(2008) Brides of year 2008


Active Member
argh!!! i have concluded that i played too much mahjong.. tat's why this week very bad.. today thurs le.. still got so many probs.. like daily meal leh.. sigh..

hope you girls are having a better time den us.. jojo.. hope next week better.. hehee..

pris.. very funny.. maybe he purposely pretend he dunno who you are, den he dun nid to honour his proposal..

consultant only consultant one lah.. den on top of the normal BS, PG, etc costs, you have to pay them a "consultation" cost.. hahaaa.. if you find it worth it lah.. for me.. i think it's fun planning it ourselves! keke..


New Member
ya i also think so its so ma fan lor, in the end we got to pay extra cash... haha ahha

OH YA!!! 2molo i will be on half day leave hoho!!!!!

going to look for part time jobs with my fren hehe eheh

i guess i just cant get away from banquet line~


New Member
hello girls..

everyone smile today!!! xiao kou chang kai!
just to exercise your cheek muscles lah...

wedding consultant can be quite good...if you dun have time etc...
i've heard of some free lance one saving couples a few thousand cos the consultant has contacts...
her fee is less than 1k...so in the end, still cheaper...
but then also have those that fees are a few k one...
but you have to pay for no headaches, no need to call vendors to chase...to supervise all the details lor.


New Member
Korice *Hugs Hugs* is going to be over soon.

Anyway, tomorrow and Mon I am on leave le. So do or die, my work needs to finish today.

So now who is going to BC show?


New Member
Hi Netfinity : I know my bridal room is nice, I've been there and I know their services are good. I got a friend who signed up with them and ask me to go n see. Just a preference for me 'cos i find My Bridal Room's gowns are more to the grand (and big, cos you wear can-can inside too). I don't want that .. Cos of venue constraint and I want to mingle around with the guests (not so convinient with big gowns). I know another choice is would be to MTM the gown, but going to cost more.. so currently I'm looking for alternatives.


New Member
Hi Marie,
Is just a very general information indicating that on 8 Mar 08 is an aupicious day to hold wedding.
But if you are those who are very particular about "details" you should cousult a master on this.


New Member
wow so many june brides to be fer next yr


New Member
I'm planning for my AD on 19 Jan 08. May I know where can we check on whether the date is auspicious or not? Waiting for 2008 Tong Shu might be too late to book the venue I want. Can only one help? TIA!

Linny, I absolutely love Compass! If budget permits ah, I would love for them to play at my wedding!
If u know the cost, can pm me?


New Member
hey sky,

I saw your comments in Club Chinos....haha!! seems that your impression of Eric is soso only...

I had nvr met him before, but had spoken to him thru phone. maybe he's very busy, so he's a bit rush and loud. Thus, I also speak louder loh, but when I ask him "hey eric, you very busy is it, you seems stress"...he said yah busy so a bit stress...I think he's ok one lah.

So remember, if you want to sign up with HIPV, sign up on wedding show!!


New Member
Joanne, nice chatting with you online... Hope to chat with you more when time permits...

How's everyone in Singapore? Any happenings lately??


Hi Mage,
My Ad on 19 Jan 2008 too. I think this date is quite ok cos a few of us here have the same AD. but it depends on individual too. Best is you sought the help of a master.


New Member
thks sleepycat for sharing....

jolene.....express highlight is usualli a 5 - 8 mins video clip of scenes on wat happen during d daytime so that guests could take a peek on d fun happenings in the morning.....


New Member
Hi Gals,
I just joined the forum and am excited to read all your weddings and info!

My wedding date is on 18 Jan 2008.

You were asking where to check for auspicious dates and I found this website very useful -
Check it out!

Can anyone share with me what you're planning as wedding favours? I've been to weddings and they range from fruit cakes, photo frames, teddy bears to chopsticks, etc. Any more interesting suggestions?



New Member
hi floating, welcome to the thread. congrats!!!

maybe you can provide us more information on your wedding and we can include you in the chart below.

enjoy ya preps!

oh our list is getting longer.. yeah hee hee

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>ROM date</TD><TD>ROM Venue</TD><TD>ROM Photg</TD><TD>AD Date</TD><TD>Banquet</TD><TD>BS</TD><TD>AD Pg</TD><TD>AD Vg </TD></TR><TR><TD>stnov</TD><TD>18/09/2003</TD><TD>ROM </TD><TD>Friend</TD><TD>02-Jan</TD><TD>FRF </TD><TD>Volan* Couture</TD><TD>Volan* Couture </TD><TD>TBA </TD></TR><TR><TD> tete </TD><TD>01/07/2007</TD><TD>SAM</TD><TD>Gerald Tay </TD><TD>06-Jan</TD><TD>Traders </TD><TD>Julia Wedding</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Not having </TD></TR><TR><TD>mudppie</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>06-Jan</TD><TD>Marina Mandarin </TD><TD>Yvonne Creative </TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>jojo</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>06-Jan</TD><TD>GCW</TD><TD>Di Gio</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>CN (onie) </TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>10-Jan</TD><TD>Rasa</TD><TD>Sophia Wedding Collections</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>EeOo </TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>10-Jan</TD><TD>RTP </TD><TD>Julia Wedding</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>jolene</TD><TD>19/01/2008</TD><TD>Oriental</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>19-Jan</TD><TD>Oriental</TD><TD>Dawn (JB)</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>LO </TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>19-Jan</TD><TD>FRF </TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Y@ppies pdtn </TD></TR><TR><TD>jean</TD><TD>23/09/2007</TD><TD>FRF </TD><TD>Relative </TD><TD>19-Jan</TD><TD>HIA </TD><TD>Signoria Nuziale </TD><TD>Motion Image </TD><TD>Motion Image </TD></TR><TR><TD>IceCherry</TD><TD>28/09/2007</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>19-Jan</TD><TD>Rasa</TD><TD>Bridal Concept</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sleepycat</TD><TD>19/01/2008</TD><TD>Church </TD><TD>same as AD</TD><TD>20-Jan</TD><TD>Peony-Jade</TD><TD>Jess Haute Couture</TD><TD>Fren</TD><TD>Not having </TD></TR><TR><TD> Fifi </TD><TD>26/01/2008</TD><TD>Blessed Sacrament Church</TD><TD>Jayce Goh</TD><TD>27-Jan</TD><TD>HIPV</TD><TD>My Bridal Room </TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Vbutter </TD><TD>21/11/2007</TD><TD>ROM </TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>27-Jan</TD><TD>Laguna CC</TD><TD>Yvonne's Creative </TD><TD>YC</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>


New Member
aiyah...i really reaally love oriental...
since long time ago hen val showed me the garden theme...
then anoter forummer shoed me the pics of their new themes...
soooo gorgeous...*Drool*

pris, when is the oriental show? what time?
only small problem is the price!!! :p
else it's my first choice....


New Member
morning gals. yeah its fri! i'm happy too hehe. i'm gg bc show with a gal fren.. and u all lor.. koricex2, joannex2. angeline might not be able to make it. pris not gg le. so left 6 of us i guess.

ya oriental is nice. i love it too. but too ex la.
nec its not garden theme.. its garden suite. maybe if u wan hor.. u can hold the rom there. dinner elsewhere lor.. ask pris if her hubby can help u get the garden suite at a cheaper rate


New Member
Dear Tete,

Thanks for the welcome!

My wedding info are:
ROM Date &amp; AD Date - 18 Jan 2008
ROM Venue and Banquet - Rasa Sentosa
BS - Blush Blush
Photographers - Not decided yet.

Any recommendations on photographers? Any experience with BATS or Montage?



New Member
hey if u all really love oriental, wan go with me this sunday ? the show will be from 12 pm to 6 pm... i can ask whether they can gice u some special things ma.... cuz what i know they wont give discount.. hehe hehe i know ppl from the sales to the bqt side and to the chef.... but garden suite is so small....


New Member
Welcome floating.....hope u njoy ur 'stay' here....

for mi...most probably will stay put wif d weddg favours given by my hotel....currently they are having shakers but high chance will have a change of new favours b4 my wedding but uncertain wat it is gonna b......cheers~~~


New Member
Hi everyone!!

I am a 8 Mar 08 BTB as well!!! Yeah!! So far, we've booked The Legends for the dinner and we'll have a church wedding as well..

I am thinking of getting WhiteLink as BS but haven't confirmed...


New Member
pris, next time when i have my daate, then you must help me ask for good perks at oriental hor!
now still waiting for mother/father/in laws to suan all the good dates.
dunno use indian calender or lunar. :p
prob indian one for india, chinese one for here bah...
but ba zhi can change with race one meh? heheheh


New Member
oh pris, you dunno ah..

i'll have one singapore church-western-chinese wedding
and one indian one in india.

that's why must budget!!!:p


New Member

I am also using the ones provided by the restaurant since it is already part of the package. Currently, it's a choice of keychain (of a couple in traditional chinese wedding outfits) and chopsticks. They shd be bringing in one more by next year.

If you are intending to go Bangkok anytime soon, u can try shopping for your favours there. There shd be lots of interesting and cheap stuff at the weekend markets there.


New Member

Have u checked with Rasa if it is providing wedding favor? If really no, then can be as sleepcat suggested, buy fr bangkok. If u worry abt bomb blast in BK, then try chiangmai. Here's my multiply on my "initial assessment" of chiangmai market for wedding favor. http://vbutter.multiply.com/photos/album/5
Take a look so u know what to expect.


New Member
Hi Charleon,

I am meeting Jenny from Legends on sun. Would you mind sharing your package with me?

Who is your coordinator? Ur is in the ballroom or?

Please email me your package detail to [email protected]



New Member
Hi Rara

My coordinator is Sophia. We're doing ours at the Grand Marquee.... we didn't want the usual ballroom... so we've having a buffet dinner.

When is your AD?



New Member
ya..i think mine too will be at the Marquee. I wont be taking up the ballroom. Want someting different. Mine will be chinese dinner. Will you mind sharing your package?
My AD is 150308.


Hi Floating,

My AD also at Rasa, It seems that they have limited wedding flavours. The last time i checked with them, they only have chocolates and gel candles.... they might have more soon but no news yet... Me also thinking of getting some other stuff for wedding flavours...


New Member
mage: 19 Jan 08 is a good date for weddings generally. I got my date through a fortune teller, same goes for my ROM date.

Important thing is if you are pantang then make sure the dates don't clash with the horoscopes of you, your hubby, your parents and your in laws.



New Member
wah.. i didnt know that 19th jan is a good date... Fh and me chose that date cos it is our r/ship anniversary.. so we thot it wld be nice to marry on the date where we previously committed to be bf and gf.. then from that date, we move on to another phase of the r/ship: marriage... hee hee


New Member
hi IPZ, yap..initially HTB was keen to attend 1 or 2. juz recently we narrowed down to 1 so gave up d idea of gg but still still unable to decide on our selection :p

juz like u, stil searching ard &amp; got positive highlights on MBR &amp; BC fm frens.

how to go to D'sire?


New Member
Hey jolene,

Same here. 6th happen to be my birthdate, my FH birthdate, our r/s start date and now our wedding date..but all fall under different months. Imagine having to host celebrations every single/alternate month..hah..


New Member
i sign up with Santiago... wedding venue still pending for approval by Mil... most likely will be at Mt Faber Safra....
