(2008) Brides of year 2008


New Member
msclaire>ya, better don't extract your tooth first. safer lor. just in case your cheek swollen or something.

Meiling>I donno why I'm just not v excited about my wedding yet lor. Just want it over and done with. But i told my FH that he must ensure I've enough time to sample the dishes. Becos mine is 2 day event, we purposely chose different menu items so the parents and brothers won't be sian. :p I'm going to try to squeeze more perks at the food tasting. FMIL is good at bargaining so I'm counting on her. :p

My GDL is on 7 Sept but I've already sent invites to my colleagues and friends.


New Member
an interesting email i received....

101 ways to tell your husband I love You..
Pick 5 A Day And Watch Your Relationship Blossom!
As we enter into marriage, we may wonder how we ever lived life without our mate. We're focused on each other, and that makes us close. However, the longer we're married, our focus tends to turn to jobs, bills, or children and less on each other. Unfortunately, this causes many marriages to turn cold and some eventually die. Have you ever wondered how people stay married for 30, 40, or more years? Do you want your marriage to last a lifetime? The key is to stay focused on your mate. Here are some ways for you to show your husband your love. Choose at least five every day and watch your marriage blossom into a wonderful relationship!

TEXT HIM A LOVE MESSAGE Send him a romantic text message on his cell. Make sure it's sweet but spicy!
DO ONE OF HIS CHORES FOR HIM Pick a chore that he dreads, such as mowing the lawn, and do it for him. Watch him as he sighs with relief.
START A HOBBY TOGETHER Sharing a hobby together such as horse back riding, completing a home improvement project, or selling on eBay can help keep you close.
PLAY A GAME TOGETHER Have fun doing things together such as playing board games, riding bumper boats, or playing miniature golf. Just remember, if he should get the best of you, don't tackle him unless you're laughing!
SHOW APPRECIATION When your husband works hard, or does something for you, let him know you appreciate him.
MAKE YOUR HOME HIS REFUGE Let your home be a haven were your husband can retreat from the stresses of life. Do your best to make it a pleasant environment.
LAUGH AT HIS ANTICS Don't let the little things that your husband does get on your nerves. If you think about it, some of these things may have been what attracted you to him! He just wouldn't be the same if he didn't do these things.
PRAY FOR HIM Ask God to give him that extra boost to make everything OK. Let your husband hear you pray too. This will let him know that when you can't make it right, you'll ask someone who can.
CHECK BEFORE THROWING THINGS AWAY If your husband has some things that seem useless to you, don't trash them until you've made sure he doesn't need them.
CHECK BEFORE REARRANGING Ask your husband if it's OK before you move or straighten things on his desk or work area. If he has things where it's easy to find, it might make it chaotic if it's moved.
TAKE A WALK OR A HIKE TOGETHER Let nature set the mood for romance! Talk, listen, and hold hands.
DON'T EXPECT HIM TO READ YOUR MIND If there is something you want your husband to know about you, tell him. Don't expect him to just know what you're thinking or what you need.
LAUGH TOGETHER Forget your adults for awhile, and just act silly together. Also, if something should go awry, try to find some humor in it somewhere. This will also reduce the stress of the situation.
RESIST THE URGE TO SNOOP Don't sneak around and check up on your husband, if you want to know something, ask him to his face.
GIVE HIM A ROMANTIC CARDDon't wait for a special occasion to give him a card. Find the most romantic card you can find and leave it in his car. Don't forget to add your own personal message! Maybe you'll even make him nervous, wondering if he forgot an anniversary!
PACK HIS FAVORITE TREAT Buy his favorite candy bar or other treat, and pack it in his lunch with a love note.
TAKE A BUBBLE BATH TOGETHER This is self-explanatory.
E-MAIL HIM AN INVITATION FOR ROMANCE Invite him on a rendezvous with you! Build his anticipation, then tell him to RSVP!
TAKE HIM TO TEST DRIVE HIS DREAM CAR Drive him to a car lot some Saturday, and let him test drive the car of his dreams - even though you probably won't buy it.
LET HIM BUY THAT TOY Permit him to buy that toy he's been wanting so badly. Better yet, put some of your own things off, save the money and buy it for him yourself!
TALK ABOUT THE FUTURE The future isn't as far away as it seems sometimes. Talk about where you'd like to be when you're married 50 years, and work on making those dreams happen.
GIVE HIM THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT Don't jump to conclusions if your husband has said or done something questionable. Give him the chance to explain before you pass judgement.
LET HIM BE THE MAN OF THE HOUSE Although this is growing increasingly unpopular, it does still work. Just because your husband is in charge of the household doesn't mean that you can't share your opinions, it just means he's captain of the team.
SAY, "I'M SORRY" Although you may not want to admit it, there will be times when you're in the wrong. Maybe you've said something hurtful or done something insensitive. Never have too much pride to tell him you're sorry.
KEEP YOUR PROMISES If you told your husband you'd do something, make sure that you follow through.
RUB HIS FEET Steer him to the recliner and pull off his shoes. Rub his feet for at least 20 minutes. It has been told that this may even improve his health!
MAKE YOUR BEDROOM A LOVER'S PARADISE Turn your ordinary bedroom into any lover's dream without a lot of expense. Remove clutter and anything that doesn't belong, and replace it with scented candles and fresh flowers. Hang pretty curtains and find some comfy bedding. Place mirrors to reflect candlelight, and misting fountains for a romantic effect.
WRITE A NOTE ON THE STEAMED-UP BATHROOM MIRROR While your husband is showering, sneak in and write, "I love you" on the steamed-up bathroom mirror. This will steam him up as well, especially if you seal it with your lip prints!
PUT LOVE IN HIS SUDS I'm talking about a bar of soap! Scratch "I love you" into his soap so he'll find it the next time he showers. (You may not want to seal this note with your lip prints, though).
GIVE HIM A MASSAGE Go buy some sweet smelling oils and turn your bedroom into a spa! Give your husband a full body massage and work out those aching muscles.
PLAY ROMANTIC MUSIC Keep a good deal of romantic music on hand in your bedroom to help set the mood for romance.
PUT A SIGN IN YOUR YARDPlace a sign in your yard such as, "THE WORLD'S GREATEST HUSBAND LIVES HERE." Let everyone know how special your husband is to you.
LET BYGONES BE BYGONES If your husband has done or said something to hurt you, forgive him. Don't keep bringing up the past every time you get into a disagreement, especially if he has shown remorse.
BE HONEST Don't hide things from your husband. Be open and transparent. This will help him trust you more.
BRAG ON HIM IN FRONT OF HIS FRIENDS Men naturally rely on boost in their ego now and then in order to stay confident. Let him hear you tell others about the great things he says and does.
CLEAN HIS CAR FOR HIM Surprise him by giving his car a good detailed cleaning. If you don't want to tackle it yourself, have it professionally done.
PUT HIS PICTURE IN WALLPAPER Let him know that you still think he's a gorgeous hunk by putting his picture on your computer desktop!
BUY A BUMPER STICKER Put a "I Love My Husband" bumper sticker on your car.
WORSHIP TOGETHER The couple who prays together, stays together. These will be very tender and special moments shared between the two of you, as well as important.
EAT BY CANDLELIGHT Cook his favorite meal and light the candles. Take time to focus on each other, and to look into each others eyes.
BE DEVOTED TO HIM One of the greatest gifts that you could ever give your husband is your true faithfulness. This includes physically, emotionally, and in your thoughts. If you're struggling with temptation, nip it in the bud. Tell him your feelings in a sensitive and loving way. Don't bottle anything up, this is asking for disaster.
RUN YOUR FINGERS THROUGH HIS HAIR Or massage his temples if he doesn't have any. Do this while he relaxes. Remember, your touch is important to him.
DON'T CONTRADICT HIM IN FRONT OF OTHERS This will only embarrass him and cause people to lose respect. This is especially important if you have children.
DON'T CRITICIZE HIM IN FRONT OF OTHERS If you feel that your husband needs a bit of constructive criticism, make sure it's just that - constructive. Don't offer it at all unless it's in a loving way, and in private. Being criticized in front of others lowers self esteem and causes hurt feelings.
DEFEND HIM Don't let others disrespect your husband. Even just a snide comment can hurt. Stick up for him. Don't let someone drive into the ground the most important person in your life.
LOVE YOURSELF Many times we as women hold back on our husbands because of our own insecurities. Learn to let it go. The things that we're so worried about, usually don't even bother him. What bothers him is when we hold back. Remember, although this may sound strange, you can't really love someone until you love yourself.
PAMPER HIM WHEN HE'S SICK Men love to be pampered, especially when they're sick. Make sure everything is comfortable and that he has his "special soup."
LOOK HIM IN THE EYES Look your husband straight in the eyes when he talks to you. Not only will this show that you're interested in what he has to say, but there is something about looking straight into his eyes that will give you butterflies.
DISPLAY YOUR WEDDING PHOTOS Don't tuck away your wedding photos after you've been married awhile, keep them on display. This will be a great reminder of how your love was at the beginning, and how much it has grown.
DISPLAY YOUR MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE Frame the sacred document of your marriage. This will be a wonderful and constant reminder that your love is sealed, and you really do belong to each other.
TRUST HIM Too many times wives just sit around and wait for their husbands to do something wrong. Cut him some slack and dare to believe in him.
HAVE YOUR PHOTO MADE TOGETHER You may have done this when you were dating, but why not now? Get a current shot to place on the bedroom dresser or the desk at work.
LET HIM WIN It is inevitable, even in healthy marriages, to argue occasionally. What would it really hurt to just let him win? At least you wouldn't be arguing.
DON'T GO TO BED MAD Although you've probably heard this one for years, and it may have been your grandmother's first marriage advice to you, it is still true. Going to bed hurt or angry keeps feelings under the surface. When you wake up you don't want to continue the argument, so you you hold in your frustrations and they begin to mount. It's best to talk everything out, and fall asleep in each other's arms.
DON'T COMPARE HIM Don't EVER, EVER compare your husband to another man - not even your father. Your husband is his own person and unique in his own ways. Love him for it.
GREET HIM AT THE DOOR Don't wait for your husband to say, "Honey, I'm home!" Watch for him, and greet him at the door with a hug and kiss.
MEND HIS CLOTHES Buy a sewing kit and repair those sock holes! Break down and sew on his popped-off buttons. This may increase his wardrobe by 20%!
TALK IN CODE Pick a code word for something that only the two of you know the meaning for and say it openly in public. You'll have your own inside joke. This will help keep you close.
HAVE A WRESTLING MATCH This will get you both laughing, and the closeness will be fun!
WAKE HIM UP WITH KISSES Make his whole day go better by waking him up with kisses. He may even keep you there through breakfast!
HELP HIM SHAVE This is a fun way to be close and to get you both laughing! (As long as your careful, that is).
DEDICATE A SONG TO HIM Did you have a song that was "your song" while you were dating? Call up your local radio station and request it, and have them to dedicate it to your hubby!
MAKE HIM A HEART-SHAPED BREAKFAST Make heart-shaped pancakes and heart-shaped toast! Trim little pads of butter into heart shapes as well.
DON'T TRY TO BE HIS MOM Remember you are his wife, not his mother. Don't jump him every time he leaves something on the floor or his clothes don't match. It's OK to lovingly remind him, occasionally, but don't nag him.
GRAB A KISS WHILE YOU WAIT Kiss your husband while you're waiting at the stoplight or in the food drive-through. Your wait won't seem near as long, and you may wish it could last a littler longer!
FLIRT WITH HIM Just because you've snagged him, don't stop flirting! Wink at him, squeeze his muscles and, WHOOOO, or now that your married, it's not at all out of line to be a little bolder in your purpose.
GO ON A LONG DRIVE Go for a long drive and sight see. This is an excellent chance to talk or just be in each other's company. The way gas prices are, you'd almost have to love someone in order to take a long drive. If you don't want to spend the gas, drive to a pretty park or lake and just stop and soak up the scenery while you talk and hold hands.
BE HIS BEST FRIEND Let him feel confident that you'll always be there when needs to talk, to laugh, or even cry. Let him be free to be himself at all times and stick with him through the thick and thin.
EAT AN ICE CREAM CONE TOGETHER Buy one, large cone, and eat it together at the same time. You may miss the cone, and touch his lips, which will even be sweeter!
CHERISH THE SMALL THINGS Concentrate on the way he walks, the way he talks, his smile, or the way he says your name. These are really more important than you think, and no one can do it quite like him.
HELP HIM WITH HIS CLOTHES Ask him to let you help with the buttoning or unbuttoning of his clothes as he's dressing or undressing. Caress him gently as you're doing it.
KEEP YOURSELF ATTRACTIVE It's easy to fall into a "house wife" mode and just walk around in "cleaning clothes" with your hair twisted into a mess. That's OK while your actually cleaning, but try to be more presentable by the time your husband sees you. Bathe, put on clean clothes and a dab of perfume, and set your hair nice.
DON'T PUSH THE BUDGET It is important to learn to live within your means. If you can't afford certain things, don't buy them. Financial stress is very hard on marriages.
DON'T COMPLAIN Don't complain about your standard of living or whine about the things that you don't have. If your husband is doing his best to provide for you, make the best with what you have. If you complain, this makes him feel that he is not a good provider, and this is a great blow to his self esteem.
HAVE A PILLOW FIGHT If you must fight with your husband, do it with pillows! Make sure nothing is around that can break, then go into battle! See how long you can go without laughing.
LOOK OUT FOR HIS HEALTH Encourage your husband to get plenty of sleep and exercise. Try to get him to keep medical and dental appointments. Cook healthy meals, and give him nutritional supplements.
BUY HIM SOME SEXY BOXERS Buy several pairs of sexy shorts for him! Try silky, colorful, and glow in the dark! Make sure you tell him what a hunk he is while he's wearing them!
WEAR THE LINGERIE HE LOVES Some wives love it, some dread it, but just make sure you wear it!
DARE TO BE BOLD Too often, wives wait for their husbands to make the first move in the bedroom. Try showing little aggression yourself once in awhile. This will majorly ignite your husband's passion, and the fireworks will begin!
DON'T DEPRIVE HIM Husbands need sex probably more than wives need hugs and compliments. This is one of the main ways he feels loved. Naturally, there will be sometimes you don't feel like it. But even then, if you just give in, you will before it's over..
SPLURGE OCCASIONALLY Although money is a precious commodity to many couples, try to find a way to splurge on something now and then. If you have children, find someone to care for them and get away for the weekend. If you can't afford a trip, find a hotel in or near your hometown with a jacuzzi. If it's still too costly, buy something that you both would enjoy, like a new CD.
WORK ON YOUR WAYS It's easy to see and point out flaws in your husband, but if you're honest, you'll realize that you haven't earned a halo yet. Try to work on your own shortcomings and make yourself a better person.
DON'T BE A PESSIMIST Try not to focus too much on the negative. Keep a positive outlook in your marriage.
DON'T RUB IT IN IF YOU'RE RIGHT If you've disagreed on something and it turns out that you were right, don't gloat about it and throw it in his face.
WASH EACH OTHERS HAIR Jump in the shower and suds up! Watch the water and soap trickle down his face as you wash his hair.
EXAMINE HIS FEATURES Take a moment to delight in your husband's features. The shape of his nose, the set of his eyes. If he catches you staring, wink at him.
SEEK HIS ADVICE Ask for your husband's input and advice on anything from children to what he might like to eat. This will let him know he's needed and that his thoughts are important.
KEEP TIDY Keep things neat and tidy around the house. Decorate and make things look comfortable and welcoming.
TALK ABOUT HIS INTERESTS Bring up a subject that interests him and listen to him talk. Even if the subject doesn't interest you, enjoy watching him as he gets stirred up over the topic.
SHOP FOR HIM When you run to the store, see if there is something that you should pick up for him. This could save him a lot of time or keep him from missing a lunch break.
KIDNAP HIM Plan a special evening, make all the arrangements, then show up at his job just as he gets off work. Tell him to get in the car and no questions. (Make sure you smile, so he don't get alarmed). Whisk him away for a fun-filled evening, then return to get his car later.
RAKE LEAVES TOGETHER Go to your back yard and rake up a pile of leaves. Before you bag them up, play in them together.
DON'T LIVE IN A FANTASY WORLD If you can't read a novel without getting depressed over your love life, throw them away. Many books or movies can portray romance in very unrealistic ways. True love and romance is what he is already doing -providing for you and loving you unconditionally.
GO CAMPING TOGETHER Find a good camp site and pitch a tent! Buy a two person sleeping bag.
DON'T TALK HIS LEG OFF IF HE'S TIRED If your husband is tired and you need to talk to him, go straight to the bottom line and spare the details.
SLOW DANCE IN YOUR BEDROOM Plug in some flashing lights and turn on some romantic music and start slow dancing. (Clothes optional).
PLAY HIDE AND GO SEEK IN YOUR NIGHTIES Put on your sexiest negligee and challenge him to a game of hide and go seek. He'll say, "Ready or not, here I come!"
MAKE LOVE UNDER THE STARS Find a secluded place and throw out a sleeping bag. Make love by the moonlight as you gaze at the stars.
SIT IN FRONT OF A FIRE TOGETHER Snuggle up together in front of the fireplace and make out. If you don't have a fire place, consider buying an electric one, these look realistic, and are still romantic.
DOTE ON HIM Pick a night and wait on him hand and foot. Draw him a bath, fix his plate for him, and anything else that you can dream up!
JUST SAY IT Make it a point to say the words I love you every single day, and mean it.


hi ladies,

i'm keen on joining the spree... maybe get a short gown.. hehe.. wonder if it will be here in mid Sept? hehe.. then can use for my PS also meh...

but then hor.. can have another spree in say nov or oct? wanna get some dresses for the 3 babies in my family.. dunno how much they will grow from now till then, so dare not buy now...


New Member
hehehehe....actually im too busy to get excited abt my wedding, wif lotsa wk to do but den must log in to destress n tok to u gals b4 i can feel better....guz tis is a gd avenue for me to vent my frustration :p
wah....urs is 2 days....sure can get a lot of perks de, juz bargain!!!! :p oh ur AD is on 7 sep? my colleague's one oso....


New Member
Outing>4 Aug (Mon)- green, xiaomei, waxie, spoiltbabe, lsntyl, straylamb, ahnetsan, crown, bubbly, rach

waxie> yup..EVERYTHING from AMK..


New Member
Meiling>no lah. My AD is on 21 Sept. 7 Sept is the GDL. PJ v stingy with the perks leh. Even though we book more than others.


New Member
oooh the combo package u got PG VG and animation right? what sort of animation?? those big head one or what? i took the cartoon animation.. the normal one..


New Member
tks mei and michelle for ur replies.. got to choose pix now so headache on whether to top up or not..

mei, u selected ur PS pix and sent for layout alr?


New Member
YL >how much is it in singapore?I go compare.I dun noe whether it is cheap in taiwan leh.I have seen alot in City plaza leh,quite cheap.yah..I always go shanghai so the gals noe me.I hang out in the lounge for internet.heehee~~

rach>thanks for in the info..haha..I always video my message to him and save it in his laptop as a surprise..haha..


New Member
Hi iciclediamond,

Notice that you have some sellers from china selling WG and EG?

So how do they take measurement from you? What if don't fit nicely on you? What happen? Do they have any shops in Singapore which we can visit and look at the material?


New Member
no prob....hehehe, if d pics r nice den top up to make up 1 album....if not, den try to control lor, dun end up like me, spent $4k on top up n many ppl alrdy scolding me le :p
yes, i selected my PS pics n sent for layout le, shd b able to view my layout either end of tis mth or early nxt mth ba


New Member
Hi Cyc,
erm... I sign the AD package last year early.. so my AD is about 1.5K+ (I haven't fix which package with them hahahah coz I might/ might not watnt the coffee table, 1.5K is ave of all the packages) PS I took in Macau ... singapore one is just being "model" for my PG and no album nothing... just take pic and with my own gowns & MUA etc..

But on average in SG I think usually ppl sign 2.5K package for PS (25-30pic with one big album) then sure got top up each pic about $50-70/pc and usually ppl will top up to total 50-60pc at least. with this calculation.. BTB will spend at least 4.6K onwards ba

Then AD will engage outside and that will be about 1.5K - 2K market price up alot ....

VG also about 1.5K to 2K
Premium Bird’s Nest Series 2 for $110

What's the original selling prices for those 2 bottles of bird nest?

I'm eating a lot of ice-creams and durians these weeks. Haha it's durian season! Msia has big yields for durians, so they are cheaper now.


New Member
hahaha, i cldnt stop laughing reading one sentence from rach's long post - "RUN YOUR FINGERS THROUGH HIS HAIR Or massage his temples if he doesn't have any". i was seriously reading and reading every line when i saw dat line, i cldnt help but laugh. LOL

"GIVE HIM A ROMANTIC CARDDon't wait for a special occasion to give him a card." hmmm, i suddenly remb it's been ages since i last sent or received a card (except those red bombs lah)

finally finished reading... read until i a bit giddy liao. haha


New Member
haha green, same same, i also been eating durians every night after dinner.... so sinful, yet so yummy haha

aiya, crown you shd have called me dat day mah... haha.

crown, i will go causeway pt this wkend to check out the birds nest. is it the yellow big bottle kind? or blue or i think pink or red? which one is the discounted one ar?


New Member
oic....dun worry, try to get as much perks as possible :p bu na bai bu na :p

how's greece? hehehehe....must b having lotsa fun....


New Member
wat abt this as a present for your fh?
HAVE YOUR PHOTO MADE TOGETHER You may have done this when you were dating, but why not now? Get a current shot to place on the bedroom dresser or the desk at work.


New Member
strawclare>the false eyelashes range from $2+ - $10+, I think. I not expert in them. Still learning. Seldom go City Plaza. Where is the unagi don place Mr T bring you to. Looks v yummy!


New Member
is it suitable to rebond hair now? Will it be hard for the stylist to do up the hair on the AD? Now my hair is in terrible state, falls right on the shoulders and looks like duck tail -_-


New Member
spoiltbabe, i think if u rebond hair, it will be too straight and too soft to do styling? wah y u say ur hair looks like duck tail? my frens also say my hair too flat now.... sianz... i wan to cut it short!!

hmm, ur idea sounds like a great pressie.


New Member
i always have short hair, coz of the wedding i kept my hair long and now it's shoulder length liao. It tends to curl out and look like 'duck tail', when i tie up to a ponytail it become 'mop'. sigh!


New Member
oh ic ... no worries, shoulder length hair is always the killer. once the hair grows beyond shoulder length, i guarantee ur hair will be very nice liao. but for me, even when hair is already at the area between shoulders and waist, it still sux, cos my hair is very fine and it tends to weigh down, causing my hair to look very flat...


New Member
Hi Im new to this thread... Im getting ROM on Xmas eve this year... Have signed up with WhiteLink.. Now what's left is sourcing for PG, venue decor & reconsidering my ROM dress...


New Member
spoiltbabe>My hair oso like tat. But now a bit longer le so it doesn't flip up so much. Will get a good haircut at a stylist my MUA recommends nearer the date. Hoping will look better then. I think you better don't rebond ur hair now. The harsh styling on your AD might spoil the rebonding.


New Member
Hi piyo1818...
hee hee, how to intro your MUA when we have the same wedding date? hee...

yah.. it's 10 more days away. just done with the schedule. so what's left is the day wrist corsages, the bridal photo montage and music selection. really endless things to do. plus final fitting, arrangement for pedicure, manicure, spa massage.

okok.. don't rush don't rush. it would all be done by then. jia you


New Member
Eeks.. Haven't logged on to forum in some time..

Keer / Iciclediamond>> If you all conduct any sprees, please count me in!!
But quite busy with work lately.. I try my best to make up my mind by the 31 July deadline.. =P


Hi Icicle - Wow.. Your gown will costs $400 to make.. Guess you must be happy with such a good buy.. Hee.. Actually, I like your WG.. Yes, maybe I can just rent from you.. Hee.. But, not sure if we are the same size.. Haha. Think you are much slimmer than me.. LOL!! Let me know your measurements. You can email me at [email protected]

Btw, I had a wild thought too.. Wonder if your hubby will like to do freelance photography.. Keke.. I don't mind doing another set of pre-weddings shots..


New Member
Keer> So nice if you can go for another set of pre-wedding shots.. Too bad for me, my hubby hates PS.. So I'm going to wait for AD to make him go for another round of PS.. hehe..


New Member
Waxie> thanks, this is the link I am looking for.

jrgal> thanks for the compliments on the photo.

I have upload some of my indoor and outdoor shoot photo on my multiply, but I think most of you dun have my multiply as I did not provide earlier, will provide after I complete the uploading-now very messy coz new to multiply.

Would like to join in the coming gathering, but unable to confirm the dates now, will confirm when the dates is nearer.....remember to choose place which have round tables, easier to chat..

By the way, you gals know where can I rent/buy more fashionable man suit...coz the bridal choice is very limited and my hb very hiao...


oh.. i have naturally wavy, thin hair (very little also)... my MUA ask me not to cut anymore.. keep my hair long (currently over shoulder liao) so that she can do more styles..

woah.. i think our outing can confirm date liao..
4 Aug (Mon)- green, xiaomei, waxie, spoiltbabe, lsntyl, straylamb, ahnetsan, crown, bubbly, rach


New Member
Guess I'm next up for this Sat. And this was what we did today.

Went to the registry to pick up the documents this morning, then off to Chinatown to pick up some chinese pastries, back home to pick up the laptop, stopped by Singapore Pools for some investment, went to the airport to pick my friend up and lunch @ Katong. Dropped my friend off at another friend's place, went to Peony-Jade for equipment testing & final seating plan, went for spa, dinner and finally home sweet home.

Somehow I feel accomplished today. Amidst all that activity, we got to try a new place for fish head steamboat. If you're interested, it's located around the Lavender MRT area, opp Sultan Ctr (Maybank/OCBC).

Hubby brought the gowns over the night before and we had a slight headache trying to find somewhere strong enough to support the weight of all 3 gowns, esp the one with the long train.

My friend was really cute. He had a big headache trying to figure what wedding gift to get for us cos I kept insisting that we needed nothing. Silly ang moh then stopped at DFS when he arrived and got us 2 bottles of our favourite Canadian ice wine as wedding gifts. I thought that was really sweet

I'm glad we managed to squeeze some time out today to go for a spa session together. Some relaxation before the final countdown


Hi Cfay - So sweet of you to have consider your boyfriend's feelings.. But, guess we ladies really just have the priviledge to wear more outfits than guys for photoshot. Hee... Btw, is the BS man suit really that bad.. Now, you scare me.. Cos my hubby have not try his suit yet.. We will be going down this week to do our fittings.. Even if tailor now, I guess also not enought time for PS liaoz.. Yes, if the quality is really bad, I will also consider tailoring one for AD for him.. Btw, which BS are you with? Mine is Digio..

Hello all - I just bought my Nubra today.. All thanks to Cynthia who told me that Chinatown has a store that sells.. But, it's brand under Freebra instead.. Think it's quite cheap, $16.90.. Heard from my friend that Nubra is selling at $69 at Suntec?? I think the quality is the same as Nubra as I own one Nubra too.. In the end, I also bought a girdle & some infra kneecap from that store.. Both is for slimming.. Hee..

For now, I'm drinking FANCL - tennsed up.. If it's good, I will recommend to you, gals..


Leely, actually most man dun like to take photos.. My man, too.. But, hey, if you like, maybe, we can arrange to organise a all brides photo taking session.. No grooms allowed.. LOL!! Anyway, for a typical PS, 70% of the photos are for the brides.. :p.. For me, I LOVED to take photos...


New Member
Is the Hock Hua concentrated bird nest or the Fancl tense up a better choice for radiant complexion?

Actually, I tried Meiji Collagen few years back, my skin becomes very dry after I stop drinking, so wonder if I should try to Tense up again coz afraid of the effect if I stop after wedding.

Saw your topic on the bird nest, seems like alot of sept brides is trying, other than Rachel, others feel your skin improve after drinking the bird nest??


New Member
Hm I have fitting next week. My FH has made a suit in bbk for standby just incase the bs din have something that looks good on my dear. For the same reason I am having my own EG also. So both of us get something.

Keer, err i take tat tensed up for a few days i will lose about 3kg 1. It makes me LS like no body's biz. LOL

Leely, yeah agree with keer, guys dun like to be taken, and like icic said, they prefer to the one taking the picture.

Keer, err I dun like taking photos.. I always think i look darn FAT in fotos 1.


New Member
ivy, personally, i think bird nest is good. i used to eat birds nest once a while if my mum makes. den stopped liao. last yr dec when we planned to get married, i took birds nest again... but i din really continue le, cos it's quite expensive as i buy from eu yan seng. it does helps in improving the complexion but i think it's afterall jus saliva, so i dun take it on a regular basis le. lol

however, it's definitely healthier than other off the shelves products.

as for fancl tense up ex, i can really see the difference. cos my face really is more radiant and has this glow effect. and when i put on makeup during weekends, i find it's easier to put makeup on. i only drank a box (a box of 10 bottles) and the effect is there. but after my PS in may, i stopped taking for a mth le, and there's no side effect or dryness at all. i recently started drinking tense up again. im nw into my 2nd box le. so far no complaints abt the products at all.

my two cents worth.


New Member
piyo1818: glad you enjoyed the clip. Basically i do nothing, theme, montage and songs all downloaded by the groom. I just came back to attend my wedding. The bridesmaid march in is organized by my MOH, sister. I AM ALREADY AT THE DARK SIDE.

S'rene: u did almost all. even have time to spa! good for you! i had some challeneges, my reception pple didnt arrive on time, cos some guests came early. remember to brief them come early. and pack all your gowns and accessories one side, i forgot my can can and acc, had to came back to take!


New Member
I shall confirm my presence on 4th Aug as well....look forward to see you gals...

Manage to post some of my photoshoot photos at my multiply. "ivytanlh.multiply.com"

By the way, anyone have the song, I'll be there by Mariey Carey?


New Member
SotongLet: I'm not having any gate-crashing. So my jiemeis are basically the 2 bridesmaids who will be walking down the aisle at the church wedding...Hmmmm...Still tempted to spreeeeeeee with you all lor! Anw the gowns your BS is sponsoring, are they both white too? :p

Regarding the SPREEEEEE, how long will the stuff take to arrive? And all the clothes will be altered to size (though I understand may not be perfect measurements right...)? Not sure if I can make the 31 July deadline too cos have to consult my 2 bridesmaids!
Also, will we get to know the estimated charges for the shipping and all?


New Member
was talking with FH if my skin has improved after taking the bird's nest yest. He felt there is an improvement. He said softer and looks more radiant and 'yellowish'. I think I've less breakouts after taking it too. Last time will have at least 1 big pimple around my period but haven't had it in a few months. Never tried fancl tenseup so no comments on it. I tried the Meiji and felt skin was a bit tighter. No side-effects after I stopped.


New Member
haha... my HB also dun like to take picture and is like obliged to take picture with me. he always think that he look ugly in front of the camera...LOL...
Hi icic...
actually, u can take nice pictures with ur sisters and get ur bf to take picture for you..its nice!

hear you girls talking about shopping spree for WG...hope u girls have fun..my times are over.. LOL..
