(2009) Brides of year 2009


New Member
Ling: Can start preparing the vingear trotters le...

Junel: haha.. who has the most say?


New Member
jascmy, i have when for my detail scan and my baby is confirm a baby boy... my husband prefer boy. for me i m ok with boy or gal...


New Member
felicia, I also just came back from detail scan this morning. Sonographer say boy and show me the penis. Then after the whole scan I asked her again, "confirmed boy?". She say 80% lah. Sigh. Shld be confirmed lah. hubby very happy cos he wanted boy.


New Member
hi all
so nice to see there are still some chats gg on here!

so good that some of u already have own nest or in midst of building the nest

hubby and i cant wait for our flat to be ready.. but its either next yr end or early 2012.. haiz..

stay with in-laws since married.. nw got conflict liao. sian.


New Member
jascmy, wow.. happy for you. same lor... my hb also very happy... he wan boy alot... is confirm lor... once u cn see his penis mean is boy lor...

cheer, normally if baby boy you cn noe it wen you are abt 16 wk pregnancy and 100% confirm is wen 20wk pregnancy .

cheer & stacy, thanks.


New Member
cheer & Stacey, Thanks.

felicia, my 15 weeks scan can't see the gender leh. Its blocked by a white thingy. But Bb legs open wide. Detailed scan then can see penis. Should be confirmed loh, cos I heard for gal their legs mostly close up. Mine open so wide loh.

Why you feel pain ah. Ur skin very thin?? I don't feel pain but can feel the movements. Like wind flow thru tummy. When doing details scan, my sonographer commended that my skin very think so image not clear unless she push hard. Hahaa...

Jia you for the rest of the Oct 09 brides.


New Member
greentwinkle: oh... Hope it is nothing serious? There are bound to be some disagreements when living together... Jia you... dun give up...


New Member
hey littlewoman, thanks

mil is the unreasonable type. hmmm to cut long story short - i am actually the victim of the event, but she say i am the cause of it. no justice one.. Hubby also think she's unreasonable, but we cant do anything, dun want to argue further, cos still staying with them, dun want to make things worse, so tolerate lor. no choice.


New Member
jascmy, i feel pain cos baby kick on the part tat i m more sensitive... every here n there i will feel his kicking... i just find it so amazing ... my sonographer told me my baby very active and is moving alot....

jia you for the rest of oct brides.


New Member
greentwinkle have to tolerate lo cos she is your mil ma...
at least your flat coming soon le.. hahaha

mine came liao but haven't done anything yet...


New Member
hi all, long time no log in...haben been in gd health lately..

littlewoman: how's ur health...u look v xing fu in the photos uploaded in FB with hubby...kekeek..
greentwinkle: patpat, sometimes really have to close 1 eye when living with in laws...for me, seldom communicate with them so no conflicts so far..

junel: u gotten ur contractor or ID?seen any sample flats at FV1?


New Member
Yes, we choose baby name = )
Another 5 weeks 6 days to go before due date.

Little woman,
I dun dare eat pork so dun know how to go abt doing confinement meals too. Has engaged Confinement lady and since I dun eat pork, think she will have headache preparing meals for me


New Member
Jaq how are you?? have to take care ar.

seen a few flats in FV1 but i haven't started on mine yet... hahahaa

Ling no need to eat pork also can ma... got sesame oil chicken. hahaha.. me also dun eat vinegar pig trotters.. so i guess i will have to stick with sesame oil chicken only if i'm pregnant, hahahah...


New Member

Been a while since i log in here.

Read thru some of the post and realise that quite a number of Oct bride are preggy now. Congrats!!

Yep.. i am in my 27 wks now. EDD in July 10.


New Member
junel: me alright ah..now much better after my mum cook this n that for me to 'pu yi pu' lol..

when ur reno starting? settle ur ID and layout le?


New Member
Haven't been around for months. Busy @ work and my buddy wedding.

SO good, most of your have gotten yr love nest.
I still trying to locate a suitable 1.

Saggie > Where u gotten yr pi xiu. I haven't seen in taiwan.
Ling > Wow, u fast hand fast leg .... so fast can carry BB liao.

I also thought of both name for baby boy and girl liao. Christian name for girl and chinese name for boy only. U have any website recommendation for names?

See you in motherhood, take care.


New Member

If you go for guided tour in Taiwan, they will bring you to those fengshui shop to talk about pixiu.

Garfield, you also so fast ar?? hahha


New Member
Hi All... sorry for the late reply... am just discharged...

greentwinkle: I can understand... what matters most is HB knows and understands u... Support from HB is more impt...
It is a good way to reduce conflicts by reducing ur communication and presence at hm but perhaps u can also try to improve the r/s by celebrating some big festivals with her...
"tao lao ren jia huan xin"...

Jaq: Thanks....took those pics before my op... (just in case I forget my HB)... opps... haha.. How are u?

Garfield: congrats.... how many months le?

Ling: yes, like what the rest suggest: chicken and fish can do wonders... esp if u are breastfeeding, fish is a must...
Rem to upload ur princess pics on FB ya...


New Member
littlewoman: wishing u speedy recovery..
ah forget ur HB? Doubt u will la..kekeke he take care of u so well wor..
me alright ah, taking care of my health also..went for some blood tests n checks, will get the results this Sat..

congrats garfield & ling !

talking abt celebrating big festivals, this Sun Mother's day I already booked a jap restaurant to celebrate with my in laws n parents, who knows my hubby say his parents dun wanna go =\ they not into such celebrations n dun find it a need..duhz..can count juz as a gathering also mahz..my parents n them have not seen each other since our wedding lor..feel abit pissed tho


New Member
LW: do take care ar. eat more nutrious food

Garfield!! Congrats!! another mummy coming up!! when is my turn


New Member
Junel> heaven will give u a child soon

for us we will wait till we are back from Japan trip in early oct
...hehe... enjoy our 2nd honeymoon in Autumn... so far left Spring holiday...


New Member
Wow congrate to so many mummys to be.

I also envy so many of you already preg. My husband simply refuse to have one at this time.


New Member
Jaq: Thanks...
Indeed, he is a nice HB... very supportive and encouraging... I am sure u will be okay... dun worry too much ya...
Hmm... try to ask ur HB to show off his persuasive skills? My parents and in-laws are having the celebration at my parents' house... My HB will pack in some food...

Thanks Junel... I am sure u will have good news soon...

Cherie: oh... He has a time for family planning?


New Member
littlewoman> he said another 1-2 more years but for me if I can have it now of course now better lah. :p but too bad he is not ready for one now

Junel > Thank you ... don't worry, let nature take it course. I'm sure your turn will come soon.

Jaq > Thanks thanks, when's your turn?

littlewoman > Around 10 months old ... just managed to listen to the baby heart beat only.


New Member
littlewoman:nah, HB told me his parents can be stubborn also, so just left my parents and us to eat..nvm lor since they dun want..

garfield: me ah, wait for lovenest to come beg next yr 1st then probably 2yrs later bah...cannot be too soon, need to plan financially n mentally..


New Member
Junel> yes, I will eat chicken instead of pork.. wahhaaa... Garfield, is a daddy to be now = )

Garfield> See u ya in motherhood

Littlewoman> u feeling better after operation?

saggie> enjoy your trip = ).. I love Japan

Cherie> enjoy couplehood ya cos once kids are here, no time for sweet moments le.. For me, no choice, 33 yrs old this yr liao so must be fast, chop chop
Ling > Hee hee, going to a Daddy to be soon .... u must update me again when u gave birth. Hope to see the pic in your FB.

Jaq > U bought a flat or waiting for BTO?


New Member
Cherie: Perhaps he just want to spend private world with you now... Enjoy the process before family planning...

Garfield: Take care ya... Drink more tonics... Can sense ur excitement...

Jaq: I agree... How was the celebration? Ur mum mus be happy...

Ling: Thanks... Still suffering from sm side-effects... would say that op is never a pleasant thing... but it is worth it for the sake of a healthier life with family and love ones...
Have you packed the stuffs for ur due date next month?


New Member
Ling> haha...me and hubby never been to Japan so take the chance to visit the places lo
... next time with kids etc, no chance le ba... perhaps restrict to Club Med resorts coz they have creches or childcare section....


New Member
littlewoman:haha she took the most exp bento set, end up half of it given to me n hubby to eat LOL..take care and drink some tonics to perk up ur health if can ya ;)


New Member
Jaq: So cute... but so long she enjoys...
Thanks... my mum been doing that on a regular basis... I put on quite a lot too... Just hope I can recover fast; feel like returning back to work asap...


New Member
LW : Rest more... now put on weight better.
when you return to work then you will think of weekends to come faster le... hahha

Jaq > Care to share where is your BTO location?

littlewoman > Yes, definitely very excited ... as it our first child. Currently, my wife had a bad appetite and don't seems to comfortable at all times. Her career is affected as she is occasional on MC.
Guess would be out of job soon, hai~
