YL> hah.. yeah.. i'm back.. haaah.. quite fast... cant rem much.. i wanna see photos!! hahahhaa...
MMmm.. it was quite nervous la.. my heart almost jumped out.. hahaha.. and it was quite fun also.
we had a good JP..the crowd was hilarious.. hehhe..
green> haha.. thanks..
it was kindda cool..
spoiltbabe> haha.. yeah.. it was a NICE weather today! Pray that it'll be nice on Tue & thu too.. we having our PS...
hehe.. nice weather for nice people.. it was cooling since morning when i got up loh. keke..
crown> yeah.. i also wanna see pics!! dying to see them... haha.. but gotta wait a few days for my nice PGs to do it..
Had 2 PG.. another fren's bro volunteered too.. hehhe.
ooh... MM.. okie loh.. no choice that he dun allow then...
dor> hahahhaa... yeah man. .we started before 3pm.. which is my timing i gave my JP.. told him 3pm.. he was early.. abt 255pm??
And we started the moment he came..coz all my guests came liaoz.. except for one.. we didnt realised he was absent till he came.. at 3plus..
Happiness> hahaa.. yeah.. i was hungry the whole day... almost didnt eat anything at all.. 2 satays... 1 har gow.. and 1 watermelon..
it was such NICEEEEEEEEEE buffet... everyone was telling us.. and yet... we cant eat anything at all... i mean I...
coz i failed to lose 1 inch.. my gown was super tight.. dun dare to eat.. hahahhaa..
Gina> how come never get quote from my FH?? MMMm..
SUpreme Flooring is ID meh?? hahha...
My FH's company there too... but he wasnt there. coz we having our Solemnisation.. hahaha....