(2008) Brides of year 2008


i think i gg down..want to see my long lost frens...i dont thk during dinner got chance to tok to them... they come all the way, not nice dont tok to them lor :p


New Member
hi Summer ice, care to share how does your jiemei's corsage look like?

Just got to know that my corsage cost me $7 each leh.. don't wish to spend too much. Any other recommendation?


New Member
Hi Erlina,

Your corsage looks nice and sweet!

Where do you get them and how much does it cost you?


New Member
lost i tin need to go down for awhile.. ya lor during dinner no chance to tok le.. keke...

ohh ur hotel no theme one ar?? den hard to decorate le.. mine got theme one so easier.. keke... and i choose HIPV also becoz of their theme...


New Member
jolene: same same lah. Hubby so lazy and thinks we still got lots of time like that. In the end i have to do most of the things.

Wah, your muslim is so much cheaper. Mine is the same price as Chinese and veg leh. Originally wanted to place 10 muslims and can treat that as a table of chinese (same price mah). But now ya. Have to do like you mentioned. Place them at tables as the 11th.


New Member
i dun have any particular theme for the AD morning.. so the collar pins and wrist corsages i just order based on the designs that i like, only standardise them to similar colour which is pink btw..

the webbie i got my corsages and collar pins is http://myweddingsummerscenz.multiply.com/

in total i spent ard $50 for 6 corsages and 6 collar pins...


wahhhh ur muslim food so expensive??? same price as chinese? ohhh noo...

ya.. my HUbby said like that cheaper lor..though my dinner is no pork no lard but like tt serve i actually more hua2 suan4 :p hehe...

ya la..the men ahh.. tanlee u do same thg as me, throw at him to do the rest :p

yes, Jane, mine no theme.. only said can choose wat flora arrangement u want lor and tt differ the theme lah..like i can choose flowers tt can make the place a bit garden theme or romantic theme lor...


New Member
koyoyo and meiling : oh i c... but if i wash my hair after d tea ceremony, will it be difficult for d MUA to do d next hair style ?

i just went to ROM, eveything went well ... finally can feel d excitement ...just a bit


New Member
Hi Summer ice,

All look very nice and lovely.

Can i know how much you pay for your corsages?
So you will pay 50% upon confirmation of the order?

Is there any courier charges?
Can i have the email address?


hi cfay, my Jiemei made it.. But now we need more of those flowers, but Spotlight out of stock.. so a bit headache.. dunno whether the new stock will be in time or not...

hi summer ice, thanks for the ideas.. haha.. asking my jiemei if can make for the guys also or not.. hahaha


New Member
viv >thanks!!we plan to do that..lol..we are a lazy couple so bali is good for us..eat and sleep~~ lol

YL > I always stay at Queens Park hotel..I think every hotel has bah..just that hmm...I think baiyoke sky and Asia Hotel are quite good leh(my parents stayed there b4 lah)...Hmm..My last stay just 2 days ago in london oso kana..but I was lazy to change room..lol.

neko & waxie > My hubby chose the US$1048 per nite villa..We are staying for 4 nites..Abit mad rite..I think it is..for the price..we go europe liao..but anyway he paying so I think I will shut my mouth..lol

viv > rich pple oso has problems..lol..I think I dun really to that filthy rich...just enough not to work...lol..but WOW~~the wedding~~

rach > Ray will be rich one day leh!!and u be the woman behind the succeessful man!!cool leh!Yeh!!!


New Member
clare>hee, you are always so cheerful. When free to meet up?

Hubby finally chose le. We are trying out a new hotel, Citin Pratunam. Hope its good. Becos they are new, the price is quite good. $170 for 3 nites.

pwah, the villa is expensive wor. Is how big? Please take lots of photos to show us.


New Member
clare> wah!!!!!!!!!! USD$4000!!!!!!!! u are good man.. wah lao..drool loh.. hahahhaa...
U are sooo blessed!!! heheee.....

YL> u going Bali for HM ah??? thats a good price leh... how much in total? how i wish i can go somewhere now.. i'm so sianz of staying in spore.. hahaha....


New Member
Yup Havent take my photoshoot yet....

My bridal studio lar... cock up my things... haiz... sian....

Just passed my printer my cards today only.... hopefully can be done soon... too much things to do le....


New Member
Hi all

Time really flies... everyone JIA YOU and lets look forward to OUR BIG day and enjoy our last lap of wedding preparation yah!

Guess I am not the only one... hubby also not free to do anything except to take charge of our house renovation.

My hotel's Muslim table of 10 is same price as chinese table to of 10 too, ex rite? But what to do...

Hotel will be providing 2 screens and 2 projectors in the pillarless ballroom... hence managed to save on rental.


New Member
<font color="aa00aa">wow.....4 nites X USD1048 = USD 4192 X rate indicative (@1.47) = SGD$$6162.24 i can buy alot of stuff le....

but i think the villa will have alot entertainment, etc, wow, ur man earns alot....he carries same job w u or pilot?? wow....i wanna join u all le....so can make alot $$ n save and check in classy hotel..wow, tts really very expensive lo, but i guess, he must have saved alot and wanna pamper you..tts so Owwwwwwww..... =)

i went bali 2-3 years back, it was kinda relaxing and nice at JIMBARAN Bay, seafood, beer (i dun drink, i had coconut) and watch sun set, it's realy nice saturday to be there....but the week after, the self bomber occurs....i was like PHEW! i was 1 week in advd before at the same location (jimbaran bay), was kinda sad...i hope they have re-built it to a more beautiful place i hope.. =)
enjoy wor...</font>

<font color="0000ff">well, ya, had our cake and eat it lo...life...we always expect higher...LOL women - but we need to know n learn to be content, which is sth i guess tough acquiring... heee...as long our man love us n b truthful n faithful...i think is ok la....</font>


New Member
hi cfay

not sure if its ok that i post the charges here coz i ordered 6 corsages and 6 collar pins from her, she gave me a slightly better price.. per corsage is ard $6.. price varies for different designs.. maybe you can check with her on any that you have shortlisted? she's rather fast with her replies.. and ya, i paid 50% to her already, and will be self collecting it from her once they are ready, so there wun be any courier or postage charges for my case..

i like her designs, esp the shimmering balls.. i added the shimmering balls for the collar pins, the wrist corsages also have the shimmering balls.. it's sthg that i din find from other websites.. most will carry the furry furry thingy, but first time i came across the shimmering balls.. hehe


New Member
ya Mindy, make sure they have your album for you on time! good chance to pressure them to give you more photos since they cock up? heehee


New Member
Hi erlina, my aunt said they sell almost everything u could find in spotlight. =)

Hi ladies
hmmm... Do u think we can organise a spree to buy the corsages and collar pin? Maybe we can get a cheaper rate for bulk purchase...


New Member
Hi Everyone!! I "disappeared" again and now "back" again...busy busy busy..pai sei everybody...in case anyone here got miss me...wahahaha... sorry i thick skin de...hehe

Anyone who has not added me to multiply care to add me? Please...I wanna see your mei mei photos leh...

FYI, untill today I haven take my photos yet...DER...


New Member
frankly spotlight is over priced. A bag of satin flowers in spotlight can buy u 2 in textile center or the surrounding shops.

I remember seeing like 4 shops selling all these stuff.


New Member
Hi ladies,

I don't mind to have a spree to buy the corsages, but where do you think is best to purchase it from?

I like the one which Summer ice having and also the previously recommended by Eunice.
"[email protected]".

What do you think ladies?


New Member
Morning Girls, my photos also not ready yet. been rushing my BS until they know me very well liao.. So malu.. Now i forced my hubby to call.. Haahaa..

Just distribute my invitation cards this morning.. I was so embarrassed until my colleagues made fun of me..

Feeling very sleepy so come here chat chat awhile.


New Member
sianz, still haven plan where to go for HM, wanted to go Taiwan.... and Bali seems a nice place for HM as well after viewing the comments here..but definitely will not be staying at Bulgari hotel that clare is staying.....simply too too ex for me, but I believe it will be a very nice and romantic HM for clare and HB... Enjoy!!!

YL> your BK hotel seems relatively cheap, feedback to us if it is good since it is new so that I can plan for short trip next year, look forward to go BK again...


morning gers

wahhhhhh photos not ready? alamak... omg! wat if smthg goes wrong? *choy*

no lah..thgs will be okay de..but a bit late wor.. jialat.. i thk i will go crazi if my BS do tt to me :p

hihi karen
keke... have u added me? ehhh i keep typing my muliply here until i duno who has and who hasnt added me....

and i got so many blogs to catch up..feel like a writer nw :p havent even blog on my GDL!!!

add me at www.fariesinn.multiply.com

So happy now! Yest i handover all the remaining planning to my HB!!! I realised so many more thgs to follow up!!! Aiyohh..i hope he can do it well :p i must try to act blur and be positive tt thgs will be well

i will be updating my guests on the bus pickup pts and driver details in hope tt got ppl will lastmin dun come coz we got too many tables!! potential loss is higher lor...sianz... haha...my HB even said if 350 guests coming just ask for 32 tables :X.. so evils...


New Member
Feeling so moody now. Have been doing all the "computer"stuffs with no help from him...The time schedule, wedding montage etc. Finally finished with the MC Script last nite, typing in those chinese words nearly drove me nutz...
More things to do. Fill in the blanks of the time schedule, guest list, childhood montage.
Then remember to call photographer to make arrangements.

Jolene: you so lucky handover all to your HB. If i pass to him ah, think i will be more stressed than i am now.

Karen: huh. you have yet to take your photos??? When is your wedding? Enough time meh???

Charma97: My album is also not ready. But wil be collecting it on 29th, which is 2 days before my wedding.


New Member
Jolene: Dun scared me leh.. If anything goes wrong, i will asked from compensation from my BS.. But I believe they will do a proper job as promised by their boss.

Tanlee: woww then your friends wont be able to see until your AD lor. Some of my friends already asking for my photos.

How i wished i can hand over to my hubby too.. he like very slack.. not much confident in him.. I am like pushing him every single day.. Feeling exhausted.


New Member
Ivy> you had $10k surplus still no money to go HM??
Cannot be la... i dun have surplus i also went to Korea liaoz.. hahahaha.....

Once in a lifetime.. dun think so much.. too long then no mood le.. ;)

Go to Bintan for a short trip la... I would love Banyan Tree.. but its so super ex!! hahaha..siaoz...


New Member
Dear Gals, my wedding is 21 Nov &amp; yes, photos not collected yet...god knows when...kinda pissed.

I am doing most of the planning too...it's really very tedious. Especially with very minimal help from your next better half... my situation is same as charma97, must keep "poking" and "pushing" him then he will budge and move abit... already so many things on our minds liao still need to remind him do tis do that...really can get very turn off sometime but I always try to keep myself cool...cos no point getting angry with him over wedding...abit kuku rite... bo bian lor, after all, the brides gets all the attention therefore it's no wonder that guys cnt b bothered too much also..haha

Jolene ah, I also add tis add tat until i dnt knw who is who also...blur liao....


New Member
Karen, called your BS and asked them to give u an estimate date. If by the date they stated and the photos not ready, call them. Like me, pester them until they know who i am. Haahaa...

actually i got pissed off with my hubby until we had a very big fight once.. I cried until very jia lat that time.. until he assured things will go well.. but after that no action..

So now i also abit bo chap bo chap.. I just do what I should do.. Told him if any cock up is his problem. Dunno why majority guys are like that.. sigh..


New Member
i dun mind getting the collar pins too if the price is cheap...on a tight budget

sigh...so much things to spend for a wedding...


New Member
mindy...u with sattine rite?
hmmz did u remind them to arrange the PS date for u? coz i called up myself and arrange de...and i booked my PS date in june i think...


2 days before ur wedding?!! OMG... okay, lets be positive.. shld be okay de lah... if not then hor complain until they no biz next time :p

ahh.. i am trying to hide my album from my frens and relatives oso..so far only both side immediate family members seen the album..hehe i only post those raw pic on my multiply :p i told my frens to wait patiently til my AD to see the album :p haha and those jiemeis who refuse to slp over my hse or frens who dun come for my wedding, i said ne-ne-ni-booboo :p


ehhh.... i think hor maybe can change strategies.. duno leh... i think guys dont like to be told wat to do..they felt belittled.. why not just give him responsibilities to do and get him involved?

my fren is hor, throw everythg to the groom and let him panick manz. but ultimately everythg turned out well...

my HB ah..i cry father cry mother very long liao lor...and he said he doesnt like to be told wat to do...so if i want, i can handover and dont interfere how he plan and do the wedding thgs..

so its either i totally bochap (other than the angbao box and some logistics) or i continue to suffer till AD lor.. i rather be a happy bride lor..hehe... so i handover lah.. but i knw its difficult.. ultimately..its our hardwork for SOOOO long... and everythg in our head.. hw can the guys knw more than we do? My HB like so impressed tt i can remember so many thgs in my head... then he realised hw much work i been doing and how much stress i been going through...


i think most guys are into facts and figures..so if u sit down and show him the thgs u have done..and shared wat has been done...he may be able to appreciate ur hardwork more..and in turn offered some help.. i believe guys are good with problem solving..and they are bounded to be good in somethg... like my HB good in IT stuffs..there is no way i can outshine him with the songs selection and montage etc...but if ya better with it then u do..then let him participated oso lor... it's ur story and ur day mah... right?


sighh..my da sao got post-natal depression..and my mum still driving my brother and her crazi.. sianz.. lor...
make me scared abt having babies....


New Member
Rach> $10K surplus mostly used to pay for the outstanding to BS and also for the 4 dian jin to my mother in law liao... so no huge budget for HM lah....anyway HB cannot confirm the date for leave...how to book??? HB is in bank sector, afraid of being retrench now..critical moment...so cannot take long leave, if never hit target being pop than anywhere also no need to go...haiz....sianz manz.....


New Member
Hi gals,
I have an additional tea dress n it is a long n formal one but i still cannot decide whether to wear it during the pre-dinner cocktail or wear it for send guest off after the dinner ends? Which do you think will be more appropriate?
