(2006) Brides of year 2006


New Member
hey ffbear..
hehe.. i m also veri xcited..

k.. i wil send u via email .. then we can share w each other.. hehe.. ;p


New Member
Hi Jen T,
Yup they tie up with those in US. So in a way, I dun need to worry about anythg when i reached there and no risk of cancelling also
Since yours is FNE, then i think you can wait for the air fare to be out.

Hi roidana.
Actually I hope to meet up with my frens, have a gathering and pass them the invites. So, will be quite rush for me.
Gals, when are you all calling your frens and planning to give the invites?

Hi silentelf,
I went T Dragon and spend $120 for the first 100 pcs and thereafter 40cents for Hotstamping. You might want to go down T Dragon and take a look


New Member
<font color="119911">

To all 1st Oct brides; do you hv any special arrangment for kids since its a childrens' day? perhaps some party bags or balloonist? thks!</font>


New Member
tansan, me was tinking of placing those old times tibits i used to eat wen i was a kid on each table...so the adult and the children hv some tibits to eat or bring home....


New Member

angel Bless you with good health..!!!

today going down to BV
to discuss over the EG..hee..

Elven!! Ya.. we are the Princessess of Our Heavenly Father. .. cover under Psalm 91!


New Member

All seem to be so excited, I just burn finish the wedding song with my hubby help last night, guess I am very poor in IT. He burn is ok, I burn my cd player can't detech the disc. Ha Ha Ha.

I am asking one of my friends to be one of my bridesmaid (backup) in case the other friend can't make it due to her school attachment. Still waiting for her reply.

Have not buy my wedding shoes yet, singapore sales already over and I still do not response yet. Next week is going to be my birthday and I still can't get a job, so siah. One year older. I hate it
How I wish I don't need to grow up.

Hi Steve

I know where u are staying. My one is ang mo kio ave 10 near to de yi secondary school. Guess u should know where am I staying. When I have house warming, I will invite u to come. But not this month probably in Sept or mid October, got to check with hubby.

Take Care Ladies and Gentlemen



New Member
hi nami..
actually i tot of waitin for the airfares to b out.. but nw when i call up a couple of travel agencies, they told me that some flights r already fully booked mann... cannot believe it.. then she say cz its spore sch holiday mah.. so alot of ppl has been bookin up the seats.. hmm.. hope i can stil get the flight that i wan to/fro ..

hmm.. i m intendin to send out the invites by end of oct (for my frds) .. as for my relatives / parents' frds, i hope by early nov lor..
fyi, wedd is on 25 nov.. so shd stil v sufficient time even if early nov send out.. ;p

gurls.. chk w u.. normally wat kinda hotstamping do u gurls do? .. hmm.. hope i m askin the right qn.. hehe


New Member

you wait for the video to 'load'. when it is ready, you should see the 'time-seek' in white.

then you click on green 'play' button in the middle of the screen.

Otherwise, you click on the download link to view it and another player (i.e. Windows Media player, Real Player, etc)

i cannot email out to you cos the file quite big, even though it's 30 secs.

But when you do manage to view, pls do not be alarmed. Cos I used the old flim effect to make the video look old.


New Member
xiaobai u mean u ask one of ur gf to standby as back up jie mei? ermm....u mean if ur the other gf can make it then u wont wan this gf to be ur jie mei liao huh? if like tat, it like nt so nice to this gf leh....machiam she is like sparetyre like tat lor hope she wont be lousy over it lor....but did u tell her she is juz back up bo....if nt wat if both gals can make it then how?

sorry lah....u may find me kpo...but i certainly dun like it if my gf will to tell me i am her back up jie mei lor....coz i tink like tat is nt sincere lor....so wat i feel is tat for jie mei there is no such tings as back up lor....anyway this is juz my thot lor....


New Member
xiaobai1, next wk is my bday too!! heehee...

Seems like AMK is a hot estate keke... diana u hav soft copy of layout to see already anot? kekekekkeke...

Steve, thanks for ur well wishes...yah, both me n my FH gotta fly back specially for our own wedding in Oct liao tis time.


New Member
Hi Diana,
kekeke... Hanging around everywhere cause I think the coming months got no mood to work liao... exciting waiting for the day to come.

Hi Xiaobai,
You stay deyi there har? Me ex deyi girl hahaha... . House-warming am I invited or not???

Hi Tansan,
So fun to have wedding on children's hor.


New Member
Hey Sweets....sure!! I'm on for 1 sept!!....as for hen's party hv not decided on that yet...now my head is spinning around with questions....*sob**sob*....

Hey who are the gals that wanna join us for the nite out?? I need a break!!


New Member
Hey gals, my AD is 10 Nov...so when is the right time to send my invi out?? My hotel hasn't call me yet...shd i call them?? n have u gals picked the songs for ur first n second march in??


New Member
I'm now waiting for my closet to be fixed in my room then it'll be crazy over the packing n stuff, need to source for printing com for wedding cards n in the midst of preparing guest list (which i've totally slipped that off my mind)....disaster!!.....things on the list just keeps going on n on.....wedding songs, wedding shoes, jewellery....n yes!! i need to give my room a fresh paint.....arrggh!!!....n more....ang bo box, going Ikea to get more storage boxes, oh mind....its never ending!!!


New Member
Hi Diana
wow... thatz cool... i'm currently looking for some nice beaches for HM too... Maldives is one of them but it seem pretty x...

I hv a backup JM too... but its my gf who initiate to be the backup... haha... when i told her most likely i wont be activating backup JM, den she initiate to be my spare VG... ahahahaha..... i'm glad to have a fren like this... =)

my hb and his siblings are all ex-deyi too... duno where it is located tho... but i'll be staying at St 43 after my AD... am i invited den? =p


New Member
soudez, some other nice beach are Redang, Cebu (in Philpines), Mauritus, Carribean (Ai Qing Hai)etc....

o...so nice of ur gf...to volunteer as back up....hee hee....one of my gf volunteer to be my jie mei...actually shld say she 'order' me to let her be my jie mei....which i gladly 'obey' wahahaha


New Member
prinzess - wow... u must be excited. yes yes.. do let us know what u decided, so us fellow BV brides will not be clueless. heehee.


New Member
Hi Ladies

wow suddenly so many deyi ex students, my hubby is also de yi ex student too.

Me later have a job interview, now very confusing don't know should I go or not. Nowadays, really no confidence to go for interview. Go already, still have to wait for their calls, feeling so scared and worried. How I wish I got a hole to hide.

Take care Ladies



New Member
Hi Jen T,
Thats is fast leh! I thot we were quite early already and yet your air tickets are taken too.
Hmm, will you sms or call your frens first before sending out the invites? If yes, when will you start smsing them?

Hmm, for me they just show me what is hotstamping. I dun know if there are different types leh hee. Guess I am lazy to explore haha.

Hi Frais,
I think you better call your hotel soon hee. Hmm, I havent choose my walk in songs yet. That is another headache coz im more 'chinese' lah haha.


New Member
Hello ladies and man....

Wah so many happening... i MIA like 2 weeks liao...
got stuck in bbk lucky becoz of bird flu then can get excuse to come home... miss sgp.... clean air... can speak singlish... can drink bubble tea and best next week national day... can feel like a s'porean again .. haha...

Wah Tansy, u going to SHA...

You must be excited right now.... plus a bit worry if can adapt right...

Don't think so much now go there then think....

Wow Diana,

You booked your honeymoon and so early or am i late. i still haven't decide where to go plus i don't know if my FH can get his leave approved.. Haizz.. so sweet to read how the 2 of you do things togather....

By the way, 1st oct is a sunday, so kidz can come coz monday is a school holiday for them, how abt goodies bags for them to take home as well... --> just a suggestion.


Dun think too much on the pass look forward ok.. plus your wedding coming so spend time thinking of anything you left out.

Hi Steve,

Can we do tat neg with supplier to take back the un use wine? like tat is call consigment liao...
I ask my supplier he say cannot so tat's why i asking some of my friend whose wedding are few months before me and i buy from them the remaining red wines and they glady sell to me at 2/3 of the original price. then and at the same time i get a few varities as well... kill 2 birds with one stone. the only problem is that the wine is in small qty. like 10 bottles or 25 bottles so still need to buy more.
To date i've collected like 47 bottles plus some i bought from DFS. dun know will it be enough...

Any idea? like how to gauge 1 table consume how many bottles? worry later not enough wine and then loss face .....

Hi Crystalz

the speech can see here, posted by Huey.


New Member
hi frais..
u can call ur hotel coordinator and chk w them on the invites.. i tink mayb the right time for u to send out wld b an est of 1mth before wedd.. so mayb early oct..?
i v jz narrow dwn certain songs but haven decided on which songs to use leh.. stil in the midst of searching.. ;p hehe.. yar yar.. alot alot of tings to do mann... i tink nw shd start doin checklist liao mann..
when we update each other on the stuffs done.. then we shd b able to noe which r the ones some of us missed out in the midst of prep.. so lets care &amp; share! hehe..

ya lor.. thats y i m abit worried nw.. duno whether to book anot when i find out some cheaper air tickets.. cz duno whether wil go lower anot leh.. hmm..
i tink i wil sms my frds somewher early oct to confirm on the attendance.. then send out in end oct.. so they wil sort of b constantly reminded.. hehe..


New Member
Hi xiaobai,

Thanks for you invitation. Are you going to stay in the house before wedding?

Jiayou!!! Do you know that my fren went to 20 interviews before he settled for a job? Most impt thing in interview is confidence and throwing smoke bomb. You have already accumulated so much experience in this field. Smoking ur way through shouldn't be too diffcult bah.

Hi ladies, wat is the difference between jie mei and bridesmaid??? 4 of my female frens will be the jie mei so that they can tekan me. They forced me to agree... So have to be prepare for some major torture on that day...

Why dun you consider Haiwaii as your honeymoon destination? I planned to go there. But just receive a pair of tickets to australia. So will be changing our plans.

Hi tansy, rem to send us some pics of u in SHA.


New Member
xiaobai...no matter how many interviews u go, u hv to look confidence first if nt how to impress empolyer....esp. in sale job....

we also dun buy from a nt confidence sale person mah...so y will one employ an unconfidence person in the first place rite


New Member
<font color="0077aa">hey maez, yupz.. me excited.. will email you when time's ripe k?

elven, i think the flu bugs are horrible.. me kena too.. got mc for 3 days.. load on more vitamin c..

prinzess, yupz.. must claim ps 91.. kekekek, this time totally ko.. =P </font>


New Member
Hi Ng Kar,

After asking a few married frens, I get the conclusion that on average each table consumes 1.5 bottles of red wine. But it all depends on the type of guests you are inviting and the day you are holding ur banquet. Pple will drink more on friday and sat. Also, if the bulk of ur guests are relatives with lots of children, then u can estimate 1.5 bottles per table.

As for me, most of my frens are jiu gui. So I estimate abt 3 bottles per tables.
Dun worry about losing face in the event you run out of red wine. Worse case is to buy from your hotel (extremely expensive) You must remind the banquet manager to inform the guests of the alternative drinks available.


New Member
Steve, haha so happening hah, got frens tat force u to take them as jiemeis... Ok i shld think jiemeis are more or less helpers in general n yah, those ppl tekaning at gate crashing. Bridesmaid will b the one helping the bride w gowns fitting n such. Something like PA tat day? I've one bridesmaid n 4 jiemeis.


New Member
Hi tansy, according to your defination, then I will not have bridesmaid bah. I will split the tasks among them. My frens have already come up with plans to tekan me...

My wife knows the plan liao... But she die die also dun wan to tell me... Just tell to be prepare...


New Member
welcome yen! same AD as me
how's ur prep coming along?

anyone has a gd &amp; reliable ID/ contractor to reco? going to start reno in abt 2mths time. stress.. eveything cramped into last few mths of the yr


New Member
hahaha...nami....don't worry lah...chinese songs actually more unique leh unless u hv other race who'll attend ur wedding...i don't mind chinese songs...

Ya Jen, i know!! there're like a hundred n thousand stuff tht needs to be done until i lost track of some things...u're rite!! we shd remind each other at such times....ok i'm set to do my checklist this weekend!!!


New Member
Hey gals...those of you who's planning to have a hen's party with your friends can hv another one with all the Nov06 brides if you don't mind....so we'll all get together on the last week of Oct and get ourselves a Big Bush Hen's party for all the Nov06 Brides...wht do you say????

Hey Summerkitty, though u're in Jan07 but you're always welcome to join in the Big Bush!!! And Lets All Bush Together!!!


New Member
ha ha, then u and ur brothers must be really prepared! if your wife's jie meis are actually YOUR friends, may be u can ask them to hint hint to you what kind of things to expect. (unless they are closer to your wife than u... that's another story)

don't worry... be confident. interviews are always good, even if u dun get the job, u get the experience. =)


New Member
<font color="aa00aa">diana; tats a good idea but u goin to hv it on each and every tables??? initially i was tinking of having a big bowl of sweets or perhaps those party bags (wich contains sweets, bubble, balloon... those kinda of normal party bag) and put near the recep table.. sigh~ still pending...

beatrice; u bet there's much fun on childrens' day but again.. hv to come up wif some ideas for the kids...</font>


New Member
diamond - icic we used to go JB for food previously but din went in long time already coz of the security ....we seldom do shopping there ..

ribbons - do update us ...thanks

Yen - welcome abroad...keke :p

princess55 - u muz be excited for ur EG ...enjoy ok :p

angel - glad to hear tat u r alright
do take care ...

panda - wow 3 days MC ...serious? muz take good care k? get well soon


New Member
<font color="ff0000">Panda, Angel, Prinzess, Yuki, Maez &amp; the rest,
I still feel sick leh, maybe tml go see doc. Photoshoot may have to postpone liao. Hubby just admitted to hospital, he's on drip cos his fever 5th day liao. Suspected dengue fever *horrified* Blood test results only out later in the evening. Hoope he gets better soon. Thanks for the well wishes, gals. =) Appreciate it. Will keep u all updated.</font>


New Member
elven - i think u better go c doc first ... dun let it get worse..sorry to hear abt ur hubby...seem serious leh...dengue fever is horrible ...my frez kana once ...was in hospital for almost 2 weeks ...hope ur hubby get well soon n u take care ok?


New Member

OL - hmm.. i did my reno sometime back so.. cant really assist. try searching from the reno threads?

elven - oh dear!!! better ask ur hubby take care leh.. aiyoyo.. and u also please take care.. flu bug very strong these days..


New Member
i suggest you girls should consider going for flu jab vacination. the flu bugs lately are quite potent... also, u may also wan to consider vacinations for chickenpox &amp; german measles


New Member
OL you are only starting reno in 2 mths time? ie, in oct? really quite rushed since your AD is in dec... better make sure the contractor delivers on time &amp; no delays


New Member
Hi Jen T,
That was my plan too...to sms them and then send out the invites maybe end Oct. But early Oct i am busy with work so no time to sms. Was thinking to sms in end Sep. What do you think?


New Member
hi gals, I had made my first move by contacting my hotel coordinator!! I bet she think i kiasu.. ahahha...

All hens night together?? that's going to be fun!!!

I am going for a "pre honeymoon " tomorrow!! Yippee, going to BKK to source for house stuff, go spa n massage, clothes, shopping shopping and more shopping...


New Member
elven, oh dear.. muz take care, dun worry abt the PS yet lah, muz å…»å¥½èº«å­ 1st... take care..


New Member
hey jen

did you manage to view it?

i cannot email it to you because my company email cannot send anything beyond 1MB.

wah, blur

i wish i had the chance to do the same... very tired from the planning but cannot take too many leave, otherwise no leave left for wedding.


New Member
ivy, i had planned for this holiday beginning of the year liao.. just in time when my house is almost done up... go there to shop for wedding favours and house hold stuff.
