Hi everyone...
just finished the war...
turns out, it is not my FH's parents that are giving problems...it is the sister trying to make me look bad in front of the parents...
cos I was v fed up and told the parents about the sister scolding me...then they said they did not know that...and they said they did not think that I am demanding over wedding things...they just think that we should remember to include them, which we did...so now problem solved...just now we had a very fruitful discussion about what needs to be bought and the program for the whole day...
and just now my FH reminded his dad about the lawyer's letter (yes, he sent them over already)...and his dad said he din know he was being such a tyrant all these years...promised to be nicer to my FH...so FH gave him another chance...and FH told him that he can start being the father he should be by disaplining his daughter...and so future FIL scolded his sis for scolding me and made her apologise to me...then she attitude and stormed out of the house...so future FIL promised she will not be seen on the wedding day so that she will not cause unhappiness on our big day...
future BIL also happy cos his dad also promise to not interfere in his personal life and not to ask so much $$ from all of us...cos I told him directly his son not earning millions of dollars a month, dun expect him to be able to give you alot of money when he got his own family...basic stuff like their medical care (usuaing medisave) we can share, but daily necessities they have a large retirement fund they can use, dunnid to take money from us...plus his dad sell investments and insurance, got alot of $ stowed away one...
Thankfully his dad finally see the light...i tink all these years no one dare to tell him, so he nvr realise...
now he realise his mistake, he damn nice to us...
he said he will buy SDJ, I wanna wear it during tea ceremony or not is up to me, they wont take it out to show off if I dun want...
And now he say all AP come back to us...so we can use it for the house and to enjoy the honeymoon...heehee...
Finally have nice ILs...hopefully when I'm a parent...I won't turn out to be a 'bad parent' by my kid's standards...
Anyway, just now MIL remind me....1 more month to wedding, excited??? and I started to freak out...panick...My wedding favours haven reach SG, my wedding gown haven alter, my shoes haven buy...DIE DIE DIE...alot of things haven do!!!!!
btw, for the roasted pig on AD, can it be collected when my FH is on his way to my house?? Or the pig must come out from his house also??? Cos we ordered the pig from the stall at my parent's place, then abit dumb if FH gotta come here, collect, go back to bukit panjang then come back here again...so we thinking if can collect b4 he comes up to fetch me