(2007) Brides of year 2007


New Member
yo junie, how much are the bed frames from Lorenzo and good or not ah? =P

Coz I shopping for bed also =P But coz my this one is "function over asthetic appeal" no need to be too nice =P


New Member
Hi hi ple,

Me quite new.. Need to seek advices from all of u here the kind souls.

Me seriously considering Peninsula Excelsoir Hotel. Any brides with them as well? Can give some hints/advices/comments etc??

My AD will be Jan2008.

Thanks thanks inadvance.


snowiee, mine at meadows. what about yours?

junie, so i think for now you will be busy with your reno for the next few mths. dun worry, its a very fun process.

Think we very KS, our reno 95% complete liao. hotel booked liao, PS took liao...guest list 80% done up by MIL liao...humm so what's next for us? Does anyone has a check list for me to see what to do next?

Me thinkin of doing our own video montage soon. But den have to rush out one first for SIL since she is getting married next month...


New Member
oh...ok lar i understand tat...
as for me,until now still haven got time to go my bridal shop to choose PS gown...maybe early april...cos following weeks have so many activities waitng for me...30march there will be an outdoor wedding show at bugis area.

i remember u were preparing exam if not wrong? how is it huh?


Jaslyn Oops miscomm miscomm..

our flat is near the seaside..can see malaysia one and also a stretch of coney island.. ;)

we humble lads..live in flat.


New Member
hi hi kaye. nope, no buyers.
But anyway, I'm prepared to keep, even bought a clothes cover (PP fabric) to store my gown.
Quite free lately, coz I have tendered.

Yeap, think everyone is busy. U have any wedding pix to share?


Janice> oh early April? For me, everything is quite early.... cos of the planning for PS early too.... cos my FH has to go on reservist. So i have to do the PS before he goes to reservist..

Yah, free admission right?

Preparing for exam? Yupz, last semester. I have passed the module. Heng ah... hehe... so now can concentrate on wedding preparation. After AD, then continue to study loh...

Ben> I took at typical common places loh... at sentosa and fullerton...


New Member
Hihi diva,

Hehe.. thanks thanks.. Haha.. so have u gals settle for the banquet location already? Me still waiting for more advices and comments on my choice. sob sob..


siaodingdong if i am not wrong..the hotel u are looking at holds the dinners at the restaurant there is it?

my SIL's bro held his wedding there last yr. Food is delicious. mum commented better den hotels.

Jaslyn bingo. hee hee


New Member
drea>> my HB said it's less than $1,000 now...but I think Lorenzo one shld be quite good.

diva>> ya lor...sure busy. And when after house reno is done...time to get my prep for wedding liao.

Haven't even work out our guestlist yet. haha.

siaodingdong>> I think most of us here already confirm our wedding banquet venue liao...cuz Dec is a popular month.

I think Jan also.


New Member
hi everybody, wow the thread is getting quieter....

i hv got my pics but need my hubby to download and do sm editing b4 showing you gals...

wow ivied, you had tendered... tats good... found a job?


New Member
Hi Diva,

Ermm.. think that one is Excelsior. Peninsula Excelsior is the one next to it. Which just had their reno done. Alot of ple were confused with these 2 places. Me also worry worry.

Hi Junie,
Oic ic.. yalor..Dec very pouplar hor. Wanted to book for Dec actually, but most of the places all taken up liao. sad sad.


New Member
Ermm.. still have leh..i just went over the wkend to c c the place.. Peninsula Excelsior (PE) is the one pretty pretty inside with nice nice ballroom, outside lok lok one.

Excelsior Hotel is the one lagi lok, next to it. inside and outside lagi lok, where banquet held in restaurant de.

Sob sob.. look through the forum, seems like no1 having their banquet @ PE. Sad sad..


New Member
siaodingdong>> OIC...hehee. I thought Excelsior Hotel has been closed cuz at Cityhall MRT, those signboard with the various landmarks/hotel, got a line across Excelsior Hotel, as though indicating it's cancelled, bo liao...hehee.


what is their banquet rates like? for both weekday and weekend?

i did a search. their websites got pictures..looks okay lei. but dunno the rates. but i am afraid ppl might mixed up the 2 places..


New Member
yeah, seems like the 'crowd' has tied down.. hee.. Yup, jazol, I have found a job. Now in the process of handing my work over to the next staff. I have sent my pix to your email, did u receive it?


New Member
ivied, congrats on finding a new job! Dun worry, the gown will find a rightful owner soon! I also gave up on selling... Just let it hang there till i happy... Then put it into the storeroom! Hahah!

I still have not uploaded my wedding pix onto the site... Will forward to u once its up!


New Member

Me at C37. 277B infact. I've got quite a few friends staying around there now. Loads of mj kakis..keke


New Member
junie, the carpet i saw was abt 2.4x1.6m... the sales exec said carpet length muz be longer than sofa. otherwise will look stingy.. the designed i aimed looked like the design of the nokia clamshell phone... colour is beige and brown, match the colour theme of my nest


New Member
junie, ya lor... the carpet is made in belgium one and the piece i wanted was the last piece!! hope they still have it next mth.


New Member
Hi ayycl...

Mine is MTM gowns... will b going for my 1st fitting tis cming May. My MUA is lihua. Wat abt u?? Urs is at apollo centre or MS?


New Member
hey brightstar..

thanks for the advise..

Hi Dina

mine is about $0.40 pr piece..
Yup.. my hotel give ni the contact of printer with their charges..


New Member

I'm a new comer and 10Nov bride. I'm not a local and gettin married to a Singaporean guy. May I know is here common to wear hua?


New Member
hi sl, welcome! u same AD with me
where r u from? over here in singapore, usually cantonese brides wear kua, but not strict la, if u like juz wear lor, if u dun can juz wear any tea dress. where is your AD?


New Member
Hi Jonic and mOmO,
I was busy searching for my JP these few days. Was panicking when JP Chan said that he does not like to do solemnization on Sundays due to his church activities and JP Chen said that he will not be in town during Nov 07 period. I think it is safer to cfm one asap. Good luck!


New Member
hey doreen and sharon..

ive added u in my msn.. add me k..

hey doreen..

thanks for sharing the pics.. very lovely pics! wow!

hey hui..

dun worry.. i havent gone for my food tasting yet.. havent settled the wedding cards too.. you are doing fine.. dun worry so much yah..


New Member
hi gals... how long after yr wedding in jan you go for honeymoon? As my HB attending course, we won't be able to go until Late April... seems to drag so long after in Mid Jan07. Anyone here going to Natas fair this coming fri to sun???
We planning to go to Japan for honeymoon.. Anyone going too or been there? Care to share nice places or any good travel agent to recommend. Thanks Thanks.


New Member
drea>> looking for me huh? I busy lar...colleague on leave, have to cover 2 heavy markets -_- thank god tml she's coming back else I'm going crazy le...

hmm..if mark is going, then mabbe i can persuade Franz :p

snowiee>> I also looking for the ID shop which Bryan Wong is rumoured to have open :p Last resort if my ID's design cannot meet our expectations...hahaha. if anyone knows, can loop me in as well??? *desperate*

diva>> I'm ur nearby neighbour!! Me in Edgedale Green

siaodingdong>> I tot excelsior and peninsular merged to become excelsior-peninsular wor...I've heard that u can either choose to use their ballroom or restuarant to hold the wedding leh. Think the food should be good lar (assuming that it's from the kitchens of Rivercity). If you dun mind the lok lok look outside, then it's value for $$ :p p.s. it doesn't really look lok at night tho ;)

Junie>> I also wanna volunteer my service but then....ur church in the West huh??


New Member
hey chuin ! nice to hear frm u again ...

wow...u nw then take photo shots ah? will yr album be ready by may then? where did u go?

mm....i dun tink i hv the time to figure out & read the help menu with the 1001 tings to do wor ... mayb i might outsource the photo montage thingy to my VG .... another $300 gone...


New Member
Hi sailaormoon, my montage will be done by BS, yah I think now really no time to do it liao, got some many things on my mind now! Haha!!

Hi so u finalise you VG? Who will that be?

I just choose my actual gown on sat & was discussing with them on the changes on the design, they actually emailed me the final copy on sun! Thumbs up for fast service!
I also met up with my VG to finalise the paperwork, must say that Ian is a very funny guy, I am sure I will have lotas on fun on my AD. Enjoy ladies! One more month to go!


New Member
wow Dina... yr BS so good ah? can do montage for u all ... which BS was it from?

my VG ah..yup! jus confirmed last thurs
its Sam Tan frm Vocare Media PRoduction... young friendly chap


New Member
hey ladies... just to share with you gals..
We decided to get that unit in Bukit Panjang leh!!! Finally decided yesterday...
Now waiting for the seller to agree to our offer and the deal is sealed!!!

So happy.. finally one thing down... and I can begin my plan for reno!! hopefully the seller can agree to our price... *praying hard*

I see you gals discussing about bed frame, sofa and carpets makes me soooo excited to join in!!!


New Member
Hi mOmO,

I'm from HK. really not familiar with the custom down here. My mom prefer me to wear qua and I like groom and bride can wear the same traditional wedding dress/chongsum.

btw, my AD in Conrad

like this -
