(2009) Brides of year 2009


New Member
its neither pillarless nor high ceiling.. but cos the ballroom could accomodate up to 50 tables (i think), and since we getting only 35 tables, we thot we could play with the layout such that minimal (if not none) of the tables will be blocked. as for the ceiling, aft they do up the theme, it doesn't look so bad.

i guess all hotels would protect themselves by adding such clause abt property damage in the contract. its only a matter of how lenient they would be if the unfortunate has to happen.


New Member
by right I can graduate by end of this yr and Happily tk convocation photos and attend graduation ceremory... then follow by wedding le...but NOW.....SOB SOBBBBBBBBBBBBB...I failed one module... so all kana push back le...
Only April nx yr then can graduate...then muz quickly go tk convocation photos and hope there's a graduation ceremory b4 wedding... Hai...

I'm a kind of ppl, see book and see lecture notes will feel sleepy and auto turn off my brain..then somemore I study part time... attend class after work...wah...more pengsan... Now my hope is finish all the last 4 modules ASAPPPPP... haha...


New Member
Wow, u went to Melbourne for ur PS. Part of ur BS package? All the photos u posted are already selected or still selecting? But the wind veri big ah, blow both of ya hair messy messy... haha...

My opinion: The ones from the forest to the later part of the day and night are better... nicer... But if you all could go to the farm it would be better... more outdoor looking with some animals as ur props...i'm an animal person... hahaha... my crazy idea...Saw ya also took photos near the Crown Casino... it would be best if can take from inside... gamblers and chips as props... Gambler of the King & Queen... LOL~~!!! My ideas are pouring in right now...


New Member
Mrs Ang, melbourne is not part of my BS pkg.. BS and PG is seperate de.. All these photos are more or less the selected ones, but my pg will have to select further.. Supposed to select 50-80, but we giving him 120 back.. haha..

ya loh.. hair so messy.. abit sian.. but cant be help.. already put alot of gel and spray le.. your ideaas very fantastic leh... i also wish i can take the photos in the casino.. more "grand".. haha.. but i think they dun allow lah.. Also, it would be more comfortable inside.. warmer man.. hahaha..

U got so many ideas.. i think u can go start thinking of 1st yr anniversary photo shoot?? hehe..


New Member
Hi Vallous & Mrs Ang,
Entire clan do sound correct..haha..dun forget,we carry their surname & our children also ;p
Mrs Ang, why ur IL so reluctant to fork out a cent?is it bcoz they cannot afford??so no conclusion?

Hi Hui,
Yes,i'm a hainanese bride,my hb is hokkien.My mom keep saying follow their customs.Both side also not very sure.think will combine both side for GDL ba..

Hi Shice,
Nice PS ya..can see the wind very strong ;p bet u must have enjoyed


WAh i just saw somewhere 5 digits? Sorry no offence but your mum selling you? We all know that in the end to prevent conflicts is the couple themselves fork out one. Let your mum know if she unhappy and you have to pacify both side, will end up her dotter eat bread everyday for next few years.

I think its best to manage your own mother's expectation (because u definitely can't manage the other side, so start from your own side first). Tell them if they are now the guy's parents, and some DIL parents DEMAND to have to cough out 5 digit how would they feel, or be able to pay this 5 digit? This kind of customs is just yi si yi si one, leftover from last time when people got clans and influential families etc, modern days need to really quote so high?


New Member
No, i don carry their surname. I will be forever a NG. I got no choice to change to mrs ang cos my previous nick kena suspended... Initially wanted to put mdm ng.. but sound so auntie...LOL~!~!~!

Children? Donno can lay an egg out or not... still have to wait for gynae approval... Maybe future my pet dog will have surname of theirs... LOL~! I getting nastier..

My initial plan to tie the knot is to register and then fly off to honeymoon. His family say cannot.. no matter what... dinner is a must. Okay, we follow what they say... then in the end we are paying everything... not a single cent from them... Some of ya may say tat they don wish to let his son spend so much... but their decision make us spend more... How much to cost if to rom only? Less than $1k? They are not a very supportive parents i find tat... they wan all the gd things... but want them cheap ... i cannot stand this type of parents.. So my plan when i move over is to treat as any normal day like the usual me and bf are dating... don expect me to do this do that...

So when i tell my bf tat since they are not contributing, can my mom request a si dian jin for me? In the end the father and mother say the same thing.. since my father is hokkein, i don have si dian jin... haven ti qing already tell me.. during ti qing tell my mother... do u tink i will want to follow their surname? I will still use my surname and not theirs...


New Member
joann/fatfat> i din take a pic of the EG cos the BS dun allow photo-taking and oso i was too devastated to rem to get my htb take a pic when i tried the gown.. mayb will try taking a pic of it when i go for my WG fitting next sat..

they took the wrong WG from their workshop last sat, so i could oni view and try my EG.. i din mind abt the top up and had tried to match the colors with other pieces of chiffon/netting, found a suitable one.. but in the end, i was told that i cannot add or change the color cos a portion of the gown design consist of gathers.. the gathers are oradi fixed, hence, cannot be "dismantled" or changed.. haiz.. when i manage to take a pic of the EG next sat, den i post to show u all..

the more i tink abt the EG, the more depressed i get.. tink i will go outside and buy another evening gown..

i hope my WG will turn out fine like wad u said, fatfat.. with my EG experience, i kept telling myself to keep an open mind.. anything can really happen to a MTM gown loh.. still, thanks for your encouragement.. =)


New Member
Hmmm...if i am not mistaken, 20th June 09 is the only auspicious date which falls on a weekend? Correct me if I am mistaken...


New Member
hi sharon,

thanks for viewing my PS. Mine damm simple one lah. This is my PG contact. You can email him to get the VG. The VG is a friend of his.

Tungsten Photography
More Information
Contact Person: Patrick Tung (Photographer)
Telephone: 98209220
Website: http://sweat100.multiply.com
Email: [email protected]

Hi all,

I really say marry the entire clan...its true manz. Cannot help it lah.My hubby also marry my entire clan mah.

Hi Mrs Ang,

I also forever a NG...haha same sirname yah! Usually parents wil not pay for dinners nowadays.We also didnt want to have a dinner but we cannot escape cos both of us are the eldest in the family.

Your plan to move in and treat it as normal day like usual when you are dating, ....erm..ahem...I dont think will work lor. Most MILs after marriage will change their expectations of you leh. Like my MIL now, after ROM she already expect me to mother her son like king. Then must cook this and tat for her son liao. I only act blur in front of her..smile smile but then dont do lor. hahaha.


New Member
His mother ownself also seldom cook, we always eat outside. she got her mahjong she wont feel hungry liao... If she still expect me to cook, wait till 10 years later i also donno how to cook de...


New Member
yalor, so better clarify b4hand the extent of damage u'll be liable for in unforseen events. eg wine spillage by staff or guests how?

hmm...Ahsren, guess whether the date is auspicious or not would depend on the couple's birth characters bah...not every auspicious date is suitable for all couples though, if u know wat u mean..


New Member
Hi gals, I am new and have not been logging in frequently. But I am very happy to learn that YF(deariebride), geminiger, April are having the same wedding day as me! Mine on 16 May 09 too. Seems like it's a good date! =)


New Member
1st May: Benjymocha, Raine ,selinachantelle
2nd May: itzbitz
3rd May: poohise
8th May: Silin
16th May: YF (deariebride), geminiger, April, JOa
22nd May: ene
23rd May: envymoi
30th May: Lorraine
31st May: Blinkblink , flowie, stariez


New Member
hi fat fat 79,

here you are:

Date: 14 March 2009
Venue: Grand Plaza Park Hotel City Hall
BS: Golden Horse Awards
PG & VG: Fotowerke



New Member
meandtim ->

already book my venue, BS, PG & VG.
just finish taking pre-wedding shoot. very tiring..

now have to start other stuffs..

how about u?


New Member
mine is at flm restaurant at Hotel Royal @ Queens. How abt u? & the rest? me stil blur blur one, only cf on BS & wedding dinner venue... lots of preparations to do... =)


New Member
Haha... i got no cooking genes lor... the most sphagetti or maggi mee... i cant even fry an egg. Tink my bf cooks better than me..


New Member
Hi all,

I am a 21 Nov bride too! Finally secured my venue at Mandarin Oriental. Pls add me in the list as well. Thanks!

21Nov is a really hot date. I contacted alot of hotels and most were already taken. =(


New Member
desjO>> I bought some unedited pics @ $600 for 20 pieces (with negatives). Relatively expensive.

Unedited already so nice, I see no flaw, don't have to edit la. Haha...


New Member
usually the GUY side would pay more for the "wedding" due to the girl is marrying into the guy family, give birth to the children which follow groom surname..etc.. as this is traditional.

since they want a wedding dinner (the whole "show" then it is logical for them to fork out part of the wedding ) as it is inviting parents friends and relatives. I totally agree with you Mrs Ang!

eventhough some couples have to cater all this cost (probraly both parents are not well to do, for eg; fathers are no longer working for a long time, mothers are very low income earners etc etc) but then the parents know they can't afford to give their children a "big wedding" then would respect children to plan their own. It is quite unreasonable for parents to request something and they are not helping out.

If u want traditonal go full tradiotional. If u want to be Yi si Yi si type, then let the young couple make the most decisions. don't half half. the young couple can get lost haha

Even parents are not rich doesn't mean they can demand this and that for the wedding but yet not helping out. If daughters do ask their mothers to understand the groom side etc etc... at the end the mother sure would give in; but years later, if anything happen, this would definitely be brought up.

so ladies, if your TI JIN is still not done, my suggestions is both groom and bride talk between themselves and then ask your own parents what is in their mind and the young couple work it out with their own parents, so when the parents meet, there is a once off agreement and happy happy depart. =)

Ti Jin, Pin Jin, An Chuan, Guo Da Li - it is tradition and custom. Thats why it is call the Customary Wedding

Ohhh this weekend i am going to a few bridal shops, have shortlisted -
1. White weddings
2. Vaughtan
3. Kevin Seah
4. China Online Ordering
5. Vivian (home-base business)
6. Just Gown (home-base business)

Hope I can get the gown with a good price =)

Mrs Ang, with more practice i am sure you can cook =)


New Member
Try using the open with function instead of double click. It might helps. Sorry, my Office version too new already. Haha~~~

And i don have place for me to practice. Still remember me and my bf uses the kitchen sometimes, his mother will complain say we don clean properly, tell my bf don cook in her kitchen. I actually a cleanliness panaroid lor.. I wash all the tings we used normally 2 times then i rinse with water. I hear already i super not happy, so after tat she complain, i have not one day touch her kitchen anymore.


New Member
charmaine, can send me the list?

[email protected]

maybe i go there look look see see, den dun buy anything.. feeling broke after the down-payment of photography -_-

cube, me met kwang le.. but we never stay for 2 hrs leh. haha.. coz already viewed his photos during the wedding fair at marina.

i still thinking whether to take up videography. very headache leh~


New Member
hey vallous and Mrs Ang... U all are Ng ah... meaning ur Chinese is Huang? Or Wang?

Sharon... So fast U call them!!! let me know how it goes ok!!!

Desjo... do you know how to do hainan customary?


New Member
johra4, my mum wanted 5 digit.. but i've already told her that my in-laws are not that cash rich and could not come out with that amt if she really insist. We even told her that we might be coming out with most of the cash.. but she insist that the money should come straight from my in-laws.. sigh.. i dunno what's she's thinking.. *headache*


New Member
I got a way to convince ur mother... If ur ILs giving example $2888.. then u add in another 80cents lor... become $2888.80 got 5 digits already... u tell her if she want 6 digits also can... $2888.88 .... only the decimal point change place only.. still 5 digits..

Tell her even ur ILs give 4 digits already quite high side liao... i might face with 1888 only... cheapest bride in town...


New Member
5 digits!! wow.... unless you neg with your mom that can 5 digits RUPIAH (indo money) $10,000 haha no no .. just joking.

If she really want 5 digit, like $10,000 then you tell her she have to return 80% 90% of it (then you guys forge out first but don't tell her you guys did it)

The usual price nowadays is 4 digits =) so it is quite hard for your in laws to forge 5 digits, unless they are some CEO of Keppel. haha or Mediacorp. 7 - 8 digits also no problem for them!!

Mrs ang, 1888 is not low la... got people get 888 lei.. =)


New Member
I also afraid got $888... haiz.... if they give so low, i also cant do anyting.. cos afterall i still don believe tat such a little $$ can make me belong to their "clan".. TAN KU KU!!! Lol~~!!!

U tell ur mother lor... 5 digits collect le, u will become slave for ur new family (Zuo Niu Zuo Ma)... sekali kena torture.. more worse... U exaggerate a bit.. make it very drama...then perhaps ur mother will tink twice le..


New Member
manz...this thread is really moving fast..went to bed wake up then whoaaaa...

ok...i got 2888..5 digit may be hard to swallow even if we young couples fork out I also dun have tat much. Its true that in laws are the ones that have to pay but i think nowadays the parents pua budoh...act blur. So in the end, hubby pay..idoit right!

Oh...yup I am huang..same as mrs ang. Yellow lor!

hi 4placesbride,

good luck to your BS hunting. Enjoy. Yup customary wedding is definately a chore. Now my in laws and parents can even get frustrated on what to give and what to return. Actually both sides also blur and then in the end, make things difficult for us youngsters.

Damm sian with my MIL. Everytime she says yi si yi si..in the end do whole load of rubbish. I dun like to burn incense in my house or do rubbish relating to taoism. Then last sun, she says must officially move in...so die die must cook rice, boil water, make fire outside the door and invite the entire family to eat to wang the house. Cannot stand it. Then she still tell me now tat the day before the wedding nite must my hubby sleep with a boy on the bed and then lite the bedside lamp. What i angry is tat, at first she says everything no need, keep it simple..do dunno why do so much. I damm pissed.


New Member
Hi Mrs Ang & Vallous I also Ng & Huang (Yellow) 2!! Haha so qiao lo... tot this surname abit diff 2 find de... but... haha IM WRONG!!! ^5!~

My mum will be taking the tables as part of the Pin Jin then she say Pin Jin give yi shi yi shi can le she also don know hw much is gd enuf... haiz.. so me & HB cracking head as it seems this amt is given 2 my parents by us. So.... wow 4digits ah... stress leh like tt.. i tot 3 figures enuf le hehe since she say yi shi yi shi can. coz she is takin 8 tables ma.

Vallous both my side also nt v traditional so i reli hope to simplfy everything man don wan 2 headache so much lo...

Wow Vallous it seems your MIL reli v v v traditional man!!! So many rules de ah.. but its nt surprising as it is nearer 2 our AD more & more funny funny ideas pops out! Get ur HB to talk 2 his mum la.. all this don reli need ma. Cook 4 d whole family??? Crazy man..... where got this logic 1? My MIL also tends 2 hear this that from frens & ask us to follow. Then to me ah. I nt pantang but once it is said to me ah I don do it I feel v uneasy 1. Shit lo!!! I also hate all this!!! 4 me I get my HB to tell his mum off. If she gets on my nerves!

Shice thanks 4 sharing! I can see the weather is freezing cold lo the wind so strong!!! Aiyo... you must have frooze with the smile man! haha... but im sure u have fun! Nice nice!!


New Member
cheekrene> me juz realised you are wif GHA.. you are with the tampines or yishun branch? me with yishun branch, co-ordinator is dephanie.

understand that PS is tiring.. how's the experience overall? =)


New Member
good morning gals!!!

Lalaa, was checking out my multiply then saw ur ROM pics....so nice
where was ur ROM held ar? looks like Keppel Club or sth leh...

gals, i guess we just go ahead with 7 Oct...majority shd be there..but never mind lah, once we start to gather, we'll have many more gatherings....then only we can organize our 2nd, 3rd, 4th n many more...by then, i'm sure more would join in also...
