anyway looks like i am not being missed
something to share... though i never tried it, someone wif perseverance try it and let me know if it's effective!!
(In 2.5 mths, you should lose 52lbs)
¼ of a grapefruit or juice (unsweetened)
2 eggs (any style)
2 slices if bacon
¼ of a grapefruit or juice (unsweetened)
Salad with any dressing
Meat, any style, any quantity
½ of a grapefruit or juice (unsweetened)
Meat, any style, any quantity (fish may be substituted)
Vegetable, any green or red (cooked in butter, any seasoning)
1. At any meal, you many eat until you are full.
2. Don’t skip bacon or omit salads. It is the
combination of food that burns fat.
3. The grapefruit is important as it acts as
catalyst that starts the burning process.
4. Cut down on coffee. It affects the insulin
balance that hinders the burning process.
Limit to 3 cups a day.
5. Don’t eat between meals. If you eat the
combination if food suggested, you will not
get hungry.
6. Do not eat desserts, bread, white vegetables
or sweet potatoes. You may double or triple
the helpings of meat, salad or vegetables.
Eat as much as you want. The more you eat the
proper combination of food, the more you lose.
1. This diet completely eliminates sugar ad
starch, which are lipids and form fats. Fats
does not form fats. It burns it so you can
fry food in butter and use butter generously
on vegetables.
2. You can lose 10lbs in 10 days. There will be
no loss during the first 4 days, but you will
lose 5 lbs on the 5th day. Thereafter, you
will lose 1.5lbs every 2 days until you are
at your desired weight.
3. All soft drinks need to be diet or caffeine
4. You may not have white onions, potatoes or
5. You may have red onions, broccoli. Lettuce,
tomatoes, bell peppers, green or red
cabbages, radishes, spinach, carrots and
green beans.
Stay on the diet for 12 days, then stop dieting for 2 days.
This is given to the heart patients who need to lose weight quickly for by-pass surgery.