Harlow ladies, how are everyone? Wah, very active in this thread arh. Me just away for a few days and I have to back thread abit to catch up. Abit lost le. Hehe!
Peareys> We tried balloting for Toa Payoh, AMK and Bishan and was lucky to get a 60 no. for AMK. But we gave up cos the flat is too low (like level 3 or 4). We decided that we can afford to wait =P
What is the new ruling to prevent fake applicants for applying for flats?
Christy>Because ur ring is a half-eternity ring, then you can get to have bigger pointers for ur ring. Nice!Whatmore, with the design, it's easier to clean too. Practical!
Twinfairy> Thank you, I had a great trip, tired but fun tired. We ate alot but also becos we walked alot =P But will get down to my ex regime once again.
A basic BS package with perks starts mainly from $3388 onwards (for OTRs). I seldom see less that $3k unless you are taking ala carte. You can ask if you can get more pics top up if you have no need for the the bridal car or EG. I believe you can get a lot of pics! Then you have to make sure the PG is good =)
I agree with Christy is that you don't have to kan cheong. Of cos it's good to get everything done quickly (who don't wish to!). But sometimes, while you are spending time looking ard or doing research, you may come across a good deal. & if you don't mind, you can do some search and ask us again, I believe we can tell you whatever we've learned or knew before. Can be quite tiring to do research after work. I rem staying up for nights to do research for many different things in wedding preparations.
Bfs and Hbs are good in the sense that they are there to prevent you from getting away too much for your wedding. They will bring you down to earth.
Mashi> It's good that ur place has all the makings to settle down for a family. Do u intend to move another time, that's y u want to ensure that ur current flat has selling value?
Verena> If you easily get swollen fingers due to bloatness, rem to get half-eternity ring so that you can make it looser as deem fit. If it's full-eternity, you can't enlarge the size.