elsie & wen lim: normally photo shooting should done around 6 mths before your AD... after shooting, u can view n choose the raw pic within 2wks to 1 mth... after choosing, the BS will edit and design the photos u have chosen n u have to go down to see the design again... it will take 2wks to a mth for the editing... if the design ok, then it take another 2wks to a mth to do the album... so from the day u take the PS, u need at least 1.5 mth to collect ur photos... if dilly dally here n there, will take abt 2-3 mths then can take... so must have ample time to prepare...
i took the BS in jb named Fables... if interested, can join the thread... all the ladies there r friendly to share the details =)