<font color="aa00aa">wow.....4 nites X USD1048 = USD 4192 X rate indicative (@1.47) = SGD$$6162.24 i can buy alot of stuff le....
but i think the villa will have alot entertainment, etc, wow, ur man earns alot....he carries same job w u or pilot?? wow....i wanna join u all le....so can make alot $$ n save and check in classy hotel..wow, tts really very expensive lo, but i guess, he must have saved alot and wanna pamper you..tts so Owwwwwwww..... =)
i went bali 2-3 years back, it was kinda relaxing and nice at JIMBARAN Bay, seafood, beer (i dun drink, i had coconut) and watch sun set, it's realy nice saturday to be there....but the week after, the self bomber occurs....i was like PHEW! i was 1 week in advd before at the same location (jimbaran bay), was kinda sad...i hope they have re-built it to a more beautiful place i hope.. =)
enjoy wor...</font>
<font color="0000ff">well, ya, had our cake and eat it lo...life...we always expect higher...LOL women - but we need to know n learn to be content, which is sth i guess tough acquiring... heee...as long our man love us n b truthful n faithful...i think is ok la....</font>