(2006) Brides of year 2006


New Member
waiwai, oh, u r going for 1 week only... abit wasted... since the air tickets are ex & u will be able to cover a lot...

blue mountains is abt 1.5hr away.. and port stephens is also at least 1.5hr away if not further if u were to drive on your own & that will take away 2 days already.... there is still hunter's valley & jenoval caves


New Member
ice, really huh....happy for u...but kind of sad tat i wont be able to see u in the lift liao....

so ware will ur new job be at? accounts also?


New Member
yah.. i am quite sad about that also..

my new job is at raffles place.. a bank.. not really accounts, changing the whole scope of my job lor.. so not much pay increment when i jump cos i have no exp..

alot of people will think i am stupid to jump for minimal increment when the job market is so hot, but i dun care lor.. I think i need to try something new!


Active Member
ice good for you! at least you will have more time for yourself and for hubby!

thursday liao... but i'm so tired! when ca it be end of friday!


New Member
good for you ice! nmind abt wat ppl say lah... at least you manage to change job scope with still increment in pay, mah! and think on the bright side, u can always go home early spend more time with hubby!



New Member
Ice! Congrats...I also want to quit leow..haa..but have to wait after my maternity..I dunwan lose my bonus in june and my maternity leave also...;p

Maybe will start sending resume in JUL...



New Member
where got new job scope...still same job la....

it's too taxing..cos my desk not inside my office building..it's in another building..every time must walk alot to and fro...fed up leow.


New Member
Of cos la! Not they make me walk alot my rice bowl is to walk to my office building ma...but they have yet employed any staff to help me neither did they bother to find an office space for me inside that building...

how to work???


New Member
wah.. Junior Han will be a very good walker next time...

I realised most companies are like that.. you tell them you are resigning/going on maternity leave.. and they take FOREVER to find a staff to replace.. then the current ones left behind all suffer cos all have to take the extra load.. they always wait until cannot wait anymore


New Member
yah lah.. but very jialat for the epople remaining behind.. you know yesterday got one colleague just give 24 hours notice and left... now super jialat.. cos nobody to do her work.. she even forgo the bonus payout today and have to pay back the 1 month notice period! I think something must have really pushed her to leave like that.


New Member
Morning all!

Ice, congrats, can "tuo li ku hai" liow.

now all the comapany 'mei liang xin' one, work us to death also dun care. a friend of mine kana sack when the boss find out tat she is preggie. give loads of stupid reason and even threaten to get sercurity to remove her pysically from the office!


New Member
she did, but the officer say there is nothing she can do. cos firstly, they basically only help those who earn less then 1.5 or 1.6. secondly she will need prove to prove her boss behaviour, ex: collies to be witness. but who will do that, if be witness sure also kana sack too... so she get lawyer to sue them, but in the end the boss say, "i got money, see who can last longer" so LL lor. her pay also got to send a few lawyer letter before getting. sad rite... hais


New Member
ice, like tat how? u still gng to tender rite....dun xin ruan for ur remaining coglis.....they will somehow make it thru de...btw, bonus was credited yesterday...

tingz, get ur frenz to go logged complaint to MOM...

cecilia, i will said it is human nature de lah....coz ren bu wei ji tian zhu di mian...somemore, these bosses esp if their own biz even more protective towards their li yi lor....


New Member
Mom officer say nothing they can do lor. sad thing.
not really small co. at suntec, think the name call intermedia.


New Member
i think the manpower law is stupid.. only protecting the low income earners.. but there are also mid income earners like us lor! If we lose job and kena sacked we are also at a disadvantage.. who's going to pay for our HDB flat and our expenses! and most of the time we dun have big money to hire lawyers to fight the case.. so the stupid bosses win lor.


New Member
aiyah, coz man power law here is always protecting the employer and not us employees. we all work like slaves, sob sob.

CAT - how can they make preggie walk ard so much... abuse ah!


Active Member
tingz really ah??? wa lao i can't see wht ppl can treat preggie bad you know? its realy so crual. dun they have kids themselves?? their retribution will be bad...

and mom law is so unfair!! only support low income earners?? means what those that earn higher is company wanna sack means too bad??? i tot i saw papers recently about such spate of events and the employers got to compensate the sacked employees??


New Member
Hi gals its been a long long time since i last login here...been so busy at work for the past few months until sometimes reach home at 3-4am haiii~

wow phy and sinkor congrats u both strike liaoz so fast??? hmmm hows life for the rest of u gals? seems like very quiet recently?


New Member
tingz, mayb get your frenz to call up sin ming ri bao or wan bao to hv her story publish....likek tat more pressure on the MOM to do their job


New Member
aye, the so call labour law like doesn't concern us like tat, more like protect the co. They not married yet lor, think got $ big liow. kns one.

Diana, she say no pt, and dun wan to stress herself over those ppl, rather save the energy and wait to be mama.


New Member
Umm...they still got cheek to tell me..good what..walk more sure easy to give birth! 6^^&^&^*^*@#%#^$^%.

KNN CCB...I will quit after my maternity for sure...even not preg I also dunwan to walk to and fro each time at different allocated time!

Worse is they haven employ someone to take over when I go maternity...when the new staff comes I got a month to train only I think..than my last month I got to be super stress to give training...



Active Member
wow...I didn't know this thread's still on! heehee...

I thought all the Nov brides disappeared. I haven't been in here for a while liao....

Hope things are fine with everyone...


New Member
318, madaz 3 defintely consumer more petrol than altis. my HB drives a madaz too. it is a nice & sporty car but when it comes to petrol usuage, it is definately not an economical car. go to the madaz car forum to read more if u r interested.


New Member
Morning to all!

Diamond/Stefy~I decide don't want to wait till next year and try. Worry have to try many months,then 2009 still haven't have 1. I just try now, but I haven't go for check up, is it alright?

Brightstar~How about you?


New Member
318, i did not go for check up either. just go for 6 tries. if never get pregnant then go see a fertility expert. a detailed check will then follow. am using basel thermometer to monitor my temperature so as to estimate my ovulation day & then try during that period. this will increase the chance.

some people take as long as 1 yr, ie 12 tries to get pregnant...


New Member
Diamond~ 6 tries mean 6 months trying? How you monitor your temperature to estimamte ovalution day? is it more accurate?

My friends and relatives try more than 2-3 years, still can't..My SIL tried around 4 years, now she pregnant thru IVF.That why I start to try now.


New Member
318, 6 tries may not mean 6 mths. b'coz some mths u may not be able to try, eg, u r sick, on medication, period cycle goes haywire OR, u are outstationed, etc. like i was married in dec, so far, we only tried 1 time - ie during my fertile days.

basel temperature charting is defintely more accurate to estimate ovulation day. if u hv regular menses, u can actually pinpoint to the actual day of ovulation. if so, u can just try 1-2 days prior to ovulation day to increase the chance of having a boy! how to chart the temperature, go to http://www.babycentre.co.uk/

u can get the basel themometer from unity pharmacy. abt S$20.


New Member
Diamond~ic, I did read this website before as my SIL's gyny recommended. It's quite usefull.But I din't read the basel remperatre, will go to read later on :p


New Member
318, when i said "try", i mean, try during fertile days. not try as in just having intercourse... if the couple get together during "safe" period, it is not considered "trying"


New Member
so if u hv tried for at least 6 mths during the ovulation period and still do not get pregnant, u may then want to go & see a fertilty expert.. not just a gynae okie. fertilty expert will do a checkup on u & ur HB to determine if the reproductive organs are healthy. if so, they will proceed on to increase your chances of getting pregnant. from the charting that u hv done, the expert will also be able to form some conclusion on your cycle. ie, are u ovulating, whats ur luteal cycle (which needs to be min 10 days in order to get pregnant)


New Member
Diamond~ yes, I mean try is during the fertile days too

I tot just go to gynae check up will do..haha!heard from my friend, she can't conceive now because she not enough "rubela" and have to inject it and try later on. That why I worry I didnt go to check it as Im trying now. Is it same thing we are talking about ya?


New Member
DIAMOND...wah u really know a lot leh....i use baby ctr to estimate my ovulation days coz so far my menses quite accurate monthly...

hee hee hee..onli start trying 1st time this month...hope will get lucky ha ha ha....

do share the goods news yups....


New Member
318bi....u might wan to go do a regular chk up n see if you are fit n has all the necessary antibodies...

like for me i did a check up in KK on women's health so pap smear n stuff was done n gynea gave green light to try for a bb after marriage


New Member
318, rubella? did u get the spelling correct? Rubella is German measles. it is an infection which causes a pinkish-red rash that first appears on the face and later spreads elsewhere on the body.

if ur friend has german measles. she is not supposed to conceive until she is cured
it can cause deformed babies!

wat pregant ladies worry most is german measles. so some went for vacination before getting pregnant


New Member
Stefy~aiyoh, I just trying now,if no good new come out then I go for regular check up..or I have to wait after trying 6 months like Diamond suggested?

Diamond~My friend just not enough Rubella and no german measles. Her gynae advised her to inject one more time the rubella to protect baby if she want to pregnant soon. Diamond, you really knowledgeble!You read a lot everyday?
