hehehe...actually my job doesnt require me to go for any trips cos i wk in a sch...if d sch didnt pay for my india trip, i doubt i'll pay for it myself to go there
i spent my national day there last yr
hope dat i'll have chance to go japan or taiwan for free
hehehe....yah when i finished all d goodies den i realised dat my waistline became thicker liao, v jialat leh *tsk tsk* den somemore i asked my bro to buy 2 boxes of krispy cream donuts back to sg
oh my fh alrdy made reservation for dinner on thu n tis yr gona keep it simple, no longer have d time n luxury for posh hotel stay n dinner as we gotta save for our wedding
we alrdy got our gifts alrdy n exchanged liao, so im juz expecting my flowers n swaroski crystal on thu
yah i went for tis round of balloting but i doubt can get a unit based on d no. of flats available n d no. of applicants...