(2008) Brides of year 2008


New Member
Cheryl, wat's ur multiply ID?

Lex, lots of shopping if u gonna be at CAlifornia..

Melody, to make the wedding album more meaningful, most BS will want the couple to bring something meaningful for PS. i am also thinking of what to bring over....


New Member
Lara -> 30 boxes r for mum n dad side relatives..they wan 30 so we just buy 30 vocuhers for them..

i just went to confirm the final AD morning AD schedule wif my BS MUA..now gg to shop for hubby's shirt..

dun worry gals...everytin will out well

have a good weekend !


New Member
Need your opinions here.

Do you think it'll be wierd if my evening gown is white colour too?

My wedding gown will most likely be a bustier, half lace, ball gown, with cancan.

Issit ok if my evening gown is white satin, Aline, with shoulder straps, and shiny beadings?

Any opinions?


New Member
hi ladies,

as promised. this is my invitation card.


Inside (English Wordings):

Inside (Chinese Wordings):

Didn't know to upload pictures here needs to reize and resize..


New Member
hmm, personnal preference bah. Of coz its ok so long you and your fh likes it
But do you think it will have no photographic effect? Its like... both WG and EG is similar. As for me, i prefer to be in different styles so i make sure my WG and EG and tea dress will not repeat color/designs.


New Member
dor>don't think it is weird as long as you like it. Personally, I would prefer my EG and WG to be different colours. But both my gowns are slightly similar - bustier a-line.


New Member
Hi ladies, long time no see. Have been busy with my new department so not much time to surf the web. So many topics going on and I cannot catch up with it.

Hi SotongLet, did you manage to get the things you want from BKK? I am not aware that BKK has a very famous slimming product. I always go there and buy shang piao medicated oil, my other's fave guan yin cream for her face and the snacks.

I went for the first fitting for the MTM EG at SWC and was quite pleased with it. Just that I find the bubble bottom a bit too large. Will see how it goes on the 2nd fitting which will be on 16 June. They also ironed on the diamantes on my selected OTR WG and changed the ribbons on the side to peach from off white. Simply love the WG that I keep staring it after taking it off...

Hi shybride, you don't need many gowns since your WG and EG are gorgeous enough. For some of us who are having many gowns are perhaps making use of this opportunity to get more dresses for ourselves. That include myself too :p If not for the wedding, my HTB will start rattling at me for spending unnecessary money. Cos he knows if he doesn't allow me to buy this and buy that for the wedding, I will bring up my regrets of not getting this and that for the rest of my life.


New Member
hi praisey
I won't be serving sharks fins too. I watched the movie. I think it's good. Great chemistry between Tom & Hannah (the characters) and quite a number of hilarious moments throughout the show. Thoroughly enjoyed the movie.


New Member
cute cat> by the time you read this your wedding will be over. HUGE sigh of relief... Hope it went well.

M> Ginny was my coordinator. she was so good and sweet. But yeah the tying down of final details is the most siong, but hey u're near the finishing line.

Praisey> i am on honeymoon! in maldives now! haha. Still checking internet. but only non work things la. the band played a list of rock songs. like Roxanne, Smells like Teen Spirit, Highway Star, Black Night, High and Dry...

Sherlyn> i used Sophia Chia. She's very very good IMO. Let me know if u need her contact.

And thanks so much for all the nice words on the slideshow. we're very pleased with it too.

Hang tight Brides!


New Member
My AD is on 20th sept.. hee. Have you taken your PS? I just took my photos last mon.. can only view my layout in july..

Hi.. seldom come to this tread nowadays coz quite busy.. went to HDB for my 1st appt today.. so happy.. will be getting my keys in july.. then went to expo to see the home fair.. signed up with supreme flooring.. hee..
I find tat it is alright to have a white colour EG.. but for me I would also prefer a different colour of WG and EG.. so can have a different look..


New Member
hi dor,
i also think it's personal preference. As long as u are comfortable with it then it's okie. I also chose a different color for my EG as to my WG,cos i want to look different on my 2 march ins. as long as the style of the gowns are different, i tink it should be ok=) u can probably do different accessorizing to give a different 'feel'??juz my two cents worth=)


New Member
Oops, sorry Eunice. Hee hee... Package offered at blush blush is 4800 or 5800. Very simple with zero top ups. Not even for ampoule to put on for ur make up.

And I wanna go Bora Bora too... sigh... Soooo nice... Nicole Kidman went there for her honeymoon with Keith Urban. I used to work for Le Meridien Regional office and was always drooling at their hotel in Bora Bora, so niceeee....


New Member
Hellooo...Janelle, I'm also a Dec BTB!
There's another Dec 08 forum, are you on that too? When's your AD and what's it going to be like?


New Member
Hehe, hi jules!
Wow, 4800 is quite ex, but yeah, I guess it makes sense with zero top ups...So the whole photoshoot package is a good deal too I guess?

By the way, a question for all...I know it's a little early since we're all Dec brides...But I wanted to get certain things done early...Such as printing of invitation cards...Cos I'll have both church invites and invites for the banquet...Anyone know what they're going to do for church invites if any?

nec, any ideas on church invites?? :p


New Member
Ladies, I now having problems with my guest lists.. my FIL refused to write his guest names. Insist that just give him 7 tables will do. Me and my hubby is pretty stressed over this issue.


New Member
xinyi -> mayb ur FIL haven confirm who r coming yet so cant give ur the exact names? my mum oso like tat.. she sed she haven confirm so dun wana say 1st..

perhaps u settle ur frends side 1st then put ur FIL's side last..

send a gentle reminder to frends to mark tt day on their calendar..just in case some 4get...


New Member
hi dor, didn't know you have to deal with such a tough brother since young.... sigh...it sounds really bad!

rach, congrats that you are finally a Mrs today n marry to ur loved one!

as for me, my hand now dun even have the strength to sms cos i n my HTB do a major project today to clean up his house. it is no joke, more than 1 decade of dust behind the cupboards...lot of barang barang to clear n dust are everywhere on tables n a lot of things. manage to scrub all the 'black' bathrooms,basins n toilet bowl to more white in color. Tough n tired n dirty but end of the day, the efforts paid off, it is much cleaner now. but still have a lot to do like paint the doors. luckily his brother is around to help out too...
then the other brother n his gf also help out when they came at later part. everyone working on a "major project".

luckily i got my brother's worker to help out painting the walls n he did a marvellous n neat job. at first i thought, okie juz paint 2 or 3 layers...that's it.
but then, it is as simple as what i think, all the ceiling paint is all falling off n he had to scrub off it...which took more hours. and i didn't know 5 in 1 paint need 4 coatings! maybe cos his house havent paint for more than 1 decade need more coating for his "grey" walls. :p tomorrow the worker will come n continue round two. the worker told us that 5 in 1 is silghtly more difficult to paint as need more no of coating.....but the quality is much better. okie learn something today.

hmm...am i the 1st few brides in spore who has to clean up HTB's house before marriage? :p
but anyway, i am really fine with it..it is good to see his living room n balcony clean n neat now.


New Member
hi dor, i think it is better to get a different color EG. last time, my friend told me that bridal gown EG all cannot make it so she took a white wedding gown to be her EG...but is look quite similiar, n i find it so weird during 2nd march in...
juz my opinion, but still, if you feel it is really okie, go for it.
Me feel it's better to get EG that's not white. White doesnt look so nice under banquet's orange, dim lighting. Of course the final say is up to u.


Well doing cards in Spore may save you few hours of hassle. Luckily I didn't take up BS package in JB. I stay at Woodlands Ave 3 which is near BKE, along the way to Causeway customs. If you all go JB, it's better to take bus or go during wkday afternoon. Tonite the queue goes from Causeway to BKE, scary jam!
U are so nice to your hb.

Haha I always volunteer to clean up Bf's room everytime I goes his house. It's basically a garage collection centre! Rubbish eg. used tissues, letters are everywhere yucks, I buay tahan.


New Member
ya, he's worried abt the safety. He said sure or not, so many girls go into JB like that.

I post my wedding shoes pics in Multiply already


New Member
Yo babes,

No worries about my family. I'm coping well with it. Thanks for all your encouragements anyway.

I thought a different colour for evening gown wld be better too. But I saw this white evening gown the other day that I really like. N my bf, being his unconventional and wierdo self, tells me it's ok as long as I like it. Kept telling me not to get different colour for the sake of having different colour... hmm... see how lah.

it's good training. get married liao hv to do housework.. haha.
I always clean up my bf's KL house everytime I'm there. And anyone see his house sure faint. socks and pants everywhere. Really a bachelor's pad lor. There was once, we smell something and realise it's the rice in his rice cooker!!! It has got moulds on it liao. And stinks!!!!! I smell liao nearly vomit. He told me it's inside for like... a few weeks!!! Gosh. Until now, the rice cooker pot still has the smell no matter what I do. And we stop cooking with the pot liao. haha...

But sometimes I find cleaning the house very therapeutic.


New Member
YL> hah.. yeah.. i'm back.. haaah.. quite fast... cant rem much.. i wanna see photos!! hahahhaa...
MMmm.. it was quite nervous la.. my heart almost jumped out.. hahaha.. and it was quite fun also.
we had a good JP..the crowd was hilarious.. hehhe.. :p

green> haha.. thanks.. :p
it was kindda cool.. :p

spoiltbabe> haha.. yeah.. it was a NICE weather today! Pray that it'll be nice on Tue & thu too.. we having our PS...
hehe.. nice weather for nice people.. it was cooling since morning when i got up loh. keke.. :p

crown> yeah.. i also wanna see pics!! dying to see them... haha.. but gotta wait a few days for my nice PGs to do it..
Had 2 PG.. another fren's bro volunteered too.. hehhe. :p

ooh... MM.. okie loh.. no choice that he dun allow then... :p

dor> hahahhaa... yeah man. .we started before 3pm.. which is my timing i gave my JP.. told him 3pm.. he was early.. abt 255pm??
And we started the moment he came..coz all my guests came liaoz.. except for one.. we didnt realised he was absent till he came.. at 3plus..
hahhaa.. :p

Happiness> hahaa.. yeah.. i was hungry the whole day... almost didnt eat anything at all.. 2 satays... 1 har gow.. and 1 watermelon..
it was such NICEEEEEEEEEE buffet... everyone was telling us.. and yet... we cant eat anything at all... i mean I...
coz i failed to lose 1 inch.. my gown was super tight.. dun dare to eat.. hahahhaa.. :p

Gina> how come never get quote from my FH?? MMMm..
SUpreme Flooring is ID meh?? hahha...
My FH's company there too... but he wasnt there. coz we having our Solemnisation.. hahaha....


Fortunemew> i also have to help clean fh's room.. bth.. too many stuffs already, gotta clear them all up.. so that my things can fit.. haha.. quite interesting becos my fh keeps his childhood toys.. and his primary school's art folio..

green> i think next week's jam will be even worst becos of the lonnnng holiday..


New Member
Hi everyone, thanks for your kind words of concern. My fiance is now on his road to recovery. He hardly ever falls ill so I guess when he dose fall sick, it's quite severe. The fever's now gome for 24hrs but we're just continuing to monitor his condition, *touch wood* just in case.

R&J... your card looks very nice. And the Chinese portion of it... super "chim". I saw your card at T-Dragon as well and actually shortlisted before we saw ours.

Fiance who's now happy to be up and running is going to pick up our wedding inserts tmrw and below is how it looks like. We don't have the Chinese portion of it cos he's Eurasian and has no Chinese name. We're also going to have dinner with our friend-cum-AD photographer to discuss abt the AD schedule & events.

A happy and relieved weekend for me!




New Member
yup yup! went for my PS in apr oredi, waiting for my layout too, should be ready by late june or early july. Very looking forward to it! Where did you go for your outdoor PS?

I will be cleaning up my fh room too -_-" Actually now still deciding whether to use his or his sis's room (his sis married 2yrs back and now the parents are using tat room... complicated story
)I have been asking him wat to do with the bed and the wardrobe (coz i insist on having new ones) till now no answer from him. He also needs to get contractor to rerun the aircon piping then his parents will shift back to the main bedrm. Worse is, he will be outstation the whole of june!!! argh!!! i give up liao

green, dor, waxie:
so nice of you, and very fortunate of your fh indeed :p Mi? i dun bother... haha! If he wants to stay in the sty let him be. Imagine my fh window is NEVER open! Stale air all trapped in the room. gawd...

dun worry, we will all pray for good weather for you ya :p

mi wan to see your pics too! can add mi? my multiply is vernwyen


New Member

I am back from Taipei and BKK! I went alittle crazy with the shopping and went with 2 suit case and back with 3 suitcase and 2 hand carry!

Oh! I got my 3 wedding shoes there (got another 3 pairs for work and casual too!) and bought the lace material (corded lace) that I love so much. But FH said better to make the dress in SG as the lace i bought was too nice to just give to those 3 days completion tailor type of work.

Mary, I din buy any cream in the end cos i kena food poisoning again. >.<. But did manage to cover MBK, pratunum, central world, big C, paragon, chatuchat still. ^^


New Member
hmm.. interesting to know that should bring stuff for PS. I should start thinking too!

cheryl, i was at delfi today and went in to that shop that sells wedding favours. apparently they are having a sale cos they are "relocating" (i asked auntie where they moving she said "online") ;p anyway, if you gg down, better call them before you go.. in case they are online liao.

melody, u r the one who changed USD to go honeymoon in US yea? hee.. that was what my FH suggested too. thinking of gg US and Canada cos got relatives there..

cheryl/lex, ur IPL is for skin whitening?

cheryl/addy, added u in multiply.. fyi!


New Member
rach... conglats!! omedetou!! æ­å–œæ­å–œ!! wanna c photos too!

dor... actualli i thk the details of a gown won't really show much on photos... unless on very close shots... soo mi also would choose different color for EG... but it's up to ur perference lah... as long as u happie

btw during banquet hoh, tables photos usualli taken with EG rite? got anybody take tables photos half w WG, half w EG wan?? coz i tot too limited time to show off the WG liao... soo wasted... looks like most photos will b with EG...
spoiltbabe, crown... can add mi to multiply too? mi id is straylamb ... thanks! mi haven buy shoes... coz haven confirm mi gowns so not buying yet...


New Member
porsche (porsche)
hi there just let u know i got fren who did marriage in less than 3 month preparation and they manage to finished the ps shoot too.. anything is possible just tt u may need to pay more to make BS work hard.

I am a member with Cali ... Love extreme exe like JC boxercise as well as yoga.. love power yoga from true yoga but too bad it too exp and i have no fren to accompany me ...Ger i read ur post on Hollywd tape too late.. I bought already den upon opening it i am like"how come it look exactly like my double -sided tape"!!! argh $1 for 5cm tape haha .. guess i am cheepo..
Talkking about sick,
LAst few days was suffering from mild depression and i happily lost 2kg.. but HB sees i very upset brought me to buffret to cheer me up ..there goes my 2kg and welcome my 1 kg...

" have tons of fats to slim.... but dunno how leh..... sighz.." it always good to lose some weight but not a lot pls.. dun u agree our hb /fh loves us just the way we all.. so dun worry i am sure ur FH think the same.. ,mine say will wait for 2 fat balls to roll down the asie tgr.. lol btw, dun forget to tell ur coordinator to show me ur gown!! my fitting on sun!!

do rem to send me info o IPL!! Add me i am koyoyo in multiply!!


New Member
2 daays never login and i am lost in the forest of posts...
Nelle can i have ur msn??Den maybe we can chat up when u are in hotel in INdonesia.. Haha the part of scaring that the chambermaid seeing ur eyeshadow.. are u sure ?? U are sure good if i am tired i just splash some water n do a quick wash w facial wash ..btw, my colleague went to jkt too guess wat he bought donnut and it taste good .. i wonder how long is the donnut imagine he bought it den airplane den wk next day.. haha perhap u can search for it too!!

read abt u attending my church wedding .. that very very swt of u... Really tt time when i attend a church wedding at my church i was almost cryin knowing tt non of my clse relative is joinin and how werid i feel cos i married w parent agreement yet i feel so alone at the church.. den i ask my fren tell them die die must attend my church else i will feel like a woman married off in a foreign country so lonely..,.

Saw ur ROM invite it simple n nice just a nice feeling to receive it!!!

NOt sure if my reply is too late.. I agree with Nec.. dun be too stressful abt the food tasting..Sometime chef need gentle reminder from time to time to be reminded why they join this industry...


New Member
less than 24 hours to go... haven't typed out the final guest list...

thanks XLB, Lewis is my co-ordinator and Ginny took over for a couple of days when he was away. He called to check on me ystrday despite his off-day.

my bro is still trying to complete the montage. going for manicure soon.

i'm so stressed... now have diarrhea!


New Member
thanks koyoyo...given the rising cost of living, better to save as much as possible and not spend this additional bit...

my FH has problem getting a suit from the BS. Apparently they said that they have 1 color for each type of cut only..eg. they have a grey mandarin collar type of suit but not avail in black...you gals had the same problem with yr BS?

anybody tailor suits for FH among u gals?


New Member
R&amp;J, mine card is the same as u, I took both red and cream colour. But logo we choose chinese dolls cos we feeel that the xin words match chinese dolls better.


New Member
I didn’t get a ID coz thinking of going ala cart.. will be much cheaper.. so never ask your hb to quote lor.. and also not going to do much reno.. will be doing the flooring, kitchen walls and toilets only.. My FIL friend is with supreme so bring us there yesterday..
You very funny leh.. I also know it is your rom yesterday so of course your hb will not be working mah.. coz I remember my 1st appt will be your rom day.. hee.. once again, congrats to join the mrs family..

I went to sentosa, botanical garden and fullerton.. What about you? Who is your PG? My layout will be ready also around late june or early july.. I also waiting to see my photos.. hee..

From what I know, usually people always change to their EG for the second march in and before taking group photos.. Never see people with WG when taking their group photos leh.. I also find that there is limited time to show off my WG.. but no choice coz dun think there will be enough time to change during the phototaking.. But you will have quite a lot of photos with your WG in the morning..


New Member
Hi.. Been busy and tired hence drop by to forum less.

Stnov> news from me? yes.. becos of this, hubby and I decided to postpone our trip to taiwan.. Suppose to fly off next Saturday but have to have to cancel our air ticket and hotel.

Bad morning sickness. Can't stand alot of smell esp garlic, onion, shallot, spring onion, cilantro and etc...


New Member
hi porsche,
so far my fh has no prob choosing suits..... he managed to get 4 suits the colour we like.... for the mandarin collar type, my BS have it in black n grey..... but we choose the white half mandarin collar (western mixed wif mandarin collar).......


New Member
thias, if is really not confirm.. i am ok.. but is not.. he keep saying 1 table is for 1 family. So far I have not step in to bother abt their guest lists. Now is my hubby that is more stress up. My FIL is a difficult one. Other family members also had hard time communicate with him. He also say he wanted a chartered bus to bring the guests to the hotel. Then my hubby told him, if he wants he will pay. We are not paying for that. *headache*

Sorry for ranting..


New Member
Hi berry egg... Yeah! I'm gg in Aug. Mayb can give u more tips after my trip. Initially also considering going to disneyland but I'm not onz to go on rides (which my HTB loves). Abit weird if I wait below n he's gg on the rides on our honeymoon. So mayb we'll go to US one when we hv kids. Let him bring the kids for the rides. Ha! Think too much. Stil so far away. We have settled flight, accomodation and rough ideas on where to go. Hv yet to plan detailed itinerary.

Hi Serene... thanks for your tips and glad your fiance is on road to recovery. We muz all take care of our health from now on. Only <3 months left for all of us!! Drink alot of water everyday!! Your Guo Da Li on 6th July? Mine too.

Hi qunqun... thanks for your wonderful tips and information. Really help us alotz. I've PM u liaoz.

My Status:
Just went for second photo selection appt yesterday and at least finalised our photos. Got to wait till June to view the edited photos. Quite relieved we managed to get the things we want based on our budget. One thing off our minds.

Also jus finalised the invitation cards at 88. Hv to change again cos future FIL wants the very very traditional design. So went down yesterday to choose another design for our friends.

Tis Thurs is my solemnisation. Will b a simple event with immediate families only. Anyone has any recommendation on where we can go nearby for makan after solemnisation at ROM?

Hv also finalised my jie meis. Stil thinking what colour theme for them to wear on AD morning. Mayb all white? Easier, i guess. If want light purple, then everyone's "light purple" will b different. How about u gals? Decided on it yet?

As for housing, abit of headache but had great conversation with HTB yesterday cos we had our flat selection for the recent HDB queenstown balloting in two weeks' time.

Have started to clear my room. Still in progress.

Just a tip from a friend: We do not need to settle AD seating arrangements so early. We can do it one week b4 AD cos there'll sure b changes here n there when we start sending out the cards.


New Member
added you to multiply liao ;) yup yup, shoes wait till you confirm your WG and EG then buy, if not buy liao not matching then not nice

my PG is leon, and yours? we went to those ulu places... haha! seletar and punggol.. :D did you get the soft copy from your PG? i got them back 1st but those are unedited ones ah... At the same time me and my fh can discuss which poses for those small items like tabletop, guestbook, 4R pics for relatives, etc.

Yea, i agree... No chance to take much on the WG at the banquet. hmm... i am hoping tat my MUA can complete my MU fast so i can mingle with the guests, hence... more photos!! haha!

got it! i love your wedding shoes, the ribbons make them so sweet


New Member
hi, piyo1818, my Guo Da Li also 6th July. I heard 6th July not bad, my colleague getting married on tat day too.

I also finalised my jie meis ald, also tot of purple as their theme, cos I feel pink and white too common, but wondering if it will be strange, I think light purple still alrite but hard to get everyone to get the light purple so I told them purple.

my invitation cards are ready, now I worried not enough cos I invited many friends, usually come alone or with gf, so 70% of attendance of invitation cards I feel like not enough, so now trying to save.
