is end oct..

shiting>> if u worried, can try to hint hint say u all have decided the date... try to sound out their reaction first


New Member
winter: but if he asks first, wun the element of surprise be gone? I always thought proposals were meant to be secretive? hee

for me mine was done the other way round haha


New Member
hi bunstarz! i love your choice of locations.. hee.. can you send me the quotation via the private msg link here? thank you gal. looking forward to seeing your photos

hi chercher, like you.. my photoshoot is held late.. in mid nov! wonder if it's too late..

hi shiting, for myself, I brought my boy to my place and then we announce it to my parents together. for him, we brought his parents out for lunch, and we announce it over the lunch

I agree with winterpolaris as diff parents have diff expectations.. but I guess a safe way would be to get your bf to come to your place and seek permission first.. in case your parents do mind that you agree to his proposal without him asking them first??


Active Member
mmmm.... princess_s, I'm still deciding.... headache man.... Duno which location to take for Outdoor....


New Member
hi eve, winterpolaris, chercher and starfrost!

I think by telling them my bf coming up the house, they should get the hint. Anyway, they know about the proposal. I only hope they won't say that Jan is too fast for me. I'm a little worried perhaps because I have just graduated only.

Thanks for all the suggestions and sharing! appreciate them! =)


New Member
Thanks Chercher, beaches not bad..

piger..outdoor there are a few places
I heard my frds gng sentosa, changi boardwalk etc

I am thinking if i can go to those nice hotels to take but i guess we are not allowed to do so le..
I am afraid of sun :p More of indoor person..

Harlow all out there, what do you gals intend to give your jie mei - wrist corsages?
Is it a must? / buy them 1/2 meals to thanked them? Am still deciding if i wana get dresses for them...
My budget quite tight le..


New Member
hi shiting
no worries at all.. just enjoy the wedding preparation process~ and hope your parents give the "go ahead" signal soon.

hi princess_s, I haven't decide on what to give to the jie mei too.. and I'm not sure if a meal is sufficient. so probably a meal + a gift of token? For me, dresses should be out cos of tight budget

Any one has any suggestions on what will make a gd gift for the jie mei?


New Member
starfrost>> urs in mid nov? whens ur big day.. omg keep forgetting eveyone's day .. hehe :p

shiting>> jia you okie.. heehee

all>> gifts for jie mei ah... i think wrist corsages is like a must? i not sure if bs will provide... for me, i wun be gettin dress... maybe a meal after that plus smth lo (hopefully DIY to show sincerity) hehee~.. anyway still thinking... jiemeis will usually get ang baos from hubby + my parents + his parents... maybe ensure its enuff for their ang bao to us?


New Member
Hi Starfrost,

true lo..gift of token? what can that be? am thinking a pair of nice crystals / diamante earrings for the jie meis? :p

I do not know how to make corsages..
Also do not know where to get the materials as well.

Am thinking if i wana get dresses for them then no meals lo..haha just tea / drinks for discussion..hehe

Think dresses i can get around SGD 30 each or lesser..I have a frd who sells dresses..maybe able to get cheaper from her..not sure lo..ELse..GSS now..sure alot of dresses that are super cheap:p


New Member
Hey chercher,

Wrist corsages a must hor?? I also heard from my frds le..I dun have for my jie meis le..

Haha DIY? Good idea hor but i dun noe how to DIY le..

u gals gng to DIY ur hongbao box? or given free by the hotel side?


New Member
hello Thomas,

no lar... cos i din know anything.. he only got my parents approval then he proposed. haha

I am going to DIY alot of things. AP Box, wrist corsages, video montages and so on... I think once in a life time and is something i like to do hahaha...


New Member
winterpolars>> wah... think u very power and creative leh

as for me.. i think the ang bao box will be from hotel ba.. haven decide... heehee...

wrist corsages think can check wif bridal.. see if they can free u or get it cheaper... alternatively u all may wanna have a look at...



New Member
hihi Cher cher,
actually if not for my friends who are doing these all the time, i won't have done this and probably just buy them off the shelves =) Hopefully i will have time, creativity, brains and energy. hahaha


New Member
hi chercher, my wedding is on 17th. I'm having difficulties remembering everyone's day too. Got to refer to the table list
hee. i'm also thinking of DIY something for the jie meis. think it's more unique? thanks for the link!
the wrist corsages are nice

hi princess_s, I'm trying to keep a look out for gifts when shopping. hope to be able to find something nice for them ;) you might want to check out a shop at Far East that sells wedding stuffs, they do sell wrist corsages too. if I pass by again, I help u check the price
wow! $30 for a dress is a great deal!! I'm hoping to get a nicer hongbao box, either self made or buy from outside.. but then if i'm lazy, will just use the free but definitely not nice-looking from the hotel :D

hi winterpolaris, I would also love to do all the stuffs on my own too.. but I guess i just lack the creativity and energy.. very lazy!! hee


New Member
Hey gals,

where do we get the material of the corsages?

Wow Winterpolar..u gng to DIY alot of tings..creative..good..I think i will probably do the Hong bao box myself..

Anyone knows where to rent Kua? I am thinking of renting one, not sure if my bridal provides le.. Am also looking for a dress for my mum..anyone knows where to rent for those nice formal dresses? My mum is quite short


New Member
Hey starfrost,

Sure! Share with me again..U have multiply? U can add me there..share with my your wedding photoshoots too
True..the hongbao box i will be doing this dec ba..hehe

Yeah thanks cher cher for the link..its cool!

Any other things do we need to source n prepare for these few months? Me like in a limbo..haha


New Member
i think can get at spotlight
i heard from my friends...

starfrost>> for me, i actually wanted earlier dates bt all booked.. haiz.. hopfully they can rush out the album for me lo...


New Member
okok i am thinking of getting all the ribbons, wrapping papers and stuffs from various shops like chinatown, or little india the tekka mall i heard got some arts and crafts stuffs. But before that i been looking at different designs from www.brides.com. then get my inspiration from there and modified to suit my theme

Princess: i think ur BS should have kuas for you to rent? For mother's dress some BS will also rent too. But what I am intending to do is that my F-MIL needed 2 dress one for day and night so i am going to check out Blum & Co and bring her there to try out. Their dresses are nice and can alter as well. Most of my working clothes are from there. My mom got her qipao customed made... wah bian.. she more open than me... bare back one *jaw dropped*

I am preparing for the following items like Guo Da Li and the An chuang as well. Though abit far but is like at the back of my mind most of the times.

Then also confirm my helpers and their roles and responsibilities for both church and evening wedding.

Oh by the way hor, we need to get presents for both families and present to them during the church thanksgiving time. But we have ZERO idea on what to give to our parents! any ideas???


New Member
Thanks Winterpolaris
I will drop by blum one of these days. Not sure if BS have kua le..gt to check..Your mum is very trendy!

I havent arrange and meet up with my helpers and havent decide the ppl yet..hehe

Gals, do you think we need to get evening bag on AD? Am still wondering?? I bought 2 pairs of shoes already but evening bag nt yet.

Anyone signed up with mani / pedi packages? I just signed last weekend with Beary nails. I like their service. The people there quite friendly. Got a free drink also. I went there twice and like the service among the rest that i have been before..
Haha..So far i have been to a few nails salon but none provide me drinks..haha


New Member
Hi all, it's another 7 months until our wedding month ... Juz to let everyone see the updated list.

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>AD</TD><TD>Banquet Venue</TD><TD>BS</TD><TD>AD PG</TD><TD>AD VG</TD><TD>ROM</TD><TD>ROM Venue</TD><TD>Lovenest</TD><TD>Multiply </TD></TR><TR><TD>wiggie</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Sheraton Towers</TD><TD>The Aisle Bridal</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>most prob AD day</TD><TD>most prob at the Waterfall at Sheraton</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>shanshine</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Hilton Singapore</TD><TD>Sophia Wedding Collection</TD><TD>Sophia Wedding Collection</TD><TD>Sophia Wedding Collection</TD><TD>AD Day</TD><TD>Hilton Singapore</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jaclyn</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Orchard Parade Hotel</TD><TD>Sophia Wedding Collection</TD><TD>Sophia Wedding Collection</TD><TD>Sophia Wedding Collection</TD><TD>AD Day</TD><TD>Church</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>honey_greentea</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>cassafina</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Hilton Hotel</TD><TD>Ala carte</TD><TD>Rebirth Photography</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Sengkang</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>jen</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>Hotel Rendezvous</TD><TD>Sophia Wedding Collection</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>AD Day</TD><TD>Hotel Rendezvous</TD><TD>Woodlands</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>odie24</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>HortPark</TD><TD>Golden Horse Awards</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>chercher</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>Hilton Hotel</TD><TD>Bridal De Couture</TD><TD>Bridal De Couture</TD><TD>Bridal De Couture</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Sengkang</TD><TD>cher2010 </TD></TR><TR><TD>bahamass</TD><TD>9</TD><TD>Novotel Clarke Quay</TD><TD>Bridal Couture</TD><TD>Plush Photography</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>mrswenlim</TD><TD>9</TD><TD>Pearl River Palace</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Friend</TD><TD>Friend</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>AMK</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Avelinekoh</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>Raffles Hotel</TD><TD>Blue Bay</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Enchanted Colours</TD><TD>Over</TD><TD>The British Club</TD><TD>Tampines</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>evergreen</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>Novotel Clarke Quay</TD><TD>Di Gio</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>AD Day</TD><TD>Church</TD><TD>Jade Spring @ Yishun</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Starry007</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>Meritus Mandarin (Mandarin Court)</TD><TD>Bliss Bridal Creations</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>AD Day</TD><TD>Meritus Mandarin (Mandarin Court)</TD><TD>with in-laws</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Emily</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Julia Wedding News</TD><TD>William Teng</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>AD Day</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>astroting</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Friend</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>AD Day</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Punggol</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>xtendgirl</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>ryanmel</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>vera123</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>Marina Mandarin</TD><TD>Bridal Veil</TD><TD>Marcus Lee Photography</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Over</TD><TD>Keppel Club</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>jes407</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>bridebridebride</TD><TD>11</TD><TD>Marina Mandarin</TD><TD>Bridal De Couture</TD><TD>Bridal De Couture</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>20.10.07</TD><TD>ROM office</TD><TD>Choa Chu Kang</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>bunstarz</TD><TD>16</TD><TD>Mandarin Oriental</TD><TD>Silverlining</TD><TD>Derrick Ong Photography</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>AD Day</TD><TD>Mandarin Oriental</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>eevee</TD><TD>16</TD><TD>Laguna Country Club</TD><TD>Julia Wedding News</TD><TD>Simon Video</TD><TD>Simon Video</TD><TD>16.01.09</TD><TD>Aloha Changi</TD><TD>Punggol Sapphire</TD><TD>eevee </TD></TR><TR><TD>twinkle</TD><TD>16</TD><TD>Novotel Clarke Quay</TD><TD>Sophia Wedding Collection</TD><TD>Sophia Wedding Collection</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Compassvale</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>u1c0l3</TD><TD>16</TD><TD>Bt Batok CSC</TD><TD>Bridal Concept</TD><TD>Desmond Ho</TD><TD>Y@ppies (Kelvin)</TD><TD>15.11.08</TD><TD>Bt Batok CSC</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Melissa</TD><TD>16</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Thomson D'sign</TD><TD>Thomson D'sign</TD><TD>Thomson D'sign</TD><TD>02.05.08</TD><TD>ROM Office/New House</TD><TD>Jalan Membina</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>jazzster</TD><TD>16</TD><TD>Carlton Hotel</TD><TD>overseas PS in Taipei with Julia's</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Boon Keng</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>aeriss</TD><TD>16</TD><TD>Noble house</TD><TD>Taipei Lishe</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>AD Day</TD><TD>Noble House</TD><TD>Fernvale Vista 2</TD><TD>Aeriss1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>wendycsk</TD><TD>16</TD><TD>Orchid Country Club</TD><TD>Bridal De Couture</TD><TD>Bridal De Couture</TD><TD>Forest Productions</TD><TD>AD Day</TD><TD>OCC Jade Suite</TD><TD>Nemesu Ave</TD><TD>wendycsk </TD></TR><TR><TD>teriakim</TD><TD>16</TD><TD>Pan Pacific Hotel</TD><TD>Whitelink</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>starfrost</TD><TD>16</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>miwa_miharu</TD><TD>17</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>VV</TD><TD>20</TD><TD>Orchard hotel</TD><TD>La Belle Couture</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>AD Day</TD><TD>Orchard hotel</TD><TD>Fernvale Residence</TD><TD>vvaquita </TD></TR><TR><TD>demongal27</TD><TD>23</TD><TD>Orchard Parade Hotel</TD><TD>My Bridal Room</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>eternityong</TD><TD>23</TD><TD>Concorde Hotel</TD><TD>Bridal De Couture</TD><TD>Lam Photography</TD><TD>Lam Photography</TD><TD>AD Day</TD><TD>Concorde Hotel</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>DreamyFairy</TD><TD>23</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>17.12.06</TD><TD>The V Tea Room (Now known as The Cookie Museum)</TD><TD>Serangoon</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>blue_diamond</TD><TD>23</TD><TD>Grand Shanghai</TD><TD>Dawn's Wedding</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>24.10.07</TD><TD>Furama Riverfront</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>chinook</TD><TD>23</TD><TD>Meritus Mandarin</TD><TD>Bliss Bridal Creations</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>10.05.09</TD><TD>Grand Mercure Roxy Hotel</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>fionakoh</TD><TD>23</TD><TD>Novotel Clarke Quay</TD><TD>Bridal Zone</TD><TD>My Montage Guy</TD><TD>My Montage Guy</TD><TD>24.01.09</TD><TD>Novotel Clarke Quay</TD><TD>Rivervale Crescent</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>winterpolaris</TD><TD>23</TD><TD>Novotel Clarke Quay</TD><TD>Golden Horse Awards</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>AD Day</TD><TD>Church</TD><TD>Punggol</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>klitz</TD><TD>24</TD><TD>Shangri-la</TD><TD>My Dream Wedding</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>AD Day</TD><TD>Shangri-la</TD><TD>Yio Chu Kang</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>gerlyn830</TD><TD>24</TD><TD>Fairmont Singapore</TD><TD>Digio</TD><TD>Friend</TD><TD>Friend</TD><TD>23.01.10</TD><TD>Church</TD><TD>Sengkang</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>tikkles</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>Furama Riverfront</TD><TD>DIY (bought gown from overseas)</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>23.12.09</TD><TD>Function Room @ Aunt's place</TD><TD>Dover Crescent</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>theresa_william</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Fables Bridal Couture</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>30.04.09</TD><TD>ROM centre</TD><TD>Tampines</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>wenzi</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>Raffles Town Club</TD><TD>Bridal De Couture</TD><TD>FFIL fren</TD><TD>FFIL fren</TD><TD>AD Day</TD><TD>Raffles Town Club</TD><TD>Punggol Sapphire</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jesscy</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>Noble house</TD><TD>French Bridal</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>amrasenelya</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>Hilton Singapore</TD><TD>Sophia Wedding Collection</TD><TD>Absolut Resolution</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>24.05.08</TD><TD>Raffles Town Club</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>ent</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>Swissotel Merchant Court</TD><TD>Di Gio</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>14.06.09</TD><TD>Grand Mercure Roxy Hotel</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>hui_shan</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>Marina Mandarin</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Do update me if you have new details or amendments, etc ..

Me going to Taiwan for my PS next week ... kinda excited ... hehe


New Member
wah Eve so happening! come back must share your photos hahaha
just realize you are @ Punggol too.... do i happen to see you at Punggol forum?

Hey Princess, no lor.. my mom is vain lor! she more vain than me! i can't believe it!!!

Wah bag? no leh.. cos i haven seen any brides holding evening bags or clutch. Cos basically you will probably be busy shaking hands, hugging, toasting, cutting cake. hahaha unless u are going to stand by some tissues in case your HTB is doing something romantic for you... But should have a bridesmaid standby with you throughout the evening so that she can help you. Cos basically she will be the one helping you the AD.

I didn't sign up for manicure or pedicure but i am on regular facials and back treatment now for at least once a month


New Member
Haha ladies, my love nest is in Sengkang:p
We are all very near.

okay noted
Yeah i love facial..since young at age 20, i went facial monthly.. am super vain hor..:p Back treatment i have never done before..

But i do signed up a full body massage package of 30 times..Yester went foot massage..hehe relaxing..


New Member
Hi Eve,

Thanks for the update.

I have some amendments, my customary and banquet will be split in 2 days instead. Hotel has been changed as well.

AD: 03/01/2010 &amp; 04/01/2010
Banquet Venue: Hilton Singapore(on 04/01/2010)
AD PG: Windmill Photography
AD VG: -
ROM: 03/01/2010
ROM Venue: TBC

The rest of the details remain unchanged.

Thanks a lot!


New Member
hi chercher, I guess half a year should be sufficient for them to do up the album
maybe once in a while can chase after them a bit :p

princess_s, what's ur multiply? private message me k? cos I can't pm u. I don't think I'll be holding any evening bag.. where did you get ur shoes from?? I've been looking ard but yet to find any that is nice.. I'm thinking of gg for a mani and pedi one day before the big day so not signing up any package :p

any good salons that does nice french mani to recommend??

hi all, are you gals planning to custom made the shoes? any one has any good contacts?

hi eve, looking forward to your pics!


New Member
hi starfrost>> half a yr?? u scaring me leh.... or u meant half a mth???

for me.. i oso wun be holding any bag.. heehee...
as for mani and pedi.. will get do one day before big day too

i oso cant seems to find any nice shoes.. can try tangs ba.. should have... i saw a pair at OG .. its cost 110.. omg

eve>> looking foward to see too...


Active Member
hihi Eve.... you did not update my list inside too...

Nick: Piger
AD: 3rd Jan 2010
Banquet Venue: Hotel Rendezvous
BS: Style Bridal
AD PG: Glory Studio
AD VG: Hubby's Friend
ROM: 3rd Jan 2010
ROM Venue: Hotel Rendezvous
Lovenest: Bukit Panjang
Multiply: -

Thank you!!


New Member
Hi Starfrost and CherCher,

French mani? I think there are a couple of them..hehe recently tampines one has a new nail salon - Lady finger like gt promotion:p My mum's place downstair also has a shop called princess cottage- tried before but do not like it..

Custom made shoes? I think Tanjong Pagar (International Plaza) has a shop there le - Lizard ? Something like that..

I bought my shoes le..saw many pretty ones!

There are a few places i went - Metro (vivie),Pazzion but mostly flats unless u r very very tall, Tangs, Takashimaya there are 2 ranges that sells wedding shoes

I got mine from Takashimaya - Bovarie
After spending 3 hours going around all the targeted shoes area. Total i bought 2 pairs just in case - one is a cheapo from Mondo - just slip on got diamante design + the Takashimay one SGD 129 /139. Saw one covered one at Vivie (Metro) but the design i want do not have my size 6
Sob Sob..Left size 5 only all over singapore - thats was the sales person says la..

Starfrost, my multiply ID is blissbride. You can add me there. I tried 2 gowns in my BS and posted it there but i never take those gowns cos it doesnt look good on me..haha


New Member
Hi Eve,

Can you help me to update my list
Thank you

Here you go:

Nick: princess_s
AD: 16th Jan 2010
Banquet Venue: Bliss Garden
BS: Bliss Bridal Creations
AD PG: TBC in 2 weeks time
AD VG: TBC in 2 weeks time
ROM: 17th March 2007
ROM Venue: Aloha Pool Terrace
Lovenest: Sengkang
Multiply: blissbride


New Member
hi chercher, oops, typo there. hee.. yep.. half a mth to a month should be enough for them to come up with a 'draft'

hi princess_s, you referring to leaping lizard?? i'm thinking of doing mine there if i can't find any off the shelf... hee! this weekend shall go to the places u recommend for shoes. thks! will add you at multiply later.. the page seems to be down now


New Member
Yeah its leaping lizard! Haha..
Also, i bought another pair from OG ppl's park! They have wedding shoes there too but the one i got is a little bit too low..maybe just 1 inch..In total i got 3 pairs..not 2..blur le..hehe yeah u can try those that i have targeted including OG

I went all those and bought the 3 pairs from different places
Me super kiasu hor but its just becos am redi a shoppaholic thats y always very poor
Buy until poor..Think all my colleagues and friends all know i can shop n buy alot even though i do not need the items..jialat hor
Sob Sob

Gals, hw many meals in total would you all be treating your jiemei? How much per treat roughly? Am tinking of getting them the dresses and minus the treat :p Me really on budget..

Moreover if i were to ask them to use their own dress, there will definitely be frds telling me that certain colours they do not have


New Member
I am planning to give them a range of colours from my colour theme which will be easier on them also. Example my colour theme is silver, maroon and white. So they got 3 colours options. How many jiemeis you have? I have about 12 -_-" wahhahaaha

For treating of meals, usually what my good friends did: they invite all the helpers to their home for a buffet. Then can catch up and watch the wedding videos or look @ photos
Sisters usually very nice, they will use the sister gate crashing ang pow and pool in for more nice food top ups

By the way do you all know what the price range @ leaping lizard?


New Member
princess_s, hee
shopping is a real soft spot for girls! haven't thought of how many meals to treat.. but i guess one meal should be enough? and also includes some small treats at cafe when meeting up for discussions...

winterpolaris, thanks for sharing
hee, i find the buffet treat a great idea!!
