(2009) Brides of year 2009


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1 more day for me and some of the other girls. quite excited! I hope everything goes on smoothly. For brides whose wedding are tmr, have fun! :p


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i wan to view too


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babyfaery> i try to eat everyday provided i m free
sometimes after work, doing hsework at home... then late liao...
.... usually i stop eating after 10pm coz later cannot sleep....


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Hi Von,
u know reading ur entry, i find that i'm the opposite situation from you. it's my own parents who are less enthu somehow, n my inlaws are super excited, super pro-active. both sides are having the 1st wedding in the family as my fiance and i are eldest. my extended relatives are excited too, but it's just my parents who somehow seem very detached from all my preps.
so i can somewhat identify with the feeling of whether wedding should be called off, cos there seems to not be the same level of excitement and enthusiasm in our family in welcoming the event. It almost feels as though they do not give their blessings to this union. n it's hurting to have the impression that ppl that matter don't share your joy, and it definitely dampens ur spirit in ur preparation for your big day, doesn't it?

so i self-talk to myself to cope with the unhappy thoughts: just remember that ultimately, the wedding is the event to mark the start of ur life with your husband. Even though i appreciate the fact that family of origins play a huge role in ur subsequent life together, ultimately it's how u and ur hubby support each other through this, and work ur life out together that matters. it would be such a pity if we let others affect us so much that it costs us our marriage, and potentially a wonderful and enriching life together, isn't it?
Shir > My wife’s parent is asking for around 3 tables only … and they claim how much is also fine. But can u imagine? That “pin jing†somehow will determine how much their daughter worth in my heart.


New Member
yeah yeah so busy..just finish sending my invites...coming wed will be my DGL...woo woo busy....

So far I am slightly better..montage done, AD schedule more or less there...now is like left the arranging with hotel coordinator to arrange for the testing of the clips and songs..

So busy now with planning my itenary for my HM


New Member
my hubby is super irritating.. freaking rubbish!! he is like complaining that he needs to travel here and there on our AD... WTH!!

Then i say that I will need his friends to check-in the hotel for us.. He was like.. trouble people again? I believe friends won't mind about helping out.

Messed up my whole planning..


New Member
Doll> Try to take some nourishments for your health.. Need to stay healthy and pretty for the actual day :D

I have not been feeling well on and off these 2 weeks as well (due to work and wedding stress).. Started taking nourishments (eg: American Ginseng tea) to try and reduce the "heat"..

For me, I just can't seems to lose weight... Arms are still flabby.. Need to try and tone them up for the wedding.. Dono can or not

As for the wedding, both sets of parents say that they are easy going, simple simple can liao.. Then now and then, both mothers come up with specific things they want.. Sigh... Sometimes I wonder why can't they say everything at one go in the early stage..


New Member

Parents are like this!! mil said she need 5 tables.. then it become 6 tables.. now, change again 7 tables.. (At first she don't intend to invite her malaysia relatives..) which she didn't even check with them if they are okay with the idea.


yup.. probably mine was a additional one.. which yours and cheenapork is new order. once carol contact you both.. just let me know...

never heard from cheenapork this few weeks!!! weird


New Member
actually my mother requested for the tradtion cake. called si se bing. then i told my mum why not buy cake voucher, even better still. then mummy say ok because something different. hehe

von> our wedding is the third one for his side and 1st on mine. so his mother is super relax, and his mum dont intent to invite his father's relatives. so even tea ceremony also his mum's side only. his father is like.... in his own world, i think he don't even know his son is getting married. how do u think i feel? haiz... even pin jing his mum only wanted to give me 400. i told my hb i'm not getting married to u. then he said he will give by his own money. you all know that GDL also need to buy martell/ brandy right? his mother intent to give me the "old" martell, meaning she has some in her showcase and wanted take from there. i was like WTH? are you giving your OLD GIFTS to ppl? wah lau eh...


Morning brides,

Just want to share, I'm very happy... Husbby and I just collected our photoshoot album yesterday. I am generally satisfied with it though I spotted a couple of imperfections.

We also went to buy some GDL items after that. Was so preoccupied with the GDL items I forgot to buy the comb for the hair-combing session. Will head back to the shop to get it.

Will also be ordering my cakes and teochew li bing soon


New Member
akino> for the GDL things, guy side...i leave it to my in-laws to handle
for my side everything settled except for the oranges which we will buy closer to the date.... actually "old" martell is ok... the older the wine, the higher the value

Yvonne> u can try to do dumb-bells... i tried that plus housework... it works

Garfield> my parents also 3 tables siah.... pin jin wise, i leave it up to groom side to handle.... i dun really bother...
Angelina > Can I find out more from you, how to order from Malaysia’s Yong Sheng? How much per box of xi bing? Must order in advance?

saggiegirl > Wow, your parent also ask for 3 tables only … have u asked yourself this question, roughly how much pin jin is consider acceptable?


New Member
Garfield> ya... coz my side only my mum relatives are in SG
the rest are from my dad side from KL, Ipoh, Japan, USA... last time my bro went back to Ipoh for his wedding dinner... so me the youngest daughter "exempted" liao...

hmm...pin jin $$ is depends de...
of coz usually pin jin ends with "8" lar... for auspicious meaning... of coz u can give a nice number lor


New Member
ahBlur> Ya lor.. Like my in-laws.. Initially said no need to invite FIL colleagues.. Then later, said 1 table.. Then when we were finalizing the number of tables, asked us whether there are any more available tables.. Our venue has limited tables (which is close to what we had initially estimated with the 1 table for colleagues they requested).. As some of our own friends and colleagues cannot make it, we manage to squeeze out 2 more.. Sigh.. Hopefully no more changes liao, as the list is more or less finalized...

Saggiegirl> Will try the dumb-bells routine.. Hope it works


New Member
Had the meeting with our group of xiong-di and jie-mei yesterday.. Went through the timing of AD, and responsibilities of each of them... So happy that they are able to help

One of them mentioned about red umbrella.. Does anyone knows what it is for? Needed when?


New Member
Thank you BTBs for sharing the happiness and unhappiness on GDL... and iknow i'm not alone!

Pebbles & akino, I'm an only Child and my Hubby is the Only Son! meaning, this will be the ONLY wedding occasion. unless.... ha ha ha...
This afternoon we met up for Ti Qin, then the "dun know" language comes again. my hubby burst out laughing when my FIL say that. maybe he hear me complain day and night and on our way to the lunch and not forgetting my FB shout out. HA HA!!!
Since they say dun know... then my mum add on to ask if we need to buy towel for the my Sisters-in-law (Hub's younger sisters). Of a sudden, my MIL say no need buy towel lah... use angpow to replace can le... (Wah Biang!!! so $$$ face!!!!) i almost flip... then my FIL say to their Hakka Tradition they only give a little for Pin Jin only... i can say his little means less than $200 lor... i just wonder if HOW MANY DIL they are marrying????

Hmmm... BTW any bride here marrying a Hakka?


New Member
Hi Yvonne,
the red umbrella is for ur dad to shelter u from ur house to the bridal car, when u go to ur hubby's place for tea ceremony. i can't remember shelter from what actually, but it must be a red umbrella. when we went to buy the traditional stuff, the lady at the shop explained that red is auspicious. i said i have a coral pink umbrella that is new, so don't wanna buy. but she said lucky i told her it's pink. cos pink is not allowed.. pink means 2nd marriage... haha.


New Member
Yvonne> yes, u need red umbrella... either Mum or dad need to use it to shade the couple from all bad luck...

just bought my Red umbrella from Chinatown

Dear BTBs correct me if i'm wrong...


New Member
Pebbles; Von> When I go from my house to the bridal car, my dad / mum can shelter me.. But what about when we are at my HTB's place? He shelter me, or need a relative from my side or his side?


New Member

today... MIL call hubby to inform him that additional of 1 table.. so now is 8.. my family side.. 12 tables..

sil needs to attend another wedding before our wedding thus unable to attend to the relatives who will arrive 1 day before our wedding!!! hubby got to go with mil.. was thinking of bringing hubby for manicure..

when our parent asked.. i just say 30... now is my pil increasing.. mummy super nuah!!! think when she get into action.. I will scold her if she increase the no of tables..


New Member
Von> u r right
me also bought a simple red umbrella from the chinatown shop
dad will shield me when we go down to the bridal car... then hubby will shield me using the same umbrella when we go up to his parents' place for tea ceremony in the morning


New Member
oh i didn't know that the bride has to be shielded on the way up from the car to the groom's home too?? then what about the return trip from groom's side to bride's side for tea ceremony? does anybody know?


Hi all,

I hear y'all talking abt the umbrella. How abt the fan? Is there a need for a fan and is the bride suppose to throw it away when she reach the car? Does that signifies throwing bad luck away or something?

I read it somewhere in one of the threads but I only have a vague memory of it.


New Member
OMG, i saw this box from tangs art, super cute, in groom and bride from a blog.

Their box is generally cheap. My box is also from tangs art, rm10 or so. Feel like changing my box. LOL

Just pick up my card from Tdragon.
Haven't folded. Gonna start tom i guess, hopefully. Need to fold 40 cards for my dad friends. My parents are quite nice, i communicate with them, they giving us back the angpow for the tables.


New Member
charmaine, the boxes are cute! you bought them from malaysia? RM 10 per box is quite ex (coz it looks small from the picture....) or is it as big as an ang pow box?

anyway, juz wanna ask ppl about pin jin, den i realise everybody dunno how much to "bao". i tried to ask my mum, ended up being scolded. sigh. We're thinking of "bao"-ing $888, you all think enough? later too much, my MIL angry.. too little, my mum angry.. *stressed*

the T-dragon invitation cards have been left in my room for 2 weeks.. without touching them at all.. now see the big red plastic bag there.. so pek cek.. eye-sore!

im so upset with my mil. she asked if i wear bracelets, coz she shopping for si dian jin.. den my hubby say i dun usually wear bracelets.. but i was wondering to myself.. without bracelet how to be si dian jin.. should have 4 items.. den i got my hubby to sound her out.. she say got 4 items... one ring, one pendant, one chain (for the pendant) and earrings.. can like that one meh? i thought the chain and the pendant come together as 1 item? never mind, juz now i went shopping for it (she ask me to choose myself).. den all i choose she say ugly.. not nice.. look fake.. not presentable.. grrr.. ask me choose den say so much... i really ARGH lo... so upset today!


New Member
hi jennifer,
the shopowner from whom i bought the traditional stuff from, taught me to just leave it at the corner next to the door as i step out of the house. then step out cannot look back. when i leave my mum will pick up that fan, wrap it in the special red satin cloth that comes as a set, then put in ziplock bag to put in her drawer. when she miss me, she can take out the fan to use, signify, "bu san" from the daughter.
when i was doing jiemei for my fren earlier this yr however, hers was that as the bridal car was just slowly driving off, she throws the fan out of the car window and her mother picks it up to keep.
then besides this fan, she also said i have to carry another fan with me, to fan myself in the car and to get jiemeis to fan me when i head to my inlaw's home, to signify "fanning away" all bad habits so that inlaws will be happy with the DIL when she lives with them. anybody else have heard of this practice? this is the 1st time i hear of it personally.


New Member
hey von, i am in a similar situation. I am the only gal and my hubby is the only son. and we all dunno what is going on with the traditional customs and all. hahaha... fun times :X


New Member
Suzanna: I went ard the jewellery shop asking last week.. Some told me the necklace and the pendant can be considered as 2 items in the si dian jin leh.. At least ur MIL is giving u si dian jin, I don't noe how to ask although my mum say need...Don't upset le lah.. tell ur hubby abt it..see if he can hint to ur mum wat u like? =)


New Member
Suzanna, like what babyfarey says pendant and chain is consider as two items. Exception is when you get those fancy necklace (that cannot be detach into 2 items :D) then it is consider as one item.

For my si dian jin, I got 1 bangle, 1 pendant, 1 chain and a pair of earrings.

Babyfaery, it is a must if you are a teochew bride. That's what I told my hubby. For the rest of the dialect group, it is optional. Since your mom says need, then just get your hubby to relay the info? :p

On a side note, yay! I just picked up my wedding cards.


New Member
Pebbles> return trip no need

the fan is typically for hokkien brides... meaning to "fan" away the bad luck... supposed to throw the fan when the bride board the bridal car
... but as me not hokkien, so no need the fan
just the normal red umbrella can liao

Clueless Oink> slowly u will pick up
my hubby knows more abt this as his family is big and his mum used to handle all these for those relatives lor

for my Si Dian Jin, it is in white gold & diamonds
... one bracelet, one pair of earrings, one chain, one pendant
... i cannot wear bangle as my wrist too small... even for my bracelet, i also customized the size :s


New Member
oopss..my si dian jin got 5 items then... one pendant, one ring, a pair of earrings, bracelet and chain. On top of that, MIL buying another bracelet, tink that is given during tea ceremony.
As for Pin Jin, i tink it is really depending on the groom side on how much to give. No matter how much u give, ur parents will sure return a portion back to the groom side. Like my BIL gave $9888 to my parents and my mom onie took $888 as an auspicious figure n return $9K back leh.. it is not selling dotter, juz a token of thank u for bringing up the dotter.


New Member
Garfield> i order thru a colleague who stays in JB and comes to work here.. order within 1-2weeks ba.. i order 20 boxes.. i gave 1 week. mine i took the RM18.80 one. http://www.yongsheng.com.my/
mine is "double happiness"

does anyone have information for GDL?? mine is this sunday.. and we are still like blur blur.. dunno wat is really going on.. haiz..


New Member
Pebbles: If I am not wrong, our Father or elder brother will be sheltering us with the red umbrella when we "chu jia".. just for the short distance.

Jennifer: The fan is to throw away before we board the car. Never to look back thereafter.

Same here, think my MIL bought the SDJ.. and an additional bracelet for the tea ceremony. As for my FIL, probably he will be giving hongbaos during the ceremony ba.


Hi all,
Saw that everyone is talking about Si Dian Jin, haha, i just got mine ytd.
Well... mine is the old, obiang gold pendant, chain, earrings and bracelet. I guess, pendant is one item and the chain is a seperate item.
But MIL got another bangle and ring for tea ceremony also in gold. Aiyo... i probably wont ever wear it again....


New Member
Congrats p00h, its finally the big day, dun forget us after ok. when free do come along and give some good advice... =D or post-wedding sales items ...
