(2008) Brides of year 2008


New Member
josey tats gd. since for hols plus don need to pay for pg and mua fee.. i tink its a gd idea.

wa nec gg for award winning pg.. keke. when's ur inlaws coming over for visit ar? june?


New Member
Wat abt your BS? You sign already? I'm wif MBR.

Ya, Regent quite expensive. The hotel considered my date as an auspicious day so got to take up the more pricey package. Think it's $810+++


New Member

who is your wedding co-ordinatorat HIPV?
did u manage to neg. for any freebies?
I will be using the crystal ballroom too, which theme did u select?


New Member
haha haha i went to see empire and blu mesh their dress are nice... but too ex for MTM... OTR rental already like 300++ liao....


New Member
Korice, $700 includes 300pcs pic, all digital pics return and he will make a montage with highlights of the day for you into DVD quite nice. Cos usually other PG don't do after event montage for you. Oh ya, he will also do a photo collage for you too. can't remember if it is 8R or 10R.


New Member
saw your post in multiply...
yeah yeah...i really like those beaded/embroidered kinda gowns...

i just posted a link, hughwedding or something like that, very many borgeous gowns there...(my idea of nice lah) and seems to be quite reasonable pricing...IF i can get free delivery or lower rates...
at least can use Vpost..haha..

korice, now i'm like half planning to go a la carte liao!!
what am i doing?
any countries to suggest for overseas PS?
aussie is good,
1) speaks english
2) not that far, air tickets ok
3) many varieties of scenery: city, bay, farms, etc etc
(if you find any MUA contacts there, lemme know xia) assuming gowns i can settle by
a) buying/making my own
b) taking fr BS
c) stealing yours


New Member
that sounds like a fantastic deal for AD PG.
esp if he's experienced.

forgot to answer your qn,
in laws coming in aug-sept..
i may go travelling with them to thailand at that time also....


Active Member
nec.. so fun!! me help help you find contacts & quotes (the wildberry one includes ps & mua i think, i email them)!! hehehee.. smooching only wat.. hehee.. *MUACKS* me go see the gowns.. i wanna have more!! hahahaaa.. xiao.. as if i can finish wearing right.. *knocks own head*


New Member
yeah.. i agree have to put alot of money into wedding... but it really depends on the couple.. whether they feel that spending the money is worth it =)


<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Multiply ID</TD><TD>ROM date</TD><TD>ROM Venue</TD><TD>ROM Photg</TD><TD>AD Date</TD><TD>Banquet</TD><TD>BS</TD><TD>AD Pg</TD><TD>AD Vg </TD></TR><TR><TD>stnov</TD><TD>silverfit</TD><TD>18/09/2003</TD><TD>ROM </TD><TD>Friend</TD><TD>2nd</TD><TD>FRF </TD><TD>Volan* Couture</TD><TD>Volan* Couture </TD><TD>TBA </TD></TR><TR><TD>Zoie</TD><TD>lurvedots</TD><TD>05/01/2008</TD><TD>Grace Methodist Church </TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>5th</TD><TD>Qianxi (Farrer Park) </TD><TD>GHA</TD><TD>Edmund Leong </TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD> tete </TD><TD>hatemenot</TD><TD>01/07/2007</TD><TD>SAM</TD><TD>Gerald Tay </TD><TD>6th</TD><TD>Traders </TD><TD>Julia Wedding</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Not having </TD></TR><TR><TD>mudppie</TD><TD>mudppie</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>6th</TD><TD>Marina Mandarin </TD><TD>Yvonne Creative </TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>jojo</TD><TD>blurqueeniejo</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>6th</TD><TD>GCW</TD><TD>Di Gio</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>CN (onie) </TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>10th</TD><TD>Rasa</TD><TD>Sophia Wedding Collections</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>EeOo </TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>10th</TD><TD>RTP </TD><TD>Julia Wedding</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Floating</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>18/01/2008</TD><TD>Rasa Sentosa </TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>18th</TD><TD>Rasa Sentosa </TD><TD>Blush Blush</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>jolene</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>19/01/2008</TD><TD>Oriental</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>19th</TD><TD>Oriental</TD><TD>Dawn (JB)</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>LO </TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>19th</TD><TD>FRF </TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Y@ppies pdtn </TD></TR><TR><TD>jean</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>23/09/2007</TD><TD>FRF </TD><TD>Relative </TD><TD>19th</TD><TD>HIA </TD><TD>Signoria Nuziale </TD><TD>Motion Image </TD><TD>Motion Image </TD></TR><TR><TD>IceCherry</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>28/09/2007</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>19th</TD><TD>Rasa</TD><TD>Bridal Concept</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>mage</TD><TD>poohyange</TD><TD>11/03/2003</TD><TD>ROM </TD><TD>brother</TD><TD>19th</TD><TD>GCW</TD><TD>Yvonne Creative </TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sleepycat</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>19/01/2008</TD><TD>Church </TD><TD>same as AD</TD><TD>20th</TD><TD>Peony-Jade</TD><TD>Jess Haute Couture</TD><TD>Fren</TD><TD>Not having </TD></TR><TR><TD> Fifi </TD><TD>-</TD><TD>26/01/2008</TD><TD>Blessed Sacrament</TD><TD>Jayce Goh</TD><TD>27th</TD><TD>HIPV</TD><TD>My Bridal Room </TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Vbutter </TD><TD>vbutter</TD><TD>21/11/2007</TD><TD>ROM </TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>27th</TD><TD>Laguna CC</TD><TD>Yvonne's Creative </TD><TD>YC</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cinderella Bride</TD><TD>serena Lai</TD><TD> 7 Jul 07</TD><TD>NS Resort </TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>27th</TD><TD>Hilltop Garden </TD><TD>Jess Haute Couture</TD><TD>Simon Video &amp; Photo Services</TD><TD>Simon Video &amp; Photo Services </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elaine</TD><TD>dopey130</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>27th</TD><TD></TD><TD>GHA</TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>


New Member
if the supplier offer free delivery to within States,
then you can use vPost...
vPOST USA provides a US address (one east coast, one west coast i think)then the supplier ships it there.
then vPost will ship it to SG.
but the charges are MUCH cheaper than shipping fr supplier directly...
many pple use this...for sprees...

if you girls want to get those not available in Sg stuff, can join sprees ...i've bought bras (la senza, vic secrets), toiletries (drugstore.com), shoes (yahoo.tw) etc etc...
cheap cheap!! of course must wait for delivery lah


New Member
i'm also sourcing for tailor/seamstress.....
to make cheong sam ah!
so inspired by xinyi's multiply CS collection!!

i know little india have good/cheap tailors....but prob not for CS.


New Member
nec.. gd la.. like those then go for them! i tink they suit u veri well. will be a most gorgeous bride
i haven see ur the other album.. will go see later hehe. now stucked at looking at furniture ideas hahaha.

eh nec how do u buy bras from overseas without trying? wont don't fit well meh?


New Member
Hi Yaya,
if time is a luxury, 5-6 months before your AD will be a good timing. For me, my AD is 8 Mar so i intend to have my PS in Sep and later by Oct.


New Member
Jojo shout to Korice... WO ZAI ZHE LI! Laugh!!!

Hey babes... so many posts... dont know how to catch up le. I am like not very "into" my wedding prep nowadays. Dont know why...no mood to do anything.

Hey but I help you girls to compile the spreadsheet nice nice already,is from the beginning of 2008 - beginning of 2009.
<center><table border=1><tr><td>

Copy of Our_Mini_Database-478966.xls (20.5 k)</td></tr></table></center>


New Member
sayang sayang...

*afternoon tea SMOOCHES*

see the measurements lor...tell you more later. have work! :p


New Member
i didn't go for the show.

valerie, thought you gotten ncq?

swee, krystal. but nope, no extra freebies, except food voucher for moi to makan there. quite firm about the freebies.
yet to select theme, cos sometime away from the dinner.. ..long long still.

what bout you?


New Member
nec, thanks.. =) hopefully, BC have nice collection of CS.

You also can drop down to chinatown and look around. maybe will be able to find nice CS.


New Member
Hi all, Raffles Hotel Replied ... too bad .. another PS location down the drain ....

Thank you for your email on 30 April 2007 for our permission to take bridal photoshoot at the Hotel.

Whilst we thank you for your kind interest, we do not typically accede to photoshoot for wedding couples, except for those who are holding their wedding ceremonies at the Hotel, hence, we are unable to accede to your request.

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any queries.


New Member
*smooch* nah...we kiss in public!!! argh...


buying bras is a little risky lor, since the cutting is unknown..
but for la senza, they have SG branch, so you can try first...
even have same model...sometimes it is more than half price cheaper when buying onlin!!!
as for vic secrets...well...i looked at the measurement charts and measure lor..
then quite ok..
of course not all fit perfectly, but after i buy a few times i'm very familiar what fits me and what doesnt...so now ok...
not to say when i first bought, everything din fit.. most fit...maybe like in 10 bras, 1 or 2 i dun like the shape...10 bras is abt 2 orders lah...each time i get usually abt 3-5 bras.
when they have clearance sale...shiok man!!!
panties also very cool!!
check out their webby


New Member
where did you get those funky CS?
i tried googling....got lotsa of pretty but rather traditional patterns.... :p

i like those halter kind of CS...hehe

val, sorry, typo your nic as vsl in prev post.. paiseh!!


New Member
nec its ok
when is the next time u getting vic secrets and la senza bras? i might want to get also hehe.

justina! no raffles hotel ar??? i'm so sad. i tink left with zoo nia.. see if can rent the horse carriage there. tks for helping to ask gal..

nec nec nec... our raffles hotel dream gonez. unless u're holding urs there then u can help ask ur coordinator to help me?? haa


New Member
ya lor ... unless you are organising yr wedding at Raffles they won't allow the locations for PS ... think to make it exclusive bah ... but so sad !!! ahhhhh .....

my fren suggested Spore Airport .... any idea if need permissions ?


New Member
ya lor so sad sia. raffles hotel is so english theme-like! haiz. where else in singapore got english theme except for v tea room which i already noe of? (there a bit too small keke but can consider)

justina.. airport got wad nice to take ar?

pris.. haven gone to museums for a long long time except for SAM recently haha so i duno wad's nice to take... need to do some research on tat area i guess.

wait bf say even PS u also need to crack head ar?? lolz


New Member
was looking thru my planner &amp; realised that i sorted out the major portions (confirming BS, Wedding venue, WEdding bands) within 4mths ... hahaha...

I think i will be having my PS either Dec07 or Jan08 period. weather does not matter liao cos even now it is still rainng heavily all depands on that day's luck !!

Damm cold in office now ... freezing ....


New Member
haha haha actually i saw some couples taking photo in the musuem ... mmm quite like this 2;

taken by window side or posing at one the gates they have.... effect best is black and white ...


New Member
hey girls...
if ya all want english kinda theme...can take in goodwood park?
botanical gardens might also have a touch of english..

there is this lovely tea place in esplanade....very victorian furniture...very ex cakes...
maybe if you eat there, can take pics there....(eating there is max $100 if you eat and eat A LOT) cheaper than a banquet at Raffles bah...
PLUS have tea cups/lovely scones/finger sandwiches etc

any other themes?
horse carriage hor, i heard from another thread, they rented the horses from polo club...
so there's another source of horses...

airport has increased security, so they may ask you to leave if you start posing around in big pong pong gowns with huge camera lens...
can have granades hidden everywhere!! lol...
so may not be ideal lor...very wet blanket feeling lor..


New Member
go to st teresa's church? so st andrew's catherdral?
very goth architecture...

another place is the building near arab street, the grand one with all the statues outside....last time they very atas, choose their tenents one...
know what i'm talking abt?


New Member
i think my heart set on raffles liao leh....for banquet...
sigh...my wallet set on kopi tiam downstairs...

if inter-con impresses, maybe i will become hua xin...but after reading the field report, they so kiam with perks ah! :p


New Member
yup nec.. esplanade tat one is v tea room
its kinda small so duno if can take much scenes there o not. am considering it

rent horses from polo club.. where is polo club? the where to get the carriage part? whaha. tell me more nec. tks!

haha u're so farnie abt the airport thingy.. who wants to hide grenades under skirts! lolz.

anyone have the pics of the interior of tat 2 churches? st theresa and st andrew catheral.

duno which is the building ner arab street with the statues leh.. issit ACM?


New Member
hey if is church.... can go those catholic church hehe ehhe if is me, i think i go city harvest church in boon lay.... cuz got garden for us to take photo... plus they got fountain... best to take it at night haah


New Member
justina i saw the news too.. its special but i don like having in schools unless i and my bf met there or wad heeh. where do u plan to have ur ps ar?


New Member
nec why so depress.... nvm la... still long what... not like me, till now no savings yet... cuz got baby.... was thinking maybe need to apply loan already, then on that day collect the hong bao money all go pay off....


New Member

i have yet to select but we are only allow to choose between the 2 options which is the crystal and.... i cant remember the other theme


New Member
aiyah pris,
me and FH are still studying leh...havent work yet...so savings are kosong!!! <--stress!!!
and then part of his extended family is flying in from india (air tickets/accomodation we bao), so WE will have abt 3-4 tables of indian relatives....who dun give ang pows!!!! <--STRESS!!
so imagine the expense lor....3-4 tables = ~$5k, plus air and housing...= *fainted*

pris, how do we get the pills from you?


New Member
me and FH met in NUS leh.
but i dun intend to take any pics here!!
unless grab my sister to take chin chye kind ah...


Active Member
so many posts!!

JOANNE!!! *slurpy smmoooooooooches* hehee..

nec.. i wanna go find nice CS too.. tat's why looking for tailors..

i'm lost.. in the posts.. anyways.. val.. zoo have.. zoo have!! hehee..

nec.. aussie got nice structures to take pics leh.. interested? heheee..

agree on the airport part.. i think very difficult.. but the road opposite T2 (dun remember road name) not bad.. go during flight windows to catch an airplane over the head.. i think i'll do tat..

i do PS in suntec with my fren.. hahaha.. the free one.. with the pro PG.. we'll go somewhere nicer.. heheheee...
